الأحد، 1 ديسمبر 2019

اليوم الوطني الاماراتي

اليوم الوطني الإماراتي يوافق يوم الثاني من ديسمبر كل عام، والذي تحتفل فيه دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بذكرى قيام اتحادها الذي تأسس عام 1971. كانت الانطلاقة التاريخية لهذا الاتحاد قد بدأت بإجماع حكام الإمارات السبع، وهم الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان، حاكم أبوظبي، والشيخ راشد بن سعيد آل مكتوم، حاكم دبي، والشيخ صقر بن محمد القاسمي، حاكم رأس الخيمة، والشيخ خالد بن محمد القاسمي، حاكم الشارقة، والشيخ محمد الشرقي حاكم الفجيرة، والشيخ أحمد المعلا حاكم أم القيوين، والشيخ راشد بن حميد النعيمي، حاكم عجمان، واتفاقهم على الاتحاد فيما بينهم حيث أقر دستور مؤقت ينظم الدولة ويحدد أهدافها.
في 18 يوليو 1971م، قرّر حكّام ست إمارات من الإمارات المتصالحة، هي: أبوظبي، ودبي، والشارقة، وعجمان، وأم القيوين، والفجيرة، تكوين دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وفي 2 ديسمبر 1971م تمّ الإعلان رسمياً عن تأسيس دولة اتحادية مستقلة ذات سيادة. وفي العاشر من فبراير عام 1972م أعلنت إمارة رأس الخيمة انضمامها للاتحاد ليكتمل عقد الإمارات السبع في إطار واحد، ثم أخذت تندمج تدريجيا بشكل إيجابي بكل إمكاناتها.
الطريق للاستقلال والاتحاد
في سنة 1968، أعلنت بريطانيا عن رغبتها في الانسحاب من جميع محمياتها ومستعمراتها شرق المتوسط في نهاية سنة 1971. وهو ما كان يمكن أن يسبب خللا سياسيا واستراتيجيا في المنطقة لو لم يستعد أبناؤها لاستلام زمام الأمور وبالصورة الصحيحة، وبدأت تتبلور فكرة الاتحاد في اجتماع عقد بين الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان والشيخ راشد بن سعيد آل مكتوم في قرية السميح الحدودية في 18 فبراير 1968  واتفقا على أن أفضل السبل أن يقوم اتحاد بينهما وأن يدعوا الإمارات الخليجية إلى هذا الاتحاد، وهو ما تم بالفعل، وقد وجهت الدعوة بالإضافة إلى الإمارات السبع إلى كل من إمارتي قطر والبحرين. وتمت الدعوة لاجتماع في دبي لبحث مسألة إنشاء اتحاد بينهم. وانعقد الاجتماع ووافق الجميع على أن تشكل لجنة لدراسة الدستور المقترح.

لكن ما لبثت أن فشلت هذه المحاولة، وأعلنت كل من قطر والبحرين عن استقلالهما معلنتين عن سيادة كل منهما على أراضيها. وبالفعل نالت كل دولة منهما الاعترافات العربية والدولية. لكن مشكلة الإمارات بقيت قائمة. وقد حاول قطبا الاتحاد، الشيخ زايد والشيخ راشد، مرة أخرى ضم الإمارات السبع إلى بعضها. غير أن تلك المحاولة كان مصيرها الفشل أيضا بسبب ظهور خلافات حول أمور كثيرة أبرزها موقع عاصمة الاتحاد وكيفية تمثيل الإمارات الأعضاء في مجلس الاتحاد. فحاولا من جديد، إذ اجتمع الشيخ زايد والشيخ راشد وقررا أن يشكلا اتحادا بينهما وكلفا عدي البيطار المستشار القانوني لحكومة دبي بكتابة الدستور. وعند إتمامه تتم دعوة حكام الإمارات الباقية للاجتماع، وفي هذا الاجتماع يقررون الانضمام إليه إذا شاؤوا. أما هما فكانا قد اتخذا قرارا بالاتحاد بين دبي وأبوظبي ولم يبق إلا التنفيذ.

قيام الاتحاد
أقر دستور الإمارات الاتحادي بشكل مبدئي مساء يوم 1 ديسمبر عام 1971م. وفي صباح اليوم التالي الخميس 15 شوال 1391 هـ / 2 ديسمبر 1971 م اجتمع حكام سبع إمارات في قصر الضيافة في دبي. ووافق أربعة من حكام الإمارات مشاركة إمارتي أبوظبي ودبي في هذا الاتحاد في حين لم يوافق حاكم رأس الخيمة في حينها. ووقع حكام أبوظبي ودبي والشارقة والفجيرة وأم القيوين وعجمان على الدستور مانحين الشرعية لقيام الاتحاد بينهم والاستقلال عن بريطانيا.

خرج أحمد خليفة السويدي - مستشار الشيخ زايد، وقد عين وزيرا للخارجية في أول تشكيل وزاري للدولة - ليعلن أمام رجال الإعلام عن قيام الاتحاد. ورفع علم الدولة في قصر الضيافة بدبي الذي يعرف اليوم باسم "بيت الاتحاد". وانتخب الشيخ زايد رئيساً للاتحاد، والشيخ راشد نائباً لرئيس الاتحاد.

وقد تعرضت دولة الإمارات الوليدة قبيل إعلان استقلالها إلى ضربة من جارتها إيران، حين أقدمت بحريتها في آخر نوفمبر 1971 على احتلال الجزر الثلاث: طنب الكبرى وطنب الصغرى وأبو موسى.


نادي بيراميدز لكرة القدم ويُعرف كذلك بـ"نادي الأهرام"، هو نادي كرة قدم مصري تأسس عام 2008 تحت اسم الأسيوطي سبورت قبل بيع حقوقه للمالك السابق تركي آل الشيخ في عام 2018، ومقره ستاد الدفاع الجوي في مدينة القاهرة. يلعب النادي حالياً في الدوري المصري الممتاز وهو أعلى دوري في دوريات كرة القدم المصرية.
فترة الأسيوطي سبورت
تأسس نادي الأسيوطي سبورت في العام 2008 في أسيوط. كانت بداية الفريق في العام نفسه بالمشاركة في القسم الرابع حيث صعد بعد موسمين للقسم الثالث الذي استمر فيه موسمين حتى صعد في نهاية موسم 2013 لدوري القسم الثاني لموسم واحد ثم صعد للدوري للممتاز لأول مرة منذ تأسيسه في موسم 2014–15 بعد فوزه في تصفيات الصعود. ثم عاود الهبوط موسمين متتاليين إلى الدوري المصري الدرجة الثانية حتى صعد مرة أخرى للممتاز في موسم 2017–2018.

