السبت، 23 نوفمبر 2019


الرياضة هي مجهود جسدي عادي أو مهارة تُمَارَس بموجب قواعد مُتفق عليها بهدف الترفيه أو المنافَسة أو المُتعة أو التميز أو تطوير المهارات أو تقوية الثقة بالنفس أو الجسد . واختلاف الأهداف من حيث اجتماعها أو انفرادها يميز الرياضات ، بالإضافة إلى ما يضيفه اللاعبون أو الفِرَق من تأثيرٍ على رياضاتهم.

التربية البدنية هي الجانب المتكامل من التربية يعمل على تنمية الفرد و تكيفه جسديًّا وعقليًّا واجتماعيًّا و وجدانيًّا عن طريق الأنشطة البدنية المُختارة التي تتناسب مع مرحلة النمو ،والتي تُمارس بإشراف قيادةٍ صالحةٍ لتحقيقِ أسمى القيم الإنسانية وبذلك فإن تعبير التربية الرياضية أوسع بكثير وأعمق دلالةً بالنسبة لحياةِ الإنسان من كونه مجرد صحة البدن أو الثقافة البدنية أو التمرينات والتدريبات البدنية أو الألعاب الرياضية، فهو مجال من مجالات التربية الشاملة التي تشكل التربية الرياضية ميدانا حيا منه مشيرا إلى أن برامجه ليست مجرد تدريبات تُؤَدَّى ولكنها بإشراف قيادةٍ مؤهلة تساعد على جعل حياة الإنسان ملائمةً لمتطلبات العصر .
تدل الآثار المصرية على أن المصريين القدماء كانوا يمارسون أنواعاً من الرياضة منها المصارعة والرقص، ولا شك أن الرياضة أثبتت نفسها كعامل مهم لتدريب المحاربين. وفي كثير من اللوحات صور لفراعنة مصر وهم يمارسون صيد الأسود والغزلان بالقوس أثناء ركوبهم عرباتهم الحربية.

وتدل آثار العصر اليوناني مثل الملعب الأولمبي باليونان، على أن العديد من الرياضات كانت تنظم لها المسابقات للمشاركين من بين البلاد اليونانية. وقد استوحيت العديد من الرياضات من الأنشطة التي قام بها الإنسان البدائي مثل:

مطاردة الفريسة من أجل لقمة العيش فقد استوحي منها رياضة العدو والرماية.
القفز لتجاوز الكوارث الطبيعية وقد استوحي منه رياضة القفز.
السباحة في البحر، وصيد الأسماك وقد استوحي منها رياضة السباحة.
استعمال الخيل للتنقل وقد استوحي منها رياضة سباق الخيل.
وهناك أيضا الرياضات التي كان يمارسها الصينيون منذ آلاف السنين حيث كانوا يلعبون كرة القدم بالحديد.

الجمال الجسدي
ممارسة أغلب الرياضات تضفي جمالا على الجسم، مثل الجمباز، بناء الأجسام، اليوغا، الفروسية، وأيضا الأداء مثل القفز عاليا فهو ذو جمال شكلي، ويحافظ على الجسد. ومن يزاول الرياضة فهو ليس بحاجة لتخسيس نفسه، فالرياضة تستهلك كل ما يزيد عنده من السعرات الحرارية.

فوائد الرياضة والحركة
الرياضة تلعب دوراً أساسياً في أي حمية يمكن اتباعها؛ فهي مفيدة للجسم البشري وتؤدي إلى تقليل نسبة الإصابة بمرض السكري وأمراض القلب والشرايين، وتحافظ على الوزن المثالي وعلى ذاكرة أفضل كما أنها تزيد الثقة بالنفس؛ حيث أثبتت دراسة بريطانية أن الرياضة تساعد على إفراز المخ لمواد كيميائية مثل "الاندرفينس" التي تجعل الإنسان يشعر بأنه في حال أفضل. كما أن هناك العديد من ألعاب الرياضة التي تتميز بالتشويق مثل كرة القدم والقفز العالي وسباق الحواجز.

ولممارسة الرياضة لست في حاجة إلى قضاء ساعات في صالة التمارين الرياضية، كل ما تحتاجه هو إضافة القليل من الحركة للروتين اليومي. أثبتت الدراسات الحديثة أن الرياضة البدنية تفيد الجسم كثيراً وتؤدي إلى:

التقليل من نسبة الإصابة بمرض السكري
تحكم أفضل بنسبة سكر في الدم
التقليل من نسبة الإصابة بأمراض القلب والشرايين والكولسترول
المحافظة على الوزن
التقليل من الإصابة بالبرد
ذاكرة أفضل
نوم أفضل
المحافظة على المفاصل
زيادة الثقة بالنفس
تحكم أفضل بالضغوطات والتوتر
زيادة الحيوانات المنوية
التمارين الرياضية
تساعد التمارين الرياضية على التحمل والصبر وذلك عن طريق تدريب الجسم على أن يكون أكثر مرونة ومن هنا نستكشف أن الرياضة تعلم الآتي:

الصبر إذ عندما يخسر الرياضى في مباراة ما فعليه أن يصبر على خسارته فلا يتعدى على منافسه ويسعى إلى الفوز بشرف ونزاهة فالرياضة لتهذيب النفوس لا لإحراز الكؤوس.
ترتبط الرياضة بالاحترام إذ على الرياضي احترام قواعد اللعبة واحترام منافسه.
الرياضة تعلم الفرد التنافس النزيه والتحدي.
التعاون وتنمية روح الفريق والعمل الجماعي وهذا عند إقامة مباريات بين فريقين أو عدة فرق.
وكذلك تعلم الجرأة والشجاعة، وهذا ما يوجد كثيرًا في الرياضات القتالية كالكونغ فو والكاراتيه إلخ.
الرياضة تنمي الثقة بالنفس في الفرد، وتعلمه التركيز.
والعديد من القيم الأخرى التي تساعده على التأقلم في المجتمع؛ لأن الرياضة -كما ذكر سابقا- ليست لإحراز الكؤوس ولكن لتهذيب النفوس.

