الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2019

Tesla Cybertruck

The Tesla Cybertruck (stylised as Cybrtrk) is an upcoming all-electric battery-powered light commercial vehicle in development by Tesla, Inc. Three models have been announced, with range estimates of 250–500 miles (400–800 km) and an estimated 0–60 mph time of 2.9–6.5 seconds, depending on the model.[5]

The stated goal of the Tesla in developing Cybertruck is to displace a large portion of the roughly 6,500 fossil fuel powered trucks sold per day in the US.[6][7] Construction will make use of titanium.[3]

The base price of the RWD model of the vehicle will be $39,900, with AWD models starting at $49,900.
The truck will use self-levelling suspension which compensates for variable load and have all-wheel drive.[10] Other standard features include on-board power inverters for supplying both 110 and 220-Volt electricity, allowing use of power tools without a portable generator.[11] An air compressor for powering pneumatic tools is included.[12] All vehicles will also come standard with Tesla Autopilot, and will have the hardware capabilities for fully autonomous operation. Tesla is accepting pre-orders for the $7,000 'full self-driving' option.[13]

Range of the Cybertruck varies from 250 to 500+ miles (400 to 800+ km), depending on configuration selections.

The stainless steel exterior is bullet-resistant against 9 mm caliber bullets.[14][15]

Elon Musk has stated that the design will allow for full-cabin pressurization and drivability as an amphibious vehicle, and operation on Mars.[16][17] This capability, however, was not mentioned during the unveiling.

In 2012[18] and 2013 Elon Musk discussed the desire to build a truck with load-compensating suspension, making comparisons with a Ford F-250.[19][20] In early-2014 Musk predicted 4–5 years before work could start on the product.[21]

In mid-2016, Musk outlined the intent for a new kind of consumer pickup truck,[22] and suggested using the same chassis for a van and a pickup truck.[23] In late-2017, the size was estimated to be at least that of a Ford F-150, in order to be large enough to enable a "game-changing" feature.[24] During the Tesla Semi and Tesla Roadster unveiling in November 2017, a picture of a "pickup truck that can carry a pickup truck" was displayed.[25] Background ideas had been in preparation for nearly five years.[26]

In 2018 Musk speculated on the possibility of a tail lift allowing easier access to ground-level, designed using a four-bar linkage.[27] As of late-2018, Tesla was working on two approaches for the van project: either using a bare-bones Mercedes-Benz Sprinter glider chassis, with Tesla then adding electric transmission, battery and electronics;[28] or alternatively designing and manufacturing the complete vehicle to a Tesla design, requiring more time.[28] A prototype was anticipated to be ready to show in 2019.[29]

In February 2019, the CEO of Daimler Dieter Zetsche stated that talks with Tesla had been initiated via Jerome Guillen, and were on-going.[30]

In March 2019, following the Tesla Model Y launch, Elon Musk distributed a teaser image of a vehicle described as having a cyberpunk or Blade Runner style,[31] with the form resembling a futuristic armoured personnel carrier.[32][14][33]

In mid-2019, the towing capacity of the vehicle was stated to meet or exceed a Ford F-150.[34] Musk noted plans for an amphibious vehicle based partly on Wet Nellie, the submarine car from the film The Spy Who Loved Me.[35][17]

In October 2019 Musk stated "I think the Tesla Cybertruck is our best product ever".[36]

All models of the Cybertruck will have the following features standard: 250kW+ Supercharging capability, Autopilot, Adaptive Air Suspension, on-board 120/220V AC outlets.[37]

The vehicle features an exoskeleton rather than a chassis. Motor Trend noticed the polygonal origami-folded 3 milimeter 301 stainless steel unibody rather than the traditional curved truck stamped panel body-on-frame construction, thus comparing it to Picasso's cubism, DMC DeLorean and Chrysler Airflow. The powertrain is similar to the Model S/X, with an inductive rear motor and the Model 3's permanent-magnet in front for the medium model.[38] Other versions are single-motor rear wheel drive, or tri-motor.[39]

Similarly to Tesla's other vehicle offerings, customers can pre-order the Full Self Driving software upgrade, adding an additional $7,000 to the price of the configuration
In response to queries for an unveiling date,[41] on 27 July 2019 Musk stated "We're close, but the magic is in the final details. Maybe 2 to 3 months", indicating late-2019.[42] The unveiling was scheduled for 21 November 2019 at the Tesla Design Studio, next to SpaceX headquarters in Los Angeles—the same month, year and location as Blade Runner is set in.[43][44][45][46]

During the presentation, Musk demonstrated the durability of the vehicle and its materials. Despite successful drop tests conducted on a pane of the specialized 'Tesla armor glass', when a steel ball was thrown at the windows of the truck itself by chief of design Franz von Holzhausen, they shattered. Musk jokingly exclaimed that "the ball didn't make it through" and "we'll fix it in post" after the unexpected outcomes.[47]

Before ending the presentation, a Tesla-designed electric ATV was driven onto the stage, which was then loaded onto the bed of the truck using built-in ramps in the tailgate. The ATV rider proceeded to plug in the vehicle into the Cybertruck's onboard power outlet to charge the ATV.

Kimbal Musk stated beforehand that it would be the most exciting product since the introduction of the Tesla Model S.[48]

The Cybertruck unveiling event was covered heavily by traditional media and online blogs/social media. Initial reactions toward the unique design were mixed, though pricing and features were attractive.

Tesla, Inc. stock was down 6% following the Cybertruck announcement. [49]

Market Potential
In the United States, the total addressable market for full-sized pickup trucks is over two million vehicles per year.

راشد الماجد

راشد الماجد (27 يوليو 1969)، مغني سعودي ويعتبر من أشهر مطربي الخليج ولد في البحرين من أب سعودي ومن أم بحرينية وهو حاصل على الجواز البحريني
عن حياته
ولد في المنامة البحرين، وهو المولود الثاني بين أخوين و4 أخوات. ترعرع ودرس وقضى طفولته في البحرين والدمام، السعودية وحصل على شهادة الثانوية منها. من ممتلكاته شركة فنون الجزيرة ، وقناة وناسة وبلاتينيوم ريكوردز بنسبة 50% بالشراكة مع مجموعة إم بي سي (توضيح) وله مكاتب في الرياض والبحرين ودبي.

مشواره الفني
مشواره الفني ممتد لأكثر من 30 سنة، استطاع خلاله أن يحصد النجاحات والإنجازات المتتالية، كما استطاع أن يضيف الكثير للفن العربي والموسيقى العربية. وبلا شك استطاع أن يكون له جماهيرية ممتدة من الخليج العربي وحتى المغرب العربي.

بدايته الحقيقية
انطلقت مسيرته الفنية وهو لم يتجاوز سن الخامسة عشر ربيعاً. تحديداً من المدرسة حين تنبأ له أستاذه حامد الحامد بمستقبل فني باهر، واحتضنه فنياً ورعاه ولحن له وكتب مجموعة من الأغنيات في بداياته الفنية. أول أغنية له كانت بعنوان حلوة يالبحرينية قدمها من خلال تلفزيون البحرين في برنامج باب السندباد.

