الأربعاء، 20 نوفمبر 2019

سالي فؤاد

سالي فؤاد هي مقدمة برامج للطهي بدأت تقديم برامج تليفزيونية سنة 2010 في العديد من القنوات الفضائية مثل قناة نايل فاميلي وقناة المحور بالإضافة إلى قنوات أخرى. كما تقوم بنشر مقالات في بعض المجلات والجرائد المصرية والإنجليزية مثل ليديبرد (بالإنجليزية:Ladybird) وعين.

في عام 1978 انتقلت مع والدها الدكتور الموسيقار "عصمت عباس فؤاد" عازف الكونتراباس وقائد فرقة القاهرة للتراث ووالدتها "فاطمة المسيري" مديرة معهد الباليه إلى مدينة كولون بألمانيا حيث قضت بها 9 سنوات. في عام 1987 عادت إلى مصر والتحقت بالصف الرابع الابتدائي في المدرسة الألمانية بباب اللوق. في المدرسة اشتهرت بحبها للرسم بصفة عامة والبورتريهات بصفة خاصة حيث كانت تقوم ببيع لوحاتها كمصدر دخل إضافى في تلك الفترة، وقد فازت بجائزة أفضل لوحة على مستوى المدارس في مصر في مسابقة نظمتها السفارة الألمانية في مصر.

في سنة 1996 حصلت على "الثانوية الألمانية" ثم التحقت بكلية الآداب بجامعة القاهرة قسم آداب ألماني. خلال الدراسة حصلت على منحة إلى ألمانيا لمدة شهر لدراسة الترجمة الفورية في جامعة يوهانسبرج Johannesberg Universitaet في مدينة جيرميرزهايم Germersheim . خلال الدراسة وبعد التخرج عملت بعدة جهات وشركات عالمية مثل الغرفة التجارية الألمانية وشركتى سيمنس Siemens و أي بي ام IBM.

تقدم برنامج "حلو وحادق"" على قناة سي بي سي سفرة المصرية منذ 2013 ولكن الان تقدم سفرة سالي علي بانوراما فوود. برنامج سفرة سالي

يوم الطفل

يوم الطفل (بالإنجليزية: Children's Day) هو اليوم الذي يحتفل فيه بالأطفال، في تواريخ تقويمية مختلفة ، في مختلف دول العالم، حسب تراثها وإرثها الحضاري.
تاريخ الاحتفال
اليوم الدولي لحماية الأطفال يحتفل به في 1 يونيو منذ عام 1950م. وقد استحدث الاتحاد النسائي الديمقراطي الدولي الاحتفال بهذا اليوم في مؤتمره المنعقد بموسكو في 4 نوفمبر 1949. ولا تزال الدول الشيوعية السابقة تحتفل بالمناسبة في 1 يونيو/حزيران.  وفي 20 نوفمبر من كل عام تحتفل دول العالم بيوم الطفل العالمي (بالإنجليزية: Universal Children's Day) حسب توصية الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة في العام 1954 م بأن تقيم جميع البلدان يوماً عالمياً للطفل يحتفل به بوصفه يوماً للتآخي والتفاهم على النطاق العالمي بين الأطفال وقد أعلنت الأمم المتحدة في هذا اليوم قانون حقوق الطفل. وأيضاً حدد 5 نوفمبر يوماً للطفل العالمي، وقد سبقه وتلاه عدد من الاتفاقات الدولية حول حقوق الطفل. ومن الجدير ذكره أن المجموعة العربية قد وضعت تحفظات على حقوق الطفل لناحية احترام حرية المعتقد.

الثلاثاء، 19 نوفمبر 2019

راني لاكشميباي

راني لاكشمي باي أو مانيكارنيكا تامبي ملكة ومحاربة هندية حكمت مدينة جانسي بعد وفاة زوجها جانجدهار راو نيفالكار. اشتهرت بقيادتها حرب التمرد الهندي في العام 1857. استشهدت في عام 1858 بعد قتال عنيف مع الانجليز عن عمر يناهز 29 عام . بعد وفاتها سيطر الانجليز (شركة الهند الشرقية ) علي جانسي . تعتبر لاكشمي باي بطلة قومية في الهند ونموذج يحتذى به في الشجاعة والتضحية وحب الوطن.
المنشأة والولادة
راني لاكشمي باي ولدت في 19 نوفمبر عام 1828 في البلده المقدسه فارانسي و سميت انذالك بمانيكارنيكا او مانو توفيت والدتها عند بلوغها الاربعة اعوام و عن والدها فهو موروبانت تامبي اللذي عمل في محكمة ابن عمه بيشوا واللذي كان حاكما على بيتهور و قد كانت مانو بمثابة ابنة له

قد اتمت مانو تعليمها في البيت و قد كانت تتحمل المسؤوليه مما جعلها تبدو مختلفه عن أبناء جيلها و بالاضافه إلى التعليم قد حصلت على التدريبات من المعلم تاتيا توبي و هو من الاشخاص الذين مدوا يد المساعده للملكه في الحرب و حتى طوال مسيرتها القتاليه الشجاعه. من التدريبات التي تلقتها: ركوب الخيل, المبارزة بالسيف و الرمايه .

عام 1842 تزوجت مانيكارنيكا من ملك جانسي الملك جانجدهر راو نيفالكار و بعد ذلك سميت ب للاكشمي , في عام 1851 انجبت راني لاكشمي باي دامودر راو و لكنه توفي بعد 4 أشهر من ولادته بسبب لدغة افعى و لكن قبل ان يفارق الملك الحياه بيوم عام 1853 قد تبنى ابنا (و هو اناند راو و بعد ذلك اصبح دامودر راو ) و تم التبني بحضور الضابط الكيس و اوصى الملك جانجدهر راو بان يتم معاملة الطفل بشكل جيد و ان يحكم مملكة جانسي من بعده, و لكن لم يتم الموافقه على هذه الوصيه من قبل شركة الهند الشرقيه البريطانيه و التي كانت بقيادة الحاكم اللورد دالوسي مما اغضب لاكشمي باي و احست بالظلم و لكنها صرخت بهم قائله ( لا اعطي جانسي خاصتي لاي أحد mai mere Jhansi ki nahi doongi )

بعد ذلك امرت راني لاكشمي باي بان تخرج من القصر و القلعه و دفع لها ما يقارب ال 60000 روبيه كراتب شهري .

اغسطس 1857 - يناير 1858
من اغسطس سنة 1857 حتى يناير سنة 1858 كانت راني لاكشمي باي تحكم جانسي بسلام حتى اعلنت القوات البريطانيه بانها سترسل بعضا منهم إلى هناك للحفاظ و السيطره على جانسي و لكن في الواقع لم يذهب أحد إلى الحفله التي اقاموها حزب السمتشارين اللذين ارادوا الاستقلال عن الحكم البريطاني , و عندما وصلت القوات البريطانيه اخيرا في اذار/مارس وجدوا ان الدفاع قوي و تواجدت اسلحه قويه التي تستطيع ان تشعل المدينه و ما حولها, حينها طلب السيد هيو روز تسليم المدينه و اذ تم رفض طلبه ستتدمر المدينه ,بعد المداولات اللازمه اصدرت راني لاكشمي باي اعلانا : " نحن نكافح من اجل الاستقلال و بكلمات الاله كريشنا, سنفعل اذا كنا منتصرين و سنتمتع بثمار النصر و اذ هزمنا و قتلنا في ساحة المعركه فبالتاكيد سنكسب المجد الابدي و الخلاص"