استحواذ تركي آل الشيخ: 2018–19
في صيف العام 2018، اشترى رئيس الهيئة العامة للرياضة السعودية - حينها - تركي آل الشيخ النادي واسمه ورخصته من مالكه محمود الأسيوطي، بالإضافة إلى استئجار منتجع الأسيوطي ليكون مقرًا للنادي حيث تغير اسم النادي من "الأسيوطي سبورت" إلى "نادي الأهرام" أو "بيراميدز". في 28 يونيو 2018 أُعلن أن مدرب الأهلي المصري السابق حسام البدري سيتولى رئاسة النادي فيما سيكون أحمد حسن في منصب المتحدث باسم الفريق والمشرف عليه، بالإضافة لتعيين هادي خشبة في منصب مدير الكرة وتولي مدرب بوتافوغو ريغاتاس ألبرتو فالنتيم تدريب الفريق.

تسببت هتافات جمهور جمهور النادي الأهلي المصري ضد مالك نادي بيراميدز تركي آل الشيخ في 24 سبتمبر 2018 في إعلان آل الشيخ بعدها بيوم واحد إنهاء تجربة استثماره في مصر وبالتالي إنهاء النادي وقناته وبيع عقود لاعبيه.

بيعه إلى سالم الشامسي 2019
بيع النادي لأول مرة
في 22 فبراير 2019، أعلن النادي في بيان رسمي على صفحته بموقع التواصل الإجتماعي فيسبوك بيع النادي لمستثمر إماراتي هو سالم سعيد الشامسي بعد تصفية الإستثمارات الرياضية للمالك السابق تركي آل الشيخ. رغم هذا استعاد آل الشيخ النادي بعد يوم واحد فقط.

بيع النادي مرة أخرى
في 4 يوليو من العام 2019 أعلنت صفحات النادي في مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي أن سالم الشامسي اشترى النادي مرة أخرى من مالكه السعودي تركي آل الشيخ.

شعار النادي
كان شعار الأسيوطي سبورت على شكل الكرة الأرضية بشاكلة كرة كرة القدم ويتوسطها شريط مكتوب عليه "الأسيوطي" بحروف لاتينية؛ وقد تغير اسم وشعار النادي بعد بيع حقوقه ليكون على شكل تمثال أبو الهول الفرعوني مع ثلاثة أهرامات أسفله وليس أعلاه بالإضافة لكتابة اسم النادي باللغة الإنجليزية دون العربية لتفادي تشابهه مع شعار مؤسسة الأهرام التي تتخذ من أهرام الجيزة وكلمة الأهرام بالعربية شعارًا لها.

برج القاهرة

برج القاهرة (ويُطلق عليه أحيانًا: «برج الجزيرة») هو برج يقع في العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، تم بناؤه بين عامي 1956 و1961 من الخرسانة المسلحة على تصميم زهرة اللوتس المصرية، من تصميم المهندس نعوم شبيب، ويقع في قلب القاهرة على جزيرة الزمالك بنهر النيل.

يصل ارتفاعه إلى 187 متراً وهو أعلى من الهرم الأكبر بالجيزة بحوالي 43 مترا. يوجد على قمة برج القاهرة مطعم سياحي على منصة دوارة تدور برواد المطعم ليروا معالم القاهرة من كل الجوانب.

ويعد من أبرز معالم القاهرة والذي يقع في منطقة الجزيرة برج القاهرة الذي ويتكون من 16 طابقاً ويقف على قاعدة من أحجار الجرانيت الأسواني التي سبق أن استخدمها المصريون القدماء في بناء معابدهم ومقابرهم، وتستغرق الرحلة داخل مصعد البرج للوصول إلى نهايته 45 ثانية لتشاهد عندما تقف على القمة بانوراما كاملة للقاهرة، الأهرامات، مبنى التلفزيون، أبي الهول، النيل، قلعة صلاح الدين، الأزهر وفي الطابق 14 مطعم.
تاريخ البرج
برج القاهرة تم بناؤه في عهد الرئيس جمال عبد الناصر وتكلف بناؤه 6 ملايين جنيه مصري وقتها كانت الولايات المتحدة قد أعطتها لمصر بهدف التأثير على موقفها المؤيد للقضية الجزائرية ضد الاحتلال الفرنسي. وعن هذا يقول المؤرخ العسكري جمال حماد عندما تم بناء البرج كان له اسمان فالأميركان أطلقوا عليه «شوكة عبد الناصر»، أما المصريون فقد أطلقوا عليه اسم «وقف روزفلت» - لم يكن أطول برج في العالم في ذلك الوقت ولكن يأتي بعد برج أيفل .[محل شك]

تم تجديد برج القاهرة في عمل استمر حوالي سنتين من 2006 حتى 2008 وذلك من قبل شركة المقاولون العرب المصرية وكلفت عمليه الترميم والإصلاح حوالي 15 مليون جنيه وهي تتضمن معالجة وترميم خرسانة البرج وإضافة عدد 3 أدوار هياكل معدنيه اسفل البرج المطعم ببدن البرج ودور أخر أعلى المدخل الرئيسى مباشرة وأنشاء سلم للطوارئ ومصعد للزائرين وتطوير مدخل البرج وكذا تشطيب واجهات البرج وإضافة اضاءة خارجية جديدة.

السبت، 30 نوفمبر 2019

ديفيد وارنر (لاعب كريكت)

ديفيد وارنر (27 أكتوبر 1986 في أستراليا - ) (بالإنجليزية: David Warner) هو لاعب كريكت أسترالي ونيوزلندي. شارك مع منتخب أستراليا الوطني للكريكت. أما مع النوادي   ، فقد لعب مع Sunrisers Hyderabad  ونادي مقاطعة ميدلسكس للكريكت  وDurham County Cricket Club  وفريق جنوب ويلز الجديد للكريكت  وDelhi Capitals  وSydney Sixers  وSydney Thunder 

David Warner

David Andrew Warner (born 27 October 1986) is an Australian international cricketer and a former captain of the Australian national team in limited overs cricket.[3][4] A left-handed opening batsman, Warner is the first Australian cricketer in 132 years to be selected for a national team in any format without experience in first-class cricket. He plays for New South Wales and the Sydney Thunder in domestic cricket. He served as the Australian vice-captain across Test and ODI formats of the game between 2015 and 2018.[5]

In January 2017, he became the fourth player to win the Allan Border Medal more than once and also win the award in consecutive years. On 28 September 2017, he played in his 100th ODI and became the first batsman for Australia and 8th batsman overall to score a century in his 100th ODI.