هناك دراسة بريطانية تقول إن الأطباء يصفون ممارسة التمرينات الرياضية بشكل متزايد كعلاج لأولئك المصابين ببعض الأمراض، وذكرت الدراسة التي أجرتها مؤسسة الصحة العقلية، وشملت 200 طبيب من الذين يندرجون تحت فئة ممارس عام، أن 22 بالمئة منهم يصفون التمارين الرياضية لأولئك الذين يعانون من الاكتئاب المتوسط.

يذكر أن 5 بالمئة فقط من الأطباء كانوا يصفون التمارين الرياضية كعلاج للاكتئاب المتوسط قبل 3 أعوام.

وقالت المؤسسة أنه من المهم ألا يركز الأطباء على وصف العقاقير المضادة للاكتئاب باعتبار أن هناك وسائل أخرى.

وقال البحث إن التمارين الرياضية تساعد الذين يعانون من الاكتئاب من الدرجة المتوسطة لانها ترفع من تقديرهم لأنفسهم من خلال تحسين صورة أجسادهم أو تحقيق أهدافهم.

كما أن التمارين الرياضية تساعد في إفراز المخ لمواد كيميائية مثل الأندورفين الذي يجعل الإنسان يشعر أنه في حالة أفضل.

وتقول سيليا ريتشاردسون المديرة بمؤسسة الصحة العقلية "إن التمارين الرياضية يمكنها أن تساعد الناس جسديًّا واجتماعيًّا وبيولوجيا".

ووجدت الدراسة ان عدد الأطباء الذين يؤمنون بفوائد العلاج بالتمارين قد ارتفع بدرجة كبيرة جدا ، فقبل 3 سنوات كان 41 بالمئة فقط يرون أن التمارين تمثل علاجًا "فعالا أو فعالا للغاية" بالمقارنة بـ 61 بالمئة حاليا.

ويقول أندرو ماكولوج المدير التنفيذي بمؤسسة الصحة العقلية "إن الاكتئاب مرض معقد لذلك يجب أن يكون العلاج متنوعًا وان تتاح للمرضى فرصة للاختيار". تنشط الرياضة الدورة الدموية للجسم.

تحمي الرياضة الجسم من الأمراض المتنوعة كالسمنة وهشاشة العظام وأمراض القلب والشرايين فالعقل السليم في الجسم السليم.

ومن جانبه، قال البروفيسور "ستيف فيلد" من الكلية الملكية للطب العام "إن هناك وعيًا في الوقت الحالي بين الأطباء لفوائد التمارين وهناك دليل متزايد على فعاليتها، ورد الفعل من جانب المرضى يؤكد على فوائدها الكبيرة".

الألعاب الرياضية
الأخبار الرياضية ليست مقتصرة على رياضة كرة القدم فقط، بل كل الألعاب الرياضية ويمكن متابعتها في تريند الرياضة.

هناك العديد من الألعاب الرياضية في العالم، وأخرى جديدة تبتدع باستمرار، ومنها:

متلازمة عدم استقرار الرضفة
بناء الأجسام
رفع الأثقال
كرة السلة
كرة القدم
كرة القدم الأمريكية
الكرة الحديدية الحرة والمقيدة
القفز الطويل
القفز العالي
سباق الحواجز
رمي المطرقة
رمي القرص
وغيرها من الرياضات..

أنواع الفنون الجسدية
تنقسم الفنون الجسدية إلى ثلاثة أنواع: رياضة وفن قتالي وفن حربي. الرياضة تمارس لتمرين عضلات الجسد وتدخل في اتحاد رياضي وتعمل بقوانين محددة، وكل ما كان كذلك يسمى رياضيًّا. مثل الكاراتيه بعد أن تحولت إلى رياضة صار ضرب الخصم أمرا ممنوعا بل تتوقف اللكمة قبل وصولها إلى جسد الخصم ويمنع إصابته في مواضع حساسة. أما الفن القتالي فهو لا قانون له ولا اتحاد رياضي له ويستخدم في قتال الشوارع، ولهذا نرى أن المقاتل الشرطي أو العسكري يتعلم فنًّا قتاليًّا لا رياضيًّا حيث يمكنه ضرب مواضع خطرة وحساسة لأن الشخص يدافع عن حياته. أما الفن الحربي فهو كالفن القتالي لا قانون له ولا اتحاد له ويصلح لقتال الشوارع لكن يضاف إليه أن الممارس يتعلم استراتيجيات حربية وعسكرية كخطط الهجوم والدفاع إلخ.

الإصابة بالكدمات
ينتج عن القيام بالرياضة أحيانا كدمات وتقلص للعضلات. وفي تلك الحالات نستطيع التخفيف من وطأتها عن طريق الإسراع بتبريد الموضع المصاب وذلك بوضع فوطة مبللة بماء بارد أو إذا وجد الثلج فيمكن لف الثلج في قطعة من القماش. توضع قطعة القماش المحتوية على الثلج أو الفوطة المبللة بالماء البارد على الموضع المصاب لمدة نحو 15 دقيقة. هذا الإسعاف الأولي يعمل على تفادي الاحتقان. بعد ذلك يربط العضو المصاب برباط، ويرفع العضو المصاب إلى أعلى فهذا يساعد على عدم احتقان الدم فيه وتهدئة آلام الإصابة. ولا بد بعد ذلك من استشارة الطبيب في الأمر لتكملة العلاج. تعمل تلك المعاملة الأولية على الشفاء السريع، كما تعمل على تخفيف آلام المصاب.

لتجنب هذه العوارض يجب القيام بعمليات الإحماء قبل البدء بالرياضه فعليك القيام ببعض التمارين البسيطة جدا مثل تمرين الركض وتمرين حركة الذراعين مع القدم وتمرين الحوض والكاحل وتمرين لبطن وتمرين رفع الساق وتمرين الركبتين وغيرها الكثير لتجعل الجسم يستعد للقيام بالرياضه التي قد لا يكون اعتاد على الإجهاد الناتج عنها وهو ما يؤدي إلى ظهور هذه الكدمات والتقلصات.

الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2019

Arjun Reddy

Arjun Reddy is a 2017 Indian Telugu-language romantic drama film written and directed by Sandeep Vanga, and produced by his brother Pranay Reddy Vanga's company Bhadrakali Pictures. It stars Vijay Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey in the lead roles, and Rahul Ramakrishna, Jia Sharma, Sanjay Swaroop, Gopinath Bhat, Kamal Kamaraju and Kanchana in supporting roles. The film tells the story of Arjun Reddy Deshmukh (Deverakonda), a high-functioning alcoholic surgeon who has anger management problems. Arjun is on a self-destructive path after the marriage of his girlfriend Preethi Shetty (Pandey); the film focuses on his downfall and subsequent resurgence.

Arjun Reddy was partially inspired by Vanga's life as a physiotherapy student. He worked on the script for two years and it took four to five years for the film to materialise. Principal photography commenced on 20 June 2016 at Hyderabad and took 86 working days to complete. Other filming locations include Mangalore, Dehradun and New Delhi, filming also took place in Italy. Radhan and Harshvardhan Rameshwar composed the soundtrack and score, respectively. Raj Thota was director of photography and Shashank Mali edited the film.

The film was made on a budget of ₹40–51.5 million; it was released worldwide on 25 August 2017 after receiving an 'A' (adult) certification from India's Central Board of Film Certification. Post-release, the film received positive reviews for its direction, writing, cinematography and the cast's performances—especially that of Deverakonda. It drew criticism for allegedly promoting substance abuse among young people and for its romantic scenes. The film was a box office success, grossing ₹510 million globally, with a distributor share of ₹260 million. It went on to receive six nominations at the 65th Filmfare Awards South, including Best Telugu Film, Best Telugu Director for Sandeep Vanga and Best Telugu Actor for Deverakonda, the film's only win at the ceremony. In 2019, it was remade in Hindi as Kabir Singh and in Tamil as Adithya Varma.
Arjun Reddy Deshmukh is a house surgeon at St. Mary's Medical College in Mangalore, India. Despite being a brilliant student, he has severe anger management problems that earn the wrath of the dean of the college. Arjun's aggressive nature also earns him a reputation among his juniors as a college bully. After having a brawl alongside his friend Kamal against members of the opposing team during an inter-college football match, the dean asks Arjun to either apologise or leave the college. Arjun initially chooses to leave the college, but stays back after meeting first-year student Preethi Shetty.

Arjun and his friend Shiva enter a third-year classroom and announce that Arjun is in love with Preethi and asserts that she is exclusive to him. Initially afraid, Preethi starts adjusting herself to Arjun's overbearing attitude. She eventually reciprocates his feelings and they develop an intimate relationship. Arjun graduates with an MBBS degree and leaves for Mussoorie to pursue a Master's degree in Orthopedic surgery. Over the course of three years, Arjun's and Preethi's relationship becomes stronger. Months later, Arjun visits Preethi's house, where her father sees them kissing and throws Arjun out.

Preethi's father opposes her and Arjun's relationship due to Arjun's brash behaviour and also because they belong to different castes. Arjun demands that Preethi must make a decision within six hours otherwise he will end their relationship. Following this incident, Preethi's parents seize her phone, making her unable to contact Arjun. By the time she manages to visit Arjun's house, he is drunk, injects morphine into himself, and becomes unconscious for two days. Preethi is then forcibly married to someone from her caste. Arjun learns about the marriage from Shiva and goes to her house in protest. He is assaulted and gets arrested for making a scene. Arjun's father ostracises him from the family home for damaging his reputation.

With Shiva's help, Arjun finds a rented apartment and joins a private hospital as a surgeon. To cope with his emotions, he starts taking drugs, attempts one-night stands, buys a pet dog and names it after Preethi and drinks alcohol; all of which are unsuccessful. Within months, he becomes a successful surgeon and a high-functioning alcoholic who is feared by the hospital's staff members, one of the reasons being his high surgery count. Arjun's self-destructing behaviour and refusal to move on worries Shiva and Kamal. He persuades one of his patients, Jia Sharma, a leading film star, to have a no-strings relationship with him, which he ends when she falls in love with him.

On a day off, Arjun unwillingly agrees to perform a life-saving surgery and collapses with dehydration. The hospital staff examine his blood samples, which show traces of alcohol and cocaine. The hospital chief files a case against Arjun, who accepts the truth on the grounds of violating his professional ethics during an in-house court hearing, despite Shiva making arrangements to bail him out. Arjun's medical license is cancelled for five years and he is evicted from the flat. The next morning, Shiva manages to reach Arjun to convey his grandmother's death; he meets his father, and they reconcile. Arjun gives up his self-destructive habits soon after.

While leaving for a vacation, Arjun sees a pregnant Preethi sitting in a park. Convinced that she is unhappy with her marriage, Arjun meets her after returning from his vacation. Preethi reveals that she left her husband days after their marriage and continued to work in a clinic. She tells Arjun that he is the child's father, and they reunite. The pair marries, and Preethi's father apologises for misunderstanding their love for each other.

Vijay Deverakonda as Arjun Reddy Deshmukh
Shalini Pandey as Preethi Shetty
Rahul Ramakrishna as Shiva
Jia Sharma as Jia Sharma
Sanjay Swaroop as Dhanunjay Reddy Deshmukh, Arjun's father
Kamal Kamaraju as Gautham Reddy Deshmukh, Arjun's brother
Kanchana as Arjun's grandmother
Gopinath Bhat as Devdas Shetty, Preethi's father
Kalyan Subrahmanyam as Kamal
Amit Sharma as Amit
Aditi Myakal as Vidya
Anisha Alla as Keerthi
Sravya Mrudula as Shruthi, Preethi's friend
Bhushan Kalyan as Dean of St. Mary's college
Priyadarshi Pulikonda as Vipul (cameo appearance)
Love stories are generally plot-driven, here it is driven by the character Arjun Reddy. It is a powerful name. During college years, you get to hear seniors talk about a legendary character and that name has a recall value. These days our Telugu film titles are lengthy and are from lyrics. I didn't want that. Arjun Reddy was thought to be a faction film. I am juxtaposing that connotation with a love story.
—Vanga on the film's title, in an interview with The Hindu in September 2016.[5]
After discontinuing his studies as a physiotherapist, Sandeep Vanga worked in the 2010 Telugu film Kedi as an assistant director.[1][6] He worked on the script of Arjun Reddy for two years and for four to five years approached producers who were not willing to finance the project until Vanga's brother Pranay Reddy agreed to do so.[1] Pranay and Vanga's father invested in the film equally. The project was made under the production banner of Bhadrakali Pictures.[6][7]