دافعت راني لاكشمي باي عن جانسي ضد القوات البريطانيه عندما حاصر السيد هيو روز جانسي في 23 مارس عام 1858. قد بدا القصف في 24 مارس و مقابله تم اطلاق نار كثيف من جيش راني لاكشمي باي و تم اصلاح الدفاعات المتضرره , ارسل المدافعون المساعدات ل تاتيا توبي تم إرسال جيش بما يقارب 20 الف برئاسة تاتيا توبي للتخفيف عن جانسي و لكنهم فشلوا بذلك عندما خاضو الحرب مع البريطانيين في 31 مارس , جزء من القوات البريطانيه واصلت الحصار مع تاتيا توبي و بحلول 2 ابريل تقرر شن الهجوم على القصر عن طريق خرق الجدران و بالرغم من ذلك لقد واجهت القوات البريطانيه المقاومه في جميع انحاء الشوارع و غرف القصر و استمر القتال لليوم التالي ولم يتبقى أي فرصه حتى للنساء و الاطفال مما جعل راني لاكشمي باي الخروج من القصر و الانتقال إلى القلعه. وبعد انت بائت خطط النصر بالفشل قد قررت راني لاكشمي باي الهرب ليلا و مع دامودر راو على ظهرها قفزت راني لاكشمي باي على ظهر حصانها بادال من القلعه و حينها مات الحصان بادال بينما استطاعت راني لاكشمي باي و ابنها الهرب من القلعه بالرغم من الحراسه المشدده , بعد ذلك ذهبت إلى كالبي مع عدد قليل من الحراس النساء منهم و الرجال حيث اضمت إلى قوات المتمردين بما في ذلك تاتيا توبي احتلوا كالبي و ساتعدوا للدفاع عن8ها و في 22 مايو هاجمت القوات البريطانيه كالبي . كانت القوات الهنديه تحت قيادة راني لاكشمي باي بذاتها و هزمت مره اخرى, و بعدها هربوا إلى غواليور و انضموا إلى القوات الهنديه التي كانت تسيطر على المدينه و لكن تم السيطره على غواليور من قبل المتمردين دون أي معارضه و لم تستطع راني لاكشمي باي اقناع المتمردين بااستعداد للدفاع عن غواليور ضد القوات البريطانيه و التي توقعت قدومهم قريبا و في 16 يونيو اخذت قوات الجنرال روز مورار بشن هجوم ناجح على المدينه.
في 17 حزيران و بقيادة الملكه لاكشمي باي و بالرغم من مواجهتها الخيانة العظمى من قبل جزء كبير من جنودها في داخل المعركه قادت راني لاكشمي باي الجيش و واجهت بشجاعه و قوة و قد ذبح ما يقارب ال 5000 جندي هندي و وفقا لبيان شهود عيانون قد ارتدت راني لاكشمي باي الزي الرسمي للمقاتلين و قاتلت الفرسان .

لم تكن راني لاكشمي باي متانيه فجرحت و بعها بقليل عند جلوسها على جانب الطريق ادركت الجندي اللذي بجانبها و اطلقت النار عليه , بعد ذلك توفيت متاثره بجراحها و لكن قبل موتها اخبرت الذين كانوا بجانبها انها لا ترغب ان يلمس البريطانيون جسدها لذلك طلبت حرق جثتها و بعد ثلاثة ايام احتلت القوات البريطانيه غواليور , في التقرير البريطاني لهذه المعركه علق هيو روز ان راني لاكشمي باي شخصيه ذكيه و جميله و هي " من اخطر القاده الهنود" و ذكر بانها دفنت مع حفل كبير تحت شجرة التمر الهندي تحت صخرة غواليور و قبرها في منطقة فول باغ في غواليور . بعد 20 سنه من وفاتها كتب الكولونبل ماليسون في تاريخ التمرد الهندي (المجلد رقم 3 لندن1878) مهما كانت اخطاءها في العيون البريطاانيه فان مواطنيها سيتذكرون انه تم معاملتها بطريقه سيئه في التمرد و انها عاشت و توفيت من اجل بلدها لا يمكننا ان ننسى مساهمتها للهند انها الملكه لاكشي باي.

الاعمال الادبية
جورج ماكدونالد فريزر كتب "phlyasamyana في اللعبة الكبرى" على رواية الخيال التاريخية حول وقد وصفت الحركة الهندية. وphlyasamyana والملكة لاكشمي باي لتلبية العديد من النقاط البارزة. مايكل D. النعمة ، وكتب باللغة الفرنسية التي "لا phyame sekri" جانسى رواية عن حياتها الشخصية متروك. وكانت الملكة وقربه من أبرز محام الإنجليزية. في 007، مختلطة Jayashree اللغة الإنجليزية "الملكة" ، تكوين الرواية. جون الماجستير مكتوبة naitaranarsa البنغال لقد كتب رواية رودني سافاج، وهو ضابط بريطاني يدعى راني لاكشمي باي وحول العلاقة. وفي يناير كانون الثاني عام 1951، نشرت في كتاب الأمريكي gildase الأدبية كان يعرف أفضل كتاب من الشهر الجاري. ولكن من وجهة نظر سياسية، والكتاب يواجه بعض الانتقادات. وكانت رواية تاريخية، وهو النوع الذي يصور جزءا من البريطانيين في الهند.

من أهم الاشخاص اللذين تواجدو بجانب ملكة جانسي
تاتيا توبي :هو مدرب راني لاكشمي باي و من علمها روب الخيل و استخدام السيف و الرمايه.

سمر سينج : قد كان أحد اللصوص الا ان التقى براني لاكشمي باي فتغير بشكل جذري و اصبح من الاوفياء لها و لبلده قد توفي شنقا بالرغم من ان راني لاكشمي باي كانت تملك الامر بعدم اعدامه الا انهم اعدموه باكرا.

موتي باي: كانت عشيقة الملك جانجدهر راو و اكنت الكره لراني لاكشمي باي و لكنه في نهاية الامر اصبحت من جنود الملكه الشجعان.

كارم: قتل و هو يدافع عن الملكه فهو منع اانجليز من وصولهم الي راني لاكشمي باي بينما هي قفزت من القلعة مع طفلها على ظهر حصانها.

كوس خان: مسؤول عن المدافع و ساهم بالحروبات بشكل ايجابي.

الاعمال الادبية
جورج ماكدونالد فريزر كتب "phlyasamyana في اللعبة الكبرى" على رواية الخيال التاريخية حول وقد وصفت الحركة الهندية. وphlyasamyana والملكة لاكشمي باي لتلبية العديد من النقاط البارزة. مايكل D. النعمة ، وكتب باللغة الفرنسية التي "لا phyame sekri" جانسى رواية عن حياتها الشخصية متروك. وكانت الملكة وقربه من أبرز محام الإنجليزية. في 007، مختلطة Jayashree اللغة الإنجليزية "الملكة" ، تكوين الرواية. جون الماجستير مكتوبة naitaranarsa البنغال لقد كتب رواية رودني سافاج، وهو ضابط بريطاني يدعى راني لاكشمي باي وحول العلاقة. وفي يناير كانون الثاني عام 1951، نشرت في كتاب الأمريكي gildase الأدبية كان يعرف أفضل كتاب من الشهر الجاري. ولكن من وجهة نظر سياسية، والكتاب يواجه بعض الانتقادات. وكانت رواية تاريخية، وهو النوع الذي يصور جزءا من البريطانيين في الهند.

Rani laxmibai

Lakshmibai, the Rani of Jhansi (About this soundpronunciation (help·info); 19 November 1828 – 18 June 1858),[1][2] was the queen of the princely state of Jhansi in North India currently present in Jhansi district in Uttar Pradesh, India.[3] She was one of the leading figures of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and became a symbol of resistance to the British Raj for Indian nationalists.
Early life

Rani Lakshmibai was born on 19 November 1828[4][5][6] in the town of Varanasi into a Marathi Karhade Brahmin family.[7] She was named Manikarnika Tambe and was nicknamed Manu.[8] Her father was Moropant Tambe[9] and her mother Bhagirathi Sapre (Bhagirathi Bai). Her parents came from Maharashtra.[10] Her mother died when she was four years old. Her father worked for Peshwa Baji Rao II of Bithoor district.[11] The Peshwa called her "Chhabili", which means "playful". She was educated at home, able to read and write, and was more independent in her childhood than others of her age; her studies included shooting, horsemanship, fencing[12][13] and mallakhamba with her childhood friends Nana Sahib and Tantia Tope.[14][dubious – discuss] Rani Lakshmibai contrasted many of the patriarchal cultural expectations for women in India's society at this time.[15]

Rani Lakshmibai was accustomed to riding on horseback accompanied by a small escort between the palace and the temple although sometimes she was carried by palanquin.[16] Her horses included Sarangi, Pavan and Baadal; according to historians she rode Baadal when escaping from the fort in 1858. The Rani Mahal, the palace of Rani Lakshmibai, has now been converted into a museum. It houses a collection of archaeological remains of the period between the 9th and 12th centuries AD.

