الخميس، 5 ديسمبر 2019

ستاد الاهلي

ملعب الإنتاج الحربي أو ملعب السلام أو هو ملعب متعدد الاستخدامات يقع في مدينة السلام في القاهرة في مصر. يقع الإستاد في المنطقة الشمالية لمدينة النهضة يحده من الجهة الغربية طريق بلبيس الصحراوي ومن الجهة الشرقية مساكن منطقة النهضة ويحده من الجنوب شارع النهضة شارع المدارس. ويتسع الأستاد لأكثر من 25,000 متفرج. وهو ملعب حديث حيث تم الأنتهاء من بنائه عام 2009 لأستضافة مبارايات المجموعة الثانية في كأس العالم للشباب 2009. وهو كان يستخدم في الغالب في مباريات كرة القدم حيث كان يستضيف مباريات العودة لنادي الإنتاج الحربي. واستضاف ستاد السلام بطولة كأس العالم للشباب 2009 وحظي بإعجاب جميع الفرق والسادة منظمي الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم (الفيفا). في عام 2019 حصل النادي الأهلي على حق انتفاع الاستاد لمدة 25 عام.
وصف الإستاد
مداخل الإستاد
المداخل الرئيسية
البوابة رقم 1: وتقع البوابة على طريق بلبيس الصحراوي وتستخدم لدخول وخروج الـ VVIP+ VIP وأتوبيسات اللاعبين والحكام واللجنة المنظمة للبطولة.
البوابة رقم 4: تقع جنوب الإستاد على شارع النهضة (شارع المدارس) وتستخدم لدخول وخروج الدرجة الأولى يمين ويسار المقصورة + اللجنة المنظمة المحلية + مستخدمي غرف الاسكاي بوكس يمين ويسار المقصورة.
البوابة رقم 5: (لدخول جماهير الفريق الضيف أثناء مباريات الدوري الممتاز المحلي) (دخول وخروج الدرجة الثانية والثالثة يمين المقصورة أثناء مباريات كأس العالم للناشئين)
جنوب شرق الإستاد والقريب من طريق النهضة العبور وتستخدم لدخول وخروج جماهير الدرجة الثانية والثالثة يمين المقصورة

البوابة رقم 6: تقع شمال شرق الإستاد وتستخدم لدخول وخروج الدرجة الثانية يسار المقصورة فقط.
البوابة رقم 7: تعتبر البوابة الرئيسية وتقع على طريق بلبيس الصحراوي وتستخدم لدخول وخروج جماهير الدرجة الثالثة يسار المقصورة.
البوابات الإلكترونية
عدد البوابات الإلكترونية (18) بوابه:

الدرجة الثانية يمين المقصورة (2)
الدرجة الثانية يسار المقصورة (2)
الدرجة الثالثة يمين المقصورة (6)
الدرجة الثالثة يسار المقصورة (6)
الدرجة الأولى يمين المقصورة (1)
الدرجة الأولى يسار المقصورة (1)
مهبط الطيران
يتميز إستاد السلام للإنتاج الحربي بوجود مهبط للطيران يستخدم لتشريف السيد رئيس الجمهورية وضيوفه الكرام كما يستخدم في سرعة نقل الحالات الحرجة. يسع ستاد السلام لعدد (25000متفرج)

الأجزاء الرئيسة للمقصورة
المنطقة الرئاسية (VVIP)
منطقة كبار الشخصيات (VIP)
منطقة جمهور الدرجة الأولى.
منطقة الإعلاميين.
منطقة اللجان المنظمة.
منطقة الاسكاي بوكس.
منطقة اللاعبين والحكام.
منطقة الإسعافات الأولية للاعبين والحكام والكشف عن المنشطات.
المنطقة الرئاسية (VVIP)
صالون الاستقبال الرئاسي. - الشرفة الرئاسية
منطقة كبار الشخصيات (VIP)
مدخل خاص لدخول كبار الشخصيات.
استراحة كبار الشخصيات.
مقاعد مخصصة لكبار الشخصيات بالمقصورة.
منطقة جمهور الدرجة الأولى.
تنقسم إلى مقاعد يمين ويسار المقصورة.
كافيتريات خاصة يمين ويسار المقصورة.
منطقة الإعلاميين.
مدخل خاص للإعلاميين ومكان انتظار للسيارات خاص بهم.
صالون خاص.
المركز الإعلامي ويشتمل على صالة للتحضير بها العديد من الفاكسات والتليفون المحلي والدولي ووصلات خاصة للإنترنت.
قاعة خاصة للمؤتمرات الصحفية تحتوي على نظام صوتي مميز ومهيأة لاستقبال 150 صحفي بالإضافة لعدد 3 كبائن للترجمة الفورية.
مكان مخصص بالمقصورة يشمل طاولات خاصة لاستخدام الإعلاميين وكل مقعد بجانبه وصله خاصة للنت وخط تليفون ومخرج للكهرباء.
منطقة اللجان المنظمة.
مدخل خاص للجنة المنظمة ومكان انتظار للسيارات خاص بهم.
صالون خاص لاستقبال وفود اللجنة المنظمة.
قاعة خاصة لاجتماعات اللجنة المنظمة.
منطقة الإسكاي بوكس.
يوجد 8 قاعات يمين ويسار المقصورة تستخدم للشركات الراغبة في حجز أجنحة لعملائها وموظفيها لمتابعة المباريات ومهيأة بأحدث الإمكانات المطلوبة.
ويستخدم بعض من هذه القاعات كأستوديو تحليلي للقنوات الفضائية تعطي منظر خلفي للملعب.
كما تستخدم كغرف مؤجرة للأسر التي ترغب في الخصوصية عند مشاهدة المباريات.
منطقة اللاعبين والحكام.
تشمل 4 غرف خاصة لتغيير ملابس لاعبي كرة القدم.
توجد المنطقة المختلطة والتي يتقابل فيها الإعلاميين واللاعبين عند خروجهم من غرف الملابس لإجراء بعض اللقاءات الخاصة.
يوجد غرفتين لتغيير ملابس الحكام.
منطقة الإسعافات الأولية والكشف عن المنشطات.
يوجد غرفة خاصة للكشف عن المنشطات.
كما يوجد غرفة خاصة للإسعافات الأولية للاعبين والحكام مجهزة بأحدث الأجهزة الطبية.
منطقة المعاقين
يوجد بجانبي المقصورة مدخل ومطلع خاص للمعاقين بعيدة عن مزاحمة الجمهور.
وتم تحديد مكان خاص لمقاعد المعاقين بالمقصورة وفق مواصفات خاصة.
تضم المدرجات (24034) ألف مقعد. وصممت مدرجات الإستاد على شكل بيضاوي به منحنى عند المقطع مما يوفر لكل مشاهد الرؤية المثالية، مقاعد الدرجة الثالثة يمين المقصورة ذات اللون الأصفر ومقاعد الدرجة الثالثة يسار باللون الأخضر، أما مقاعد الدرجة الثانية المواجهة للمقصورة تكون باللون الأزرق. وتم ترقيم جميع مقاعد الدرجة الثالثة يمين ويسار المقصورة والدرجة الثانية.

أرضية الملعب
أرضـية الملعب من النجيل طبيعي سنة 2015
تم تهيئة الملعب من جميع الأطراف بوصلات كهربائية لخدمة مصوري التليفزيون في أداء عملهم.
الخدمات المساندة بالإستاد
غرف المعلقين
وتحتوي المقصورة على (10) غرف خاصة بالمعلقين وقد روعي في تجهيز هذه الغرف احتياجات الإعلاميين الخاصة.

لوحات النتائج الإلكترونية
يضم الإستاد شاشتين عملاقتين على الجانبين ملونتان بمساحة قرابة 100 متر مربع كما يضم نظام صوت عالي النقاوة ينبعث من 30 مكبر صوت. واللوحتان عاليتا الوضوح وتستخدمان في عرض البيانات وإعادة اللقطات وتعتبر من احدث اللوحات في العالم ومن مميزات هاتين اللوحتين أنهما تستقبلان الإرسال التلفزيوني حياً على الهواء كما يمكن تشغيلهما من خلال أشرطة الفيديو والشرائح ويمكن للوحتين المذكورتين النقل المباشر من أرض الملعب وعن طريق مركز التحكم الإلكتروني يمكن برمجة الرسومات والكتابات والصور لعرضها على اللوحات الإلكترونية بالألــوان ويظهر توقيت رقمي لزمن المنافسة الرياضية.