قدم أول ألبوم رسمي له في أواخر سنة 1984 بعنوان آه يا قلبي حينها كان عمره لا يتجاوز 15 سنة، وقد احتوى الألبوم على 5 أغنيات كان لاستاذه حامد الحامد نصيب الأسد من الألحان والكلمات. فكانت المصافحة الأولى من خلال هذا الألبوم لهذا الفنان الشاب والموهوب، وقد عرفه الجمهور السعودي حينها من خلال أغنية البارحة (التي اعاد تجديدها في مسلسل نمر بن عدوان) كما ضم عدد آخر من الأغنيات التي لم تحظ باهتمام كبير وشهرة في الوسط الفني وقتها.

وفي عام 1986 طرح الألبوم الثاني له والذي حمل عنوان لي بنت عم، وقد كان للأغنية التي حملت عنوان الألبوم صدى ممتاز لدى المستمع السعودي بشكل خاص والخليجي بشكل عام.

أما في عام 1987 قدم راشد الماجد البوم خل التغلي بإسلوب الجلسة حيث تم تسجيل صوته بمصاحبة العود والإيقاعات فقط. وبعيداً عن الألبومات الغنائية، تعتبر هذه السنة إضافة مهمة في مسيرة الفنان راشد الماجد. فقد تم اختياره ليكون أول فنان يغني في مهرجان الجنادرية خلال دورة المهرجان الرابعة وذلك من خلال أوبريت غنائي استعراضي مدته 45 دقيقة قام بكتابته حامد الحامد كما قام الحامد نفسه بتلحينه مستعيناً بألحان فلكلورية طورها وأضاف لها.

وفي العاميين 1988 1989 طرح الماجد ثلاث ألبومات غنائية أحدهم عبارة عن جلسة والآخريين تسجيل ستديو وكان لهم صدى رائع لدى الجمهور الخليجي، أبرز الأغنيات التي عرفها ورددها الجمهور في تلك الفترة : جتني تقولي، سيد الغواني، قصة ضياع عبيد، ضيعتني، ودعتني وسافرت وغيرها الكثير.

وفي عام 1990 قام بطرح ألبوم بعنوان طال انتظاري وكان من إنتاج مؤسسة التوكيلات للإنتاج الفني. وفي نفس العام طرح ألبوم حب الوطن وقد تزامن طرحه أثناء الغزو العراقي الغاشم. يعتبر هذا الألبوم باكورة أعمال الفنان راشد الماجد مع شركة فنون الجزيرة للإنتاج الفني، (والتي أصبح راشد الماجد بعد ذلك المالك الرسمي للشركة ). ثم في عام 1992 كان ألبوم أبشر من عيوني قد طرح في الأسواق. وقد عزز هذا الألبوم من مكانة راشد الماجد على الساحة الفنية من خلال أغنية أبشر من عيوني وأغنية ما ينفع.

أما عام 1993 فإن هذه السنة تعتبر نقطة تحول للفنان راشد الماجد على المستوى الخليجي. حيث نقلته إلى مستوى متقدم جداً وذاع صيته وانطلقت نجوميته. أظهر راشد الماجد من خلال ألبوميين غنائيين (هما الدنيا حظوظ والله كريم) طرحوا في نفس العام قدراته الفائقة في الغناء والاختيار والتلحين أيضاً. أبرز الأغنيات التي كانت في الألبومين : الدنيا حظوظ، علي كيفك، استغنيت انا عنك، مستغربة، مسكين، الله كريم، اشكي، حجة الغايب. وقد احتلت أغنيات مثل الله كريم وأشكي على مراكز متقدمة في سباقات الأغاني، وتكررت عبر أثير المحطات الإذاعية مراراً في تلك الفترة.

وفي العام نفسه خاض الفنان راشد الماجد تجربة جريئة من خلال مشاركته في مسلسل لا للزوجات كممثل بجانب كلاً من خالد سامي وناصر القصبي، ولكنه لم يلقى النجاح المرجو من التجربة. والجدير بالذكر بإنه قام بغناء بعض الأغنيات في المسلسل ومنها أغنية مستغربة التي طرحت في نفس السنة.

وبعد عام، استمر تألق راشد الماجد من خلال ألبومات أكدت نجوميته وأحقيته في حصوله على مكانة متقدمة جداً في الوسط الفني، وتوالت نجاحات ألبوماته الغنائية. فقدم خلال العامين 1994 و1995 ألبوم شرطان الذهب وأغلى حبيبه وقد تركوا بصمة خالدة في مسيرة الفنان. وكان ألبوم شرطان الذهب قد حقق مبيعات قياسية آنذاك تعدت حدود الخليج العربي.

1996، تعتبر هذه السنة هي نقطة التحول الحقيقة والمهمة في مسيرة راشد الماجد. بدأها بألبوم وطني بعنوان صفوة ملوك العرب طرح بمناسبة شفاء ملك السعودية آنذاك فهد بن عبد العزيز آل سعود. وقد تعاون في هذا الألبوم لأول مرة مع الفنان محمد عبده كملحن والشاعر الأمير خالد الفيصل.

في العام نفسه أطلق راشد الماجد ألبوم المسافر وقد احتوى على أغنية المسافر التي كتبها الشاعر بدر بن عبد المحسن بن عبد العزيز آل سعود ولحنها الدكتور عبد الرب إدريس. وهي الأغنية التي قلبت الموازين آنذاك وكانت بوابة العبور لقلوب الجماهير العربية، فقد احتلت هذه الأغنية على مدى أشهر المراكز الأولى في شتى الدول العربية. وقد حقق هذا الألبوم أضخم مبيعات في تاريخ ألبومات راشد الماجد وفي سوق الألبومات الغنائية حيث بلغت المبيعات حوالي مليوني نسخة. وحمل الألبوم عدد كبير من الأغنيات الخالدة في مسيرة الفنان راشد الماجد مثل : سواليفك، وينك حبيبي، وحشتيني، تفنن، عاش من شافك، المحبة وغيرها.

وفي عام 1997، اكتفى الفنان راشد الماجد بطرح ألبوم عبارة تسجيل لحفلة أقيمت في مدينة باريس في نفس السنة، وحمل اسم حفلات باريس 1 – 2 ليعلن بذلك نفسه نجم عربي يغرد في سماء العالمية. وضم الألبوم أغنياته القديمة بتسجيل مباشر من الحفلة التي عرضت حصريًا على قناة قناة الموسيقى التابعة لشبكة راديو وتلفزيون العرب.

وفي نهاية عام 1997 ومع دخول عام 1998، قام بطرح ألبومه الغنائي السادس عشر وحمل اسم شمعة حياتي بعد مضي عامين على آخر ألبوم له. وقد كان الألبوم بمثابة تأكيد على النجومية واستمرارية حصد النجاحات. شهد الألبوم التعاونات الأولى بين راشد الماجد والفنان مشعل العروج وذلك من خلال إشرافه الكامل على الألبوم. وقد حمل الألبوم أغنيات ظل يرددها المستمع العربي مراراً وظلت خالدة حتى يومنا هذا، منها : يا ناسينا، علمتني، أنتي ملاك، ودي أبكي، الدنيا وغيرها.