In March 2018, following a preliminary investigation into ball tampering by the Australian team in the third match of their Test series against South Africa, he was suspended, charged with bringing the game into disrepute.[6] Following a board meeting on 28 March 2018, Cricket Australia banned Warner from all international and domestic cricket in Australia for one year, and from any leadership positions permanently
Early life
David Warner was born on 27 October 1986 in Paddington, a suburb in eastern Sydney.[8] At the age of 13 he was asked by his coach to switch to right-handed batting because he kept hitting the ball in the air. However his mother, Sheila Warner (née Orange), encouraged him to return to batting left-handed and he broke the under-16's run-scoring record for the Sydney Coastal Cricket Club.[9] He then made his first grade debut for the Eastern Suburbs club at the age of 15[9] and later toured Sri Lanka with the Australian under-19s and earned a rookie contract with the state team.[10] Warner attended Matraville Public School and Randwick Boys High School.[11][12]

Domestic career
On 29 November 2008, Warner hit his first domestic One Day century for New South Wales with a score of 165* against Tasmania at Hurstville Oval in Sydney. This knock got him the record of the highest one day score by a Blues player.[13] In the reverse fixture at Hobart, he backed it up with a 54-ball 97 to narrowly miss the record for the fastest ever century in Australian domestic cricket.[14]

Warner made his first-class debut playing for New South Wales against Western Australia in the final match of the 2008–09 Sheffield Shield season at the Sydney Cricket Ground on 5–8 March 2009. Batting only once and coming in at number six in the batting order, Warner scored 42 runs off 48 deliveries.[15]

While playing for New South Wales, Warner broke the record for the highest Australian one-day domestic score. His score of 197 came off just 141 balls and included 20 fours and 10 sixes, surpassing Jimmy Maher's previous record of 187.[16]

KFC Big Bash and Big Bash League
Warner made a record in KFC Twenty20 Big Bash by completing his half century in 18 balls against Tasmania. The earlier record was held by George Bailey, who completed his half century in 19 balls.[17]

In the first season of the newly re-vamped Big Bash League, Warner was named as captain for the Sydney Thunder and in his first match for the Thunder scored 102 not out off just 51 balls with a strike rate of 200 runs per 100 balls.[18] Warner played for Sydney Sixers in 2012–13 season.[19][20]

English County Cricket 2009
Warner has played for English County Champions Durham for the English cricket domestic season.[21]

Indian Premier League
Warner has been one of the most successful batsmen in the Indian Premier League. He has represented the Sunrisers Hyderabad, and played a pivotal role at the top of the order. He holds the records for the most runs by an overseas player (4706), most half-centuries (44) and the highest individual score by a captain (126) in the IPL.[22][23] He has won the Orange Cap three times, more than any other player.

Warner was signed by IPL team Delhi Daredevils for 2009–10 seasons.[24] During the 2009 tournament which was played in South Africa, Warner played seven games, scoring 163 runs at an average of 23.28 and with a strike-rate of 123.48. His top score was 51.[25]

On 7 October 2011, Warner became the first cricketer to score consecutive Twenty20 hundreds, when he followed up an unbeaten 135 against Chennai Super Kings with an unbeaten 123 against Royal Challengers Bangalore. Both matches were in the Champions League.[26]

Following the 2014 IPL auction, he was contracted by Sunrisers Hyderabad for US$880,000.[27] For his performances in 2014, he was named in the Cricinfo IPL XI [28]. In 2015, he was appointed captain of the Sunrisers Hyderabad. Warner ended the season as the tournament's leading run scorer, rewarding him with the Orange cap, although SRH narrowly missed out on reaching the knock-out phase.[29] For his performances in 2015, he was named in the Cricinfo IPL XI [30].

He was chosen to continue leading the team for a second season in 2016,[31] in which he led the team to its first championship with 69 runs off 38 balls in the final against Royal Challengers Bangalore.[32] Warner finished the season with 848 runs, the second highest in the tournament. For his performances in the 2016 IPL season, he was named as captain of the Cricinfo IPL XI and Cricbuzz IPL XI[33][34]

In 2017, Warner scored 126 runs against the Kolkata Knight Riders to break his previous career high of 109*. This also marked his third century in the IPL.[35] He finished the season as the leading run scorer, and was awarded with the Orange cap for the second time. He finished the season with 641 runs and at an average of 58.27.[36] For his performances in the 2017 IPL season, he was named as captain of the Cricbuzz IPL XI and named in the Cricinfo IPL XI [37][38]

For the 2018 IPL season, Warner was retained and appointed captain by Sunrisers Hyderabad,[39] but he stepped down as captain following the events of ball tampering in South Africa.[40] The BCCI later announced that Warner would not be allowed to play in the 2018 IPL season.[41]

For the 2019 IPL season, Warner returned to Sunrisers Hyderabad. In his first match after the one-year ban he scored 85 runs off 53 balls against Kolkata Knight Riders but ended up on the losing side.[42] Two days later, Warner scored 100* runs off 55 balls against Royal Challengers Bangalore in a 118 run victory which was his fourth IPL century.[43] He finished the season as the leading run scorer with 692 runs at an average of 69.20, and was awarded with the Orange Cap for the third time. He left the team early after playing 12 matches due to Australia's World Cup preparations.[44]

Other T20 franchise cricket
He contracted with Sylhet Sixers for the 2019 edition of Bangladesh Premier League. On 3 June 2018, he was selected to play for the Winnipeg Hawks in the players' draft for the inaugural edition of the Global T20 Canada tournament[45][46], then on 5 July 2018 it was announced that he would be the captain to replace Dwayne Bravo due to injury.[47]

International career
Debut years
Warner made his international debut for Australia in a Twenty20 International against South Africa at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on 11 January 2009. Warner was the first man since 1877 to represent Australia without having played in a first-class match.[48] He made an immediate impact, scoring 89 off 43 balls with 7 fours and 6 sixes, including the then second-fastest fifty in Twenty20 International history.[49] His 89 was the second highest score on Twenty20 international debut; and the equal fifth highest score ever in Twenty20 internationals
He made his Test debut on 1 December 2011 against New Zealand at Brisbane, Queensland in the first Test of the Trans-Tasman Trophy due to an injury to Shane Watson. He made three runs in the first innings. In the second innings he scored 12 not out off four balls, scoring the winning runs with a pull shot through mid on.

On 23 February 2010, playing a Twenty20 international against the West Indies at the Sydney Cricket Ground, he made 67 off just 29 balls. His 50 came in just 18 balls, breaking his old record of 19 and it became the second fastest 50 in Twenty20 International history after Yuvraj Singh.[51]

Start of good form
Warner scored his maiden Test century on 12 December 2011 in Australia's unsuccessful run chase against New Zealand in Hobart. Warner made 123* in his side's second innings total of 233. In doing so he became just the sixth person to carry his bat through the fourth innings of a Test match.[52] Warner bowls right arm leg-break and on his first delivery in Test match Cricket, the ball was dropped in the outfield denying Warner a maiden Test match wicket.
On 13 January 2012, in only his fifth Test match, Warner scored a 69-ball century against India at the WACA. At the time, this equalled West Indian Shivnarine Chanderpaul for the fourth fastest Test century of all time, in terms of balls faced.[53] He ultimately built his innings to a score of 180 from 159 balls,[54] setting a new personal high score in Test cricket.