الشاشة التليفزيونية العملاقة
وهي شاشة تليفزيونية عملاقة أعلى منتصف الدرجة الثانية وأمام المقصورة وهي بطول 32م وعرض 15م وتعتبر الشاشة الوحيدة في الشرق الأوسط من حيث الحجم

التصوير التلفزيوني
يحيط بملعب الإستاد خمس عشرة كاميرا للتصوير التلفزيوني من زوايا مختلفة تضمن تغطية أبعاد الإستاد من مختلف جوانبه. الإضاءة والصوت أضيئت ساحة الإستاد بواسطة أربعة أبراج و226 كشاف إنارة معلقة على ارتفاع 45 م بغرض إعطائه إضاءة شاملة ومتوازنة لضمان رؤية مثالية، ومن مميزات نظام إضاءة الإستاد عدم إظهار ظل اللاعب داخل الملعب أثناء تشغيله بقدر الإمكان. أما الصوت فيتم توزيعه أسفل المدرجات في اتجاه الجماهير، كما يغطي الصوت كافة وحدات الإستاد ومرافقه حيث تم تثبيت أجهزة الصوت أعلى المقصورة كما هو الحال لمداخل الجمهور والمناطق الداخلية. ويستمد الإستاد طاقته الكهربائية عن طريق شركة الكهرباء وهناك مولدات احتياطية تعمل عند الحاجة لها أوتوماتيكيا فور انقطاع الكهرباء لضمان استمرار المناسبات التي تقام على الإستاد إضافة إلى مولـدي طوارئ يعملان مع التيار العمومي لإضاءة وحدات الطوارئ حفاظا على سلامة الجمهور والمستخدمين.

أماكن انتظار السيارات
من المرافق الملحقة بمشروع الإستاد أماكن انتظار السيارات الخاصة بجماهير الدرجة الثالثة والثانية وكذلك أماكن انتظار خاصة باللجنة المنظمة " الفيفا " وأماكن انتظار خاصة بالإعلاميين وكبار الشخصيات.

الدرجة الأولى يمين المقصورة يسع عدد (134 سيارة).
اللجنة المنظمة للبطولة (ألفيفا) يسع عدد (20 سيارة).
الدرجة الأولى يسار المقصورة يسع عدد (83 سيارة).
الإعلاميـين يسار المقصورة يسع عدد (32 سيارة).
الـ VIP أسفل منتصف الرامب يسع عدد (34 سيارة)
الـ VVIP أمام أسفل منتصف الرامب يسع عدد (34 سيارة)
الدرجة الثانية والثالثة يسار المقصورة3000 سياره.
نظام حماية الجمهور
ومن بين الخدمات التي توفرها تجهيزات الإستاد الخاصة نظام التحكم والرقابة لحماية الفرق الرياضية والجمهور وضمان سلامتهم والمتمثل بوجود كاميرات تليفزيونية للمراقبة والتحكم الآلي في مداخل المبنى كما يغطي الإستاد وكافة مرافقه نظام آخر لمكافحة الحرائق وأجهزة الإنذار.

واجهة المقصورة
صممت واجهة المقصورة بتصميم معماري رائع يحمل في طياته جمالا وراحة نفسيه لجميع رواد الإستاد بعيداً عن أجواء المباريات والمنافسات، وتم تشجير مداخل المقصورة بالنخيل والورود والحدائق التي تشرح الصدور.

الشيخ محمد حسان

محمد حسان (8 أبريل 1962)، داعية إسلامي مصري. حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه مع مرتبة الشرف من الجامعة الأمريكية، المقدمة بعنوان (منهج النبي في دعوة الآخر)  وشاع أنه أخذ الدكتوراه من الأزهر ولكن هذا غير صحيح بل ناقش رسالته فيها فقط واستأجر القاعة وقال الدكتور عبد الله النجار "حصل على درجة الدكتوراه في إحدى قاعات كلية الدعوة الإسلامية بجامعة الأزهر ولكن لم يكن مسجلاً الدكتوراه في جامعة الأزهر" ، حصل على البكالوريوس من كلية الإعلام بجامعة القاهرة وعمل مدرساً لمادتي الحديث ومناهج المحدثين في كليتي الشريعة وأصول الدين بجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود فرع القصيم.
ولد في مركز دكرنس بمحافظة الدقهلية في بيت متواضع، تولى تربيته جده لأمه وألحقه بكُتّاب القرية وهو في الرابعة من عمره، فما أن بلغ الثامنة إلا وكان قد حفظ القرآن الكريم كاملاً على يد مصباح محمد عوض، الذي ألزمه بحفظ متن أبي شجاع في الفقه الشافعي وبعض متون العقيدة. لاحظ جده قوة حفظه الشديدة فألزمه بحفظ كتاب رياض الصالحين، فأنهى حفظه في الثانية عشرة من عمره، ثم حفظ الأجرومية ودرس على يد شيخه مصباح التحفة السنية، فعشق اللغة العربية والشعر من صغره. بدأ بالتدريس في الجامع الكبير في القرية وهو في الثالثة عشرة من عمره بكتابي فقه السنة ورياض الصالحين. ثم كُلف من جده لأمه أن يخطب الجمعة وكانت أول خطبة في قرية ميت مجاهد المجاورة لقرية دموه وهو في سن الثالثة عشرة، وكانت خطبته عن الموت، وحاز إعجاب المصلين فدعاه شيخ المسجد للخطابة في الجمعة المقبلة. ومن ذلك الوقت لم يترك خطبة الجمعة إلا نادرا.

مؤهله العلمي
حصل محمد حسان على درجة الدكتوراه مع مرتبة الشرف من الجامعة الأمريكية في رسالته العلمية المقدمة بعنوان (منهج النبي في دعوة الآخر).

رحلته العلمية
سافر إلى الأردن في الثامنة عشرة من عمره وحضر بعض اللقاءات القليلة للشيخ الألباني. وبعد فترة الجامعة التحق بمعهد الدراسات الإسلامية بالقاهرة، ولم تكتمل دراسته في المعهد بسبب فترة التجنيد الإلزامي. ذهب مع الشيخ صفوت نور الدين للقاء الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز، وبدأ في تلقي العلم على يد بن باز فسمع منه كثيرًا من الشروح مثل شرح فتح الباري والنونية والعقيدة الطحاوية والواسطية وفي الفقه وأصوله وكثير من الشروح. أنهى الطحاوية كاملة على يد الشيخ ابن جبرين، ودرس عليه كثير من الشروح في الفقه وأصوله، والتفسير والعقيدة، ثم جلس بين يد الشيخ عبد القادر شيبة الحمد وأنهى شرح كتاب بلوغ المرام. ثم جلس في فترة القصيم بين يدي الفقيه محمد بن صالح العثيمين، ثم كلف بالتدريس في جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية فرع القصيم كليتي الشريعة وأصول الدين، بتزكية من محمد بن صالح العثيمين، بتدريس مادة الحديث ومادة مناهج المحدثين ومادة تخريج وطرق الحديث. ثم حصل على درجة الدكتوراه مع مرتبة الشرف من الجامعة الأمريكية بلندن في رسالته العلمية المقدمة بعنوان (منهج النبي في دعوة الآخر)، وناقشت اللجنة العلمية المشرفة على الرسالة الشيخ حسان في أطروحته العلمية والمنهجية بمقر جامعة الأزهر وقررت منحه هذه الدرجة العلمية الرفيعة. وأشرف على رسالته الدكتور صابر طه عميد كلية الدعوة بجامعة الأزهر، وتشكلت لجنة المناقشة من الدكتور محمد العدوي الأستاذ بالجامعة، والدكتور طلعت عفيفي عميد كلية الدعوة سابقا، والدكتور محسن عبد الواحد عميد كلية الآداب بجامعة القاهرة. وتتناول الرسالة طرق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ومنهجه في الدعوة إلى الله وتقدم صورا من سماحته صلوات الله عليه في مخاطبة الآخر ودعوته إلى الله الواحد.