وفي العام 1998 طرح ألبومين آخرين هما السعودية وطرح بمناسبة وصول منتخب السعودية لكرة القدم لنهائيات كأس العالم والألبوم الآخر هو تضحك الدنيا ويعتبر هذا الألبوم من أبرز الألبومات الخليجية والعربية في تلك الفترة لما حققه من نجاح واسع ويرى الكثيرون بأنه علامة بارزة ومهمة جداً في مشوار راشد الماجد الفني.

وتوالت النجاحات عاماً تلو الآخر بعد ذلك أيضاً، حيث طرح خلال العامين 1999 و2001 ألبومين غنائيين حصدوا نجاحات باهرة وهما على مين تلعبها و ويلي.

أبرز ما كان يمز تلك الفترة (منذ العام 1997 تحديداً حتى 2001) هو تواجد الفنان مشعل العروج في الإشراف الفني على ألبومات راشد الماجد الغنائية وكذلك تواجد اسم طارق عاكف في تنفيذ الأغاني وتوزيعها. وهو الأمر الذي أضفى أسلوب مميز ومتفرد في ألبومات راشد الماجد في تلك الفترة.

2002 - 2006 : اللون الإماراتي والأغنيات الخاصة
في عام 2002 كان قد طرح ألبوم مشكلني في الأسواق، وقد أحدث طرحه زوبعة وضجة إعلامية شديدة وانتشار واسع في جميع أنحاء الوطن العربي آنذاك وذلك خلال بسبب أغنية مشكلني التي لحنها له صديقه الفنان حسين الجسمي. كان الألبوم على شكل جلسة مطوّرة، وجاءت أغلب أغنيات الألبوم في اللون الإماراتي. وكان الشرارة الأولى نحو توجه الفنان راشد الماجد لذاك اللون الغنائي الشعبي الذي لم يكن له انتشار خليجي أو عربي في السابق. والجدير بالذكر بأن تلك السنة شهدت أول تعاون بين راشد الماجد والموزع البحريني عيسى سيروس حيث حظي الأخير بتنفيذ كل أغاني ألبوم مشكلني عدا أغنية واحدة. وفي العام نفسه عاد الفنان راشد الماجد لللقاءات التلفزيونية بعد انقطاع طويل عن الإعلام المرئي ليطل ضيفاً في برنامج خليك في البيت مع الإعلامي والشاعر اللبناني زاهي وهبي .

وفي العام 2003، طرح راشد الماجد أغنية العيون باللون العراقي ضمن ألبوم الهدايا والتي تصدرت كافة الاستفتاءات في الوطن العربي لفترة طويلة بالرغم من الانتقادات الشديدة التي وجهت للفيديو كليب الخاص بها والذي كلف حوالي "120 ألف دورلار" وتصدى لإخراجه المخرج الكويتي أحمد الدوغجي .

وظل الفنان راشد الماجد خلال الفترة المتبقية من عام 2003 وعام 2004 بعيداً عن الألبومات الرسمية واكتفى بطرح عدد من الأغنيات الخاصة والمفردة (بالإنجليزية: Single) كانت أغلبها أغنيات ذات اللهجة والإيقاعات الإماراتية، حيث شهدت تلك الفترة تعاون كبير مع ملحنين وكتاب إماراتيين مثل فايز السعيد ومن الشعراء حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم وعلي الخوار والشاعرة مطلع الشمس وغيرهم. وخلال تلك الفترة استطاع الفنان راشد الماجد الوصول بالأغنية الإماراتية إلى الانتشار بجميع أنحاء الوطن العربي والخروج عن المحلية والتقليدية لتلك الأغنيات  وبالمقابل فقد لاقى هذا التوجه الكثير من الانتقادات كون أن هذه الأغاني مدفوعة الثمن ويتم تناقلها وتوزيعها في الانترنت وبعض المحطات الإذاعية وغالباً ما تكون مكررة في صبغتها اللحنية.

شيخة المجد للشيخة لطيفة بنت منصور بن زايد آل نهيان

محطات في حياة راشد الماجد
أول المسارح التي وقف عليها كان مسرح المدرسة.
أول ظهور تلفزيوني له كان في برنامج باب السندباد في تلفزيون البحرين.
أول أغنية رسميه له هي أغنية للمنتخب السعودي عرضت مرة واحدة فقط في التلفزيون السعودي.
أول لقاء صحفي أجراه كان مع الصحفي مبارك العوض.
أول لقاء تلفزيوني لراشد كان في برنامج على شاطئ الخليج الحلقة السادسة مع المذيع مزيد السبيعي وشاركه في التقديم الشاعر علي عسيري.
أول ألبوماته الغنائية آه يا قلبي.
أول من اكتشفه أستاذ التربية الرياضية حامد الحامد.
أول من غنى لـ مهرجان الجنادرية وكان ذلك في عام 1408 وكان وحده آنذاك.
أول مسلسل مثل فيه لا للزوجات 1994 مع الفنان ناصر القصبي والفنان خالد سامي وتم عرضه في منتصف التسعينات في التلفزيون السعودي باسم الدنيا حظوظ.
أغاني راشد الماجد
للفنان راشد الماجد عدد أغاني يفوق الـ 600 أغنية تقريباً ما بين أغاني رسمية (ضمن ألبوماته الرسمية) وغير رسمية (أغنيات خاصة لمناسبات متعددة).

بالرغم من حرص الفنان راشد الماجد على التجديد دائماً في الأسماء التي يتعاون معها، إلا أنه كان يحرص أيضاً على التعاون مع بعض الملحنين والكتاب دون غيرهم، وقد شكل معهم ثنائي ناجح في محطات مشواره الفني. منهم :

الملحن صالح الشهري
بدأت التعاونات بين الفنان راشد الماجد وصالح الشهري منذ 1988 تحديداً في ألبوم قصة ضياع عبيد حين قام الأخير بتلحين أغنية الصاحب اللي؛ وهي تعتبر أول تعاون رسمي بين هذين الاسمين. ولكن يعتبر التعاون بينهم في أغنية ابشر من عيوني في عام 1992 هو البداية الفعلية للنجاحات المتتالية بعد ذلك، حيث كان اسم الملحن صالح الشهري متواجد في كل ألبومات راشد الماجد حتى عام 2001 بأغنية أو أكثر. وكان للملحن صالح الشهري الأثر الأكبر على مسيرة نجاحات الفنان راشد الماجد، قدموا أغاني ظلت خالدة مثل : مستغربة، إنتي ملاك، أغلى حبيبة، شرطان الذهب، أبشر من عيوني، رجاوي، وينك حبيبي، خلهم ينفعونك... وغيرها.

كما يعتبر الملحن صالح الشهري أكثر ملحن قام بالتلحين للفنان راشد الماجد طوال مسيرته الفنية - بعد عدد ألحان راشد الماجد لنفسه - حيث قام بتلحين 31 أغنية في ألبومات رسمية، خمس أغنيات منها حملت اسم ألبوماته. وخلال العشرة سنين الأخيرة قل التعاون بين الفنان راشد الماجد وصالح الشهري كثيراً، حيث تعاونوا خلالها بأغنيتيين فقط.