Warner scored 163 off 157 balls at the Gabba on 4 March 2012 in the first final of the CB Series against Sri Lanka. He batted until the last ball of the innings. It was his first ODI hundred for Australia. He followed it up with 100 and 48 in the other two finals at the Adelaide Oval. Warner's aggregate of 311 runs was the highest ever for the finals of an Australian Tri-Series, surpassing Greg Chappell's 266 runs in 1981.[55]

For his performances in 2012, he was named in the ODI XI of the year by Cricinfo.[56] He was also named in the Test XI of the year by Cricinfo for 2013.[57]

For his performances in 2014, he was named in the World Test XI by ICC and Cricbuzz. [58][59] During the 2015 Cricket World Cup, Warner started the World Cup decently by scoring 22 against England and 34 against New Zealand. But in their fourth match against Afghanistan, he scored 178 runs off 133 balls, which became his highest score in ODIs, helped Australia to score the highest team total in any World Cup and the highest in Australia. Warner ended up as the tournament's 11th highest scorer, scoring 345 runs at an average of 49.28.[60]

Warner was one of Australia's better players during the 2015 Ashes in which Australia lost 3–2. Despite not registering a century, Warner scored 418 runs during the series, the fourth highest run-scorer behind Steve Smith, Chris Rogers and Joe Root. During the one-day series in England, bowler Steve Finn hit Warner's thumb, breaking it. This meant Warner took no part in the rest of the series and the scheduled series to Bangladesh which didn't take place due to security issues.[61][62]

In 2016, Warner had a reversal of form, scoring more runs in ODIs than Tests. Nevertheless, he still scored his 5,000th Test run and 3,000th home Test run against Pakistan on 28 December 2016.[63][64][65] He also was named in the Test World Best XI by ICC for his performances in 2016 and 2017.[66][67]

Records and achievements
Warner is the first Australian cricketer in 132 years to be selected for a national team in any format without experience in first-class cricket.[68] He is the fourth player to win the Allan Border Medal more than once and also win the award in consecutive years.[69] He is the first Australian batsman to score 7 ODI centuries in a calendar year.[70]

Warner and Shane Watson have been the most successful opening pair in T20I history with 1108 runs(highest overall partnership runs by openers in T20Is). They are also the only opening pairs to have scored over 1000 runs in T20Is.[71] Both Warner and Watson as pairs scored 1154 runs in T20I history, the most by any pair in T20I history.[72] Warner is the first Australian and sixth overall to reach 1,500 T20I runs.[73]

Warner also became the first batsman to ever score three centuries at The WACA, with his top 2 scores in Tests both achieved in the same stadium. His top score of 253 was also the second-highest individual score to be surpassed by an opposition batsman in the same Test match, which was surpassed during Ross Taylor's knock of 290
On 7 November 2015, Warner became only the third batsman in history of Test cricket to score centuries in both innings of a Test match thrice, after Sunil Gavaskar and Ricky Ponting. In the very next Test match against New Zealand, he scored his maiden Test double century at the WACA, Perth,[76] his fourth consecutive century against New Zealand.[77]

In that same match, Warner also became the second opener in Test cricket history, after India's Sunil Gavaskar, to score three consecutive Test hundreds twice in his career, and the only Australian since Adam Gilchrist to score three consecutive hundreds (a feat Warner had done twice in just 13 months),[77] while completing his 4,000 Test career runs as the 4th fastest Aussie batsman, the top three being the legendary Don Bradman, Matthew Hayden and Neil Harvey respectively.[78][79]

On 3 January 2017, while playing against Pakistan at the Sydney Cricket Ground, he became only the fifth cricketer to score a century before lunch on the first day of a Test match, after Victor Trumper, Charlie Macartney, Don Bradman and Majid Khan. Of the five, he was the first to do so in Australia.[80]

In Australia's second innings, with the team in need of quick runs, Warner clobbered a half century in a rapid 23 deliveries, making it the second fastest Test fifty of all time and the fastest by an Australian in the format. In the scheduled five ODIs against Pakistan, Warner progressed in a slow start but made two centuries in the final two ODIs at Sydney and Adelaide. At the 2017 Allan Border Awards, he was awarded Australia's ODI Player of the year and the elusive AB Medal
His two centuries made him man of the series and in the following days, he ascended to the top of the ICC ODI Player Batting Rankings – marking his ascent to the top of ODI rankings his first.[82]

He was later rested for the Chappell–Hadlee Trophy series in New Zealand, joining the second group of players in Dubai in preparation for a four-test series in India.[83]

On 6 September 2017, while playing against Bangladesh at the Zohur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium, Chittagong, he became the sixth Australian player to score back-to-back test hundreds in Asia after Allan Border, Bob Simpson, Damien Martyn, Michael Hussey and Michael Clarke.[84]

On 28 September 2017 he played in his 100th ODI and became the first batsman for Australia and 8th batsman overall to score a century in his 100th ODI after Gordon Greenidge, Chris Cairns, Mohammad Yousuf, Kumar Sangakkara, Chris Gayle, Marcus Trescothick and Ramnaresh Sarwan.[85][86][87][88] On 27 December 2017, Warner scored a century in MCG during 2017–18 Ashes series, and on 5 January 2018, his 3rd consecutive half-century in the SCG.[89][90] On 27 October 2019, he scored his maiden T20I century, becoming the third Aussie to score centuries in all three formats of the game.[91]

On 30 November 2019, Warner became the first batsman to score a triple century at Adelaide Oval with a score of 335* against Pakistan. He was the seventh Australian batsman to score a triple century, and the fourth to do so at an Australian ground. This score saw Warner surpass Sir Donald Bradman (334) and Mark Taylor (334*) to hold the second highest Test score by an Australian batsman, behind only Matthew Hayden.

International captaincy
When regular captain Steve Smith was rested for the end of the 2016 ODI series against Sri Lanka, Warner led the team for rest of the tour.[94] In the fifth ODI at Pallekele, Warner scored the first century by an Australian batsmen in Sri Lanka in an ODI. Australia won all five matches he captained (three ODIs and two T20Is), won the ODI series 4–1 and the T20I series 2–0.[95] He again deputised as captain for the 2017–18 Trans-Tasman Tri-Series (also involving New Zealand and England), with Australia winning the competition


London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom.[7][8] Standing on the River Thames in the south-east of England, at the head of its 50-mile (80 km) estuary leading to the North Sea, London has been a major settlement for two millennia. Londinium was founded by the Romans.[9] The City of London, London's ancient core − an area of just 1.12 square miles (2.9 km2) and colloquially known as the Square Mile − retains boundaries that follow closely its medieval limits.[10][11][12][13][14][note 1] The City of Westminster is also an Inner London borough holding city status. Greater London is governed by the Mayor of London and the London Assembly.[15][note 2][16]