العمل الدعوي
كان له درس أسبوعي منتظم في مسجد مجمع التوحيد بالمنصورة حتى عام 2011. إلا أنه بعد اندلاع الثورة بمصر قلل لقاءه الأسبوعي إلى أن انقطع تماما عنه. ويقوم بالتدريس في معاهد إعداد الدعاة في المنصورة حيث يرأس مجلس إدارة مجمع أهل السنة، ويدرس مواد: العقيدة ومنهاج المحدثين، وتخريج أحاديث، وشرح حديث جبريل والسيرة النبوية. وله مئات الدروس والسلاسل العلمية والخطب، يوجد منها على مواقع طريق الإسلام والشبكة الإسلامية ونداء الإيمان والطريق إلى الله.

برامجه التلفزيونية
إنا عاملون.
أزمة أخلاق.
فتاوى الرحمة.
جبريل يسأل والنبي يُجيب برنامج في العقيدة.
تفسير القرآن.
من بيوت الله.
أئمة الهدى ومصابيح الدجى.
أمراض الأمة.
سلسة احداث النهاية.
الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز
الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين
الشيخ عبد الله بن جبرين.
الشيخ عبد القادر شيبة الحمد.
كتاب حقيقة التوحيد.
خواطر على طريق الدعوة.
قواعد المجتمع المسلم.
الإيمان بالقضاء والقدر.
الثبات حتى الممات.
أئمة الهدي ومصابيح الدجى.
مسائل مهمة بين المنهجية والحركية.
جبريل يسأل والرسول يجيب (ثلاثة مجلدات).
دروس من سورة النور.
صفات المنافقين.
دروس في التربية.
قبس من السنة.
حقوق يجب أن تعرف (ثلاثة مجلدات).
السيرة بين الحاضر والماضي.
كتاب أحداث النهاية ونهاية العالم.
كتاب الفتنة بين الصحابة.

احمد فهمي

أحمد فهمي (6 نوفمبر 1980 -)، ممثل وكاتب سيناريو مصري
عن حياته
تخرج أحمد فهمي من كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية (جامعة القاهرة). كون في فترة الجامعة مع أصدقائه فرقة عرفت باسم تمر هندي للإنتاج الفني. وقدموا أفلاماً سخرت من الأفلام المصرية الشهيرة. كان أنجحها فيلم رجال لا تعرف المستحيل. لفتت الفكرة نظر محمد حفظي الذي كان وقتها يتجه للإنتاج، وبالفعل أنتج لهم مسلسل أفيش وتشبيه، الذي كان يقدم في كل حلقة صورة ساخرة لأحد كلاسيكيات السينما المصرية. ثم أنتج لهم حفظي بعدها فيلم ورقة شفرة الذي حقق نجاحاً كبيراً على مستوى النقد والإيرادات. كانت انطلاقته في عالم السينما من خلال كتابة مشهدية (سيناريو) فيلم كده رضا أحمد حلمي، ثم قام بعدها بالمشاركة في كتابة وتمثيل فيلم ورقة شفرة الذي جعل وجهه معروفاً لدى الجماهير. حاز على جائزة النقاد لأفضل وجوه جديدة في العام 2008، مناصفة مع زميليه في فيلم ورقة شفرة هشام ماجد وشيكو.

في 15 أغسطس 2018 احتفل أحمد فهمي بخطوبته على الممثلة المصرية هنا الزاهد، في حفل عائلي أُقيم بمنزل العروس، واقتصرَ الحفل على أهل العروسين وعددٍ قليل من أصدقائهم. جاءَ ارتباط أحمد فهمي بهنا الزاهد، بعد أشهر من انفصاله عن منة حسين فهمي ابنة الفنان حسين فهمي.

أعماله كمؤلف
2007: كده رضا
2008: ورقة شفرة
2008: إتش دبور
2008: بوشكاش
2010: سمير وشهير وبهير
2011: فاصل ونعود
2012: بنات العم
2014: الحرب العالمية الثالثة
2006: أفيش وتشبيه
2013: الرجل العناب
2017:ريح المدام
أعمال كممثل
2002: رجال لا تعرف المستحيل
2008: ورقة شفرة
2008: الوعد
2009: المشتبه
2010: سمير وشهير وبهير
2012: بنات العم
2014: الحرب العالمية الثالثة
2016: حسن وبقلظ
2016: كلب بلدي
2018: الكويسين
2017: هروب اضطراري
2006: أفيش وتشبيه
2008: 7 شارع السعادة
2013: الرجل العناب
2017: ريح المدام
2019 الواد سيد الشحات
2014: فهمي جمعة

الأربعاء، 4 ديسمبر 2019

Abdul Razzaq

Abdul Razzaq (Urdu: عبد الرزاق‎; born 2 December 1979) is a Pakistani cricket coach and former cricketer, who played all formats of the game. He is a right arm fast-medium bowler and a right-handed batsman, who emerged in international cricket in 1996 with his One Day International debut against Zimbabwe at his home ground in Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore; just one month before his seventeenth birthday. He was the part of the Pakistan Cricket Team squad that won the ICC World Twenty20 2009. He played 265 ODIs and 46 Tests.

At the age of 38, Abdul Razzaq announced that he would make a comeback in domestic circuit level to play first-class cricket again after having short stints as a coach for few domestic teams in Pakistan since his international retirement in 2013
Personal life
Abdul Razzaq is married to a Pakistani woman Ayesha.[2] He has 3 brothers and one sister: Muhammad Afzaal,(son qasim afzaal,) Muhammad Faisal, Muhammad Ashfaq,(son Raees Ahmad) and Saima Shahid.

International career
Early career
Razzaq made his One Day International debut in November 1996, against Zimbabwe, but had to wait just over three years to make his Test cricket debut for Pakistan, eventually doing so against Australia in Brisbane in November 1999. In the 1999–2000 Carlton and United Series, he rose to fame and was named man of the series for his all round performance. During a match in Hobart against India, Razzaq scored a half century and took five wickets. In the same tournament, he hit former Australian fast bowler, Glenn McGrath for 5 fours, which totalled to 20 runs in one over.

1999 Cricket World Cup
Razzaq became a regular member of his national side during the 1999 world cup held in England. During the event, he got the attention of selectors as he performed well both with the ball and bat. His brilliant performance with the bat came in the group match against Australia, where he went on to score his first half century making 60 runs in a long and stable partnership with Inzamam-ul-Haq, which helped Pakistan reach a defendable target of 275.[3] Pakistan went on to win the match by ten runs and as a result qualified for the Super Six stage.[3] With the ball, he made a brilliant performance against the tough West Indian cricket team by taking three wickets for 32 runs having three maiden overs, which proved decisive for Pakistan at Bristol.[4]

2000 Carlton and United Series
Razzaq's other impressive performances came during the Carlton & United Series at Australia in a tri-nation tournament involving Pakistan, Australia and India in 2000. Razzaq achieved the man of the series award for his best all round performances, especially in a pre-finals match against India, where he scored 70 not out with the bat and took 5 wickets for 48 runs, thus becoming the fifth all-rounder to have scored a half century and take five wickets in an ODI; the other four players being Vivian Richards, Kris Srikkanth, Mark Waugh, and Lance Klusener.[5] Shahid Afridi subsequently achieved the feat thrice for Pakistan.