أعمال رياضية
هذا اتفاقي 1405. أغنية لنادي الاتفاق السعودي. كلمات وألحان حامد الحامد.
فارس الدهناء. أغنية لنادي الاتفاق السعودي. كلمات عبدالله العمر ألحان حامد الحامد
ألبومات راشد الماجد الرسمية
1985 : آه يا قلبي
1986 : لي بنت عم
1988 : أول ابي قربك (خل التغلي) بالتعاون مع الشاعر بسام السلامة والملحن خالد العليان
1988 : قصة ضياع عبيد
1989 : يا مليح
1990 : حب الوطن
1990 : طال انتظاري
1992 : ابشر من عيوني
1992 : يا سبحان (سنقل)
1992 : الدنيا حظوظ
1993 : الله كريم
1994 : شرطان الذهب
1995 : أغلى حبيبة
1996 : المسافر
1996 : صفوة ملوك العرب
1997 : حفلات باريس 1 – 2
1998 : شمعة حياتي
1998 : السعودية
1998 : تضحك الدنيا
1999 : على مين تلعبها
2001 : ويلي
2002 : مشكلني
2003 : الهدايا
2005 : الحل الصعب
2006 : صقور المنتخب (ألبوم رياضي)
2007 : سلامات
2007 : البارحة (أغاني مسلسل نمر بن عدوان)
2008 : حفلة جدة 2007
2008 : ما كنتي قريبة (سنقل)
2008 : راشد وأحبابه (ألبوم غنائي منوع يضم أكثر من فنان)
2009 : نور عيني
2009 : غزة (سنقل)
2009 : جلسات وناسة - الجزء الأول
2010 : الموعد الضايع (سنقل مع الفنانة يارا)
2010 : البتول (سنقل)
2010 : جلسات وناسة - الجزء الثاني
2010 : يا صبي عيني (سنقل مع الفنان ماجد المهندس)
2011 : بابا نزل معاشه (ألبوم أطفال منوع يضم أكثر من فنان)
2013 : مصيبة
2015 : حبxحب
فيديو كليبات راشد الماجد
كانت فيديو كليبات راشد تعرض على قناة art الموسيقى التابعة لشبكة راديو وتلفزيون العرب بشكل مكثف كما قامت القناة بإنتاج الكثير من الأعمال المصورة الحصرية .
أبشر من عيوني
مسافر في سما النسيان 1990 تلفزيوني من ألبوم يا مليح
اشكي - 1993، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
دنيا حظوظ
الله يجبيك - 1994، إخراج : محمد سعود المطيري
رجاوي - 1994
القمره - 1994
سرك معي - 1994
أغلى حبيبة - 1995، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
المسافر - 1996
حبيبي معايا - 1996، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
وحشتيني - 1996، إخراج : عادل الخضر
يا عينها - 1996، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
أشقر على أشقر
لا جاء وقت الجد - 1998، إخراج : عادل الخضر
يا ناسينا - 1998، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
ياراشد - 1999، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
ويلي - 2001، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
مشكلني - 2002، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
العيون - 2003، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
نسيناكم - 2005، إخراج : أحمد الدوغجي
عفناك - 2006، إخراج : أحمد المقلة
ابي شورك (مع عبد الكريم عبد القادر) - 2007، إخراج : جورج لابا
أخضر عنيد
يا أخضر
صاحي لهم - 2007، إخراج : ياسر الياسري
عشان الحب - 2007، إخراج : صوفي بطرس
اللي لقا أحبابه - 2009، إخراج : عادل سرحان
غزة - 2009، إخراج : جورج لابا
الموعد الضائع (مع الفنانة يارا) - 2010، إخراج : ليلى كنعان
البتول - 2010، إخراج : يعقوب المهنا
سامح (مع أبو بكر سالم) - 2010، إخراج : نهلة الفهد
لو كان بخاطري (مع آمال ماهر) - 2016، إخراج : بسام الترك
أنا أنا (مع ماجد المهندس ،وليد الشامي) - 2018، إخراج : بسام الترك
غنائه مقدمات المسلسلات
2016:الدمعة الحمراء
2012:بين الماضي والحب
2012:حبر العيون
2010:وعد لزام
2009:أيام السراب
2009:قلوب للإيجار
2007:نمر بن عدوان
2005:عندما تغني الزهور
2001:القدر المحتوم
1999:دروب الشك
مشاركاته في المهرجانات والحفلات
الحفلات مرتبة بحسب السنة التي أقيمت بها الحفلة
1994 : المملكة المتحدة حفلة لندن
1994 : سويسرا حفلة جنيف
1996 : فرنسا حفلة باريس
1998 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة حفلة في دبي
1998 : السعودية حفلة في أبها
1999 : الكويت مهرجان هلا فبراير 1
1999 : السعودية حفلة في أبها
1999 : المملكة المتحدة حفلة لندن
1999 : البحرين مسيرة الخير مستمرة
1999 : البحرين حفلة أوربت
1999 : الأردن مهرجان جرش
1999 : السعودية حفلة جدة 20
1999 : سلطنة عمان حفلة عمان
2000 : الكويت مهرجان هلا فبراير 2
2000 : سلطنة عمان حفلة عمان
2000 : قطر حفلة أوربت
2001 : السعودية حفلة جدة 22
2001 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة ليالي دبي
2001 : مصر حفلة أوربت في القاهرة
2002 : الكويت مهرجان هلا فبراير 4
2002 : قطر مهرجان الدوحة
2002 : لبنان حفلة أوربت في بيروت
2002 : سلطنة عمان مهرجان مسقط
2002 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة ليالي دبي
2003 : السعودية حفلة في أبها
2003 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة ليالي دبي
2004 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة ليالي دبي
2004 : لبنان حفلة في ملعب بحمدون
2004 : الكويت مهرجان هلا فبراير 6
2005 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة حفلة رأس السنة
2007 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة حفلة دبي في ثاني أيام عيد الفطر
2007 : السعودية حفلة جدة 28
2008 : سلطنة عمان مهرجان مسقط
2009 : الكويت مهرجان ليالي فبراير 1
2009 : لبنان حفلة عيد الفطر في بيروت
2016 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة حفلة ليالي صيف دبي
2017 : الكويت حفلة مهرجان فبراير الكويت
2017 : السعودية حفلة الرياض
2018 : السعودية حفلة اليوم الوطني الغنائي الدمام
2018 : السعودية حفلة جدة
2019 : السعودية حفلة العلا
2019 : السعودية حفلة الخبر
2019 : السعودية حفلة موسم جدة
2019 : المملكة المتحدة حفلة لندن
2019 : السعودية حفلة موسم السودة ابها
حفلات خاصة بمناسبات متفرقة
1984 : السعودية حفلة بمناسبة فوز نادي الاتفاق السعودي ببطولة الأندية الخليجية (وهي أول حفلة لراشد الماجد)
1986 حفلة بمناسبة افتتاح دورة الخليج لكرة القدم التي أقيمت في البحرين.
2007 : الإمارات العربية المتحدة حفلة بمناسبة افتتاح قناة وناسة أقيمت في دبي.
2008: السعودية حفل تكريمي بعد الاعتزال للاعب النصر السعودي ماجد أحمد عبدالله وغنى خلالها أغنيتين ( الهمة الهمة) و (ياماجد)
الحفلات موزعة بحسب الدولة التي أقيمت بها الحفلة
الإمارات العربية المتحدة دبي : 1998 و2001 و2002 و2003 و2004 و2005 و2007و2016
الكويت الكويت : 1999 و2000 و2002 و2004 و2009 ،2017
سلطنة عمان عمان : 1999 و2000 و2002 و2008
قطر قطر : 2000 و2002 و2007
السعودية جدة : 1999 و2001 و2007 2018
السعودية أبها : 1998 و1999 و2003
السعودية الرياض : 2017 2018
لبنان لبنان : 2002 و2004 و2009
المملكة المتحدة لندن : 1994 و1999
مصر القاهرة : 2001
فرنسا باريس : 1997
البحرين البحرين : 1999
الأردن الأردن : 1999
السعودية الدمام : 1983 و 2018 2019
سويسرا جنيف : 1994

الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2019


The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is a body created by the Constitution of India under article 315 to select officers for civil service jobs in the Indian state of Maharashtra according to the merits of the applicants and the rules of reservation.

The Head Office of the MPSC is located at the Maharashtra State Capital Mumbai.

Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is a Constitutional Body established Under Article 315 of Constitution of India which provides a smooth and efficient functioning of the Government of Maharashtra by providing suitable candidates for various Government posts and advise them on various service matters like formulation of Recruitment Rules, advise on promotions, transfers and disciplinary actions etc
Members of MPSC
The Commission consists of Chairman and five Members.The current composition of the Commission is as under:-

Name - Designation

Shri Satish Gawai -Chairman

Shri Dayanand Sahadeo Meshram - Member

Examination Conducted by MPSC
The following examinations are conducted by Maharashtra Public Service Commission.[1]

1 State Service Exam 2 Agricultural Service Examination 3 Maharashtra Engineering Service 4 Forest Service Examination

Posts filled through MPSC exams
Group 'A' Gazetted Posts

Deputy Collector
Deputy Superintendent of Police
Deputy District of Registrar, Cooperatives
Deputy Engineer
Deputy CEO
Assistant Executive Engineer
Assistant Engineer
Asst Commissioner of Sales Tax
Livestock Development Officer
Chief Officer, Municipality
Block Development Officer
Finance & Account Officer
Sub Divisional Agri Officer
Assistant Electrical Inspector
Electrical Inspector
Deputy Superitendant of Land records
Asst Conservator of Forest
Group 'B' Gazetted Posts

Taluka Agri Officer
Circle Agri Officer
District Education Officer
Naib Tahsildar
Block Development Officer
Chief Officer
Assistant Engineer
Industries Officer
Group 'B' Non-Gazetted

Police sub-inspector
State Tax Inspector
Asst Desk Officer
Group 'C' Non-Gazetted

Tax Assistant
Assistant Motor vehicle inspector
Clerk Typist

Pati Patni Aur Woh

Pati Patni Aur Woh (transl. The husband, the wife and the other) is a 1978 Hindi movie produced and directed by B. R. Chopra. The film stars Sanjeev Kumar, Vidya Sinha, Ranjeeta Kaur, and in guest appearances Rishi Kapoor, Neetu Singh and Parveen Babi.

The remake of the film is under production. It is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Juno Chopra and Abhay Chopra with Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Pandey as star cast. The film is directed by Mudassar Aziz and the filming began in February 2019
The film starts off indicating the parallels of the story with that of Adam & Eve. Here, Adam is Ranjeet, Eve is Sharda while the apple is Nirmala. Ranjeet is newly employed in a company, whose pay scales can be gauged from the fact that he goes to work on a bicycle. However, this bicycle itself brings him face-to-face with Sharda, when he bumps into her by accident. Sharda's bicycle gets badly damaged & Ranjeet drops her off. The same evening, Ranjeet goes to the wedding of his friend Abdul Karim Durrani (Asrani), a co-worker & a poet. Sharda is also present at the ceremony. Sharda & Ranjeet's love blossoms from there & soon they get married.

In the course of a few years, Ranjeet is Sales Manager of the company and father of a son. Sharda & Ranjeet are still living in marital bliss. That is, until Nirmala, Ranjeet's new secretary, shows up. Ranjeet is inexplicably attracted to Nirmala. She is an honest girl who is trying to make two ends meet. She is much more beautiful compared to Sharda. But most of all, she knows nothing about Ranjeet's true intentions & his married life. Ranjeet is initially upset with his thoughts about her, but finally gives in.

He carefully plans his further steps. He pretends to be the helpless grieving husband of a cancer stricken wife, who won't live much longer. Nirmala feels sorry for him, thus making it easier for him to get close to her. Nobody, not Sharda, not even his closest friend, suspects a thing. One day, Ranjeet bluffs to Sharda that he will be late coming home as he has a meeting. He takes Nirmala out to dinner. Next day, Sharda finds Nirmala's handkerchief, with lipstick marks on it, in Ranjeet's pocket.

She immediately confronts Ranjeet, who makes up a story about a co-worker whose handkerchief he may have accidentally taken. Sharda reluctantly believes him. Ranjeet decides to take his next steps more carefully. Sharda too starts thinking that her fears were unfounded. Ranjeet makes even more interesting back up plans: He prepares two books of poetry, professing his love. The poems are the same in both, only one book contains Nirmala's name, and the other contains Sharda's.

Ranjeet courts Nirmala without Sharda's knowledge. The turning point comes when Sharda sees him in a hotel with Nirmala. She later asks him about his meeting, about which the clueless Ranjeet lies. Sharda's fears are confirmed. She starts spying on him & Nirmala, taking incriminating pictures. After sufficient evidence is obtained, she secretly meets Nirmala, posing as a journalist. Nirmala, who hasn't seen Ranjeet's "ailing wife" yet, thinks Sharda intends to blackmail her. But Sharda reassures her that she won't.

Nirmala spills all the beans, upon which Sharda reveals her true identity. Meanwhile, Ranjeet gets another promotion & rushes home happily to tell his wife about it. Sharda catches him unawares and lets him know that he is busted. Ranjeet does not know what has hit him. He turns round, only to see Nirmala behind him. Sharda tells him that she is leaving him & the divorce papers will be soon sent to him. Sharda & Nirmala console each other. Ranjeet calls upon his friend & lies that Nirmala has said some malicious lies to Sharda about him.

Ranjeet's friend sides with him & lies about Nirmala's character. Sharda exposes Ranjeet in front of him as well, with help of the evidence she has collected. Sharda tells Ranjeet to choose either her or Nirmala. Ranjeet quietly gives Nirmala some money & lies to her, in a last-ditch attempt at damage control. But honest Nirmala returns the money to Sharda, making things even worse for Ranjeet. Sharda prepares to walk out on Ranjeet, while Nirmala resigns and leaves Ranjeet as well. Sharda comes to visit Ranjeet one last time, when their innocent son asks what is happening.

Sharda decides to give Ranjeet another chance, if only for their son and soon life comes back on track. But soon another secretary(Parveen Babi) joins the office & Ranjeet tries to resort to his antics once more. Just by coincidence, Ranjeet's friend suddenly walks in & Ranjeet backs off, taking this as a warning.