London is considered to be one of the world's most important global cities[17][18][19] and has been termed the world's most powerful,[20] most desirable,[21] most influential,[22] most visited,[23] most expensive,[24][25] innovative,[26] sustainable,[27] most investment friendly,[28] and most popular for work[29] city in the world. London exerts a considerable impact upon the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transportation.[30][31] London ranks 26 out of 300 major cities for economic performance.[32] It is one of the largest financial centres[33] and has either the fifth or sixth largest metropolitan area GDP.[note 3][34][35][36][37][38] It is the most-visited city as measured by international arrivals[39] and has the busiest city airport system as measured by passenger traffic.[40] It is the leading investment destination,[41][42][43][44] hosting more international retailers[45][46] and ultra high-net-worth individuals[47][48] than any other city. London's universities form the largest concentration of higher education institutes in Europe,[49] and is home of world-class institutions such as Imperial College London in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and the London School of Economics in economics, finance, and business.[50][51][52] In 2012, London became the first city to have hosted three modern Summer Olympic Games.[53]

London has a diverse range of people and cultures, and more than 300 languages are spoken in the region.[54] Its estimated mid-2018 municipal population (corresponding to Greater London) was 8,908,081,[4] the most populous of any city in the European Union[55] and accounting for 13.4% of the UK population.[56] London's urban area is the second most populous in the EU, after Paris, with 9,787,426 inhabitants at the 2011 census.[57] The population within the London commuter belt is the most populous in the EU with 14,040,163 inhabitants in 2016.[note 4][3][58] London was the world's most populous city from c. 1831 to 1925.[59]

London contains four World Heritage Sites: the Tower of London; Kew Gardens; the site comprising the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey, and St Margaret's Church; and the historic settlement in Greenwich where the Royal Observatory, Greenwich defines the Prime Meridian, 0° longitude, and Greenwich Mean Time.[60] Other landmarks include Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, St Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square and The Shard. London has numerous museums, galleries, libraries and sporting events. These include the British Museum, National Gallery, Natural History Museum, Tate Modern, British Library and West End theatres.[61] The London Underground is the oldest underground railway network in the world.
"London" is an ancient name, attested already in the first century AD, usually in the Latinised form Londinium;[62] for example, handwritten Roman tablets recovered in the city originating from AD 65/70-80 include the word Londinio ("in London").[63]

Over the years, the name has attracted many mythicising explanations. The earliest attested appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, written around 1136.[62] This had it that the name originated from a supposed King Lud, who had allegedly taken over the city and named it Kaerlud.[64]

Modern scientific analyses of the name must account for the origins of the different forms found in early sources Latin (usually Londinium), Old English (usually Lunden), and Welsh (usually Llundein), with reference to the known developments over time of sounds in those different languages. It is agreed that the name came into these languages from Common Brythonic; recent work tends to reconstruct the lost Celtic form of the name as *[Londonjon] or something similar. This was adapted into Latin as Londinium and borrowed into Old English, the ancestor-language of English.[65]

The toponymy of the Common Brythonic form is much debated. A prominent explanation was Richard Coates's 1998 argument that the name derived from pre-Celtic Old European *(p)lowonida, meaning "river too wide to ford". Coates suggested that this was a name given to the part of the River Thames which flows through London; from this, the settlement gained the Celtic form of its name, *Lowonidonjon.[66] However, most work has accepted a Celtic origin for the name, and recent studies have favoured an explanation along the lines of a Celtic derivative of a proto-Indo-European root *lendh- ('sink, cause to sink'), combined with the Celtic suffix *-injo- or *-onjo- (used to form place-names). Peter Schrijver has specifically suggested, on these grounds, that the name originally meant 'place that floods (periodically, tidally)'.[67][65]

Until 1889, the name "London" applied to the City of London, but since then it has also referred to the County of London and Greater London.[68] "London" is sometimes written informally as "LDN".[69]

In 1993, the remains of a Bronze Age bridge were found on the south foreshore, upstream of Vauxhall Bridge.[70] This bridge either crossed the Thames or reached a now lost island in it. Two of those timbers were radiocarbon dated to between 1750 BC and 1285 BC.[70]

In 2010, the foundations of a large timber structure, dated to between 4800 BC and 4500 BC,[71] were found on the Thames's south foreshore, downstream of Vauxhall Bridge.[72] The function of the mesolithic structure is not known. Both structures are on the south bank where the River Effra flows into the Thames.[72]

Roman London
Although there is evidence of scattered Brythonic settlements in the area, the first major settlement was founded by the Romans about four years[1] after the invasion of AD 43.[73] This lasted only until around AD 61, when the Iceni tribe led by Queen Boudica stormed it, burning it to the ground.[74] The next, heavily planned, incarnation of Londinium prospered, and it superseded Colchester as the capital of the Roman province of Britannia in 100. At its height in the 2nd century, Roman London had a population of around 60,000.[75]

Anglo-Saxon and Viking period London
With the collapse of Roman rule in the early 5th century, London ceased to be a capital, and the walled city of Londinium was effectively abandoned, although Roman civilisation continued in the area of St Martin-in-the-Fields until around 450.[76] From around 500, an Anglo-Saxon settlement known as Lundenwic developed slightly west of the old Roman city.[77] By about 680, the city had regrown into a major port, although there is little evidence of large-scale production. From the 820s repeated Viking assaults brought decline. Three are recorded; those in 851 and 886 succeeded, while the last, in 994, was rebuffed.
The Vikings established Danelaw over much of eastern and northern England; its boundary stretched roughly from London to Chester. It was an area of political and geographical control imposed by the Viking incursions which was formally agreed by the Danish warlord, Guthrum and the West Saxon king Alfred the Great in 886. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle recorded that Alfred "refounded" London in 886. Archaeological research shows that this involved abandonment of Lundenwic and a revival of life and trade within the old Roman walls. London then grew slowly until about 950, after which activity increased dramatically.[79]

By the 11th century, London was beyond all comparison the largest town in England. Westminster Abbey, rebuilt in the Romanesque style by King Edward the Confessor, was one of the grandest churches in Europe. Winchester had previously been the capital of Anglo-Saxon England, but from this time on, London became the main forum for foreign traders and the base for defence in time of war. In the view of Frank Stenton: "It had the resources, and it was rapidly developing the dignity and the political self-consciousness appropriate to a national capital."[80][81]

Middle Ages
After winning the Battle of Hastings, William, Duke of Normandy was crowned King of England in the newly completed Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066.[82] William constructed the Tower of London, the first of the many Norman castles in England to be rebuilt in stone, in the southeastern corner of the city, to intimidate the native inhabitants.[83] In 1097, William II began the building of Westminster Hall, close by the abbey of the same name. The hall became the basis of a new Palace of Westminster.[84][85]

In the 12th century, the institutions of central government, which had hitherto accompanied the royal English court as it moved around the country, grew in size and sophistication and became increasingly fixed in one place. For most purposes this was Westminster, although the royal treasury, having been moved from Winchester, came to rest in the Tower. While the City of Westminster developed into a true capital in governmental terms, its distinct neighbour, the City of London, remained England's largest city and principal commercial centre, and it flourished under its own unique administration, the Corporation of London. In 1100, its population was around 18,000; by 1300 it had grown to nearly 100,000.[86] Disaster struck in the form of the Black Death in the mid-14th century, when London lost nearly a third of its population.[87] London was the focus of the Peasants' Revolt in 1381.[88]