In the first match of the series against Australia, he took 4 wickets and played an important role for Pakistan helping them to successfully defend a very low target of 184 runs at Brisbane. In the third match of the series, Razzaq came into prominence after hitting five consecutive boundaries in the fifth over of Australian pacer Glenn McGrath. Eventually Pakistan was defeated in the finals by Australia but Razzaq was named player of the series for his all-round performance.[6]

In 2000, Razzaq became the youngest cricketer in the world to take a Test cricket hat trick in a match against Sri Lanka. He has scored three centuries and twenty two fifties in One Day International matches. His highest score was 112 runs, against South Africa in 2002, where he shared a partnership of 257 runs with Pakistani batsman Saleem Elahi. His second century was scoring 107 runs not out in a match against Zimbabwe in 2004. During this match, he saved Pakistan from a disastrous start and eventually won them the match. His first fifty came in 90 deliveries, before accelerating in the second fifty runs, which was scored in just 21 balls. Also in 2003–2004, he scored 89 runs from 40 balls against New Zealand, whose captain Stephen Fleming called him the "best hitter" in the world.[7] In January 2005, he was involved in the ACC Asian XI that took on the ICC World XI in the World Cricket Tsunami Appeal charity match at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Australia.

As a fast bowler, Razzaq experienced a steady decline in speed and performance during the 2003 cricket World Cup and 2004. Razzaq dropped Tendulkar who later on scored a matchwinning 98(75). During this period, he remained as a supporting bowler. However, from 2005 to the end of 2006, he regained his speed and he won many matches for Pakistan with his bowling. His best bowling figures in a One Day International match is 6 wickets for 35 runs. His another notable performance was against Sri Lanka at Sharjah in 1999, where Pakistan was all out for 196 runs and he took 5 wickets for 31 runs to draw the match. During the 2005–2006 Test match series against India, Razzaq took 9 wickets and scored 205 runs in two Test matches he played, which resulted in an improvement of his performance. His batting remained generally consistent from 2000 to 2006, although his place on the Test team was never secure.

Razzaq's place in the Pakistan national team has been marred by injuries and absences. In 2005 it was revealed that he was suffering from an addiction to spinach, which was causing him to suffer from nausea and sickness while playing. This led to him being known as 'Popeye' by his teammates.[8] In 2007, a poor performance in a series with both the bat and ball, in a match against South Africa, accompanied with an injury that forced him out of the 2007 cricket World Cup, had him dropped from the 2007 World Twenty20, a decision that received widespread criticism from cricket individuals.

Temporary retirement in 2007
On 20 August 2007, Razzaq announced his retirement against his omission from the 2007 ICC World Twenty20 squad.[9] However, on 27 October 2007, Razzaq revoked his decision following discussions with his local cricket club and coach, saying, "Maybe I made that (decision to retire) in the heat of the moment
He signed up for the Indian Cricket League and played for the Hyderabad Heroes as one of their star players. He eventually severed ties with the league in September 2008 and returned to international cricket in June 2009, helping Pakistan win the 2009 ICC T20 World Cup.

Return in team: 2009 World Twenty20 Championship
In 2009, he was selected into Pakistan's squad for the 2010 ICC World Twenty20 in England as a replacement for injured fast bowler Yasir Arafat, marking his return to International cricket and becoming the first Indian Cricket League player, whose ban was lifted by the Pakistan Cricket Board.[11] He played an important role in Pakistan's victory in the tournament, taking 5 wickets at an average of 14.80 and an economy rate of 5.92. His figures of 3 wickets for 20 runs, played a significant role in Pakistan's victory against Sri Lanka in the final. As a result, he along with another former Indian Cricket League player Mohammad Yousuf were awarded 'A’ category mid-term central contracts by the Pakistan Cricket Board.[12]

In the 2009–2010 season, Razzaq missed out on the tours of New Zealand and Australia, due to injury. However he was selected in the two match Twenty20 International series against England in February 2010. His innings of 46 runs not out from 18 deliveries in the second match of the series, cemented Pakistan a victory, their first in eleven international outings.[13]

On 30 December when playing in a game for the Melbourne Renegades, former Australian cricketer Mark Waugh described Razzaq as a "cardboard cut out" based on his appeared disinterest when playing.[citation needed]

ODI return: against New Zealand
Upon his ODI return, he played a fine little cameo for Pakistan with the bat scoring 23 runs of 20 deliveries and pushed the score to 287. New Zealand needed 288 to win and Razzaq took the key wickets of Scott Styris and Jacob Oram to ensure that Pakistan thrash New Zealand by 141 runs. In the second ODI, he took the wickets of Martin Guptill (62) and Daniel Vettori on (30). Despite this, New Zealand ended the innings at 303/8. Pakistan collapsed to 239 all out, with Razzaq scoring 35 runs. With the series levelled 1–1 Pakistan went into the third ODI and bowled New Zealand out for 211. Despite this Pakistan suffered a top order collapse at 79/7 with Younis Khan, Salman Butt, Khalid Latif, Shoaib Malik, Kamran Akmal, Umar Akmal and Shahid Afridi falling cheaply. The Razzaq came in and registered a duck as he was run out by Vettori. Gul fell cheaply as well but Pakistan still got agonizingly close to victory, when Mohammad Amir and Saeed Ajmal were engaged in a 103 run partnership before Ajmal top edged a pull on the first ball of the last over as Pakistan were seven runs short of victory.

Hand injury: No participation against Australia
Razzaq picked up a hand injury just before the first ODI against Australia and missed the whole five match series and the only Twenty20 match. He was hit on the hand while batting during the practice sessions[14] The series turned out to be a forgettable one of Pakistan as Mohammad Yousuf and Younis Khan received life bans (overturned 2 months later) for inflicting fighting in the team. Also Rana Naved-ul-Hasan was given a one-year ban along with Shoaib Malik being banned for a year all were overturned on appeal. Amid the fighting Pakistan lost the five match series 5–0 and the only Twenty20 match as well.

Top all-round form (2010)
With players like Younis Khan, Mohammad Yousuf and Shoaib Malik suffering from selection issues, it was Razzaq who took up the role of a senior player in the Pakistan cricket team. He was selected in the squad for the 2010 ICC World Twenty20 and performed admirably with the bat scoring five sixes during the tournament. Pakistan crashed out of the tournament after losing to Australia in the semi-final. Razzaq then took part in the 2010 Asia Cup.[15]

In July 2010, Razzaq played in the two T20Is against Australia as Pakistan won both matches comfortably. He wasn't selected for the Test series against Australia and England and next played in the September 2010 Twenty20 and ODI series against England. The Pakistan team had been surrounded by Spot-fixing allegations as the team lost both Twenty20 matches due to low morale. Razzaq missed the first two ODI's against England because of a back-strain as Pakistan lost both matches. He returned to the third ODI and scored 31 runs in a fruitful partnership with Shahid Afridi before Afridi was run out and Razzaq was subsequently caught in the deep square leg as Pakistan were bowled out for 241. England opened the innings strongly before Umar Gul removed six batsmen and Razzaq took two wickets to seal a 23-run victory for Pakistan.[16]

Razzaq's lower order destruction also became helpful for his domestic team the Lahore Lions as he scored 138 runs from his four innings including a superb 73* in the final to help guide his team to victory in the 2010-11 Faysal Bank Twenty-20 Cup.[17]

On 31 October 2010, in the second One Day International against South Africa, Razzaq played a match-winning innings of 109* off 72 balls at a strike rate of 151.38, his third One Day International century. The innings which contained seven fours and ten sixes saw Pakistan to a one-wicket win with one ball remaining and level the 5-match series 1–1.[18]

Series against New Zealand, World Cup Preparation (2011)
Razzaq struggled with the bat in the first two Twenty20's against New Zealand but he did perform admirably with the ball taking out Jesse Ryder for a golden duck in the second Twenty20. During the third match Razzaq blasted 34 off just 11 balls in an innings that included 3 fours and 3 sixes. This innings helped Pakistan push their total onto 184. Razzaq then did the damage with the ball taking the leading run scorer of the series Martin Guptill out for a duck and then took two more top order wickets of Ross Taylor (Leg-before) and clean bowled James Franklin. For this superb all round perform coupled with a 103 run victory for Pakistan Razzaq won man of the match. However two early losses in the series meant New Zealand won the series 2–1.[19]

2011 Cricket World Cup
Razzaq was included in Pakistan's 15-man squad for the 2011 World Cup hosted by Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka between February and April. His role was to open the bowling and bat down the order. In his first two matches, he had faced just 10 balls,[20] however he scored 20 not out from 24 balls against Australia to guide Pakistan to victory, ending Australia's string of 34 matches in World Cups without defeat.[21]

Domestic career
Indian Cricket League
In 2007–2008, he played in the Indian Cricket League, playing for Hyderabad Heroes. His excellent performance in the last over during the Indian Cricket League final, allowed his team to take a 1–0 lead in the best of three finals. The finals were eventually won by Hyderabad Heroes, 2–0. During this time, his international career remained in doubt, as the Pakistan Cricket Board had banned players who participated in the unofficial league.[22]

After playing for two seasons, he departed from the Indian Cricket League to be selected and play for the Pakistan national team, saying that he hoped the Pakistan Cricket Board's ban on Indian Cricket League players would soon be revoked and that he has a desire to play for Pakistan national team once again, affirming that his retirement was not necessarily a permanent decision.

