الأربعاء، 18 مارس 2020



 (بالإنجليزية: MBC 2) هي إحدى قنوات مركز تلفزيون الشرق الأوسط المملوكة لرجل الأعمال السعودي وليد الإبراهيم تعد قناة mbc2 أول قناة مجانية متخصّصة في عرض الأفلام السينمائية في الوطن العربي. وتبث mbc2 مجموعة متنوّعة من أنجح الأفلام العالمية بمختلف فئاتها من الدراما، والحركة والتشويق، والرعب، مرورًا بقصص الجريمة، وانتهاءً بالخيال العلمي والكوميديا، وذلك على مدى أربع وعشرين ساعة طيلة أيام الأسبوع. وتوفر القناة لجمهور المشاهدين في شتى أنحاء المنطقة جدولًا غنيًا ومنوّعًا من الأفلام، ما جعلها تستحوذ على إعجاب محبي السينما وأفلام هوليوود.. يذكر أن عدد محبي قناة MBC2 قد وصل إلى 2 مليون معجب على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي فيس بوك في إبريل 2012. كما حلّت القناة في المرتبة الثالثة على مستوى منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في تصنيف موقع Social Watchlist.

أطلقت مجموعة MBC قناة MBC2 في يناير/ كانون الثاني من عام 2003، لتتيح كمًّا هائلا من أنجح البرامج والأفلام من استوديوهات عالمية أمام الجمهور في مختلف أنحاء العالم العربي.

لم تكن MBC2 في بدايتها مخصصة فقط لعرض الأفلام، حيث كانت تعرض آنذاك نشرة أخبار باللغة الإنجليزية، فضلا عن عروض الأوبرا، إلى جانب الدراما الأجنبية.

لكن مع عام 2005 شهدت القناة تحولاً في خريطتها البرامجية لتقتصر على عرض أحدث وأقوى أفلام هوليوود، وتتحول سريعا إلى قناة الأفلام غير المشفرة الأولى والوحيدة في العالم التي تعرض الأفلام السينمائية على مدار الساعة، وهكذا أصبح لهوليوود موطنًا جديدًا في الشرق الأوسط.

حرصت MBC2 على تقديم وجبة متنوعة، تخاطب كل الفئات العمرية في العالم العربي، فهي تقدم الأربعاء من كل أسبوع Big Family Night وهي أفلام تخاطب الأسرة بشكل عام، فيما اختارت القناة تقديم وجبتها الكوميدية مساء كل سبت عبر ما أسمته القناة Comedy Night.

ويوم الاثنين من كل أسبوع، يكون جمهور MBC2 على موعد مع Monday Night Premieres، حيث أفلام العرض الأول التي لم يسبق عرضها على أي شاشة عربية. ليس هذا فقط بل تختار القناة، كل شهر، أحد أيقونات هوليوود ليكون نجم الشهر Star of the month، الذين يتم عرض أشهر أعمالهم، مساء الثلاثاء من كل أسبوع.

ليالي MBC2 لم تنته بعد حيث تقدم Chiller Night مساء الخميس، و Screaming Sunday يوم الأحد.

ولا تقتصر MBC2 على عرض أحدث الأفلام العالمية، بل إنها صارت أيضا النافذة التي تحمل إلى الجمهور أحدث الأخبار في هوليوود، كما تنقلهم إلى متابعة أشهر المهرجانات العالمية، والتواصل مع أبرز نجوم هوليوود، وذلك من خلال برنامج "سكوب مع ريا" الذي تقدمه الإعلامية ريا أبي راشد.

نجاحات MBC2 انتقلت أيضا إلى منصات التواصل الاجتماعي، حيث بلغ عدد محبي القناة نحو 19.7 مليون معجب على موقع فيسبوك مع نهاية شهر فبراير 2018.