London was also a centre of England's Jewish population before their expulsion by Edward I in 1290. Violence against Jews took place in 1190, after it was rumoured that the new King had ordered their massacre after they had presented themselves at his coronation.[89] In 1264 during the Second Barons' War, Simon de Montfort's rebels killed 500 Jews while attempting to seize records of debts.[90]

Early modern
During the Tudor period the Reformation produced a gradual shift to Protestantism, and much of London property passed from church to private ownership, which accelerated trade and business in the city.[91] In 1475, the Hanseatic League set up its main trading base (kontor) of England in London, called the Stalhof or Steelyard. It existed until 1853, when the Hanseatic cities of Lübeck, Bremen and Hamburg sold the property to South Eastern Railway.[92] Woollen cloth was shipped undyed and undressed from 14th/15th century London to the nearby shores of the Low Countries, where it was considered indispensable.[93]

But the reach of English maritime enterprise hardly extended beyond the seas of north-west Europe. The commercial route to Italy and the Mediterranean Sea normally lay through Antwerp and over the Alps; any ships passing through the Strait of Gibraltar to or from England were likely to be Italian or Ragusan. Upon the re-opening of the Netherlands to English shipping in January 1565, there ensued a strong outburst of commercial activity.[94] The Royal Exchange was founded.[95] Mercantilism grew, and monopoly trading companies such as the East India Company were established, with trade expanding to the New World. London became the principal North Sea port, with migrants arriving from England and abroad. The population rose from an estimated 50,000 in 1530 to about 225,000 in 1605.[91]

In the 16th century William Shakespeare and his contemporaries lived in London at a time of hostility to the development of the theatre. By the end of the Tudor period in 1603, London was still very compact. There was an assassination attempt on James I in Westminster, in the Gunpowder Plot on 5 November 1605.[96]

In 1637, the government of Charles I attempted to reform administration in the area of London. The plan called for the Corporation of the City to extend its jurisdiction and administration over expanding areas around the City. Fearing an attempt by the Crown to diminish the Liberties of London, a lack of interest in administering these additional areas, or concern by city guilds of having to share power, the Corporation refused. Later called "The Great Refusal", this decision largely continues to account for the unique governmental status of the City
In the English Civil War the majority of Londoners supported the Parliamentary cause. After an initial advance by the Royalists in 1642, culminating in the battles of Brentford and Turnham Green, London was surrounded by a defensive perimeter wall known as the Lines of Communication. The lines were built by up to 20,000 people, and were completed in under two months.[98] The fortifications failed their only test when the New Model Army entered London in 1647,[99] and they were levelled by Parliament the same year.[100]

London was plagued by disease in the early 17th century,[101] culminating in the Great Plague of 1665–1666, which killed up to 100,000 people, or a fifth of the population
The Great Fire of London broke out in 1666 in Pudding Lane in the city and quickly swept through the wooden buildings.[103] Rebuilding took over ten years and was supervised by Robert Hooke[104][105][106] as Surveyor of London.[107] In 1708 Christopher Wren's masterpiece, St Paul's Cathedral was completed. During the Georgian era, new districts such as Mayfair were formed in the west; new bridges over the Thames encouraged development in South London. In the east, the Port of London expanded downstream. London's development as an international financial centre matured for much of the 1700s.

In 1762, George III acquired Buckingham House and it was enlarged over the next 75 years. During the 18th century, London was dogged by crime, and the Bow Street Runners were established in 1750 as a professional police force.[108] In total, more than 200 offences were punishable by death,[109] including petty theft.[110] Most children born in the city died before reaching their third birthday.
The coffeehouse became a popular place to debate ideas, with growing literacy and the development of the printing press making news widely available; and Fleet Street became the centre of the British press. Following the invasion of Amsterdam by Napoleonic armies, many financiers relocated to London, especially a large Jewish community, and the first London international issue[clarification needed] was arranged in 1817. Around the same time, the Royal Navy became the world leading war fleet, acting as a serious deterrent to potential economic adversaries of the United Kingdom. The repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 was specifically aimed at weakening Dutch economic power. London then overtook Amsterdam as the leading international financial centre.[112] In 1888, London became home to a series of murders by a man known only as Jack the Ripper and It has since become one of the world's most famous unsolved mysteries.

According to Samuel Johnson:

You find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.

— Samuel Johnson, 1777[113]
Late modern and contemporary
London was the world's largest city from c.1831 to 1925,[59] with a population density of 325 people per hectare.[114] London's overcrowded conditions led to cholera epidemics,[115] claiming 14,000 lives in 1848, and 6,000 in 1866.[116] Rising traffic congestion led to the creation of the world's first local urban rail network. The Metropolitan Board of Works oversaw infrastructure expansion in the capital and some of the surrounding counties; it was abolished in 1889 when the London County Council was created out of those areas of the counties surrounding the capital.
other bombings by the German Luftwaffe killed over 30,000 Londoners, destroying large tracts of housing and other buildings across the city.[118]

Immediately after the war, the 1948 Summer Olympics were held at the original Wembley Stadium, at a time when London was still recovering from the war.[119] From the 1940s onwards, London became home to many immigrants, primarily from Commonwealth countries such as Jamaica, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan,[120] making London one of the most diverse cities worldwide. In 1951, the Festival of Britain was held on the South Bank.[121] The Great Smog of 1952 led to the Clean Air Act 1956, which ended the "pea soup fogs" for which London had been notorious.[122]

Primarily starting in the mid-1960s, London became a centre for the worldwide youth culture, exemplified by the Swinging London subculture[123] associated with the King's Road, Chelsea[124] and Carnaby Street.[125] The role of trendsetter was revived during the punk era.[126] In 1965 London's political boundaries were expanded to take into account the growth of the urban area and a new Greater London Council was created.[127] During The Troubles in Northern Ireland, London was subjected to bombing attacks by the Provisional Irish Republican Army[128] for two decades, starting with the Old Bailey bombing in 1973.[129][130] Racial inequality was highlighted by the 1981 Brixton riot.[131]

Greater London's population declined steadily in the decades after the Second World War, from an estimated peak of 8.6 million in 1939 to around 6.8 million in the 1980s.[132] The principal ports for London moved downstream to Felixstowe and Tilbury, with the London Docklands area becoming a focus for regeneration, including the Canary Wharf development. This was borne out of London's ever-increasing role as a major international financial centre during the 1980s.[133] The Thames Barrier was completed in the 1980s to protect London against tidal surges from the North Sea.[134]