Arjun Reddy was partially inspired from Vanga's life as a physiotherapy student: "It is not my story but there are a lot of references from my life [...] Some of my medical college friends saw the film and said that Arjun reminds them of me."[1] After working on a scene, he used to wait for a week as he believed that for a film with twists and turns, the narrative would have a chance to jump, thereby giving scope for cinematic liberties. For the same, whenever the idea for a plot twist came to him, Vanga used to work on it for three to four weeks.[6]

In a September 2017 interview with Sangeetha Devi Dundoo of The Hindu, Vanga said he believed that Telugu cinema uses dialects spoken in Guntur and Vijayawada. Since he was unaware of the way of speaking in both the places, he wrote the dialogue in a Hyderabad Telangana accent.[3] He made use of words that were rarely spoken in colloquial Telugu like yaralu (sister in law) to make Arjun look "real and rooted".[8] Some of the dialogue was written in Tulu.[9] With a dark mood prevailing for 100 minutes, Vanga wanted a happy ending for the film, with two or three options for the climax. He said he "didn't have the heart" to end the narrative on a sad note, considering the darkness Arjun was subjected to.[1] The initial edit was 220 minutes long; this was reduced to 186 minutes.[1]

Cast and crew
Vanga initially approached Sharwanand to play the film's lead role. Sharwanand was at first apprehensive of Vanga handling the responsibilities of directing and producing the project but after reading the script, he changed his mind. He sent the script to many producers, who considered the project too risky to fund.[6][10] After Sharwanand left the project, Vanga signed Vijay Deverakonda to play Arjun Reddy. Deverakonda's breakthrough film Pelli Choopulu (2016) had not yet been released, and many were against Vanga for casting him, citing it a risky move for a home production.[11] In an interview with Indo-Asian News Service, Devarakonda called the portrayal of Arjun Reddy exhausting, noting that, "I had to be constantly probing into the darkest areas of my consciousness, digging out feelings and tapping into emotions I had never touched in myself".[12] He did not have any cinematic references but watched films like The Godfather (1972), Scarface (1983) and Goodfellas (1990) to remain in an alpha male zone.[8]

Arjun and Preethi had an age difference of four years, which Vanga wanted to showcase effectively. He chose Shalini Pandey to play Preethi; she was pursuing a career in theatre in Jabalpur.[6] Pandey's father was apprehensive of her signing a film contract; the shoot delayed by five months. Pandey was firm in her decision, which strained her relationship with her father.[13] Vanga wanted her to dub for her role, to which she agreed because it would help her own the character completely.[14] Vanga conducted an eight-day acting workshop with Deverakonda and Pandey.[5] Kanchana was cast as Arjun's grandmother in November 2016; Arjun Reddy marked her comeback to Telugu cinema after Shri Datta Darshanam (1985). The producers persuaded her to join the project after a long series of discussions.[15]

Rahul Ramakrishna, who worked as a lyricist for Pelli Choopulu, was cast as Arjun's friend Shiva. Ramakrishna's career as a journalist helped him understand several dialects, which in turn had a positive effect on his performance.[16] He called Shiva's friendship with Arjun "loyal and unconditional", which gives them the liberty to deride each other at times.[17] Amit Sharma was chosen after a three-hour audition; Vanga felt he "had the apt attitude and arrogance" for the role of Amit, Arjun's nemesis.[18] Bhushan Kalyan played the role of the college's dean.[19] Tulu actor Gopinath Bhat was cast as Preethi's father.[9] Sanjay Swaroop, Kamal Kamaraju, Jia Sharma and Priyadarshi Pulikonda were cast in other important roles.[20]

Nagesh Banell was initially the film's director of photography.[21] He was replaced by Raj Thota later, who worked for 85% of the film.[6] Deverakonda recommended him; he did the clash work for Pelli Choopulu whose cinematography was handled by Banell.[b][22][23] Vanga worked on the film's sound design and worked with Sachin Hariharan of Sync Cinema.[6] Harshavardhan Rameshwar composed the background score.[24] Shashank Mali edited the film.[25]

The film's principal photography commenced at Hyderabad on 20 June 2016.[26] Kanchana joined the film's sets on 30 November 2016.[15] The protagonists' college life portions were filmed at the three heritage buildings of the University college of Hampankatta, Mangalore.[27] Other filming locations included Dehradun and Delhi in India and parts of Italy.[7] According to Deverakonda, Vanga wanted to set the film in a coastal city and chose Mangalore—mirroring his student life in Dharwad—and stayed there for ten days to finalise the locations.[28] In an interview with Idlebrain.com, Vanga said, "When you write a script, you think about a particular location. But, it scared me when we got worst of locations for some of the scenes. But it didn't matter because our attention would be on characters. I realised that when content is clear, locations doesn't matter most of the times."[6]

The principal photography was completed in 86 working days,[3] and was made on a budget of ₹40–51.5 million.[a] Vanga preferred long, uninterrupted takes; the pre-Intermission sequence was seven minutes long. According to Deverakonda, if filmed in conventional style, Vanga would have finished the film in 200 working days.[24] For a few scenes, Thota used a hand-held camera weighing 25 kilograms (55 lb), which adversely affected his hands.[22] The classroom fight scene featuring Deverakonda, Pandey and Sharma was filmed in a single take; Sharma wanted Deverakonda to actually hit him to make the scene look natural. He said their experience in theatre helped their performances.[18] The crew wanted to film the intermission scene, in which Arjun urinates in his pants, authentically but a delay in the shoot led to the insertion of a medical hosepipe in Deverakonda's trousers

Sona Mohapatra

Sona Mohapatra (born 17 June 1976) is an Indian singer, music composer and lyricist[1] born in Cuttack, Odisha. She has performed in concerts across the world and has been featured in albums, singles, concert webcasts, music videos, Bollywood films and advertisements.[2][3][4][5] In addition to her own material, Mohapatra has recorded remixes of songs by David Bowie, with "Let's Dance", and INXS, with "Afterglow", with the latter proving particularly successful
Sona was born in Cuttack, Odisha.[7][8][9] Sona is a B. Tech. engineering graduate from the College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar in Instrumentation & Electronics Engineering. She also obtained an MBA degree from Symbiosis Centre for Management & HRD, Pune in marketing & Systems.[10] She later worked as the brand manager in Marico, handling brands like Parachute & Mediker amongst others.