بداية القناة
أطلقت مجموعة تلفزيون الشرق الأوسط قناة إم بي سي 2 عام 2003 لتتيح بذلك كمًّا هائلاً من أنجح البرامج والأفلام من استوديوهات عالمية أمام الجمهور في مختلف أنحاء العالم العربي ، وتعتبر mbc2 قناة الأفلام غير المشفرة الأولى والوحيدة في العالم التي تعرض الأفلام السينمائية على مدار ساعة، وهكذا أصبح لهوليوود موطنًا جديدًا في الشرق الأوسط

2012 (فيلم)

2012 (فيلم)

هو فيلم خيال علمي كوارثي أمريكي، من إخراج رولان إيميريش وتمثيل جون كوزاك، أماندا بيت، داني غلوفر، ثاندي نيوتن، أوليفر بلات ووودي هارلسون. وزعت الفيلم شركة كولومبيا بيكتشرز. بدأ تصوير الفيلم في أغسطس 2008 في فانكوفر وصدر عالميًا في 13 نوفمبر 2009.
أحداث كارثية عالمية من شأنها أن تؤدي إلى نهاية العالم، فيما يكافح الناجون من أجل حياتهم. الفيلم مستوحى من عدة فرضيات تقترح أن شعب المايا القديم قد تنبأ بأن "يوم الهلاك" سوف يحل في وقت ما بحدوث عام 2012 ، بينما يأتي مصدر هذا الافتراض من المعتقد أنه نهاية دورة التاريخ حسب تقويم أمريكا الوسطى القديم.

الميزانية والإيرادات
كلف الفيلم 200 مليون دولار وحقق قرابة 800 مليون دولار.

2012 (film)

2012 (film)

is a 2009 American disaster film[4] co-written and directed by Roland Emmerich. The film was produced by Harald Kloser, Mark Gordon and Larry J. Franco. Kloser wrote the screenplay with Emmerich and the film was distributed by Columbia Pictures and produced by Emmerich's Centropolis Entertainment[5]. The plot follows geologist Adrian Helmsley, who discovers the earth's crust is becoming unstable after a massive solar flare caused by an alighnment of the planets, and novelist Jackson Curtis as he attempts to bring his family to safety as the world is destroyed by a series of extreme natural disasters caused by this. The film refers to Mayanism and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events. Filming, originally planned for Los Angeles, began in Vancouver in August 2008.[6]

The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson.

After a lengthy advertising campaign which included the creation of a website from its main character's point of view[7] and a viral marketing website on which filmgoers could register for a lottery number to save them from the ensuing disaster,[8] 2012 was released on November 13, 2009, to a commercial success with grossing over $769 million worldwide against production budget of $200 million, becoming the fifth highest-grossing film of 2009. However, the film received mixed reviews from critics, which criticized the runtime, screenwriting and plot, but was praised for its visual effects and production design.
In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley visits astrophysicist Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from a huge solar flare are heating Earth's core. In Washington, D.C., Helmsley presents his information to White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser, who brings him to meet U.S. President Thomas Wilson.

In 2010, Wilson and other world leaders begin a secret project to ensure humanity's survival. China and the G8 nations begin building nine arks, each capable of carrying 100,000 people, in the Himalayas near Cho Ming, Tibet. Nima, a Buddhist monk, is evacuated and his brother Tenzin joins the ark project. Funding is raised by secretly selling tickets at €1 billion per person. By 2011, articles of value are moved to the arks with the help of art expert and First Daughter Laura Wilson.

In 2012, struggling Los Angeles science-fiction writer Jackson Curtis is a chauffeur for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's former wife Kate and their children Noah and Lilly live with Kate's boyfriend, plastic surgeon and pilot Gordon Silberman. Jackson takes Noah and Lilly camping in Yellowstone National Park. When they enter an area fenced off by the United States Army, they are caught and brought to Adrian, who has read Jackson's books. After being released they meet conspiracy theorist Charlie Frost, who hosts a radio show from the park.