History of Jhansi, 1842 - May 1857
Manikarnika was married to the Maharaja of Jhansi, Raja Gangadhar Newalkar, in May 1842[4][17] and was afterwards called Lakshmibai (or Laxmibai) in honour of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi and according to the traditions. She gave birth to a boy, later named Damodar Rao, in 1851, who died after four months. The Maharaja adopted a child called Anand Rao, the son of Gangadhar Rao's cousin, who was renamed Damodar Rao, on the day before the Maharaja died. The adoption was in the presence of the British political officer who was given a letter from the Maharaja instructing that the child be treated with respect and that the government of Jhansi should be given to his widow for her lifetime.

After the death of the Maharaja in November 1853, because Damodar Rao (born Anand Rao) was an adopted son, the British East India Company, under Governor-General Lord Dalhousie, applied the Doctrine of Lapse, rejecting Damodar Rao's claim to the throne and annexing the state to its territories. When she was informed of this she cried out "I shall not surrender my Jhansi" (Main meri Jhansi nahi doongi). In March 1854, Rani Lakshmibai was given an annual pension of Rs. 60,000 and ordered to leave the palace and the fort.[18][19].

According to Vishnu Bhatt Godse the Rani would exercise at weightlifting, wrestling and steeplechasing before breakfast. An intelligent and simply-dressed woman, she ruled in a business-like manner.[20]

Indian Rebellion of 1857
Beginning of the Rebellion
On 10 May 1857 the Indian Rebellion started in Meerut. When news of the fighting reached Jhansi, the Rani asked the British political officer, Captain Alexander Skene, for permission to raise a body of armed men for her own protection; Skene agreed to this.[21] The city was relatively calm in the midst of the regional unrest, but the Rani conducted a Haldi Kumkum ceremony with pomp in front of all the women of Jhansi to provide assurance to her subjects, in the summer of 1857 and to convince them that the British were cowards and not to be afraid of them.[22][23]

Until this point, Lakshmibai was reluctant to rebel against the British. In June 1857, rebels of the 12th Bengal Native Infantry seized the Star Fort of Jhansi containing the treasure and magazine,[24] and after persuading the British to lay down their arms by promising them no harm, broke their word and massacred 40 to 60 European officers of the garrison along with their wives and children. The Rani's involvement in this massacre is still a subject of debate.[25][26] An army doctor, Thomas Lowe, wrote after the rebellion characterising her as the "Jezebel of India ... the young rani upon whose head rested the blood of the slain
Four days after the massacre the sepoys left Jhansi, having obtained a large sum of money from the Rani, and having threatened to blow up the palace where she lived. Following this, as the only source of authority in the city the Rani felt obliged to assume the administration and wrote to Major Erskine, commissioner of the Saugor division explaining the events which had led her to do so.[28] On 2 July, Erskine wrote in reply, requesting her to "manage the District for the British Government" until the arrival of a British Superintendent.[29] The Rani's forces defeated an attempt by the mutineers to assert the claim to the throne of a rival prince Sadashiv Rao (nephew of Maharaja Gangadhar Rao) who was captured and imprisoned.

There was then an invasion of Jhansi by the forces of Company allies Orchha and Datia; their intention however was to divide Jhansi between themselves. The Rani appealed to the British for aid but it was now believed by the governor-general that she was responsible for the massacre and no reply was received. She set up a foundry to cast cannon to be used on the walls of the fort and assembled forces including some from former feudatories of Jhansi and elements of the mutineers which were able to defeat the invaders in August 1857. Her intention at this time was still to hold Jhansi on behalf of the British.[30]

Siege of Jhansi
From August 1857 to January 1858 Jhansi under the Rani's rule was at peace. The British had announced that troops would be sent there to maintain control but the fact that none arrived strengthened the position of a party of her advisers who wanted independence from British rule. When the British forces finally arrived in March they found it well-defended and the fort had heavy guns which could fire over the town and nearby countryside. Hugh Rose, commanding the British forces, demanded the surrender of the city; if this was refused it would be destroyed.[31] After due deliberation the Rani issued a proclamation: "We fight for independence. In the words of Lord Krishna, we will if we are victorious, enjoy the fruits of victory, if defeated and killed on the field of battle, we shall surely earn eternal glory and salvation."[32] She defended Jhansi against British troops when Sir Hugh Rose besieged Jhansi on 23 March 1858.

The bombardment began on 24 March but was met by heavy return fire and the damaged defences were repaired. The defenders sent appeals for help to Tatya Tope;[29] an army of more than 20,000, headed by Tatya Tope, was sent to relieve Jhansi but they failed to do so when they fought the British on 31 March. During the battle with Tatya Tope's forces part of the British forces continued the siege and by 2 April it was decided to launch an assault by a breach in the walls. Four columns assaulted the defences at different points and those attempting to scale the walls came under heavy fire. Two other columns had already entered the city and were approaching the palace together. Determined resistance was encountered in every street and in every room of the palace. Street fighting continued into the following day and no quarter was given, even to women and children. "No maudlin clemency was to mark the fall of the city" wrote Thomas Lowe.[33] The Rani withdrew from the palace to the fort and after taking counsel decided that since resistance in the city was useless she must leave and join either Tatya Tope or Rao Sahib (Nana Sahib's nephew)
According to tradition with Damodar Rao on her back she jumped on her horse Badal from the fort; they survived but the horse died.[36] The Rani escaped in the night with her son, surrounded by guards.[37] The escort included the warriors Khuda Bakhsh Basharat Ali (commandant), Gulam Gaus Khan, Dost Khan, Lala Bhau Bakshi, Moti Bai, Sunder-Mundar, Kashi Bai, Deewan Raghunath Singh and Deewan Jawahar Singh.[citation needed] She decamped to Kalpi with a few guards, where she joined additional rebel forces, including Tatya Tope.[34] They occupied the town of Kalpi and prepared to defend it. On 22 May British forces attacked Kalpi; the forces were commanded by the Rani herself and were again defeated.

Flight to Gwalior
The leaders (the Rani of Jhansi, Tatya Tope, the Nawab of Banda, and rao Sahib) fled once more. They came to Gwalior and joined the Indian forces who now held the city (Maharaja Scindia having fled to Agra from the battlefield at Morar). They moved on to Gwalior intending to occupy the strategic Gwalior Fort and the rebel forces occupied the city without opposition. The rebels proclaimed Nana Sahib as Peshwa of a revived Maratha dominion with Rao Sahib as his governor (subedar) in Gwalior. The Rani was unsuccessful in trying to persuade the other rebel leaders to prepare to defend Gwalior against a British attack which she expected would come soon. General Rose's forces took Morar on 16 June and then made a successful attack on the city.[38]

On 17 June in Kotah-ki-Serai near the Phool Bagh of Gwalior, a squadron of the 8th (King's Royal Irish) Hussars, under Captain Heneage, fought the large Indian force commanded by Rani Lakshmibai, who was trying to leave the area. The 8th Hussars charged into the Indian force, slaughtering 5,000 Indian soldiers, including any Indian "over the age of 16".[39] They took two guns and continued the charge right through the Phool Bagh encampment. In this engagement, according to an eyewitness account, Rani Lakshmibai put on a sowar's uniform and attacked one of the hussars; she was unhorsed and also wounded, probably by his sabre. Shortly afterwards, as she sat bleeding by the roadside, she recognised the soldier and fired at him with a pistol, whereupon he "dispatched the young lady with his carbine".[40][41] According to another tradition Rani Lakshmibai, the Queen of Jhansi, dressed as a cavalry leader, was badly wounded; not wishing the British to capture her body, she told a hermit to burn it. After her death a few local people cremated her body.