Her first ventures in music industry started with advertising. One of her famous jingle was for Tata Salt – Kal Ka Bharat Hai & the campaign for Unilevers Close Up has a section of her song Paas Aao Na which has been recorded in several languages & aired across 13 countries for 4 consecutive years . In 2007, she released her debut album, Sona, on Sony Records, which sought to explore the diverse styles of rock, rhythm and blues, Flamenco, Hindustani, Baul and Romani music.[3][11] In 2009, she released the single Diljale & Paas Aao Na in the same year She recently sung a song 'Bedardi Raja' in the movie Delhi Belly for Aamir Khan Production's[12] and did a cameo in it. She has also sung theme songs "Mujhe Kya Bechega Rupaiya" and "Ghar Yaad Aata Hai Mujhe" for the TV show Satyamev Jayate. Her song Jiya laage na from the soundtrack of Talaash has been receiving rave reviews too. Sona has her own band composed of guitar virtuoso Sanjoy Das amongst five more musicians and is an electric live performer who has played in a multitude of live venues including the Lincoln Center in New York & to stadium crowds in India in Chandigarh, Chennai & Siliguri amongst others . She has also headlined the international Jodhpur RIFF festival held in the Mehrangarh Fort. The song 'Bolo Na' from Sona was appreciated by the audience.

Sona Mohapatra came to mainstream prominence with the trendbreaking talk show with Aamir Khan [Satyamev Jayate] in which she frequently appeared as a lead singer and performer. She was also the executive producer of the musical project on the same show. Her cameo performances recorded more than 9 million views across uploads and sites as per the latest digital count. She confessed in a recent interview that the project was all consuming in terms of the emotional and physical energies invested. Multiple lyricists, unconventional subjects and lots of brainstorming on the songs, lyrics, shoots, recordings and to top it all, all songs have been translated and recorded in multiple languages.[13] According to Sona "Oriya influences in Bollywood are rare as yet – unlike an overdose of Punjabi, Rajasthani, Bengali and even Southern music.' The Song, Mujhe Kya Bechega Rupaiya, sung by Sona Mohapatra is composed by Ram Sampath & was aired on the third episode of Satyamev Jayate based on celebrating women's freedom. The song has received over 5 million hits on YouTube.[14]

Personal life
Sona is married to Ram Sampath, a song composer and music director in Bollywood.She first met him in 2002, while she was still working as a brand manager with Marico. They were introduced by director Ram Madhvani, with whom Sampath was working for Let's Talk (2002); they married in 2005.[10][15] Ram later became a household name for his innovative score of the film Delhi Belly (2011), followed by Satyamev Jayate (2012) and Talaash (2012).[15] Sona and Ram are partners in their music production house OmGrown Music and reside in Mumbai.[16] They also have their own studios in the same city.

George Reddy

George Reddy (born 15 January 1947)(died 14 April 1972) was a research student in physics at Osmania University, in Hyderabad Telangana India who was murdered by his opposition on 14 April 1972 in a student hostel, aged 25.[1] The event led to the formation of the Progressive Democratic Students Union (PDSU), a student body on the campus of the university that took its name from the PDS imprint that George had used when publishing pamphlets.[1][2]

George Reddy was a university gold medallist ,[3] remembered now primarily for his promotion of Marxist ideas[2] and his opposition to social discrimination and inequality. According to a student friend, he was inspired by "the emerging Black Panthers movement in the US, the Vietnamese people's struggle against US imperialism and the peasant uprisings in Naxalbari and Srikakulam."[3]

At an event in 2012 marking the fortieth anniversary of his death, a short documentary film about his life, titled Crisis on the Campus, was premiered and also a book titled Reminiscences of George Reddy's.[3]

Popular Culture
A biopic based on George's life is underworked with director B Jeevan Reddy and actor Sandeep Madhav, titled George Reddy.[4]
Crisis on the Campus Short documentary film premiered in event of his fortieth death anniversary 2012.
book Reminiscences George Reddy's also relesed in 2012.[3]
The 1990 movie Alajadi, played by Bhanu Chander, is based on his life.
Mani Ratnam's movie, Yuva was loosely based on his story and Suriya played his character.


Pagalpanti (transl. Madness) is a 2019 Indian Hindi-language action comedy film directed by Anees Bazmee and produced by Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar under the banner of T-Series along with Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak under the banner of Panorama Studios.[4] The film stars an ensemble cast of Anil Kapoor, John Abraham, Ileana D'Cruz, Arshad Warsi, Urvashi Rautela, Pulkit Samrat, Kriti Kharbanda and Saurabh Shukla in the lead roles.[5][6]

Principal photography of the film commenced on 17 February 2019 in London.[7][8] [9] It was released on 22 November 2019
3 men, considered as losers in their lives by the people, plan to get rich along with their girlfriends by fooling 2 gangsters and robbing their money.