That night, after the military evacuates Yellowstone, Jackson watches Charlie's video of Charles Hapgood's theory that polar shifts and the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar predict a 2012 phenomenon and the end of the world. Charlie reveals that anyone attempting to inform the public was or will be killed. After Jackson and his children return home, earthquakes begin in California. Jackson rents a private plane and rescues his family as the Earth-crust displacement begins, causing a 10.9 magnitude earthquake. Jackson and his family escape Los Angeles as much of the city collapses into the Pacific Ocean.

The group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve a map from Charlie with the arks' location. As they leave, the Yellowstone Caldera erupts; Charlie is killed while covering the eruption. The group lands in Las Vegas to find a larger plane and meet Yuri, his twin sons Alec and Oleg, his girlfriend Tamara and their pilot Sasha. Sasha and Gordon fly them out in an Antonov An-500 as the Yellowstone ash cloud envelops Las Vegas.

Adrian, Carl, and Laura fly to the arks on Air Force One. Wilson remains in Washington, D.C. to address the nation while millions of people die in earthquakes and megatsunamis worldwide, including himself. With the presidential line of succession broken, Carl assumes the position of acting commander-in-chief.

As Jackson's group reaches China, their plane runs out of fuel. Sasha continues flying the plane as the others escape in a Bentley Continental Flying Spur stored in the cargo hold. Sasha is killed when the plane slides off a cliff. The others are spotted by Chinese Air Force helicopters. Yuri and his sons, who have tickets, are brought to the arks but the Curtis family, with Tamara and Gordon, are abandoned. The remaining group is picked up by Nima and brought to the arks with his grandparents. With Tenzin's help, they stow away on Ark 4, where the U.S. contingent is located. As a megatsunami breaches the Himalayas and approaches the site, an impact driver lodges in the ark-door gears, keeping a boarding gate open, which prevents the ship's engines from starting. In the ensuing chaos, Gordon, Yuri, and Tamara are killed. Tenzin is injured, the ark begins filling with water and is set adrift. Jackson and Noah dislodge the tool and the crew regains control of the Ark before it strikes Mount Everest. Jackson is reunited with his family and reconciles with Kate.

Twenty-seven days later, the waters are receding. The arks approach the Cape of Good Hope, where the Drakensberg mountains, now the highest mountain range on Earth, are emerging. Adrian and Laura begin a relationship, while Jackson and Kate rekindle their romance. And from space, it is revealed that the continent of Africa, plus a few areas of Europe and Asia, has risen above the waters and is the only landmass on the planet.