England County Cricket
He has also played at the English county level for Middlesex, Worcestershire and Surrey. He joined Surrey in June 2008 on a short term contract to play in the Twenty20 Cup. He helped Surrey win against Sussex by scoring 39 runs from 19 balls. Despite his short period at The Oval, Razzaq became a favourite player amongst Surrey supporters.

In March 2010 Razzaq signed for Hampshire County Cricket Club as one of their four overseas players for the English domestic Twenty20 competition.[23] He played a starring role in their victory against Somerset on finals day at Hampshire's home ground, the Rose Bowl.

Razzaq signed for Leicestershire County Cricket Club as their second overseas players for the English domestic Friends Life t20.[24] At the 2011 Friends Life t20 he again played for the winning team, this time as a Leicestershire player, against Somerset on the finals day. He also played in both Leicestershire's games in the Champions League T20s, but was unable to help Leicestershire through the qualification stage.[25] He has signed for Staffordshire club Hem Heath for the 2014 Season.[26]

International record
Test cricket
Test Debut vs Australia in Brisbane in 1999–2000.
Best Test batting score of 134 runs was made against Bangladesh in Dhaka in 2001–2002.
Best Test bowling figures of 5 wickets for 35 runs came against Sri Lanka in Karachi in 2004–2005.
He took his first Test Hat-trick vs Sri Lanka in Galle International Stadium in 2000.
One Day International
One Day International debut vs Zimbabwe in Lahore in 1996–1997.
Best One Day International batting score of 112 runs was made against South Africa in Port Elizabeth in 2002–2003.
Best One Day International bowling figures of 6 wickets for 35 runs came against Bangladesh in Dhaka in 2001–2002.
Best 7th wicket score (109 from 72 balls) against South Africa in Abu-Dhabi in October 2010
He is one of 53 players, including 8 who have represented Pakistan, who have achieved the double of 1,000 Test runs and 100 Test wickets.[27]
He is the youngest bowler to take a hat-trick, against Sri Lanka in 2000, at the age of 20.
Has Batted at every position from an opener to No.11
In 2009 he along with Nasir Jamshed set the highest 3rd wicket partnership ever in any forms of T20s (162)

No Time To Die

No Time to Die is an upcoming spy film directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga, and the twenty-fifth installment in the James Bond series to be produced by Eon Productions.[2] The film features Daniel Craig in his fifth outing as the MI6 agent James Bond.[3] Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Rory Kinnear, Jeffrey Wright, Léa Seydoux, and Christoph Waltz reprise their roles from previous films, with Rami Malek, Ana de Armas, Lashana Lynch, David Dencik, Dali Benssalah and Billy Magnussen joining the cast. It will be the first film in the series to be internationally distributed by Universal Pictures, following the expiration of Columbia Pictures' contract after Spectre.

Development of the film began and confirmed in 2016. Universal Pictures and United Artists Releasing acquired the distribution rights internationally; in the United States, United Artists Relasing holds the rights, and Universal will also release the film on home media domestically.[4] Danny Boyle was originally attached to direct and co-write the film with John Hodge; both left due to creative differences in August 2018. Fukunaga was announced as Boyle's replacement a month later. The majority of the cast had signed on by April 2019. Principal photography lasted from April to October 2019.

The film is scheduled for theatrical release on 2 April 2020 in the United Kingdom and on 8 April 2020 in the United States.
James Bond has left active service and is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica. His peace is short-lived when his old friend Felix Leiter from the CIA turns up asking for help. The mission to rescue a kidnapped scientist turns out to be far more treacherous than expected, leading Bond onto the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology.

Daniel Craig as James Bond.[5] Formerly known as agent 007, he retired to Jamaica following the events of Spectre.
Rami Malek as Safin, an adversary of Bond.[6] Producer Barbara Broccoli described the character as "the one that really gets under Bond's skin. He's a nasty piece of work".[6]
Ralph Fiennes as M,[7] the head of MI6 and Bond's superior officer.
Naomie Harris as Eve Moneypenny,[7] M's assistant and Bond's ally.
Rory Kinnear as Bill Tanner,[8] the MI6 chief of staff.
Léa Seydoux as Dr. Madeleine Swann,[7] a psychiatrist and Bond's love interest who assisted him in his mission in the film Spectre.
Ben Whishaw as Q,[7] the MI6 Quartermaster who outfits Bond with equipment for use in the field.
Jeffrey Wright as Felix Leiter,[8] Bond's friend and a CIA field officer.
Ana de Armas as Paloma, a CIA agent assisting Bond.[9] De Armas described her character as "irresponsible" and "bubbly" and playing a key role in Bond's mission.[10]
Lashana Lynch as Nomi,[11] a '00' agent who entered active service after Bond’s retirement.[9]
David Dencik as Waldo[12]
Christoph Waltz as Ernst Stavro Blofeld,[9] the former head of the criminal syndicate Spectre, and who is now in MI6 custody.
Dali Benssalah and Billy Magnussen have been cast in undisclosed roles.[8]

Development of No Time to Die began in the spring of 2016. As Sony Pictures' contract to co-produce the James Bond films with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Eon Productions expired with the release of Spectre, another major film studio was expected to land the distribution rights to release the film. In April 2017, Sony Pictures, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Universal Pictures and Annapurna Pictures entered a bidding competition to win the distribution rights. It was announced that MGM had secured the domestic, digital and worldwide television rights to the film. Universal was announced as the international distributor of the film and holder of the rights for physical home entertainment distribution
The scriptwriters Neal Purvis and Robert Wade—who had worked on every Bond film since The World Is Not Enough—were approached to write the script in March 2017.[15] Sam Mendes stated that he would not return as director despite the success of his previous two Bond films, Skyfall and Spectre.[16][17] Longtime favourite Christopher Nolan ruled himself out to direct.[18][19] By July 2017, Yann Demange, David Mackenzie and Denis Villeneuve were courted to direct the film.[20] In December 2017, Villeneuve opted out of the role due to his commitments to Dune.[21] In February 2018, Danny Boyle was established as a frontrunner for the directing position and Boyle's original pitch to Broccoli and Wilson saw John Hodge brought onto the project and writing a screenplay based on Boyle's idea, with Purvis and Wade's version scrapped.[22] Hodge's draft was greenlit, Universal secured the film's distribution rights, and Boyle was confirmed to helm the film with a production start date of December 2018.[23] However, Boyle left the production in August 2018 due to creative differences,[24] and the film's release date became contingent on whether they could replace Boyle with a suitable director within sixty days. A spokeswoman for Hodge confirmed that he also was no longer involved. With Boyle's departure, several directors from film and television were considered for the position,[25][26][27][28] and Cary Joji Fukunaga was announced as the new director in September 2018 via the official James Bond Twitter account.[29] Fukunaga became the first American in the history of the series to direct an Eon James Bond film.[30][a] Linus Sandgren was hired as cinematographer in December 2018;[31] Dan Romer was hired as composer in July 2019, having previously scored Fukanaga's Beasts of No Nation and Maniac.[32]