Anil Kapoor as Wifi Bhai
John Abraham as Raj Kishore
Ileana D'Cruz as Sanjana
Arshad Warsi as Junky
Urvashi Rautela as Kavya
Pulkit Samrat as Chandu
Kriti Kharbanda as Jhanvi
Saurabh Shukla as Raja Sahab
Inaamulhaq as Niraj Modi
Zakir Hussain as Tulli Seth
Ashok Samarth as Bulli Seth
Brijendra Kala as Mamaji
Mukesh Tiwari as Baba Jani
Dolly Bindra as Raja Sahab's Wife
Pagalpanti was announced on 21 September 2018.[11] In April 2019, Bazmee shared his experiences of shooting in London. In a statement he said, "Shooting in London was not less then a roller-coaster ride. We had a few difficulties considering the weather conditions there."[12]

The principal photography began in February 2019 with shooting of film in London.[7] The London schedule of the film ended in the last week of April 2019, with this principal photography of the film was completed.[13][14][5][7] John Abraham was injured while filming an action scene for the film in Mumbai.[15]

Marketing and release
Ahead of the release of the film a sequel has been planned. Kumar Mangat, the producer said "It is going to be a big franchise, and our team has started work on the script for part two...."[16][17][18] The first teaser poster was released on 18 October 2019.[19] On the same day the character posters of the ensemble cast were released.[20][21] The trailer of the film was released on 22 October 2019 by T-Series. It has garnered 19 million views since its release.[22]The official second trailer of the film was launched on 12 November 2019.[23]

The release date of the film was advanced and was released on 22 November 2019

Claremont Hotel Eastbourne

The Claremont Hotel is a hotel in Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom, overlooking the Carpet Gardens, near Eastbourne Pier.[1][2]

The Grade II* listed 150 room hotel comprises of the Claremont and the former Burlington Hotel into one grand white-washed hotel in a row known as the Grand Parade.[3] Both hotels were originally terraced houses, with the Burlington spanning 13 houses.[4]

The hotel was built between 1851 and 1855,[4] after some delay in financing after the builders went bankrupt. The hotel was originally named after the 2nd Earl of Burlington, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire.[5] The hotel became a listed building in 1949.[4]

In 2007 the long-term manager of the Burlington hotel, Christopher Dean, retired after fifteen years at the hotel.[6] Formerly owned by Sheikh Abid Gulzar, the Claremont was acquired in the mid-2010s by Daish's Holidays.[7][8]

At 08:50 GMT on 22 November 2019, a fire broke out in the basement of the hotel and resulted in around 60 firefighters and 12 fire engines being sent to the hotel to extinquish the flames. The hotel was successfully evacuated[9] with six people injured, one being hospitalised; the nearby Pier Hotel was also evacuated.[7]

The hotel is a four-storey building with iron balconies. At No 7 the ground floor of the facade has been cut away to provide the entrance to the Claremont Hotel. There is a porch at No.14 with Doric columns.[4] The hotel contains a large conference room which can accommodate up to 150 people

Frozen 2

Frozen 2, also known as Frozen II, is a 2019 American computer-animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The 58th film produced by the studio, it is the sequel to the 2013 film Frozen and features the return of directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, producer Peter Del Vecho, songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, and composer Christophe Beck. Lee also returns as screenwriter, penning the screenplay from a story by her, Buck, Marc E. Smith, Anderson-Lopez and Lopez,[2] while Byron Howard executive-produced the film.[a][1] Veteran voice cast Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, and Ciarán Hinds return as their previous characters, and are joined by newcomers Sterling K. Brown, Evan Rachel Wood, Alfred Molina, Martha Plimpton, Jason Ritter, Rachel Matthews, and Jeremy Sisto.

Set three years after the events of the first film,[7] the story follows Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven who embark on a journey beyond their kingdom of Arendelle in order to discover the origin of Elsa's magical powers and save their kingdom after a mysterious voice calls out to Elsa.[8][9][10][11][12]

Frozen 2 had its world premiere at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on November 7, 2019, and was released widely in the United States by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures on November 22, 2019. It has received generally positive reviews from critics, who praised its animation and songs, although generally noting its inferiority to the original.
King Runeard, founder and first king of Arendelle, establishes a treaty with the tribe of Northuldra by building a dam in the Northuldra's homeland, the Enchanted Forest. However, a fight occurs and enrages the spirits of earth, fire, air, and water who inhabit the forest. The spirits disappear and a wall of mist encases everyone in the forest. Runeard’s son Prince Agnarr barely escapes with the help of an unknown savior.

Three years after her coronation, Queen Elsa of Arendelle celebrates autumn in the kingdom with her younger sister Princess Anna, Olaf the snowman, Kristoff the kingdom’s ice harvester, and Kristoff’s reindeer Sven. Elsa has been hearing a mysterious voice calling out to her. Unable to ignore it one night, Elsa follows the voice and unintentionally awakens the elemental spirits. The spirits force everyone in the kingdom to evacuate. Grand Pabbie and the Trolls colony, aware of the situation, arrive to Arendelle and Pabbie informs them that they must set things right by discovering the truth about the kingdom's past. Elsa deduces that they must follow the voice she has been hearing.

Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven embark to the Enchanted Forest. They encounter the impenetrable wall of mist, but it parts open as Elsa uses her magic before closing back. The wind spirit, in the form of a tornado, appears and sweeps everyone in its vortex. Elsa stops it by firing streams of snow, forming a set of ice sculptures. They discover the sculptures are images from their father’s past and that their mother, Iduna, was a Northuldra who saved Agnarr. They encounter the Northuldra and a troop of Arendellian soldiers who are still at conflict with one another. The fire spirit appears and Elsa attempts to stop its fire from spreading. Elsa discovers that the spirit is an agitated magical salamander and calms it down, stopping all the fires. Elsa and Anna form a truce between the soldiers and the Northuldra by explaining that their mother was Northuldran and their father was Arendellian. Elsa later learns the existence of a fifth spirit who will unite people and the magic of nature.

Elsa continues to head north with Anna and Olaf. They find their parents’ shipwreck and a map with a route to Ahtohallan, a mythical river said to have explanations of the past. Feeling guilty her parents were lost at sea in search of answers of her magic powers, Elsa decides to travel alone and sends Anna and Olaf away in an ice boat for their safety. Anna and Olaf are then stranded in a cavern.

Elsa encounters Nokk, the water spirit who guards the ocean on her way to Ahtohallan. Elsa tames the Nokk and reaches Ahtohallan. There, Elsa discovers that the voice was the call of Iduna from memories of the past, and that her power was a gift from the magic of nature because of Iduna's selfless act of saving Agnarr, making her the fifth spirit who unites differences. Elsa wields her mother's mantle of the fifth spirit. Elsa also learns that the dam was built as a ruse to reduce the Northuldra’s resources because of Runeard’s despise of the tribe’s connection with magic and that Runeard was the one who initiated the conflict. Elsa sends this information to Anna, but as she had ventured into the most dangerous part of Ahtohallan, Elsa becomes frozen which causes Olaf to fade away.