The British captured the city of Gwalior after three days. In the British report of this battle, Hugh Rose commented that Rani Lakshmibai is "personable, clever and beautiful" and she is "the most dangerous of all Indian leaders".[42][43] Rose reported that she had been buried "with great ceremony under a tamarind tree under the Rock of Gwalior, where I saw her bones and ashes".[44][45]

Her tomb is in the Phool Bagh area of Gwalior. Twenty years after her death Colonel Malleson wrote in the History of the Indian Mutiny; vol. 3; London, 1878 'Whatever her faults in British eyes may have been, her countrymen will ever remember that she was driven by ill-treatment into rebellion, and that she lived and died for her country, We cannot forget her contribution for India.'[46]

According to a memoir purporting to be by Damodar Rao, the young prince was among his mother's troops and household at the battle of Gwalior. Together with others who had survived the battle (some 60 retainers with 60 camels and 22 horses) he fled from the camp of Rao Sahib of Bithur and as the village people of Bundelkhand dared not aid them for fear of reprisals from the British, they were forced to live in the forest and suffer many privations. After two years there were about 12 survivors and these, together with another group of 24 they encountered, sought the city of Jhalrapatan where there were yet more refugees from Jhansi. Damodar Rao surrendered himself to a British official and his memoir ends in May 1860. He was then allowed a pension of Rs. 10,000, seven retainers, and was in the guardianship of Munshi Dharmanarayan

أنديرا غاندي

أنديرا غاندي، ( 19 نوفمبر 1917 - 31 أكتوبر 1984)سياسية هندية، المرأة الوحيدة التي تولت منصب رئيس وزراء الهند ولحد الآن وقد شغلته ثلاث فترات متتالية (1966-1977) والفترة الرابعة (1980-1984)، انتهت باغتيالها بيد أحد المعارضين السيخ المتطرفين. وقد كانت رئيسة حزب المؤتمر الوطني الهندي والشخصية المحورية فيه ، وهي ابنة جواهر لال نهرو أول رئيس وزراء للهند.

كانت غاندي ثاني امرأة تشغل منصب رئاسة الوزارة في العالم بعد سيريمافو باندرانايكا في سريلانكا.
اشتهرت أنديرا بميلها نحو فكرة عدم الانحياز في نطاق التعاون مع جمال عبد الناصر والمارشال تيتو.
كما أن اسم أنديرا معروف في كافة أنحاء العالم كرئيسة لوزراء الهند، كانت امرأة ذات شأن في العالم، وأصبحت الهند بقيادتها بلداً قوياً، أحرز تطوراً في مختلف المجالات.
كما أنها أضفت نوعاً جديداً من النشاط على السياسة الدولية بدفاعها عن البلدان الفقيرة والمتخلفة في العالم، وكانت من المكافحين لتحقيق السلام العالمي أيضاً.
أنديرا غاندي (بالهندية: इंदिरा प्रियदर्शिनी गांधी ), (بالإنجليزية: Indira Gandhi) رئيسة وزراء الهند، ولدت في 19 نوفمبر 1917م في مدينة الله آباد وكانت الطفلة الوحيدة لجواهر لال نهرو، واغتيلت في 31 أكتوبر 1984م.
تلّقت تعليمها في أماكن مختلفة في بون وشانتيني كيتان وفي المدارس السويسرية، والإنكليزية، وصارت عضواً في جناح الشباب من حزب العمال البريطاني.
وانخرط والدها وجدّها في كفاح الهند من أجل الحرية؛ وهذا ما شكّل انطباعاً قوياً في ذاكرة أنديرا، وعندما بلغت الثالثة عشرة من عمرها نظّمت أنديرا جيش القردة الذي وضّح هدفها في القتال من أجل أستقلال بلدها.
انتسبت أنديرا إلى حزب المؤتمر الهندي عام 1939م، تزوجت عام 1942م من فيروز غاندي الذي غير اسمه من "فيروز خان" وكان صحفياً، ومن أتباع الديانة البارسية الزرداشية عام 1942م، ومات عام 1960م بعدما أنجبت له صبيّين، وقد ألح عليها والدها نهرو لتحمل عبء الحكم، وبخاصة بعد موت زوجته التي كان يخطط لها كي ترث الحكم بعده.
كما أتّسم عهدُها بإنجازات عظيمة لبلدها؛ ولا سيما تأميمها للبنوك واحتلالها لبنغلاديش وبرنامجها المؤلف من عشرين بنداً لانتشال الفقراء؛ وترؤسها لحركة عدم الانحياز.

توليها منصب رئاسة الوزراء في الهند

أنديرا غاندي مع الرئيس الروماني نيكولاي تشاوتشيسكو سنة1969م

أنديرا غاندي مع جاكلين كينيدي في نيودلهي سنة 1962م
في عام 1966م مات رئيس الوزراء لال باهادور شاشتري، خليفة نهرو، فقرّر حزب المؤتمر الحاكم تعيين أنديرا رئيسة للوزراء، وكانت أول امرأة تصبح رئيسة للوزراء في الهند، وهي ابنة جواهر لال نهرو الذي كان أول رئيس وزراء للهند بعد جلاء قوات الاحتلال الإنكليزي. بَنَتْ إنديرا للهند جيشاً قوياً، وتمكنت من إنتاج القنبلة النووية الهندوسية، وجعلت جميع جيران الهند يخشون بأسها، وفي عام 1971م، قامت بغزو باكستان الشرقية، وأقامت فيها دولة بنغلاديش، وأحرزت أول نصر ضد باكستان.
أصبح ابنها راجيف غاندي لاحقا رئيسا للوزراء، على رغم انها تحمل لقب غاندي لكنها لا تمت بصلة قرابة مع المهاتما غاندي الذي ساعد الهند في استقلالها.

إعلانها حالة الطوارىء في الهند

أنديرا غاندي تستقبل شاه إيران محمد رضا بهلوي، والشهبانو فرح ديبا خلال زيارتهما إلى الهند سنة 1970م

أتديرا غاندي مع الرئيس الأمريكي ليندون جونسون في مكتبه في 28 مارس سنة 1966م
استمرت الأمور طيبة حتى عام 1975م حين انتشرت روائح الفضائح، وأعلنت المحكمة العليا في مدينة الله آباد أن الانتخابات تعرّضت للتزوير، وأنّ رئيسة الوزراء يجب أن تستقيل. أما إنديرا من جهتها، فكانت تمهّد لولدها سانجاي غاندي ليكون وريثها في الحكم، ولذلك أعلنت حالة الطوارىء في الهند بدل أن تقدّم استقالتها، ثم اعتقلت ألوف الخصوم السياسيين، وعلّقت الحقوق المدنية، وفرضت الرقابة على الصحف، وبدأت حكماً دكتاتورياً.
في عام 1977م، شعرت إنديرا أن الحكم استقر لها ولعائلتها، فلم تشعر بالخوف من الدعوة إلى إجراء انتخابات عامة، وتجاهلت جميع الفضائح التي أحاطت بها، وبخاصة برامجها لإجبار الرجال على التعقيم ضمن خطة لتخفيض النسل في الهند.

خسارتها في الانتخابات

مع الرئيس الأمريكي ريتشارد نيكسون سنة 1971م
خسرت إنديرا الانتخابات، وفاز حزب جاناتا، وقام رئيس الوزراء الجديد بإلغاء حالة الطوارىء، ثم تنحّى عام 1980م، وعادت أنديرا لتصبح رئيسة الوزراء من جديد.

وفاة ولدها سانجاي
في تلك السنة، وقع حادث مفجع لولدها سانجاي، إذ سقطت به طائرته التي كان يمارس بها هواية التحليق والطيران، وكانت ضربة قاسية لأحلام أنديرا في الاستمرار والبقاء على كرسي الحكم، هي ونسلها. أما أرملة سانجاي (مانيكا)، فلم تحب حماتها، بل شكّلت حزب معارضة خاص بها.
ظلت فكرة الحكم تستحوذ على ذهن أنديرا، فجعلت ولدها راجيف الذي لم يكن يملك مؤهلات الحكم والسلطة يحتلّ مقعداً في البرلمان الهندي، ويحل محلّ أخيه القتيل في اللجنة التنفيذية لحزب المؤتمر الحاكم.

سياسة انديرا غاندي
سياستها تجاه الشرق الأوسط
أظهرت انديرا غاندي دعمها للفلسطينيين في مقاومتهم ، ورفضت التطبيع مع إسرائيل ودأبت على انتقاد الهيمنة الأمريكية على سياسة الشرق الأوسط. كانت غاندي تنظر لاسرائيل كدولة دينية كما تنظر لباكستان لأنها رغبت في استمالة العرب إلى جانبها في صراعها الدائم مع باكستان حول اقليم كشمير. بالرغم من العداوة المعلنة، قامت غاندي بتدشين قناة تواصل سرية مع إسرائيل لتقديم التعاون الأمني والاستخباراتي بنهاية الستينيات.