With Boyle's departure, Purvis and Wade were brought back to rework the script in September 2018.[33] Casino Royale screenwriter Paul Haggis was brought in to rewrite Purvis and Wade's script in November 2018.[34][35] Scott Z. Burns was brought on to work on the screenplay in February 2019. At Craig's request, Killing Eve writer and creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge provided a script polish in April 2019 to add more humour and to make the characters more believable.[36][37][38] Waller-Bridge is the second female screenwriter credited with writing a Bond film after Johanna Harwood co-wrote Dr. No and From Russia with Love.[39][b] Producer Barbara Broccoli announced that Bond's attitude towards women would change in No Time to Die as a response to the Me Too movement.[39] Waller-Bridge argued that the character of Bond had to stay true to its original creation and that it was the responsibility of the wider film industry to treat women more respectfully.[42]

Spectre was speculated to be Daniel Craig's final outing as Bond.[43] In May 2016, it was reported on several websites and news platforms that Craig had received a $100 million offer from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to reprise his role of Bond in two more films, but turned it down, suggesting that Spectre would likely be his final Bond film.[44] Craig denied having made a decision but praised his time playing Bond thus far, describing it as "the best job in the world doing Bond". He further denied that $150 million was offered to him for the next two Bond instalments.[45] He stated that the fact he had not made any decisions on returning to the role in the past was because of his focus on other projects such as Logan Lucky.[5][46] In August 2017, Craig confirmed he would return for his final appearance as Bond while on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.[47] In July 2018, Craig travelled to the United States to visit the Central Intelligence Agency's headquarters in Langley, Virginia, to find out more about how the intelligence agency operates. The CIA said, "Mr. Craig met with our leadership and workforce, who explained that real-life espionage is a lot more 'cloak' and a lot less 'dagger' than presented in the entertainment world of spy v spy
Numerous reports indicated that Christoph Waltz had signed on to return as Ernst Stavro Blofeld for further 007 films on the condition that Craig returned as Bond.[49] Despite Craig's definite casting as Bond, Waltz announced that he would not return as Blofeld in October 2017.[50] During Danny Boyle's time as director on the film, a leaked casting sheet described the villain role as a "cold and charismatic Russian" and the Bond girl role as a "witty and skillful survivor". Production also sought after a henchman of Māori descent with "advanced combat skills".[51] These ideas presumably changed shape following Boyle and Hodge's exit. In December 2018, Fukunaga revealed in an interview that Ben Whishaw, Naomie Harris and Ralph Fiennes would all be reprising their roles in the film, with Fukunaga not ruling out a possible return from Waltz's Blofeld.[7] Fukunaga also revealed that Léa Seydoux would be reprising her role as Madeleine Swann,[7] making her the second actress to portray a Bond girl in successive films, after Eunice Gayson portrayed Sylvia Trench in Dr. No and From Russia with Love. Rory Kinnear returned as Bill Tanner, as did Jeffrey Wright as Felix Leiter.[8] Wright makes his third appearance in the series after Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace and becomes the first actor to play Felix Leiter three times.[citation needed]

Ana de Armas, Dali Benssalah, David Dencik, Lashana Lynch, Billy Magnussen and Rami Malek were announced as cast members in a live stream, at Ian Fleming's Goldeneye estate in Jamaica.[52] This live stream on 25 April 2019 marked the official start of production.[8] Malek was further announced as playing the film's villain.[53] In an interview with Digital Spy, Malek revealed that his character would not be connected to any religion or ideology.[54]

Production was scheduled to begin on 3 December 2018 at Pinewood Studios,[55] but filming was delayed until April 2019 after the departure of Boyle as director.[29][56] The film is the first in the series to have sequences shot with 65MM IMAX film cameras
Filming locations included Italy, Jamaica, Norway and London, in addition to Pinewood Studios.[58] In addition scenes were filmed in the Faroe Islands in late September 2019.[59] Production commenced in Nittedal, Norway, with the second unit capturing scenes at a frozen lake.[60] Principal photography officially began on 28 April 2019 in Port Antonio, Jamaica.[61][62][better source needed] Daniel Craig sustained an ankle injury in May whilst filming in Jamaica and subsequently underwent minor surgery.[63][64] Production was further interrupted when a controlled explosion damaged the 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios and left a crew member with minor injuries.[65][66] Production returned to Norway in June 2019 to shoot a driving sequence along the Atlantic Ocean Road featuring an Aston Martin V8 Vantage.[67] Aston Martin also confirmed that the DB5, DBS Supperlegera[68] and Valhalla models would feature in the film.[69] Production then returned to the United Kingdom, where scenes featuring Craig, Fiennes, Harris and Kinnear were filmed around London, including Whitehall and Hammersmith.[70][71][72]

In July 2019, filming took place in the town of Aviemore and in the surrounding Cairngorms National Park area in Scotland.[73] Temporary accommodations were constructed in a car park in the town for the production crew of around 300.[74][75] Some scenes were also captured at the Ardverikie House Estate and on the banks of Loch Laggan, just outside the park.[76] There was further filming at Buttersteep Forest, Ascot, during August 2019.[citation needed]

The second unit moved to southern Italy in late August, where they began to shoot a chase sequence involving an Aston Martin DB5 through the streets of Matera. The main unit, Craig and Seydoux arrived in early September to film scenes inside several production-built sets, as well as further sequences in Maratea and Gravina in Puglia.[77][78]

Between 8 and 25 September, some scenes were shot in the town of Sapri in southern Italy, including the town's "midnight canal" and train station. The name of the city has been changed to "Civita Lucana" for the film.[79]

Principal photography wrapped on 25 October 2019 at Pinewood Studios.[80]

No Time to Die was originally scheduled for release on 8 November 2019. Following Danny Boyle's departure, the release date was pushed back to 14 February 2020.[29][81] The release date was pushed once again to 8 April 2020. The film is due to be released outside North America on 3 April.[2]

The film entered production under the working title Bond 25. No Time to Die was announced as the name of the film via the official James Bond website and social media accounts on 20 August 2019.[82][83] No Time to Die shares its title with a 1958 film directed by Terence Young, produced by Albert R. "Cubby" Broccoli and written by Richard Maibaum,[84][85] the original director, producer and writer of the James Bond films.

The 007 logo appeared on the Red Bull Racing cars in the place of the Aston Martin logos at the 2019 British Grand Prix.[86] The cars also had Bond-themed number plates on the underside of their rear wings. Max Verstappen had the number plate from the Aston Martin DB5 from Goldfinger while Pierre Gasly’s car featured the Aston Martin V8 plate from The Living Daylights.[87] Both drivers wore special racing overalls with a print of the classic single-breasted dinner suit

قضية جريمة أو جاي سيمبسون

قضية جريمة أو جاي سيمبسون، واسمها رسميا شعب ولاية كاليفورنيا ضد أورينتال جيمس سيمبسون (بالإنجليزية: People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson)، (أو الشعب ضد أو جاي سيمبسون) هي محاكمة جنائية عقدت في المحكمة العليا في مقاطعة لوس أنجليس، حيث اتهم اللاعب السابق في دوري كرة القدم الوطني (NFL) والممثل أو جاي سيمبسون بجريمتي قتل وذلك عن قتل زوجته السابقة نيكول براون سيمبسون وصديقها نادل المطعم رون غولدمان في 12 يونيو 1994. امتدت المحاكمة على مدى أحد عشر شهرا، من أداء هيئة المحلفين اليمين الدستورية في 9 نوفمبر 1994. تم الإدلاء ببيانات القضية الأولية في 24 يناير 1995،  وتم الإعلان عن الحكم في 3 أكتوبر 1995، عندما أعلن أن سيمبسون غير مذنب بارتكاب أي من الجريمتين. وصفت صحيفة يو إس إيه توداي القضية بأنها أكثر محاكمة جنائية حظيت بغطاء إعلامي في التاريخ.