Anna receives Elsa’s message and concludes that the dam must be destroyed for peace to be restored. Anna gets out from the cavern and awakens the sleeping gigantic earth spirits. Anna lures them towards the dam and the dam is destroyed by boulders hurled by the giants. Elsa thaws out and returns to Arendelle, stopping a flood from the destroyed dam. As the wall of mist disappears, Elsa reunites with Anna and revives Olaf. Kristoff proposes to Anna, who accepts. Elsa points out that she and Anna are now the bridge between the people and the magical spirits. Anna becomes the queen of Arendelle and Elsa becomes the protector of the Enchanted Forest who regularly visits Arendelle as peace is restored in all the lands.

Idina Menzel as Elsa, the Queen of Arendelle and Anna's elder sister who possesses magical ice powers[13]
Mattea Conforti and Eva Bella (archive sound) as Young Elsa[1]
Kristen Bell as Anna, the Princess of Arendelle and Elsa's younger sister[13]
Hadley Gannaway and Libby Stubenrauch (archive sound) as Young Anna[1]
Jonathan Groff as Kristoff, an iceman who is Anna's boyfriend and accompanied by a reindeer named Sven[13]
Josh Gad as Olaf, a sentient snowman created by Elsa's magic[13]
Sterling K. Brown as Lieutenant Destin Mattias, the leader of a group of soldiers who were trapped in the enchanted forest for years.[13][14][15]
Evan Rachel Wood as Queen Iduna, the mother of Elsa and Anna.[13][14] Jennifer Lee previously provided her single line in the first film.[16]
Delaney Rose Stein as Young Iduna[1]
Alfred Molina as King Agnarr, the father of Elsa and Anna. He was previously voiced by Maurice LaMarche in the first film.[17]
Jackson Stein as Young Agnarr[1]
Martha Plimpton as Yelana, the leader of the Northuldra tribe.[17]
Jason Ritter as Ryder, a member of the Northuldra, Honeymaren's brother who shares Kristoff's love for reindeer.[17][18]
Rachel Matthews as Honeymaren, a member of the Northuldra, Ryder's sister who wants to bring peace to the enchanted forest.[19][17][20]
Jeremy Sisto as King Runeard, King Agnarr's father and the grandfather of Elsa and Anna.[21][1]
Ciarán Hinds as Grand Pabbie, the leader of the Trolls.[1]
Additionally, Alan Tudyk provides voices to a Guard, a Northuldra Leader, and an Arendellian Soldier.[1] Archive sound is used for Tudyk as the Duke of Weselton and Santino Fontana as Hans, a Prince from the Southern Isles who tried to take over Arendelle.[13] Paul Briggs also reprises his role as Marshmallow, a giant snow monster created by Elsa.[1] Singer-musician Aurora portrays The Voice, a mysterious magical entity that allures Elsa.[1]

When asked about sequels to the first film, producer Peter Del Vecho said in March 2014 that Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee, and he "work very, very well together, so I believe we will be developing a new project. But I don't know what that is right now."[22] In late April of that year, Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan F. Horn said that "we haven't really talked about a sequel" because at that time the studio's priority was the planned Broadway musical, which also required additional songs to be written by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez.[23][24]

When asked in May 2014 about a sequel, Disney CEO Bob Iger told host David Faber that Disney would not "mandate a sequel" or "force storytelling", because to do so would risk creating something not as good as the first film. Iger also expressed the hope that the Frozen franchise "is something that is kind of forever for the company" similar to The Lion King.[25]

In June, Lee confirmed that then-chief creative officer John Lasseter had expressly granted her and Buck the freedom to explore whatever they were "passionate about": "We don't know what it is yet ... We're actually going to start from scratch. It'll be something completely brand new."[26]

On March 12, 2015, at Disney's annual meeting of shareholders in San Francisco, Iger, Lasseter, and actor Josh Gad (the voice of Olaf) officially announced a full-length sequel, Frozen 2, was in development at Disney, with Buck and Lee returning as directors and Del Vecho returning as producer.[27] Lasseter said that at Disney Animation, "as with Pixar, when we do a sequel, it is because the filmmakers who created the original have created an idea that is so good that it's worthy of these characters." He said that in the case of Frozen, the directors had "come up with a great idea for a sequel and you will be hearing a lot more about it, and we're taking you back to Arendelle."[28] According to the Los Angeles Times, there was "considerable internal debate" at Disney over whether to proceed with a Frozen sequel at Disney Animation, but the unprecedented success of the first film apparently swayed Disney executives towards making a sequel.[29]

In a September 2017 interview with The Arizona Republic, Menzel confirmed that she would return for her role a couple weeks after completing her concerts tour; she said, "they haven't even sent me a script".[30]

On September 28, Gad announced his role in the sequel with Buck, Lee, Del Vecho and Lasseter.[31][32]

Jonathan Groff (the voice of Kristoff) said earlier in July 2017, "I don't know anything about it yet other than I'm about to start recording my section of it."[33] On October 11, he confirmed on the British talk show Lorraine that he too had started recording for the sequel the previous month.[34][35][36]

In an October 2017 interview with CinemaBlend, Bell said that there will be some new characters too. She further said that the directors and the producers had "taken their trip to Norway" and took "the entire culture in" to make this "fun home movie." She added that Lee had drafted personal journals in character as Elsa and Anna "for months to try and figure out [what they'd say]".[37]

In March 2018, Lee said in an interview that she was doing the second draft out of six drafts, which she referred as "six screenings".[38] In July 2018, it was announced that Evan Rachel Wood and Sterling K. Brown had entered talks to join the cast in undisclosed roles.[39] In August 2018, Allison Schroeder, the screenwriter of Hidden Figures and Disney's Christopher Robin, was hired to assist Lee with writing the film's screenplay after Lee succeeded Lasseter as Disney Animation's chief creative officer,[40] througth only Lee was credited as screenwriter.[1] The first presentation of completed scenes from the movie was shown at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in June 2019.[41] At the Annecy presentation, head of animation Becky Bresee and head of effects animation Marlon West said that as of mid-June 2019, the film was "still in production, with seven weeks of animation to be completed and 10 weeks of special effects."[42]