السياسة الداخلية
واصلت أنديرا سياسة القبضة الحديدية تجاه الطوائف الأخرى في الهند، وبخاصة طائفة السيخ

طابع سوفيتتي تخليداً لذكرى أنديرا غاندي سنة 1984م
مجزرة أمريتسار
بسبب خلاف نشأ بين زعيم السيخ الروحي سانت جارنيل سينغ بيندرا نويل وبين الحكومة الهندية بزعامة أنديرا غاندي اعتصم زعيم السيخ مع مجموعة كبيرة من أتباعه في معبدهم (المعبد الذهبي)، الذي يعد المكان المقدس ورمز هوية السيخ، وأضربوا عن الطعام مما أضطر أنديرا غاندي لإصدار أوامرها باقتحام منطقة السيخ المحصنة في مدينتهم أمريتسار وهناك حدثت معركة رهيبة راح ضحيتها أكثر من 500 شخص وجرح من الطرفين ما يزيد على الألف شخص كما اعتقل أكثر من ألفي شخص من السيخ وقتل في تلك المعركة زعيم السيخ سانت بيندرا. وقد أدت هذه الأحداث إلى إحساس السيخ بشعور من الحقد والضغينة تجاه أنديرا غاندي، وأضمروا لها الشر وخصوصاً بعد اكتشافهم للدمار والخراب الذي أصيب به معبدهم وقرروا جعل أنديرا تدفع الثمن، وتنال عقوبتها العادلة، فقامت مظاهرات صاخبة استمرت لأيام متوالية كانت تطالب بقتل أنديرا غاندي مما دفع أنديرا غاندي لاعتقال المزيد من السيخ وإيداعهم السجون، وهو ما تسبّب في وضع نهاية لحكم أنديرا غاندي.
فقد كانت اهانة المعبد الذهبي على مر التاريخ عاملا مؤججا للنزاع والتمرد، ففي عام 1857م شهد تمرداً سالت فيه الدماء، كما شهد مذبحة سنة 1919م على يد الإنجليز، كانت احدى اسباب انهاء الحكم البريطاني في الهند، وها هي مشاعر السيخ الثائرة للمعبد الذهبي تسببت في وضع نهاية لحكم أنديرا غاندي.


أنديرا غاندي مع زوجها فيروز خان
لم يكن يخطر في بال الرئيسة أنديرا غاندي أن يقوم أحد من حراسها الخاصين والمدربين على حمايتها باغتيالها. ولم يخطر في خلدها أن تقوم بعزل أحدٍ من السيخ من أعضاء حرسها الخاص لشعورها بمحبتهم لها. وفي الساعة التاسعة من صباح يوم الأربعاء الموافق 31 من شهر أكتوبر سنة 1984م، وبينما كانت خارجة من منزلها متجهة إلى مقر عملها سيراً على الأقدام حيث كان ينتظرها فريق تصوير تلفازي بريطاني في مكتب الوزارة، سار خلفها عدد من رجال الحرس. وفي نهاية الممر كان يقف اثنان من الحراس اللذين تبّين - فيما بعد - أنّهما من السيخ. وما أن وصلت أنديرا قريباً منهما حتى أطلق أحدهما النار من مسدسه فأصابها بثلاث طلقات في بطنها، ثم قام الثاني بإطلاق النار من بندقيته الأوتوماتيكية، فأفرغ 30 طلقة، فأصيبت بسبع رصاصات في البطن، وثلاث في صدرها، وواحدة في قلبها.
اندفع رجال الحرس لإمساك القاتلين، فقال أحدهما : (لقد فعلت ما أردت فعله... افعلوا ما تريدون الآن...) وعندما حاول الآخر انتزاع السلاح من أحد الحراس، أطلق النار، فقتل أحدهما، وجرح الآخر.
هرعت سونيا (زوجة راجيف الإيطالية) لدى سماع صوت الطلقات، وشاهدت الحرس ينقلون أنديرا إلى سيارة الليموزين البيضاء، فاحتضنت رأس حماتها، فيما هرعت السيارة إلى مشفى معهد عموم الهند للعلوم الطبية.
اجتمع 12 طبيباً حول الجثة، وخاف الجميع من مغّبة غضب العائلة المالكة، فراحوا ينقلون الدم إلى الجثة الهامدة، فأفرغوا 88 زجاجة دم، واستخرجوا سبع طلقات من جسمها... وكأنهم سيعيدونها إلى الحياة.. وفي النهاية اضطروا إلى إعلان وفاتها بشكل رسمي في 31 من شهر أكتوبر من عام 1984م.
عاد ولدها راجيف (طيار مدني) بالطائرة من كالكوتا ليسمع خبر الموت، وفي اليوم ذاته، اختاره حزب أمّه ليصبح رئيساً للوزراء بدلاً عنها، فصار ثالث شخص في عائلة نهرو يحتل منصب رئيس وزراء الهند.

حسب الطقوس الهندوسية، أحرق جثمان أنديرا على ضفة نهر جامونا في البقعة التي شهدت إحراق جثة الماهاتما غاندي وجواهر لال نهرو وشاستري غاندي، فيما بدأت مذابح هندوسية بحق أبناء ديانة السيخ الذين ذبح منهم الألوف.
وكما هي العادة، تلجأ الأنظمة إلى اختراع وجود عدو خارجي لتعمي العيون عن الصراع الداخلي، فقالت الهند : إن المخابرات الباكستانية رتّبت اغتيال أنديرا (وقد أعدم القاتل الأسير في يناير سنة 1989م).
ومن أجل تصفية الأجواء، قام الرئيس الباكستاني محمد ضياء الحق بإعلان الحداد الوطني، وأعلن عن زيارة مزمعة إلى نيودلهي. أما راجيف فقد دخل جواً جديداً لم يكن يتمنّاه.

Indira Gandhi

Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi (Hindi: [ˈɪndɪraː ˈɡaːndʱiː] (About this soundlisten); née Nehru; 19 November 1917 – 31 October 1984) was an Indian politician, stateswoman and a central figure of the Indian National Congress.[2] She was the first and, to date, the only female Prime Minister of India. Indira Gandhi was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India. She served as Prime Minister from January 1966 to March 1977 and again from January 1980 until her assassination in October 1984, making her the second longest-serving Indian Prime Minister, after her father.[3]

Gandhi served as her father's personal assistant and hostess during his tenure as Prime Minister between 1947 and 1964. She was elected President of the Indian National Congress in 1959. Upon her father's death in 1964 she was appointed as a member of the Rajya Sabha (upper house) and became a member of Lal Bahadur Shastri's cabinet as Minister of Information and Broadcasting.[4] In the Congress Party's parliamentary leadership election held in early 1966 (upon the death of Shastri), she defeated her rival Morarji Desai to become leader, and thus succeeded Shastri as Prime Minister of India.

As Prime Minister, Gandhi was known for her political intransigency and unprecedented centralisation of power. She went to war with Pakistan in support of the independence movement and war of independence in East Pakistan, which resulted in an Indian victory and the creation of Bangladesh, as well as increasing India's influence to the point where it became the regional hegemon of South Asia. Citing separatist tendencies and in response to a call for revolution, Gandhi instituted a state of emergency from 1975 to 1977 where basic civil liberties were suspended and the press was censored. Widespread atrocities were carried out during the emergency. In 1980, she returned to power after free and fair elections. After Gandhi ordered military action in the Golden Temple in Operation Blue Star, she was assassinated by her own bodyguards and Sikh nationalists on 31 October 1984.