مثل سيمبسون فريق دفاع رفيع المستوى (أشير إليه أيضا باسم "فريق الأحلام")، الذي كان يقوده في البداية روبرت شابيرو ثم تولى قيادته جون كوكران. كما ضم الفريق ف. لي بيلي وآلان ديرشويتز وروبرت كارداشيان وشون هولي وكارل أي دوغلاس وجيرالد أولمن. وضم الفريق باري شيك وبيتر نيوفيلد وهما محاميان إضافيان متخصصان في أدلة الحمض النووي.

رأى نائبا المدعي العام مارشيا كلارك وكريستوفر داردن أن لديهما قضية مضمونة ضد سيمبسون، ولكن كوكران تمكن من إقناع المحلفين بأن هناك شكوكا معقولة حول أدلة الحمض النووي (وهي تقنية كانت جديدة نسبيا بين أدلة المحاكمات في ذلك الوقت)،  مثل زعمه أن علماء وفنيي المختبرات لم يحسنوا التعامل مع أدلة عينات الدم، وكذلك بالظروف المحيطة بالأدلة الأخرى. كما ادعى كوكران وفريق الدفاع بوجود مزاعم أخرى بسوء السلوك من قبل إدارة شرطة لوس أنجلوس (LAPD) تتعلق بالعنصرية داخل النظام. أطلق على هذه القضية لقب "محاكمة القرن" لما حظيت به من اهتمام وطني وذلك بسبب شهرة سمبسون والمسائل العرقية والمحاكمة المتلفزة المطولة. بحلول نهاية المحاكمة، أظهرت الدراسات الاستقصائية الوطنية اختلافات كبيرة بين الأمريكيين السود والبيض بشأن براءة سمبسون.

رفعت أسر براون وغولدمان لاحقا دعوى مدنية ضد سيمبسون. في 4 فبراير 1997، وجدت هيئة المحلفين أن سيمبسون مسؤول عن كلتا الوفاتين. وقد منحت الأسرتان تعويضات بلغت 33.5 مليون دولار، ولكنها لم تحصل إلا على جزء صغير من ذلك.

زواج سمبسون و بروان
تم عقد قران نيكول بروان و أو جيه سمبسون في الثاني من أكتوبر من عام 1985، وذلك عقب إعتزاله كرة القدم للمحترفين بخمس سنوات. رُزقا بطفلين، سيدني بروك سمبسون ( ولدت عام 1985) و جاستن رايان سمبسون ( ولد عام 1988). استمر هذا الزواج لمدة سبع سنوات، والتي كان سمبسون فيها عرضة للتحقيق بسبب شكاوى عنف منزلي رُفعت ضده مرات عديدة وقام بإنكار هذه التهم. رفعت نيكول دعوى طلاق في الخامس والعشرين من فبراير 1992، بحجة "إنعدام التوافق" بينها وبين سمبسون. استمرت الإعتداءت؛ حيث قامت نيكول بإلاتصال بـ9-1-1 في الخامس والعشرون من أكتوبر،1993 وقالت وهي تبكي " [سمبسون] سوف يقوم بضربي بشكل مبرح"

OJ Simpson

Orenthal James Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed "The Juice", is an American former football running back, broadcaster, actor, advertising spokesman, and convicted felon. Once a popular figure with the U.S. public, he is most well known today for his criminal trial and acquittal for the murders of his former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, although Simpson was later found responsible in a civil trial for their deaths.

Simpson attended the University of Southern California (USC), where he played football for the USC Trojans and won the Heisman Trophy in 1968. He played professionally as a running back in the NFL for 11 seasons, primarily with the Buffalo Bills from 1969 to 1977. He also played for the San Francisco 49ers from 1978 to 1979. In 1973, he became the first NFL player to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a season. He holds the record for the single season yards-per-game average, which stands at 143.1. He was the only player to ever rush for over 2,000 yards in the 14-game regular season NFL format.

Simpson was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1983 and the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. After retiring from football, he began new careers in acting and football broadcasting.

In 1994, Simpson was arrested and charged with the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman. He was acquitted by a jury after a lengthy and internationally publicized trial. The families of the victims subsequently filed a civil suit against him, and in 1997 a civil court awarded a $33.5 million judgment against him for the victims' wrongful deaths. In 2000, he moved to Florida to avoid paying any more of the liability judgment, settling in Miami.

In 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with the felonies of armed robbery and kidnapping.[1] In 2008, he was convicted and sentenced to 33 years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.[2] He served his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center near Lovelock, Nevada.[3] Simpson was granted parole on July 20, 2017. He was eligible for release from prison on October 1, 2017, and was released on that date
Early life
Born and raised in San Francisco, California, Simpson is a son of Eunice (née Durden), a hospital administrator, and Jimmy Lee Simpson, a chef and bank custodian.[6] His father was a well-known drag queen in the San Francisco Bay Area. Later in life, Jimmy Simpson announced that he was gay and died of AIDS in 1986.[7][8]

Simpson's maternal grandparents were from Louisiana, and his aunt gave him the name Orenthal, which she said was the name of a French actor she liked.[9] Simpson has one brother, Melvin Leon "Truman" Simpson, one living sister, Shirley Simpson-Baker, and one deceased sister, Carmelita Simpson-Durio. As a child, Simpson developed rickets and wore braces on his legs until the age of five,[10] giving him his bowlegged stance.[11] His parents separated in 1952, and Simpson was raised by his mother.[12]

Simpson grew up in San Francisco and lived with his family in the housing projects of the Potrero Hill neighborhood.[13] In his early teenage years, he joined a street gang called the Persian Warriors and was briefly incarcerated at the San Francisco Youth Guidance Center.[10] Future wife Marquerite, his childhood sweetheart, described Simpson as "really an awful person then";[14] after his third arrest, a meeting with Willie Mays during which the baseball star encouraged Simpson to avoid trouble helped persuade him to reform.[11] At Galileo High School (currently Galileo Academy of Science and Technology) in San Francisco, Simpson played for the school football team, the Galileo Lions.

College football and athletics career
Although Simpson was an All-City football player at Galileo, his mediocre high-school grades prevented him from attracting the interest of many college recruiters. After a childhood friend's injury in the Vietnam War influenced Simpson to stay out of the military, he enrolled at City College of San Francisco in 1965.[11] He played football both ways as a running back and defensive back and was named to the Junior College All-American team as a running back.[15] City College won the Prune Bowl against Long Beach State, and many colleges sought Simpson as a transfer student for football.[11]

Simpson chose to attend the University of Southern California (USC), which he had admired as a young football fan,[11] over the University of Utah and played running back for head coach John McKay in 1967 and 1968.[16] Simpson led the nation in rushing both years under McKay: in 1967 with 1,543 yards and 13 touchdowns, and in 1968 with 1,880 yards on 383 carries.[17]

As a junior in 1967, Simpson was a close runner-up in the Heisman Trophy balloting to quarterback Gary Beban of UCLA. In that year's Victory Bell rivalry game between the teams, USC was down by six points in the fourth quarter with under eleven minutes remaining. On their own 36, USC backup quarterback Toby Page called an audible on third and seven. Simpson's 64-yard touchdown run tied the score, and the extra point provided a 21–20 lead, which was the final score.[18] This was the biggest play in what is regarded as one of the greatest football games of the 20th century.[19]

Another dramatic touchdown in the same game is the subject of the Arnold Friberg oil painting, O.J. Simpson Breaks for Daylight. Simpson also won the Walter Camp Award in 1967 and was a two-time consensus All-American.[20]

Simpson was an aspiring track athlete; in 1967 he lost a 100 m race at Stanford against the then-British record holder Menzies Campbell.[21] Prior to playing football at Southern Cal, he ran in the USC sprint relay quartet that broke the world record in the 4 × 110-yard relay at the NCAA track championships in Provo, Utah on June 17, 1967.[22]

As a senior in 1968, Simpson rushed for 1,709 yards and 22 touchdowns in the regular season, earning the Heisman Trophy, the Maxwell Award, and Walter Camp Award. He still holds the record for the Heisman's largest margin of victory, defeating runner-up Leroy Keyes by 1,750 points. In the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day, #2 USC faced top-ranked Ohio State; Simpson ran for 171 yards, including an 80-yard touchdown run in a 27–16 loss
Buffalo Bills