The Greater London Council was abolished in 1986, which left London without a central administration until 2000 when London-wide government was restored, with the creation of the Greater London Authority.[135] To celebrate the start of the 21st century, the Millennium Dome, London Eye and Millennium Bridge were constructed.[136] On 6 July 2005 London was awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics, making London the first city to stage the Olympic Games three times.[137] On 7 July 2005, three London Underground trains and a double-decker bus were bombed in a series of terrorist attacks.[138]

In 2008, Time named London alongside New York City and Hong Kong as Nylonkong, hailing it as the world's three most influential global cities.[139] In January 2015, Greater London's population was estimated to be 8.63 million, the highest level since 1939.[140] During the Brexit referendum in 2016, the UK as a whole decided to leave the European Union, but a majority of London constituencies voted to remain in the EU.[141]

The administration of London is formed of two tiers: a citywide, strategic tier and a local tier. Citywide administration is coordinated by the Greater London Authority (GLA), while local administration is carried out by 33 smaller authorities.[142] The GLA consists of two elected components: the Mayor of London, who has executive powers, and the London Assembly, which scrutinises the mayor's decisions and can accept or reject the mayor's budget proposals each year. The headquarters of the GLA is City Hall, Southwark. The mayor since 2016 has been Sadiq Khan, the first Muslim mayor of a major Western capital.[143][144] The mayor's statutory planning strategy is published as the London Plan, which was most recently revised in 2011.[145] The local authorities are the councils of the 32 London boroughs and the City of London Corporation.[146] They are responsible for most local services, such as local planning, schools, social services, local roads and refuse collection. Certain functions, such as waste management, are provided through joint arrangements. In 2009–2010 the combined revenue expenditure by London councils and the GLA amounted to just over £22 billion (£14.7 billion for the boroughs and £7.4 billion for the GLA).[147]

The London Fire Brigade is the statutory fire and rescue service for Greater London. It is run by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority and is the third largest fire service in the world.[148] National Health Service ambulance services are provided by the London Ambulance Service (LAS) NHS Trust, the largest free-at-the-point-of-use emergency ambulance service in the world.[149] The London Air Ambulance charity operates in conjunction with the LAS where required. Her Majesty's Coastguard and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution operate on the River Thames,[150][151] which is under the jurisdiction of the Port of London Authority from Teddington Lock to the sea.[152]

National government
London is the seat of the Government of the United Kingdom. Many government departments, as well as the Prime Minister's residence at 10 Downing Street, are based close to the Palace of Westminster, particularly along Whitehall.[153] The British Parliament is often referred to as the "Mother of Parliaments" (although this sobriquet was first applied to England itself, and not to Westminster, by John Bright)[154] because it has been a model for many other parliamentary systems.[154] There are 73 Members of Parliament (MPs) from London, elected from local parliamentary constituencies in the national Parliament. As of May 2015, 49 are from the Labour Party, 21 are Conservatives, and three are Liberal Democrat.[155]

The UK government ministerial post of Minister for London was created in 1994 and currently occupied by Nick Hurd.[156]

Policing and crime
Policing in Greater London, with the exception of the City of London, is provided by the Metropolitan Police Service, overseen by the Mayor through the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).[157][158] The City of London has its own police force – the City of London Police.[159] The British Transport Police are responsible for police services on National Rail, London Underground, Docklands Light Railway and Tramlink services.[160] A fourth police force in London, the Ministry of Defence Police, do not generally become involved with policing the general public.

Crime rates vary widely by area, ranging from parts with serious issues to parts considered very safe. Today crime figures are made available nationally at Local Authority[161] and Ward level.[162] In 2015 there were 118 homicides, a 25.5% increase over 2014.[163] The Metropolitan Police have made detailed crime figures, broken down by category at borough and ward level, available on their website since 2000.[164]

Recorded crime has been rising in London, notably violent crime and murder by stabbing and other means have risen. There have been 50 murders from the start of 2018 to mid April 2018. Funding cuts to police in London are likely to have contributed to this, though other factors are also involved.[165]

London, also referred to as Greater London, is one of nine regions of England and the top-level subdivision covering most of the city's metropolis.[note 5] The small ancient City of London at its core once comprised the whole settlement, but as its urban area grew, the Corporation of London resisted attempts to amalgamate the city with its suburbs, causing "London" to be defined in a number of ways for different purposes.[166]

Forty per cent of Greater London is covered by the London post town, within which 'LONDON' forms part of postal addresses.[167][168] The London telephone area code (020) covers a larger area, similar in size to Greater London, although some outer districts are excluded and some places just outside are included. The Greater London boundary has been aligned to the M25 motorway in places.[169]

Outward urban expansion is now prevented by the Metropolitan Green Belt,[170] although the built-up area extends beyond the boundary in places, resulting in a separately defined Greater London Urban Area. Beyond this is the vast London commuter belt.[171] Greater London is split for some purposes into Inner London and Outer London.[172] The city is split by the River Thames into North and South, with an informal central London area in its interior. The coordinates of the nominal centre of London, traditionally considered to be the original Eleanor Cross at Charing Cross near the junction of Trafalgar Square and Whitehall, are about 51°30′26″N 00°07′39″W.[173] However the geographical centre of London, on one definition, is in the London Borough of Lambeth, just 0.1 miles to the northeast of Lambeth North tube station.[174]

Within London, both the City of London and the City of Westminster have city status and both the City of London and the remainder of Greater London are counties for the purposes of lieutenancies.[175] The area of Greater London includes areas that are part of the historic counties of Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, Essex and Hertfordshire.[176] London's status as the capital of England, and later the United Kingdom, has never been granted or confirmed officially—by statute or in written form.[note 6]

Its position was formed through constitutional convention, making its status as de facto capital a part of the UK's uncodified constitution. The capital of England was moved to London from Winchester as the Palace of Westminster developed in the 12th and 13th centuries to become the permanent location of the royal court, and thus the political capital of the nation.[180] More recently, Greater London has been defined as a region of England and in this context is known as London.[13]

Greater London encompasses a total area of 1,583 square kilometres (611 sq mi), an area which had a population of 7,172,036 in 2001 and a population density of 4,542 inhabitants per square kilometre (11,760/sq mi). The extended area known as the London Metropolitan Region or the London Metropolitan Agglomeration, comprises a total area of 8,382 square kilometres (3,236 sq mi) has a population of 13,709,000 and a population density of 1,510 inhabitants per square kilometre (3,900/sq mi).[181] Modern London stands on the Thames, its primary geographical feature, a navigable river which crosses the city from the south-west to the east. The Thames Valley is a floodplain surrounded by gently rolling hills including Parliament Hill, Addington Hills, and Primrose Hill. Historically London grew up at the lowest bridging point on the Thames. The Thames was once a much broader, shallower river with extensive marshlands; at high tide, its shores reached five times their present width.[182]

Since the Victorian era the Thames has been extensively embanked, and many of its London tributaries now flow underground. The Thames is a tidal river, and London is vulnerable to flooding.[183] The threat has increased over time because of a slow but continuous rise in high water level by the slow 'tilting' of the British Isles (up in Scotland and Northern Ireland and down in southern parts of England, Wales and Ireland) caused by post-glacial rebound.[184][185]