In 1999, Indira Gandhi was named "Woman of the Millennium" in an online poll organised by the BBC
Early life and career
Indira Gandhi was born as Indira Nehru in a Kashmiri Pandit family on 19 November 1917 in Allahabad.[6][7] Her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was a leading figure in India's political struggle for independence from British rule, and became the first Prime Minister of the Dominion (and later Republic) of India.[8] She was the only child (a younger brother was born, but died young),[9] and grew up with her mother, Kamala Nehru, at the Anand Bhavan; a large family estate in Allahabad.[10] She had a lonely and unhappy childhood.[11] Her father was often away, directing political activities or incarcerated, while her mother was frequently bed-ridden with illness, and later suffered an early death from tuberculosis.[12] She had limited contact with her father, mostly through letters
Indira was mostly taught at home by tutors, and intermittently attended school until matriculation in 1934. She was a student at the Modern School in Delhi, St Cecilia's and St Mary's Christian convent schools in Allahabad,[14] the International School of Geneva, the Ecole Nouvelle in Bex, and the Pupils' Own School in Poona and Bombay, which is affiliated to University of Mumbai. [15] She and her mother Kamala Nehru moved to Belur Math headquarters of Ramakrishna Mission where Swami Ranganathananda was her guardian[16] later she went on to study at the Vishwa Bharati in Santiniketan, which later in 1951 became Visva-Bharati University. It was during her interview that Rabindranath Tagore named her Priyadarshini, literally "looking at everything with kindness" in Sanskrit, and she came to be known as Indira Priyadarshini Nehru.[17] A year later, however, she had to leave university to attend to her ailing mother in Europe.[18] While there, it was decided that Indira would continue her education at the University of Oxford.[19] After her mother died, she briefly attended the Badminton School before enrolling at Somerville College in 1937 to study history.[20] Indira had to take the entrance examination twice, having failed at her first attempt with a poor performance in Latin.[20] At Oxford, she did well in history, political science and economics, but her grades in Latin—a compulsory subject—remained poor.[21][22] She did, however, have an active part within the student life of the university, such as the Oxford Majlis Asian Society
During her time in Europe, Indira was plagued with ill-health and was constantly attended to by doctors. She had to make repeated trips to Switzerland to recover, disrupting her studies. She was being treated there in 1940, when the German armies rapidly conquered Europe. Gandhi tried to return to England through Portugal but was left stranded for nearly two months. She managed to enter England in early 1941, and from there returned to India without completing her studies at Oxford. The university later awarded her an honorary degree. In 2010, Oxford further honoured her by selecting her as one of the ten Oxasians, illustrious Asian graduates from the University of Oxford.[24] During her stay in Great Britain, Indira frequently met her future husband Feroze Gandhi (no relation to Mahatma Gandhi), whom she knew from Allahabad, and who was studying at the London School of Economics. The marriage took place in Allahabad according to Adi Dharm rituals though Feroze belonged to a Zoroastrian Parsi family of Gujarat.[25] The couple had two sons, Rajiv Gandhi (born 1944) and Sanjay Gandhi (born 1946).[citation needed]

In the 1950s, Indira, now Mrs Indira Gandhi after her marriage, served her father unofficially as a personal assistant during his tenure as the first Prime Minister of India.[26] Towards the end of the 1950s, Indira Gandhi served as the President of the Congress. In that capacity, she was instrumental in getting the Communist led Kerala State Government dismissed in 1959. That government had the distinction of being India's first ever elected Communist Government.[27] After her father's death in 1964 she was appointed as a member of the Rajya Sabha (upper house) and served in Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri's cabinet as Minister of Information and Broadcasting.[28] In January 1966, after Shastri's death, the Congress legislative party elected Indira Gandhi over Morarji Desai as their leader. Congress party veteran K. Kamaraj was instrumental in achieving Indira's victory.[29] Because she was a woman, other political leaders in India saw Gandhi as weak and hoped to use her as a puppet once elected:

Congress President Kamaraj orchestrated Mrs. Gandhi's selection as prime minister because he perceived her to be weak enough that he and the other regional party bosses could control her, and yet strong enough to beat Desai [her political opponent] in a party election because of the high regard for her father...a woman would be an ideal tool for the Syndicate.[30]

First term as Prime Minister between 1966 and 1977
The first eleven years of Indira's position as prime minister saw her evolving from the perception of Congress party leaders as their puppet to a strong leader with the iron resolve to split the party for her policy positions or to go to war with Pakistan to liberate Bangladesh. At the end of this term in 1977, she was such a dominating figure in Indian politics that Congress party president D. K. Barooah had coined the phrase "India is Indira and Indira is India."[31]

First year
Indira formed her government with Morarji Desai as deputy prime minister and finance minister. At the beginning of her first term as prime minister, Indira was widely criticized by the media and the opposition as a "Goongi goodiya" (Hindi word for a dumb doll or puppet) of the Congress party bosses who had got her elected and tried to constrain her.[32][33]

The first electoral test for Indira was the 1967 general elections for the Lok Sabha and state assemblies. The Congress Party won a reduced majority for the Lok Sabha in these elections owing to widespread disenchantment over rising prices of commodities, unemployment, economic stagnation and a food crisis. Gandhi herself was elected to Lok Sabha from the Raebareli constituency. Indira Gandhi had started on a rocky note after agreeing to a devaluation of the rupee, which created much hardship for Indian businesses and consumers, and the import of wheat from the United States fell through due to political disputes.[34]

The party also for the first time lost power or lost majority in a number of states across the country. Following the 1967 elections, Indira Gandhi gradually started moving towards socialist policies. In 1969, she fell out with senior Congress party leaders on a number of issues. Chief among them was the decision by Indira to support V. V. Giri, the independent candidate rather than the official Congress party candidate Neelam Sanjiva Reddy for the vacant position of President of India. The other was the announcement by the prime minister of Bank nationalization without consulting the finance minister, Morarji Desai. These steps culminated in Party president S. Nijalingappa expelling her from the party for indiscipline.[35][36][37] Gandhi, in turn floated her own faction of the Congress party and managed to retain most of the Congress MPs on her side with only 65 on the side of Congress (O) faction. The Indira faction, called Congress (R), lost its majority in the parliament but remained in power with the support of regional parties such as DMK.[38] The policies of the Congress under Indira Gandhi, prior to the 1971 elections, also included proposals for the abolition of Privy Purse to former rulers of the Princely states and the 1969 nationalization of the fourteen largest banks in India.
Garibi Hatao (Eradicate Poverty) was the theme for Gandhi's 1971 political bid. On the other hand, the combined opposition alliance had a two word manifesto of "Indira Hatao" (Remove Indira).[39][40] The Garibi Hatao slogan and the proposed anti-poverty programs that came with it were designed to give Gandhi an independent national support, based on rural and urban poor. This would allow her to bypass the dominant rural castes both in and of state and local governments; likewise the urban commercial class. And, for their part, the previously voiceless poor would at last gain both political worth and political weight[citation needed]. The programs created through Garibi Hatao, though carried out locally, were funded and developed by the Central Government in New Delhi. The program was supervised and staffed by the Indian National Congress party. "These programs also provided the central political leadership with new and vast patronage resources to be disbursed... throughout the country.",[41]

The biggest achievement of Indira Gandhi after the 1971 election came in December 1971 with India's decisive victory over Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani War that occurred in the last two weeks of the Bangladesh Liberation War which led to the formation of independent Bangladesh. She was said to be hailed as Goddess Durga by opposition leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee at that time.[42][43][44][45][note 1] In the elections held for State assemblies across India in March 1972, the Congress (R) swept to power in most states riding on the post-war "Indira wave".[47]

Despite the victory against Pakistan, the Congress government faced numerous problems during this term. Some of these were due to high inflation which was in turn caused by war time expenses, drought in some parts of the country and more importantly, the 1973 oil crisis. The opposition to Gandhi in 1973–75 period, after the Indira wave had receded, was strongest in the states of Bihar and Gujarat. In Bihar, Jayaprakash Narayan, the veteran leader came out of retirement to lead the protest movement there.[47]

Verdict on electoral malpractice
On 12 June 1975, the Allahabad High Court declared Indira Gandhi's election to the Lok Sabha in 1971 void on grounds of electoral malpractice. In an election petition filed by her 1971 opponent, Raj Narain (who later on defeated her in 1977 parliamentary election from Raebareli), alleged several major as well as minor instances of using government resources for campaigning.[48][49] Gandhi had asked one of her colleagues in government, Ashoke Kumar Sen to defend her in court.[citation needed] Gandhi gave evidence in her defence during the trial. After almost four years, the court found her guilty of dishonest election practices, excessive election expenditure, and of using government machinery and officials for party purposes.[48][50] The judge, however, rejected more serious charges of bribery against her.[citation needed]

The court ordered her stripped of her parliamentary seat and banned from running for any office for six years. As the constitution holds that the Prime Minister must be a member of either the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha, the two houses of the Parliament of India, this would have effectively removed her from office. However, Gandhi rejected calls to resign and announced plans to appeal to the Supreme Court. Gandhi insisted that the conviction did not undermine her position, despite having been unseated from Lok Sabha. She said: "There is a lot of talk about our government not being clean, but from our experience the situation was very much worse when [opposition] parties were forming governments". And she dismissed criticism of the way her Congress Party raised election campaign money, saying all parties used the same methods. The prime minister retained the support of her party, which issued a statement backing her.