Alternate ending
An alternate ending appears in the film's DVD release. After Captain Michaels (the Ark 4 captain) announces that they are heading for the Cape of Good Hope, Adrian learns by phone that his father, Harry, and Harry's friend Tony survived a megatsunami which struck their cruise ship, the Genesis. Adrian and Laura strike up a friendship with the Curtises; Kate thanks Laura for taking care of Lily, Laura tells Jackson that she enjoyed his book Farewell Atlantis, and Jackson and Adrian have a conversation reflecting the events of the worldwide crisis. Jackson returns Noah's cell phone, which he recovered during the Ark 4 flood. The ark finds the shipwrecked Genesis and her survivors on a beach.[9][10]
John Cusack as Jackson Curtis, a struggling writer and a father of two children[11]
Chiwetel Ejiofor as geologist Adrian Helmsley, chief science advisor to the U.S. President[12]
Amanda Peet as Kate Curtis, a medical student and Jackson's former wife[13]
Thandie Newton as Laura Wilson, an art expert and President Wilson's daughter
Liam James as Noah Curtis, Jackson and Kate's son
Morgan Lily as Lilly Curtis, Jackson and Kate's daughter
Tom McCarthy as Gordon Silberman, a plastic surgeon and Kate's boyfriend[14]
Danny Glover as Thomas Wilson, the President of the United States
Oliver Platt as Carl Anheuser, White House Chief of Staff
Zlatko Burić as Yuri Karpov, a Russian billionaire and former boxer
Beatrice Rosen as Tamara Jikan, Yuri's girlfriend
Alexandre and Philippe Haussmann as Alec and Oleg Karpov, Yuri's twin sons
Johann Urb as Sasha, Yuri's pilot
John Billingsley as Frederick West, a colleague of Adrian
Ryan McDonald as Scotty, Adrian and Frederick's assistant
Jimi Mistry as Satnam Tsurutani, an astrophysicist who discovers the neutrinos which are warming Earth's crust
Agam Darshi as Aparna Tsurutani, Satnam's wife
Woody Harrelson as Charlie Frost, a fringe science conspiracy theorist and radio talk-show host
Chin Han as Tenzin, an ark worker who attempts to save his family
Osric Chau as Nima, a Buddhist monk and Tenzin's brother
Tseng Chang as Grandfather Sonam, their grandfather
Lisa Lu as Grandmother Sonam, their grandmother
Blu Mankuma as Harry Helmsley, Adrian's father and Tony Delgatto's vocal partner
George Segal as Tony Delgatto, a jazz singer
Stephen McHattie as Captain Michaels, captain of Ark 4
Patrick Bauchau as Roland Picard, director of the Louvre, who is killed with a car bomb by the U.S. government
Henry O as Lama Rinpoche, a Buddhist monk
Karin Konoval as Sally, President Wilson's secretary
Dean Marshall as the Ark 4 communications officer
Zinaid Memisevic as Sergey Makarenko, the President of Russia
Merrilyn Gann as the German Chancellor
Lyndall Grant as the governor of California
Vincent Cheng as a Chinese colonel
Leonard Tenisci as the Italian Prime Minister
Elizabeth Richard as Queen Elizabeth II
Frank C. Turner as Preacher
Graham Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods was listed in 2012's credits as the film's inspiration,[15] and Emmerich said in a Time Out interview: "I always wanted to do a biblical flood movie, but I never felt I had the hook. I first read about the Earth's Crust Displacement Theory in Graham Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods."[16] He and composer-producer Harald Kloser worked closely together, co-writing a spec script (also titled 2012) which was marketed to studios in February 2008. A number of studios heard a budget projection and story plans from Emmerich and his representatives, a process repeated by the director after Independence Day (1996) and The Day After Tomorrow (2004).[17]

Later that month, Sony Pictures Entertainment received the rights to the spec script. Planned for distribution by Columbia Pictures,[18] 2012 cost less than its budget; according to Emmerich, the film was produced for about $200 million.[2]

Filming, originally scheduled to begin in Los Angeles in July 2008,[6] began in Kamloops, Savona, Cache Creek and Ashcroft, British Columbia.[19] With a Screen Actors Guild strike looming, the film's producers made a contingency plan to salvage it.[20] Uncharted Territory, Digital Domain, Double Negative, Scanline, and Sony Pictures Imageworks were hired to create 2012's computer-animated visual effects.

The film depicts the destruction of several cultural and historical icons around the world. Emmerich said that the Kaaba was considered for selection, but Kloser was concerned about a possible fatwā against him.[21][22]

2012 was marketed by the fictional Institute for Human Continuity, featuring a book by Jackson Curtis (Farewell Atlantis),[7] streaming media, blog updates and radio broadcasts from zealot Charlie Frost on his website, This Is The End.[7] On November 12, 2008, the studio released the first trailer for 2012. With a tsunami surging over the Himalayas and a purportedly scientific message that the world would end in 2012, the trailer's message was that international governments were not preparing their populations for the event. The trailer ended with a suggestion to viewers to "find out the truth" by entering "2012" on a search engine. The Guardian called the film's marketing "deeply flawed", associating it with "websites that make even more spurious claims about 2012".[23]