Sanjeev Kumar as Ranjeet Chhadha
Vidya Sinha as Sharda Chhadha
Ranjeeta Kaur as Nirmala Deshpande
Asrani as Abdul Karim Durrani
Parveen Babi as Neeta (Guest appearance)
Nana Palsikar as Nirmala's Nanaji
Om Shivpuri as Sharda's Father
Rishi Kapoor as Singer (Cameo of song "Tere Naam Tere Naam")
Neetu Singh as Singer (Cameo of song "Tere Naam Tere Naam")

Adithya varma

Adithya Varma is an upcoming Indian Tamil-language romantic drama film directed by Gireesaaya (in his directorial debut) and produced by Mukesh Mehta under E4 Entertainment. The film stars newcomer Dhruv Vikram and Banita Sandhu in the lead roles while Priya Anand appears in a supporting role. It is a remake of the Telugu film Arjun Reddy (2017). The film was originally directed by Bala under the title Varma (later amended to Varmaa) and shot between March and September 2018; however, in February 2019, due to creative differences with Bala, E4 Entertainment decided to re-launch it with a new cast and crew; only Dhruv and music director Radhan were retained. The new version, titled Adithya Varma, began filming in March 2019 and ended that May. It is scheduled to be released on 21 November 2019 worldwide, and India the next day.
Dhruv Vikram as Adithya Varma
Banita Sandhu as Meera[1]
Priya Anand as Priya
Raja as Adithya Varma's father[2]
Anbu Thasan as Adithya Varma's friend
Leela Samson as Adithya's grandmother[3]
Bagavathi Perumal[3]
Additionally, Priya Anand's Shih Tzu Bumblebee plays the title character's pet dog.[4]

In September 2017, it was announced that E4 Entertainment had bought the rights to remake the Telugu film Arjun Reddy (2017) in Tamil and Malayalam languages.[5] The following month, Bala was chosen to direct the yet-untitled Tamil remake.[6] On 10 November 2017, the title was announced as Varma,[7] although it would later be amended to Varmaa.[8] Raju Murugan was chosen to write the dialogues.[9] M. Sukumar was selected to handle the cinematography.[10] Producer Mukesh Mehta said the remake would be 20 minutes shorter than the Telugu original.[11] Sathish Suriya was chosen as the film editor, after having earlier worked for Bala's Naachiyaar (2018).[12] Actor Vikram's son Dhruv Vikram was cast as the male lead, making his acting debut.[9] It would have been the debut for the Kolkata-based model Megha, who was chosen to play the female lead.[13] Akash Premkumar was chosen to play the lead character's best friend Ashok.[14] Other roles were given to Easwari Rao,[15] Raiza Wilson,[16] and Sandra Amy.[17]

Principal photography began in early March 2018 at Kathmandu, Nepal,[9] and a week later, after completing the first schedule there, the crew shifted to Chennai for the second schedule.[18] Shooting was briefly stalled due to a strike of the Tamil Film Producers Council, but resumed in April after the strike ended.[19] For the final schedule, the team shifted to Tiruvannamalai.[14] Principal photography wrapped in September 2018.[20]

New version
On 7 February 2019, E4 Entertainment issued a press statement stating that they would go for a complete re-shoot as they were not satisfied with the final cut provided by Bala. They added that the film would be relaunched with a completely new cast and crew while retaining Dhruv.[8] Bala decried these comments, saying it was his own decision to quit the film "in order to safeguard creative freedom" because he was asked to make changes.[21] This became the first such incident in Tamil cinema that the producer of the film refuses to release the film due to unsatisfactory final cut despite the completion of the film.[22]

Mehta said the new version would begin filming in March 2019 and would also have a new title.[23] Later in the month, Arjun Reddy writer-director Sandeep Vanga's assistant Gireesaaya was announced as the new director, making his directorial debut. The new cast and crew were also announced: heroine Banita Sandhu, supporting actress Priya Anand, and cinematographer Ravi K. Chandran. The new title, Adithya Varma, was announced on 19 February.[24] Anbu Thasan joined the cast in March as the title character's friend, replacing Akash Premkumar.[25] Principal photography for Adithya Varma began on 11 March.[26] Following the filming of a song sequence in Portugal in mid-April 2019, 65% of the film's shoot was complete.[27] Principal photography wrapped in mid-May,[28] except for three days of "patchwork shoot" which ended in July, during which time Ravi K. Chandran's son Santhana Krishnan was the cinematographer.[29] Vivek Harshan was the editor of Adithya Varma.[30]

Knives Out

Knives Out is a 2019 American black comedy-thriller film written, produced and directed by Rian Johnson. Described as a modern take on the murder mystery genre, the film follows a family gathering gone horribly awry, after the family patriarch's death leads a master detective to investigate. The film stars an ensemble cast, including Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield, Katherine Langford, Jaeden Martell, and Christopher Plummer.

The film had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 7, 2019. It is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States on November 27, 2019, by Lionsgate Films.
Wealthy crime novelist Harlan Thrombey invites his extended dysfunctional family to his remote mansion on his 85th birthday in hopes of reuniting them all. However, the day after the birthday party, Harlan is found dead by members of the family. The police, along with experienced detective Benoit Blanc, are called in to investigate.

Daniel Craig as Detective Benoit Blanc: a private detective who is called upon to investigate Harlan's murder.
Chris Evans as Ransom Drysdale-Thrombey: Harlan's grandson, Linda and Richard's son. He is described as a spoiled playboy.
Ana de Armas as Marta Cabrera: Harlan's caretaker who had a close relationship with him. She is described as the "heart" of the film.
Jamie Lee Curtis as Linda Drysdale-Thrombey: Harlan's eldest daughter and Richard's wife. She is a real estate mogul who runs her own company with her husband's support.
Michael Shannon as Walter "Walt" Thrombey: Harlan's youngest son, Donna's husband, and the new acting CEO of his dad's publishing company.
Don Johnson as Richard Drysdale-Thrombey: Harlan's son-in-law and Linda's husband, who helps run his wife's company.
Toni Collette as Joni Thrombey: Harlan's daughter-in-law and deceased son's wife, who is a lifestyle guru.
Lakeith Stanfield as Detective Lieutenant Elliot: a local detective involved in the murder investigation.
Katherine Langford as Megan "Meg" Thrombey: Harlan's granddaughter, Joni and Harlan's deceased son's daughter, who studies liberal arts and is a social activist.
Jaeden Martell as Jacob Thrombey: Harlan's grandson, Walt and Donna's son, who is always on his phone being an internet troll.
Christopher Plummer as Harlan Thrombey: a successful mystery novelist. He is wealthy and has three children — Linda, Walt, and an unnamed deceased son. He invites the family to his house for his 85th birthday and is murdered that night.
Noah Segan as Trooper Wagner: a police officer involved with the investigation.
Edi Patterson as Fran: Harlan's housekeeper.
Riki Lindhome as Donna Thrombey: Harlan's daughter-in-law and Walt's wife.
K Callan as Wanetta "Great Nana" Thrombey: Harlan's mother.
Frank Oz as Alan Stevens.
Raúl Castillo as Cop
M. Emmet Walsh as Mr. Proofroc
In June 2010, writer/director Rian Johnson expressed interest in making an Agatha Christie-inspired murder mystery film. He told The Independent that he wanted to make the film after finishing Looper (2012).[5] However, Johnson's next film project after Looper turned out to be Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017).[6]