After news of the verdict spread, hundreds of supporters demonstrated outside her house, pledging their loyalty. Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Braj Kumar Nehru said Gandhi's conviction would not harm her political career. "Mrs Gandhi has still today overwhelming support in the country," he said. "I believe the prime minister of India will continue in office until the electorate of India decides otherwise".[citation needed]

State of Emergency (1975–1977)
Main article: The Emergency (India)
Gandhi moved to restore order by ordering the arrest of most of the opposition participating in the unrest. Her Cabinet and government then recommended that President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed declare a state of emergency because of the disorder and lawlessness following the Allahabad High Court decision. Accordingly, Ahmed declared a State of Emergency caused by internal disorder, based on the provisions of Article 352(1) of the Constitution, on 25 June 1975.[citation needed]

Rule by decree
Within a few months, President's rule was imposed on the two opposition party ruled states of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu thereby bringing the entire country under direct Central rule or by governments led by the ruling Congress party.[51] Police were granted powers to impose curfews and indefinitely detain citizens and all publications were subjected to substantial censorship by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Finally, the impending legislative assembly elections were indefinitely postponed, with all opposition-controlled state governments being removed by virtue of the constitutional provision allowing for a dismissal of a state government on recommendation of the state's governor.[citation needed]

Indira Gandhi used the emergency provisions to change conflicting party members:

Unlike her father Jawaharlal Nehru, who preferred to deal with strong chief ministers in control of their legislative parties and state party organizations, Mrs. Gandhi set out to remove every Congress chief minister who had an independent base and to replace each of them with ministers personally loyal to her...Even so, stability could not be maintained in the states...[52]

President Ahmed issued ordinances that did not require debate in the Parliament, allowing Gandhi to rule by decree.[citation needed]

Rise of Sanjay
The Emergency saw the entry of Gandhi's younger son, Sanjay Gandhi, into Indian politics. Sanjay wielded tremendous power during the emergency without holding any Government office. According to Mark Tully, "His inexperience did not stop him from using the Draconian powers his mother, Indira Gandhi, had taken to terrorise the administration, setting up what was in effect a police state."[53][citation needed]

It was said that during the Emergency he virtually ran India along with his friends, especially Bansi Lal.[54] It was also quipped that Sanjay Gandhi had total control over his mother and that the government was run by the PMH (Prime Minister House) rather than the PMO (Prime Minister Office).[55][56][57]

1977 election and opposition years
In 1977, after extending the state of emergency twice, Indira Gandhi called elections to give the electorate a chance to vindicate her rule. Gandhi may have grossly misjudged her popularity by reading what the heavily censored press wrote about her.[58] In any case, she was opposed by the Janata alliance of Opposition parties. The alliance was made up of Bharatiya Jana Sangh, Congress (O), The Socialist parties, and Charan Singh's Bharatiya Kranti Dal representing northern peasant and farmers. Janata alliance, with Jai Prakash Narayan as its spiritual guide, claimed the elections were the last chance for India to choose between "democracy and dictatorship." The Congress Party split during the election campaign of 1977: veteran Indira supporters like Jagjivan Ram, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna and Nandini Satpathy were compelled to part ways and form a new political entity, CFD (Congress for Democracy), primarily due to intra-party politicking and also due to circumstances created by Sanjay Gandhi. The prevailing rumour was that Sanjay had intentions of dislodging Gandhi and the trio stood between that. Gandhi's Congress party was crushed soundly in the elections. The public realized the statement and motto of the Janata Party alliance. Indira and Sanjay Gandhi both lost their seats, and Congress was cut down to 153 seats (compared with 350 in the previous Lok Sabha), 92 of which were in the South. The Janata alliance, under the leadership of Morarji Desai, came into power after the State of Emergency was lifted. The alliance parties later merged to form the Janata Party under the guidance of Gandhian leader, Jayaprakash Narayan. The other leaders of the Janata Party were Charan Singh, Raj Narain, George Fernandes and Atal Bihari Vajpayee.[59]

In opposition and return to power
Since Gandhi had lost her seat in the election, the defeated Congress party appointed Yashwantrao Chavan as their parliamentary party leader. Soon afterwards, the Congress party split again with Gandhi floating her own Congress faction. She won a by-election from the Chikmagalur Constituency to the Lok Sabha in November 1978 [60][61] after Janata Party's attempts to have Kannada matinee idol Rajkumar to contest against her failed when he refused to contest elections saying he wanted to remain apolitical.[62] However, the Janata government's Home Minister, Choudhary Charan Singh, ordered the arrest of her and Sanjay Gandhi on several charges, none of which would be easy to prove in an Indian court. The arrest meant that Indira Gandhi was automatically expelled from Parliament. These allegations included that she "had planned or thought of killing all opposition leaders in jail during the Emergency".[63] In response to her arrest, Indira Gandhi's supporters hijacked an Indian Airlines jet and demanded her immediate release.[64] However, this strategy backfired disastrously. Her arrest and long-running trial gained her great sympathy from many people. The Janata coalition was only united by its hatred of Gandhi (or "that woman" as some called her). The party included right wing Hindu Nationalists, Socialists and former Congress party members. With so little in common, the Morarji Desai government was bogged down by infighting. In 1979, the government started to unravel over the issue of dual loyalties of some members to Janata and the RSS. The ambitious Union Finance minister, Charan Singh, who as the Union Home Minister during the previous year had ordered arrest of Gandhi, took advantage of this and started courting the Congress. After a significant exodus from the party to Charan Singh's faction, Desai resigned in July 1979. Charan Singh was appointed Prime Minister, by President Reddy, after Indira and Sanjay Gandhi promised Singh that Congress would support his government from outside on certain conditions.[65][66] The conditions included dropping all charges against Indira and Sanjay. Since Charan Singh refused to drop the charges, Congress withdrew its support and President Reddy dissolved Parliament in August 1979.

Before the 1980 elections Gandhi approached the then Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid, Syed Abdullah Bukhari and entered into an agreement with him on the basis of 10-point programme to secure the support of the Muslim votes.[67] In the elections held in January, Congress returned to power with a landslide majority.[citation needed]

1980 elections and third term
The Congress under Gandhi swept back to power in January 1980.[68] In this election, Gandhi was elected from the Medak constituency. Elections soon after to legislative assemblies in States ruled by opposition parties brought back Congress ministries to those states. Indira's son, Sanjay Gandhi selected his own loyalists to head the governments in these states.[69] On 23 June, Gandhi's son Sanjay was killed in an air crash while performing an aerobatic manoeuvre in New Delhi.[70] In 1980, as tribute to her son's dream of launching an indigenously manufactured car, Gandhi nationalized Sanjay's debt ridden company called Maruti Udyog for Rs. 4.34 crore and invited joint venture bids from automobile companies around the world. Suzuki of Japan was selected as the partner. The company launched its first Indian manufactured car in 1984.[71]

Gandhi, by the time of Sanjay's death, trusted only family members, and therefore persuaded her reluctant son, Rajiv, to enter politics.[citation needed]

Her staff at the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) included H.Y.Sharada Prasad as her information adviser and speech writer.[72][73]

Operation Blue Star
Main article: Operation Blue Star
In the 1977 elections, a coalition led by the Sikh-majority Akali Dal came to power in the northern Indian state of Punjab. In an effort to split the Akali Dal and gain popular support among the Sikhs, Indira Gandhi's Congress helped bring the orthodox religious leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale to prominence in Punjab politics.[74][75] Later, Bhindranwale's organisation Damdami Taksal became embroiled in violence with another religious sect called the Sant Nirankari Mission, and he was accused of instigating the murder of Jagat Narain, the owner of Punjab Kesari newspaper.[76] After being arrested in this matter, Bhindranwale disassociated himself from Congress and joined hands with the Akali Dal.[77] In July 1982, he led the campaign for the implementation of the Anandpur Resolution, which demanded greater autonomy for the Sikh-majority state. Meanwhile, a small section of the Sikhs, including some of Bhindranwale's followers, turned to militancy after being targeted by government officials and police in support of the Resolution.[78] In 1982, Bhindranwale and approximately 200 armed followers moved into a guest house called the Guru Nanak Niwas, in the precinct of the Golden Temple.[79]