The studio introduced a viral marketing website operated by the Institute for Human Continuity, where filmgoers could register for a lottery number to be part of a small population which would be rescued from the global destruction.[8] David Morrison of NASA, who received over 1,000 inquiries from people who thought the website was genuine, condemned it. "I've even had cases of teenagers writing to me saying they are contemplating suicide because they don't want to see the world end", Morrison said. "I think when you lie on the internet and scare children to make a buck, that is ethically wrong."[24] Another marketing website promoted Farewell Atlantis, a fictional novel about the events of 2012.[7]

Comcast organized a "roadblock campaign" to promote the film in which a two-minute scene was broadcast on 450 American commercial television networks, local English-language and Spanish-language stations, and 89 cable outlets during a ten-minute window between 10:50 and 11:00 pm Eastern and Pacific Time on October 1, 2009.[25] The scene featured the destruction of Los Angeles and ended with a cliffhanger, with the entire 5:38 clip available on Comcast's Fancast website. According to Variety, "The stunt will put the footage in front of 90% of all households watching ad-supported TV, or nearly 110 million viewers. When combined with online and mobile streams, that could increase to more than 140 million".[25]

The film's score was composed by Harald Kloser and Thomas Wander. Singer Adam Lambert contributed a song to the film, "Time for Miracles", and expressed his gratitude in an MTV interview.[26] The 24-song soundtrack includes "Fades Like a Photograph" by Filter and "It Ain't the End of the World" by George Segal and Blu Mankuma.[27] The trailer track was "Master of Shadows" by Two Steps From Hell.

2012 was released to cinemas on November 13, 2009, in Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Mexico, India, the United States, and Japan.[28] According to the studio, the film could have been completed for a summer release but the delay allowed more time for production.

The DVD and Blu-ray versions were released on March 2, 2010. The two-disc Blu-ray edition includes over 90 minutes of features, including Adam Lambert's music video for "Time for Miracles" and a digital copy for PSP, PC, Mac, and iPod.[29] A 3D version was released in Cinemex theaters in Mexico in February 2010.[30]

Box office
2012 grossed $166.1 million in North America and $603.6 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $769.7 million against a production budget of $200 million,[3] making it the first film to gross over $700 million worldwide without crossing $200 million domestically.[31] Worldwide, it was the fifth-highest-grossing 2009 film[32] and the fifth-highest-grossing film distributed by Sony-Columbia, (behind Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy and Skyfall).[33] 2012 is the second-highest-grossing film directed by Roland Emmerich, behind Independence Day (1996).[34] It earned $230.5 million on its worldwide opening weekend, the fourth-largest opening of 2009 and for Sony-Columbia.[35]

2012 ranked number one on its opening weekend, grossing $65,237,614 on its first weekend (the fourth-largest opening for a disaster film).[36] Outside North America it is the 28th-highest-grossing film, the fourth-highest-grossing 2009 film,[37] and the second-highest-grossing film distributed by Sony-Columbia, after Skyfall. 2012 earned $165.2 million on its opening weekend, the 20th-largest overseas opening.[38] Its largest opening was in France and the Maghreb ($18.0 million). In total earnings, the film's three highest-grossing territories after North America were China ($68.7 million), France and the Maghreb ($44.0 million), and Japan ($42.6 million).[39]

Critical response
On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 39% based on 242 reviews and an average rating of 5.02/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "Roland Emmerich's 2012 provides plenty of visual thrills, but lacks a strong enough script to support its massive scope and inflated length."[40] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 49 out of 100 based on 34 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews".[41] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B+" on an A+ to F scale.[42]

Roger Ebert praised 2012, giving it ​3 1⁄2 stars out of 4 and saying that it "delivers what it promises and since no sentient being will buy a ticket expecting anything else, it will be, for its audiences, one of the most satisfactory films of the year".[43] Ebert and Claudia Puig of USA Today called the film the "mother of all disaster movies".[43][44] But Peter Travers of Rolling Stone compared it to Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: "Beware 2012, which works the dubious miracle of almost matching Transformers 2 for sheer, cynical, mind-numbing, time-wasting, money-draining, soul-sucking stupidity