Simpson breaking the NFL's single-season rushing record in 1973
The first selection 1969 AFL-NFL Common Draft was held by the AFL's Buffalo Bills, after finishing 1–12–1 in 1968. They took Simpson, but he demanded what was then the largest contract in professional sports history: $650,000 over five years. This led to a standoff with Bills' owner Ralph Wilson, as Simpson threatened to become an actor and skip professional football. Eventually, Wilson agreed to pay Simpson.[25][26]

Simpson entered professional football with high expectations,[25][26] but struggled in his first three years, averaging only 622 yards per season.[27] Bills coach John Rauch, not wanting to build an offense around one running back, assigned Simpson to do blocking and receiving duties at the expense of running the ball. In 1971, Rauch resigned as head coach and the Bills brought in Harvey Johnson.[25][28][29] Despite Johnson devising a new offense for Simpson, Simpson was still ineffective that year. After the 1971 season, the Bills fired Johnson and brought in Lou Saban as head coach.[25] Unlike Rauch, Saban made Simpson the centerpiece of the Bills offense.[30]

In 1972, Simpson rushed for over 1,000 yards for the first time in his career, gaining a league-leading total of 1,251 yards. In 1973, Simpson became the first player to break the highly coveted 2,000 yard rushing mark, with 2,003 total rushing yards and 12 touchdowns.[27][31] Simpson broke the mark during the last game of the season against the New York Jets with a 7-yard rush. That same game also saw Simpson break Jim Brown's single-season rushing record of 1,863 yards.[32] For his performance, Simpson won that year's NFL MVP Award and Bert Bell Award.[33][34] While other players have broken the 2,000-yard mark since Simpson, his record was established in a time when the NFL only had 14 games per season, as opposed to the 16-game seasons that began in 1978.[35]

Simpson gained more than 1,000 rushing yards for each of his next three seasons. He did not lead the league in rushing in 1974, but did cross the 1,000-yard barrier despite a knee injury.[36] In game 11 of 1974, he passed Ken Willard as the rushing leader among active players, a position he maintained until his retirement over five seasons later. Simpson also made his first and only playoff appearance during the 1974 season. In a divisional game against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Simpson rushed for 49 yards on 15 attempts and caught a touchdown pass, but the Bills lost the game 32–14.[37]

Simpson won the rushing title again in 1975, rushing for 1,817 yards and 16 touchdowns. Simpson also had a career-high 426 receiving yards and 7 receiving touchdowns that season.[27] Simpson once again led the league in rushing in 1976, rushing for 1,503 yards and 8 touchdowns.[27] Simpson had the best game of his career during that season's Thanksgiving game against the Detroit Lions on November 25. In that game, Simpson rushed for a then-record 273 yards on 29 attempts and scored two touchdowns. Despite Simpson's performance, the Bills would lose the game 27–14.[38]

Simpson played in only seven games in 1977, as his season was cut short by injury.[9]

San Francisco 49ers
Before the 1978 season, the Bills traded Simpson to his hometown San Francisco 49ers for a series of draft picks.[39] Simpson played in San Francisco for two seasons, rushing for 1,053 yards and four touchdowns.[27] His final NFL game was on December 16, 1979, a 31–21 loss to the Atlanta Falcons at Atlanta–Fulton County Stadium.[40] His final play was a 10-yard run on 3rd and 10 for a first down.[41]

Career summary
Simpson gained 11,236 rushing yards, placing him 2nd on the NFL's all-time rushing list when he retired; he now stands at 21st. He was named NFL Player of the Year in 1973, and played in six Pro Bowls. He was the only player in NFL history to rush for over 2,000 yards in a 14-game season and he's the only player to rush for over 200 yards in six different games in his career. From 1972 to 1976, Simpson averaged 1,540 rushing yards per (14 game) season, 5.1 yards per carry, and he won the NFL rushing title four times.[27] Simpson was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985, his first year of eligibility.[42]

Simpson played in only one playoff game during his 11-season Hall of Fame career: a 1974 Divisional Playoff between the Buffalo Bills and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Simpson was held to 49 rushing yards, 3 receptions for 37 yards, and one touchdown, and the Bills lost 14-32 to the team which went on to win Super Bowl IX.[citation needed]

Simpson acquired the nickname "Juice" as a play on "O.J.", a common abbreviation for "orange juice". "Juice" is also a colloquial synonym for electricity or electrical power, and hence a metaphor for any powerful entity; the Bills' offensive line at Simpson's peak was nicknamed "The Electric Company".[43]

NFL records
Fastest player to gain 1,000 rushing yards in season: 1,025 in 7 games in 1973 and 1,005 in 7 games in 1975 (tied with Terrell Davis).[44]
Fastest player to gain 2,000 rushing yards in season: 2,003 in 14 games in 1973.
Most rushing yards per game in a season: 143.1 per game in 1973.
Acting career
Even before his retirement from the NFL, Simpson embarked on a film career with parts in films such as the television mini-series Roots (1977), and the dramatic motion pictures The Klansman (1974), The Towering Inferno (1974), The Cassandra Crossing (1976) and Capricorn One (1978). In 1979, he started his own film production company, Orenthal Productions, which dealt mostly in made-for-TV fare such as the family-oriented Goldie and the Boxer films with Melissa Michaelsen (1979 and 1981), and Cocaine and Blue Eyes (1983), the pilot for a proposed detective series on NBC.[citation needed] He also starred in the comedic Back to the Beach (1987) and The Naked Gun trilogy (1988, 1991, 1994).

Besides his acting career, Simpson worked as a commentator for Monday Night Football and The NFL on NBC.[45] He also appeared in the audience of Saturday Night Live during its second season and hosted an episode during its third season.[46]

Simpson starred in the un-televised two-hour-long film pilot for Frogmen, an A-Team-like adventure series that Warner Bros. Television completed in 1994, a few months before the murders. NBC had not yet decided whether to order the series when Simpson's arrest cancelled the project. While searching his home, the police obtained a videotaped copy of the pilot as well as the script and dailies. Although the prosecution investigated reports that Simpson, who played the leader of a group of former United States Navy SEALs, received "a fair amount of" military training—including use of a knife—for Frogmen, and there is a scene in which he holds a knife to the throat of a woman, this material was not introduced as evidence during the trial.[47]

NBC executive Warren Littlefield said in July 1994 that the network would probably never air the pilot if Simpson were convicted; if he were acquitted, however, one television journalist speculated that "Frogmen would probably be on the air before the NBC peacock could unfurl its plume".[48] Most pilots that are two hours long are aired as TV movies whether or not they are ordered as series. Because—as the Los Angeles Times later reported—"the appetite for all things O.J. appeared insatiable" during the trial, Warner Bros. and NBC estimated that a gigantic, Super Bowl-like television audience would have watched the Frogmen film. Co-star Evan Handler said that the studio's decision not to air it or release it on home video, and forego an estimated $14 million in profits, was "just about the only proof you have that there is some dignity in the advertising and television business".[47]

In 2006, Simpson starred in his own improv, hidden-camera prank TV show, Juiced. Typical of the genre, Simpson would play a prank on everyday people while secretly filming them and at the end of each prank, he would shout, "You've been Juiced!" Less typical, each episode opened with topless strippers dancing around Simpson, who is dressed as a pimp. He sings his own rap song, which includes the lyrics "Don't you know there's no stopping the Juice / When I'm on the floor I'm like a lion on the loose / Better shoot me with a tranquilizer dart / Don't be stupid, I'm not a Simpson named Bart." In one episode, Simpson is at a used car lot in Las Vegas where he attempts to sell his white Bronco. A bullet hole in the front of the SUV is circled with his autograph, and he pitches it to a prospective buyer by saying that if they "ever get into some trouble and have to get away, it has escapability."[49] In another sketch called "B-I-N-G-O.J.", Simpson pretends to be having an affair with another man's girlfriend. Later he transforms into an old white man whose dying wish is to call a game of bingo. Juiced aired as a one-time special on pay-per-view television and was later released on DVD.

زياد علي

زياد علي محمد