Knives Out was announced in September 2018, with Daniel Craig starring in the film. It was sold to distributors during the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival.[7] In October 2018, Chris Evans, Lakeith Stanfield, Michael Shannon, Ana de Armas, Don Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Toni Collette joined the cast.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14] In November 2018, Christopher Plummer, Jaeden Martell, Katherine Langford, Riki Lindhome, Edi Patterson, and Raúl Castillo joined the cast.[15][16][17] Frequent Johnson collaborator Noah Segan was announced as being in the film in December.[18] Shannon has compared the film to the works of Christie.[19] In March 2019, Frank Oz, who previously worked with Johnson in The Last Jedi, revealed that he would be appearing in a small role.[20]

Johnson cited several classic mystery thrillers and mystery comedies as influences on the film, including The Last of Sheila, Murder on the Orient Express, Something's Afoot, Murder by Death, Death on the Nile, The Private Eyes, The Mirror Crack'd, Evil Under the Sun, Deathtrap, Clue, and Gosford Park.[21] Apart from that, the huge fan backlash Johnson received from Star Wars fans on Twitter following the release of The Last Jedi likewise inspired the film, specifically the character of Jacob Thrombey.[6]

Principal photography began on October 30, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts and wrapped on December 20, 2018.[22][23][24]

Knives Out had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 7, 2019.[25] It is scheduled to be theatrically released on November 27, 2019, by Lionsgate

Alex Salmond

Alexander Elliot Anderson Salmond (/ˈsæmənd/; born 31 December 1954) is a Scottish politician who served as the First Minister of Scotland from 2007 to 2014. He was the leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) for over twenty years, having served for two terms, firstly from 1990 to 2000 and subsequently from 2004 to 2014. He was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Banff and Buchan between 1987 and 2010, when he stood down to focus on his other roles, and then for Gordon from 2015 to 2017, when he lost his seat to Scottish Conservative candidate Colin Clark.[2] During the 2015–2017 parliament, he was the SNP International Affairs and Europe spokesperson in the House of Commons.

From 1987 to 2010, Salmond served as MP for Banff and Buchan. Following the establishment of the devolved Scottish Parliament in 1999, Salmond also served as the Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for Banff and Buchan from 1999 to 2001, while continuing to serve as that constituency's MP. Salmond served as the Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for Gordon from 2007 to 2011, and for Aberdeenshire East from 2011 to 2016.

Salmond resigned as SNP leader in 2000 and did not seek re-election to the Scottish Parliament. He did however retain his Westminster seat in the 2001 general election. Salmond was once again elected SNP leader in 2004 and the following year held his Banff and Buchan seat in the 2005 general election. In 2006 he announced his intention to contest Gordon in the 2007 Scottish Parliament election. Salmond defeated the incumbent MSP and the SNP emerged as the largest single party. After the SNP secured confidence and supply support from the Scottish Green Party, Salmond was voted First Minister by the Scottish Parliament on 16 May 2007. During his first term, he headed a minority Scottish Government. At the 2011 Scottish Parliament election the SNP won with an overall majority, a feat previously thought almost impossible under the additional member system used in elections for the Scottish Parliament.

Politically, Salmond is one of the foremost proponents of Scottish independence, repeatedly calling for a referendum on the issue.[3] Salmond has campaigned on global warming and in government has committed Scotland to legislation on emission reduction and the generation of renewable energy. The day after the 2014 independence referendum, at which a majority of Scottish voters chose to remain part of the United Kingdom, Salmond announced his intention not to stand for re-election as leader of the SNP at the SNP National Conference in November, and to resign as First Minister thereafter.[4][5] He was succeeded as SNP leader by his deputy, Nicola Sturgeon, as she was the only candidate to stand for the leadership election. He submitted his resignation as First Minister on 18 November, and was succeeded by Sturgeon the following day.[6]

In August 2018, Salmond resigned from the party after allegations of sexual misconduct.[7] In January 2019, he was arrested and charged with 14 offences, including multiple counts of attempted rape and sexual assault
Early life and career
Salmond was born in his parents' home at 101 Preston Road, Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland, on 31 December 1954.[9][10] He is the second of four children born to Robert Fyfe Findlay Salmond (1921–2017), and Mary Stewart Salmond (née Milne; 1922–2003), both of whom were civil servants.[11] Robert Salmond, who served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War,[12] had originally worked as an electrician, and his family had been resident in Linlithgow since the mid-18th century.[13] Alex Salmond's middle names come from his family's tradition of naming their children after the local Church of Scotland minister, in this case the Reverend Gilbert Elliot Anderson of St Ninian's Craigmailen Parish Church in Linlinthgow.[14][15] He remains a member of the Church of Scotland.[16]

Salmond attended the local Linlithgow Academy from 1966 to 1972. He studied at Edinburgh College of Commerce from 1972 to 1973, gaining an HNC in Business Studies,[17] and was then accepted by the University of St Andrews, where he studied Economics and Medieval History. During his time at St Andrews, Salmond lived in Andrew Melville Hall.[18] He was elected as vice-president (education) of the Students' Representative Council in 1977 and was also nominated to join St Andrews Community Council that year.[19] Salmond graduated with a 2:2 Joint Honours MA in Economics and Medieval History in May 1978.[19][20]

In 1978, he entered the Government Economic Service as an assistant economist in the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland, part of the now defunct Scottish Office. Two years later he joined the staff of the Royal Bank of Scotland, where he worked for seven years, initially as an assistant economist. In 1982 he was appointed oil economist, and from 1984 he worked as a bank economist as well as continuing to hold the position of oil economist.[20] While with the Royal Bank, he wrote and broadcast extensively for both domestic and international outlets. He also contributed regularly to oil and energy conferences. In 1983, Salmond created a "Royal Bank/BBC oil index" that is still used.

Political career
Early career in politics
Salmond became active in the SNP when he joined the Federation of Student Nationalists at the University of St Andrews in 1973. His conversion is generally credited to his then girlfriend, Debbie Horton, an English student from London, who was secretary of the St Andrews University Labour club. After an argument in December 1973, she told him: "If you feel like that, go and join the bloody SNP". The next day Salmond did.[19] The following day he and a friend attended the sparsely populated AGM of the university branch of the Federation of Student Nationalists. Being the only two fully paid-up members of the SNP at the university, they were duly elected president and treasurer.[19] Although a left-winger at the time he joined, Salmond had considerable doubts as to whether or not the Labour Government would legislate for a devolved Scottish Assembly.

Salmond started his political life as a committed left-winger inside the SNP and was a leading member of the socialist republican organisation within it, the 79 Group. He was, along with other group leaders, suspended from membership of the SNP when the 79 Group was banned within the larger party. In 1981, he married Moira French McGlashan,[21] then a senior civil servant with the Scottish Office.