In 1974, a decade of work began on the construction of the Thames Barrier across the Thames at Woolwich to deal with this threat. While the barrier is expected to function as designed until roughly 2070, concepts for its future enlargement or redesign are already being discussed.[186]

London has a temperate oceanic climate (Köppen: Cfb ) receiving less precipitation than Rome, Bordeaux, Lisbon, Naples, Sydney or New York City.[187][188][189][190][191][192] Temperature extremes in London range from 38.1 °C (100.6 °F) at Kew during August 2003[193] down to −21.1 °C (−6.0 °F). [194] However, an unofficial reading of −24 °C (−11 °F) was reported on 3 January 1740.[195] Conversely, the highest unofficial temperature ever known to be recorded in the United Kingdom occurred in London in the 1808 heat wave. The temperature was recorded at 105 °F (40.6 °C) on 13 July. It is thought that this temperature, if accurate, is one of the highest temperatures of the millennium in the United Kingdom. It is thought that only days in 1513 and 1707 could have beaten this.[196] Since records began in London (first at Greenwich in 1841[197]), the warmest month on record is July 1868, with a mean temperature of 22.5 °C (72.5 °F) at Greenwich whereas the coldest month is December 2010, with a mean temperature of −6.7 °C (19.9 °F) at Northolt.[198]

Summers are generally warm, sometimes hot. London's average July high is 24 °C (74 °F). On average each year, London experiences 31 days above 25 °C (77.0 °F) and 4.2 days above 30.0 °C (86.0 °F) every year. During the 2003 European heat wave there were 14 consecutive days above 30 °C (86.0 °F) and 2 consecutive days when temperatures reached 38 °C (100 °F), leading to hundreds of heat-related deaths.[199] There was also a previous spell of 15 consecutive days above 32.2 °C (90.0 °F) in 1976 which also caused many heat related deaths.[200] The previous record high was 38 °C (100 °F) in August 1911 at the Greenwich station.[197] Droughts can also, occasionally, be a problem, especially in summer. Most recently in Summer 2018[201] and with much drier than average conditions prevailing from May to December.[202] However, the most consecutive days without rain was 73 days in the spring of 1893.[203]

Winters are generally cool with little temperature variation. Heavy snow is rare but snow usually happens at least once each winter. Spring and autumn can be pleasant. As a large city, London has a considerable urban heat island effect,[204] making the centre of London at times 5 °C (9 °F) warmer than the suburbs and outskirts. This can be seen below when comparing London Heathrow, 15 miles (24 km) west of London, with the London Weather Centre.[205]

Although London and the British Isles have a reputation of frequent rainfall, London's average of 602 millimetres (23.7 in) of precipitation annually actually makes it drier than the global average.[206] The absence of heavy winter rainfall leads to many climates around the Mediterranean having more annual precipitation than London.

Jane McDonald

Jane Ann McDonald (born 4 April 1963)[1] is an award winning English singer, songwriter, actress, media personality and broadcaster, who became known to the public in 1998 after her appearance on the BBC show The Cruise.[2] Known for her Yorkshire accent, she has since co-presented a number of daytime shows, including Loose Women between 2004 and 2014, ITV programme Star Treatment in 2013 & British Academy Television Award winning Cruising with Jane McDonald since 2017. She also presents Jane & Friends on channel 5.
McDonald was born in Wakefield, West Riding of Yorkshire.[3] After signing a major-label recording contract, McDonald began to carve out a mainstream showbiz career, first as a guest presenter on BBC's National Lottery and subsequently with her debut album, Jane McDonald, which spent three weeks at Number 1 in the UK Albums Chart.[4]

In 1998, she married Henrik Brixen, a ship's plumbing engineer, who later became her manager. Their whirlwind romance was one of the key segments in “The Cruise” documentary. Brixen later admitted that he did not understand the music industry, and the couple split in 2003, largely for the sake of her career.[5]

Beginning in 2004, McDonald was a regular presenter on the ITV daytime television programme Loose Women, appearing on the show three times a week. It was confirmed on 16 July 2010 that McDonald would depart Loose Women in the summer, taking at least a year's break to concentrate on her music career and to tour Australia and New Zealand. Although an Australian tour never developed into anything official, she proceeded to tour the U.K in 2011. She permanently left the series in January 2014 to focus on her music career. She continues to tour the U.K with her solo shows & has introduced Christmas themed arena shows into her work schedule.[6]

In 2008, McDonald was reunited with musician Eddie Rothe, an old acquaintance from her teenage years and a member of The Searchers. They became engaged on 24 December 2008 after Rothe proposed.[5]

Cruising with Jane McDonald won the 2018 BAFTA Award for Best Feature, making it the first win for a Channel 5 show.[citation needed]

July 1998 – Jane McDonald – UK No. 1 (platinum)[7]
June 2000 – Inspiration – UK No. 6 (co-produced by Ted Carfrae and Jamel Badaoui, Sony BMG)
October 2001 – Love at the Movies – UK No. 24 (co-produced by David Sandcastle, Sony BMG)
February 2005 – You Belong to Me – UK No. 21
August 2008 – Jane – UK No. 7
March 2014 – Singer of Your Song
November 2017[8] – Hold the Covers Back – UK No. 69[9]
June 2018 – Cruising with Jane McDonald - UK No.6
Compilation and special albums
April 2003 – The Collection
September 2006 – From Me to You – limited edition four track EP
August 2007 – Because You Loved Me – compilation album
October 2010 – Live at the London Palladium (Live recording of the DVD) – No. 31 (UK)
October 2010 – Just for You (four-track CD available from concerts)
March 2014 – Is It Love You're After (four-track CD available from concerts)
September 2014 – Remixed compilation album
June 2018 – Cruising with Jane McDonald - UK No. 6[9]
"Cruise Into Christmas
Medley" – No. 10 (UK) December 1998[4]

"You're My World"- Nov 12 1998
"Ain't No Mountain High Enough" - Feb 3rd 2000
"The Hand That Leads Me" - 16 Nov 2001
"Winner" - 2001
"Doctors Orders" - 2008
"It's Getting Better" 2010
"The Singer Of Your Song" 2014
Jane McDonald in Concert (1999)
Jane McDonald Live in Las Vegas (2001)
Being Jane (special DVD only available at her concerts, The Jane McDonald Online Store, or via her management team; filmed 2005)
The Very Best of Loose Women (2008)
Late Night With The Loose Women (2009)
Jane McDonald – Live at the London Palladium (18 October 2010)
Jane McDonald - A Live Christmas Concert Special (15 November 2019)
Jane McDonald – Follow Your Dreams (Autobiography, 2000)
Jane McDonald - Riding The Waves: My Story (Autobiography, Virgin Books, 31 Oct 2019)

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