At 2019 D23 Expo, the directors said that the sequel will answer the questions that were left behind by the original film; "Why does Elsa have magical powers", "Why was Anna born without powers", "Where were their parents going when their ship sank", and more will be addressed.[8][43] It was announced that Brown's role is a soldier in the Arendelle army who worked for Elsa and Anna's grandfather King Runeard,[19] and Wood announced that her role would be shown in flashback and that it would help "uncover some mysteries that we didn't know before".[9] Additionally, while some fans campaigned for Elsa to receive a female love interest in the film, co-songwriter Kristen Anderson-Lopez confirmed that Elsa will have no love interest in the movie.[44] During a press release for the film, Lee confirmed that the sequel will not feature elements from Once Upon a Time's Frozen storyline, as she "made a point of certain things not to see" when developing the film.[45]

According to co-production designer Lisa Keene, the animators did "a lot of artwork" in order to define the Nokk's design, while Steve Golberg, the film's visual effects supervisor said that the Nokk's animation required collaborations between several animation departments, artist, and technicians, and said that the time to define the Nokk's design took at least 8 months of the film's production.[1] The fim's animation team aimed to gave the Nokk a more stable appearance than the ocean as depicted in Moana.[1] According to effects supervisor Erin Ramos, the Nokk's liquid-like appearance was developed by the film's effects team, which he said was "so that [the] Nokk would feel like a strong and stormy creature".[1] According to Marlon West, the film's head of character animation, the animators were given "the tools to actually perform with an ultimately invisible rig that resembled a little comet", as well as old key-framing technology, in order to represent the character of Gale.[1]

To create the wind spirit Gale a new tool called Swoop was invented. This required that four and sometimes five different departments cooperating on the animation of the character, with animators working with real time feedback.[46]

The water simulation was made to be more realistic than in Moana, but some of the elements in the movie were so realistic that it felt inconsistent next to the characters, and so had to be made more stylistic.[47]

According to the film's head of animation, Tony Smeed, the Earth Giants "had a long rigging process" in order for the characters to move without "[seeing] solid rock penetrating solid rock", while Marlon West, the film's head of effects animation, said that the film's effects team "was to generate rocks that would fall out of the joints as they moved", though they had to be careful to avoid making the rocks distracting to the audience.[1]

Main article: Frozen 2 (soundtrack)
Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez returned from the first film to write new songs for the sequel, while Christophe Beck composed the film's score.[3] The soundtrack was officially released on November 15, a week before the movie's theatrical release.[48]

Frozen 2 had its world premiere at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on November 7, 2019,[49] and was widely released on November 22, 2019 by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.[50][51] It was previously set for November 27, 2019.[52] It is set to be released in Australia and New Zealand on November 28, 2019.[53]

On April 11, 2019, it was announced that a companion docuseries will be launched on the Disney+ streaming service within its first year entitled Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2.[54]

Following the success brought by international productions of the first chapter of the series, which led to the release of a complete set album featuring all the official versions of "Let It Go" released at the time,[55] and on the wake of special dubbings released for the movie Moana, which has gathered in the space of two years from its release a Tahitian,[56] a Māori[57][58] and a Hawaiian version,[59][60] it was announced that a special Northern Sami dubbing will be released for Frozen 2 with the title Jikŋon 2.[61][62][63]

Disney released the first teaser trailer for the film on February 13, 2019.[64] The teaser trailer was viewed 116.4 million times in its first 24 hours, becoming the second most viewed animated film trailer in that time period, surpassing the record of Incredibles 2 (113.6 million views).[65] The second trailer debuted during ABC's Good Morning America on June 11, 2019.[66] The third trailer also released on GMA, on September 23.[67][68] A fourth trailer was released by Disney UK on October 14.[69] UK supermarket chain Iceland promoted the film as part of its 2019 Christmas advertisement, as well as having a new and exclusive short scene made by Walt Disney Animation Studios, showing Olaf and Elsa's favorite things about Christmas.[70] Menzel, Gad and Groff were also interviewed on a Children in Need edition of The One Show on November 15.[71]

Box office
In the United States and Canada, Frozen 2 will be released alongside A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood and 21 Bridges, and is projected to gross anywhere from $90–135 million from 4,400 theaters in its opening weekend.[72]

Critical reception
On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 76% based on 179 reviews, with an average rating of 6.66/10. The site's critical consensus reads: "Frozen II can't quite recapture the showstopping feel of its predecessor, but it remains a dazzling adventure into the unknown."[73] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 64 out of 100, based on 43 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews".[74]

Manohla Dargis of The New York Times gave the film a positive review, saying: "As is often true in animation, Frozen 2 soars highest when it embraces abstraction, as in one number with a pitch-black void that entertainingly evokes Jonathan Glazer’s Under the Skin."[75] Kristen Page-Kirby of The Washington Post gave the film 2/4 stars and wrote: "Yes, “Frozen II is a letdown when compared with the original. But it's also a lackluster disappointment on its own — a pale shadow of what it could have been. It's hard to see how the same team who made something so cool in 2013 could deliver something so — there's no other word for it — lukewarm."[76] Writing for MovieWeb, Julian Roman said that the film "is a darker journey, but illuminated with breathtaking animation and stunning action scenes. There's enough good humor for balance amid an avalanche of new songs."[77] Nell Minow of Rogerebert.com, gave the film a 3.5 out of 4 stars and said: "Frozen II has an autumnal palette, with russet and gold setting the stage for an unexpectedly elegiac tone in the follow-up to one of Disney's most beloved animated features."[78] Ben Travis of Empire Magazine gave the film a 4 out of 5 stars, stating: "The best things about the first film — the characters and music — once again sing in a frequently dazzling if narratively flawed sequel that’s better at being sensory than sense-making."[79] Peter Travers of Rolling Stone also gave the film a 4 out of 5 stars, and said: "the delight and dazzle of this frosty follow-up brings it all home in a climax that should have audiences panting for a part III."[80] Todd McCarthy of the Hollywoodreporter.com gave a positive review of the film, saying: "Frozen 2 has everything you would expect — catchy new songs, more time with easy-to-like characters, striking backdrops, cute little jokes, a voyage of discovery plot and female empowerment galore — except the unexpected."[81]

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