Following the SNP's National Council narrowly voting to uphold the expulsion, Salmond and the others were allowed back into the party a month later, and in 1985 he was elected as the SNP's Vice Convener for Publicity. In 1987 he stood for Parliament in Banff and Buchan and defeated the incumbent Conservative MP, Albert McQuarrie. Later that year Salmond became Senior Vice Convener (Depute Leader) of the SNP. He was at this time still viewed as being firmly on the left of the party and had become a key ally of Jim Sillars, who joined him in the House of Commons when he won a by-election for the seat of Glasgow Govan in 1988. Salmond served as a member of the House of Commons Energy Select Committee from 1987 to 1992.

First tenure as SNP leader
When Gordon Wilson stood down as SNP leader in 1990, Salmond decided to contest the leadership. His only opponent was Margaret Ewing, whom Sillars decided to support. This caused considerable consternation amongst the SNP left as the two main left leaders were opposing each other in the contest. Salmond went on to win the leadership election by 486 votes to Ewing's 146.[22]

His first test as leader was the general election in 1992, with the SNP having high hopes of making an electoral breakthrough. Whilst considerably increasing its share of the vote, it failed to win a large number of seats. Sillars lost his, causing him to describe the Scottish people as '90-minute patriots'. This comment ended the political friendship between Salmond and Sillars, and Sillars would soon become a vocal critic of Salmond's style of leadership.

The SNP increased its number of MPs from four to six in the 1997 general election, which saw a landslide victory for the Labour Party. After election, Labour legislated for a devolved Scottish parliament in Edinburgh. Although still committed to a fully independent Scotland, Salmond signed the SNP up to supporting the campaign for devolution, and, along with Scottish Labour leader Donald Dewar and Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Jim Wallace, played an active part in securing the victory for devolution in the Scotland referendum of 1997. Many hardline fundamentalists in the SNP objected to committing the party to devolution, as it was short of full political Scottish independence.[citation needed]

Salmond's first spell as leader was characterised by a moderation of his earlier left-wing views and by his firmly placing the SNP into a gradualist, but still pro-independence, strategy. Salmond was one of the few politicians in the UK to oppose the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999.[23] He was opposed to the conflict because it was not authorised by a United Nations Security Council resolution, which was a controversial subject at the time. Despite this, Salmond was heavily criticised in the media for describing Tony Blair's decision to intervene militarily as an "unpardonable folly"
Several years as party leader earned Salmond an unusually high profile for an SNP politician in the London-based media. In 1998, Salmond won the Spectator Award for Political Strategist of the Year. Following an appearance on the entertainment programme Call My Bluff, Salmond used one of the 'bluff' cards that are used as props in the show in the run-up to the first elections to the Scottish Parliament. To counter his frustration at having to sit in silence through what he claimed was an inappropriately political speech by Tony Blair at a charity lunch, he held up the bluff card as the Prime Minister began querying Scotland's economic prospects should independence occur.[25] Throughout his time in politics, Salmond has maintained his interest in horse racing, writing a weekly column for The Scotsman and appearing a number of times on Channel 4's The Morning Line. During the election campaign, Salmond was photographed feeding a young supporter a Solero ice cream during an event at Stirling University, creating a photograph that would become iconic.[26][27][28]

Resignation as leader and subsequent return
Salmond was elected to the Scottish Parliament in 1999 and was one of its highest-profile members. He stood down as SNP leader in 2000, facing internal criticism after a series of high-profile fall-outs with party members,[29] and was replaced by his preferred successor John Swinney, who defeated Alex Neil for the post. He left the Scottish Parliament in 2001 to lead the SNP group in the House of Commons.

During the prolonged parliamentary debates in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq he voiced strong opposition to the UK's participation. In the aftermath of the war, he lent support to the attempt of Adam Price, a Plaid Cymru MP, to impeach Tony Blair over the Iraq issue. Salmond has gone further than many anti-war politicians in claiming that Blair's statements on the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were consciously intended to deceive the public.[30] He has also claimed that Blair had made a pact with George W. Bush "to go to war come what may".[30]

After the June 2004 European Parliament elections, which were perceived as a "disaster" for the SNP, pressure mounted on Swinney to resign as leader. Swinney announced his resignation on 22 June 2004 to become Convener of the Scottish Parliament's European and External Relations Committee.

On 15 July 2004, Salmond said that he would be a candidate in the forthcoming election for the leadership of the SNP.[31] This came as a surprise because he had previously declared that he would definitely not be a leadership candidate.[31] In the postal ballot of all members he went on to receive over 75% of the votes cast, placing him well ahead of his nearest rival Roseanna Cunningham. As he was not an MSP at the time, his depute, Nicola Sturgeon, took over as leader of the SNP group at Holyrood.[32] Although he was re-elected in the 2005 general election, he made clear his intention to return to the Scottish Parliament at the 2007 Scottish parliamentary election in an attempt to win power for the first time.[32]

In that election, Salmond stood as a candidate for the Gordon constituency, which had been represented since 1999 by the Liberal Democrat Nora Radcliffe.[33] Salmond won the seat with 41% of the vote, and a majority of 2,062, returning to the Scottish Parliament after six years' absence. In the election the SNP emerged as the largest party, winning 47 seats to Labour's 46.

First Minister of Scotland
Having won more seats than any other party in the 2007 Scottish Parliament election, the SNP initially approached the Scottish Liberal Democrats to form a coalition, but they declined to take part in negotiations.[34] This left the SNP without any possibility to form a coalition with an overall majority. Ultimately, the Scottish Green Party agreed to vote in an SNP minority government in return for concessions on climate policy and naming a Green to chair a committee.[35]

First term
With the support of the Greens, Salmond was elected by the Scottish Parliament as First Minister on 16 May 2007,[36] and was sworn in on 17 May after receiving the Royal Warrant from the Queen and taking the official oath of allegiance before judges at the Court of Session.[37] Salmond became the first nationalist politician to hold the office of First Minister. He gave the post of Deputy First Minister to Sturgeon.

Under section 45(7) of the Scotland Act 1998 he became Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland at the same time.[38] He was appointed to the British Privy Council four weeks later.[39]

Salmond reduced the size of the Cabinet from nine members to six, and said he would seek to govern on a "policy by policy" basis.[36] In order to concentrate on his new role as First Minister, Salmond stood down as the SNP group leader at Westminster and was replaced by Angus Robertson.[40] The Guardian reported in November 2007 that Salmond believed Scotland would be independent within "the next decade".[41]

In November 2007, Salmond received The Spectator's Parliamentarian of the Year award for his "brilliant campaign" and "extraordinary victory" in the Scottish Parliament elections, thereby ending eight years of Labour rule.[42]

A newspaper investigation in 2009 revealed that Salmond had claimed as expenses from the UK parliament "up to £400 per month in food without producing receipts, even after becoming First Minister and spending little time at Westminster".[43] In the same year, he stated that he would repay more than £700 that he had received in moving expenses when he left a London flat in 2007.[44]

A white paper for an independence referendum, setting out four possible options ranging from no change to full independence, was published by the Scottish Government on 30 November 2009. A draft bill for public consultation was published on 25 February 2010, setting out a two-question yes/no referendum, proposing further devolution or full independence. The SNP failed to obtain support from other parties and withdrew the draft bill.

UK general election debates

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