الثلاثاء، 17 مارس 2020

صورة اعلان

Puneeth Rajkumar

Puneeth Rajkumar

(born 17 March 1975) is an Indian film actor, playback singer, anchor and producer who works primarily in Kannada cinema. He has been a lead actor in 28 films; as a child, he appeared in films featuring his father, Rajkumar. His performances in Vasantha Geetha (1980), Bhagyavantha (1981), Chalisuva Modagalu (1982), Eradu Nakshatragalu (1983), Bhakta Prahaladha, Yarivanu and Bettada Hoovu (1985) were praised.[1] He won the National Film Award for Best Child Artist for his role of Ramu in Bettada Hoovu.[2] and also won Karnataka State Award Best Child artist for Chalisuva Modagalu and Yeradu Nakshatragalu. Puneeth's first lead role was in 2002's Appu (2002 film).

He has appeared as a lead actor in commercially successful films, including Appu (2002), Abhi (2003), Veera Kannadiga (2004), Mourya (2004), Aakash (2005), Ajay (2006), Arasu (2007), Milana (2007), Vamshi (2008), Raam (2009), Jackie (2010), Hudugaru (2011), Raajakumara (2017) and Anjani Putra (2017).[3][4] He is one of the most famous celebrities and the highest-paid actors in the Kannada cinema.[5] In 2012, he debuted as a television presenter on the game show Kannadada Kotyadhipati, a Kannada version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?.
Personal life
Puneeth was born in Chennai to Rajkumar and Parvathamma Rajkumar. He is their fifth and youngest child. When Puneeth was six years old, his family moved to Mysore. His father brought him and his sister, Poornima, to his film sets until he was ten years old.[7] His elder brother, Shiva Rajkumar, is a popular actor.

Puneeth married Ashwini Revanth from Chikmagaluru on 1 December 1999. They met through a common friend, and have two daughters: Drithi and Vanditha.[8]

1976–89: As child actor
Director V. Somashekar (then known as Lohith) onscreen when he was six months old in his thriller film Premada Kanike (1976), and Aarathi.[9] This was followed by Vijay's Sanaadi Appanna (1977), based on Krishnamoorthy Puranik's novel of the same name,[10] when Puneeth was one year old. Thayige Thakka Maga (1978) was again directed by V. Somashekar and starred his father. Two years later, directors Dorai-Bhagavan cast him as Shyam in Vasantha Geetha (1980). This was followed by K. S. L. Swamy's mythological drama Bhoomige Banda Bhagavantha (1981, appearing as Lord Krishna) and B. S. Ranga's Bhagyavantha (1982),[11] in which he recorded his first popular song: "Baana Daariyalli Soorya", composed by T. G. Lingappa. That year, he appeared in two hit films (Chalisuva Modagalu and Hosa Belaku) with his father. For the former, Puneeth received his first Karnataka State Film Award for Best Child Actor (Male). In 1983, he appeared in two mythological films: Bhakta Prahlada as the protagonist, Prahlada, and Eradu Nakshatragalu, for which he received his second Karnataka State Film Award for Best Child Actor.

In 1984, Puneeth starred with Rajkumar in the thriller Yarivanu and sang "Kannige Kaanuva", written by Rajan-Nagendra. His biggest break as a child actor came in the 1985 drama Bettada Hoovu, directed by N. Lakshminarayan and based on Shirley L. Arora's novel What Then, Raman? For his portrayal of the innocent Ramu, Puneeth received the award for Best Child Artist at the 33rd National Film Awards.[12] In his early teens, he appeared in Shiva Mecchida Kannappa (1988) as the young Kannappa with his elder brother, Shiva. Puneeth's final child role was in Parashuram (1989), with his father.[13]

2002–07: Debut as lead and breakthrough
In April 2002, Puneeth made his film debut as a leading man in the masala film, Appu with actress, Rakshita also making her film debut.[14] The musical by Gurukiran, directed by Puri Jagannadh and produced by Parvathamma Rajkumar, in which he played a college boy, was a box office success and his dancing skills were praised by critics. Puneeth sang "Taliban Alla Alla", with lyrics by Upendra and music by Gurukiran. The film's success spawned remakes in Telugu (Idiot (2003)) and Tamil (Dum (2003)).