By 1983, the Temple complex had become a fort for a large number of militants.[80] The Statesman later reported that light machine guns and semi-automatic rifles were known to have been brought into the compound.[81] On 23 April 1983, the Punjab Police Deputy Inspector General A. S. Atwal was shot dead as he left the Temple compound. The following day, Harchand Singh Longowal (then president of Shiromani Akali Dal) confirmed the involvement of Bhindranwale in the murder.[82]

After several futile negotiations, Indira Gandhi ordered the Indian army in June 1984 to enter the Golden Temple in order to remove Bhindranwale and his supporters from the complex. The army used heavy artillery, including tanks, in the action code-named Operation Blue Star. The operation badly damaged or destroyed parts of the Temple complex, including the Akal Takht shrine and the Sikh library. It also led to the deaths of a large number of Sikh fighters and innocent pilgrims. The number of casualties remain disputed with estimates ranging from many hundreds to many thousands[83]

Gandhi was accused of using the attack for political ends. Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer stated that Indira Gandhi attacked the temple complex to present herself as a great hero in order to win general elections planned towards the end of 1984.[84] There was fierce criticism of the action by Sikhs in India and overseas.[85] There were also incidents of mutiny by Sikh soldiers in the aftermath of the attack.[83]

The day before her death (30 October 1984), Gandhi visited Orissa where she gave her last speech at the then Parade Ground in front of the Secretariat of Orissa. In that speech, she strikingly associated her blood with the health of the nation: "I am alive today, I may not be there tomorrow...I shall continue to serve until my last breath and when I die, I can say, that every drop of my blood will invigorate India and strengthen it...[86] Even if I died in the service of the nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood... will contribute to the growth of this nation and to make it strong and dynamic."[87]

On 31 October 1984, two of Gandhi's bodyguards, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, shot her with their service weapons in the garden of the Prime Minister's residence at 1 Safdarjung Road, New Delhi.[88] The shooting occurred as she was walking past a wicket gate guarded by Satwant and Beant. She was to be interviewed by the British actor Peter Ustinov, who was filming a documentary for Irish television.[89] Beant Singh shot her three times using his side-arm and Satwant Singh fired 30 rounds.[90] Beant Singh and Satwant Singh dropped their weapons and surrendered. Afterwards, they were taken away by other guards into a closed room where Beant Singh was shot dead. Kehar Singh was later arrested for conspiracy in the attack. Both Satwant and Kehar were sentenced to death and hanged in Delhi's Tihar Jail.[citation needed]

Indira Gandhi was brought at 9:30 am to the All India Institutes of Medical Sciences where doctors operated on her. She was declared dead at 2:20 pm. The post-mortem examination was conducted by a team of doctors headed by Dr. Tirath Das Dogra. Dr Dogra stated that as many as 30 bullet wounds were sustained by Indira Gandhi, from two sources, a Sterling submachine gun[91][92] and a pistol. The assailants had fired 31 bullets at her, of which 30 had hit; 23 had passed through her body while 7 were trapped inside her. Dr Dogra extracted bullets to establish the identity of the weapons and to match each weapon with the bullets recovered by ballistic examination. The bullets were matched with respective weapons at CFSL Delhi. Subsequently, Dr Dogra appeared in the court of Shri Mahesh Chandra as an expert witness (PW-5), and his testimony lasted several sessions. The cross examination was conducted by Shri Pran Nath Lekhi, the defence counsel.[93] Salma Sultan gave the first news of the assassination of Indira Gandhi on Doordarshan's evening news on 31 October 1984, more than 10 hours after she was shot.[94][95] She died two weeks and five days before her 67th birthday.[citation needed]

Gandhi was cremated on 3 November near Raj Ghat.[96] The site where she was cremated is today known as Shakti Sthal.[97] After her death, the Parade Ground was converted to the Indira Gandhi Park which was inaugurated by her son, Rajiv Gandhi.

Her funeral was televised live on domestic and international stations, including the BBC. Following her cremation, millions of Sikhs were displaced and nearly three thousand were killed in anti-Sikh riots.[98] Rajiv Gandhi on a live TV show said of the carnage, "When a big tree falls, the earth shakes."[99][100]

Foreign relations
Gandhi is remembered for her ability to effectively promote Indian foreign policy measures.[101]

South Asia
Further information: List of state visits made by Indira Gandhi
In early 1971, disputed elections in Pakistan led the then East Pakistan to declare independence as Bangladesh. Repression and violence by the Pakistani army led 10 million refugees to cross border in to India over the coming months.[102] Finally in December 1971, Gandhi directly intervened in the conflict to liberate Bangladesh. India emerged victorious in the resulting conflict to become the dominant power of South Asia.[103] India had signed a treaty with the Soviet Union promising mutual assistance in the case of war,[104] while Pakistan received active support from the United States during the conflict.[105] U.S. President Richard Nixon disliked Gandhi personally, referring to her as a "witch" and "clever fox" in his private communication with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.[106] Nixon later wrote of the war: "[Gandhi] suckered [America]. Suckered us.....this woman suckered us.".[107] Relations with the U.S. became distant as Gandhi developed closer ties with the Soviet Union after the war. The latter grew to become India's largest trading partner and its biggest arms supplier for much of Gandhi's premiership.[108] India's new hegemonic position as articulated under the "Indira Doctrine" led to attempts to bring the Himalayan states under the Indian sphere of influence.[109] Nepal and Bhutan remained aligned with India, while in 1975, after years of building up support, Gandhi incorporated Sikkim into India, after a referendum in which a majority of Sikkimese voted to join India.[110][111] This was denounced as a "despicable act" by China


Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior [2] is an upcoming Indian biographical period drama film starring Ajay Devgn, Saif Ali Khan, Kajol, Jagapathi Babu, Pankaj Tripathi and Sharad Kelkar in the lead roles.[3]. Set in the 17th century, the Om Raut's directorial is based on the life of Tanaji Malusare, unsung warrior of glorious Indian history and the military leader in the army of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, founder of the Maratha Empire. Ajay Devgn, who stars in his 100th film, will be seen portraying the role of Subhedar Tanaji Malusare koli.

Principal photography commenced on 25 September 2018.[4][5][6] It was scheduled for a worldwide release on 27 December 2019.[7] The release date has been pushed back to 10 January 2020
In the late 17th century, the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb declares Kondhana as the capital of southern India. However, The Maratha King orders Tanaji Malusare to capture Kondhana at any cost, and the mughal emperor sends his trusted man Uday Bhan to defend it, thus leading to a battle between the two armies

Ajay Devgn as Tanaji Malusare[8]
Saif Ali Khan as Uday Bhan[9]
Kajol as Savitribai Malusare[10]
Sharad Kelkar as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj[11]
Luke Kenny as Aurangzeb Alamgir[12]
Padmavati Rao as Jijabai[13]
Jagapathi Babu as Shelaar Mama
Devdatta Nage as Suryaji Malusare
Pankaj Tripathi as Mirza Raja Jai Singh
Neha Sharma as Kamla Devi
Ajinkya Deo as Pisal
Hardik Sangani as Gondya
The film's pre-production began on 20 July 2017[14][15] and principal photography commenced on 25 September 2018.[16]

Marketing and release
Earlier marketed as Taanaji: The Unsung Warrior, it was revealed on twitter by Ajay Devgn that the film will be known as Tanhaji.[3] In December 2017 the release date of Tanhaji was revealed as 22 November 2019. But in December 2018 director Om Raut shared on his Twitter account that the date is postponed to December 2019 due to shooting problems. On 1 January 2019, director Om Raut released first-look image of Tanhaji.[17] The official posters released by makes of the film in November 2019.

On 19 November official trailer of the film was launched by T-Series.

The film was scheduled for the worldwide release on 27 December 2019, but on 24 March, the release date was further pushed back to 10 January 2020.[1]

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