Puneeth next appeared in Dinesh Babu's Abhi (2003) as a plucky college boy who is devoted to his mother. In the film, based on a true story and produced by Parvathamma Rajkumar, he starred with debutante Ramya.[15]

Meher Ramesh's Veera Kannadiga was Puneeth's first 2004 release. The film, written by Puri Jagannadh, was simultaneously made in Telugu as Andhrawala with N. T. Rama Rao Jr. in the lead role. Paired with debutante Anitha, it showcased his dancing and stunt skills. Although the film was criticised for its violence and poor plot, it was successful at the box office.[16] Puneeth next starred in S. Narayan's family drama Maurya, a remake of the Telugu Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammayi, starring Ravi Teja and written by Puri Jagannadh. The remake enhanced Puneeth's reputation as an actor in his own right.[17]

He released two films in 2005. Mahesh Babu's Aakash reunited Puneeth with Ramya (from Abhi) and he appeared in Veera Shankar's action film Namma Basava, with Gowri Munjal. He recorded songs in both films. Puneeth's only 2006 release was Ajay, directed by Meher Ramesh and produced by Rockline Venkatesh. In the film, a remake of the 2003 Telugu Okkadu, he played a professional kabaddi player who protects a girl endangered by her uncle (played by Prakash Raj). As a result of these films, Puneeth was called the "Powerstar of Sandalwood".[18]

Puneeth's first release in 2007 was his production Arasu, directed by Mahesh Babu, in which he played an expatriate businessman who renounces his wealth for the woman he loves. For his performance, he received his first Filmfare Best Actor award.[19] Puneeth's other release that year was Prakash's reaffirmation of traditional family values Milana. Actress Parvathy Parvathy (actress) made her debut into Kannada films with this film. Puneeth played the radio jockey Akash. For the film, he received his first Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor.[20]

2008–11: Career challenges
The actor released two films in 2008: D. Rajendra Babu's Bindaas and Prakash's Vamshi. Puneeth's first 2009 release was Raaj - The Showman. Although the film (directed by Prem) was criticised, his performance was praised.[21] His other film Raam, with Priyamani, was a remake of the Telugu hit Ready.

Puneeth returned to the limelight in 2010 with back-to-back hits. The first was Jacob Varghese's political thriller Prithvi, in which he played a bureaucrat in Ballari district who fights corruption. His next release was the action film Jackie, directed by Duniya Soori,[22] which was a commercial success. Puneeth Rajkumar is praised by both the critics and fans. His dare-devil stunts in movies are still a record in South Indian cinema. He also danced well in the movie.[citation needed]

2011–15: Hudugaru and other films
In 2011, Puneeth co-starred in K. Madesh's Hudugaru, a remake of the Tamil film Nadodigal[23] in which he reprised M. Sasikumar's role in the original. For his performance, he received his second Filmfare and first SIIMA Best Actor awards.[24] In Yogaraj Bhat's travelogue Paramathma, Puneeth's next release, his character searches for love.[25]

He worked with Soori again in 2012 on the action film Anna Bond, produced by Parvathamma Rajkumar.[26] For his performance, he received the Suvarna Best Actor award and was nominated for an IIFA award. Puneeth starred in another Tamil remake Poraali, filmed in Kannada as Yaare Koogadali, by Samuthirakani.[27] He played Kumar, who escapes with his friend from a mental asylum and finds refuge in a man's house.

In 2014, Puneeth starred in Jayanth C. Paranjee's romance Ninnindale, with Erica Fernandes. Although his performance as a New York-based adventure enthusiast based in New York was praised by critics,[28] the film was unsuccessful at the box office. Puneeth's next release was K. Madesh's Power***, a remake of the Telugu film Dookudu. Appearing with Trisha for the first time, he played a tough police officer. The film earned a record ₹22 crore (₹220 million) in six days.[29] In 2015, he played himself in B. M. Giriraj's Kannada-Malayalam bilingual film Mythri, which also starred Mohanlal and Bhavana. Puneeth's other release that year was Pawan Wadeyar's Rana Vikrama, an action film with Adah Sharma and Anjali.

In March 2016, Puneeth worked for M. Saravanan's Chakravyuha and Duniya Soori's Doddmane Hudga. In 2017, he appeared in Santhosh Ananddram 's Raajakumara, which broke all-records in box-office and became the most highest-grossing Kannada-language film of all time at that moment beating previous record of Mungaru Male,[30][31] until beat the movie K.G.F: Chapter 1 and A Harsha's Anjani Putra alongside with Rashmika Mandanna, which was remake of Tamil film Poojai. Puneeth Rajkumar has played narrator role in the Anup Bhandari directed Rajaratha. In 2019 his film Natasaarvabhowma was released and also had commercial success.

Singing career
Main article: List of songs recorded by Puneeth Rajkumar
Puneeth sang alone in Appu, and sang a duet on "Jothe Jotheyali" from Vamshi.[32] He sang a fast number in Jackie and sang in his brother Shiva's films Lava Kusha and Mylari.[33] Puneeth Rajkumar have sung a song "Kanna Sanne Indhalene" for Akira movie which was composed by B. Ajaneesh Loknath.

In 2012, Puneeth hosted the first season of Kannadada Kotyadhipati, modeled on the Hindi show Kaun Banega Crorepati, which in turn, is modeled on the British show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?.[6] Its first season was successful,[34] and a second season followed, and will hosting again in fourth season, replacing Ramesh Aravind[35][36][37] Also he was the host of Colors Kannada's reality show, Family Power.[38]

Other works
Puneeth has been involved in philanthropy with his mother at the Shakti Dhama ashram in Mysore,[39] and owns the Bengaluru Premier Futsal team.[40]

Puneeth has been a brand ambassador for Karnataka Milk Federation's Nandini Milk products, LED Bulb Project,[41] 7 Up (PepsiCo), F-Square, Dixcy Scott, Malabar Gold,[42] Gold Winner,[43] Ziox Mobile,[44] Pothy silks, Flipkart and Manappuram,[45] and was a brand ambassador of the Indian Premier League cricket team Royal Challengers Bangalore.[46] Puneeth also owns a team in Premier Futsal, Bengaluru 5.[47]

PRK Audio
Puneeth is the founder and owner of the music label PRK Audio.[48][35]with currently 873k subscribers across YouTube

Patil Puttappa

Patil Puttappa

Patil Puttappa (14 January 1919, Dharwad, India – 16 March 2020,Hubli) was an Indian writer, veteran journalist and activist based in Hubli,India.[2] He was the founder-editor of the now-defunct Kannada daily Vishwavani and weekly Prapancha.

Puttappa, was in the forefront of the agitation in the late 1940s and 1950s demanding the unification of areas where Kannadigas were in a majority. He was the president of the Dharwad-based Karnataka Vidyavardhaka Sangha for over 30 years. He represented the State in the Rajya Sabha for two terms (1962 to 1974). He was also the first president of the Kannada Watchdog Committee that was later renamed as the Kannada Development Authority.

Puttappa was President of the 70th Kannada Sahitya Sammelana held at Belgaum in 2003. Puttappa also spoke at the valedictory function of the second World Kannada Meet (Vishwa Kannada Sammelana) held in Belgaum.

He held a master's degree in Journalism from California State University in 1949.
He has authored many Kannada language books such as

Karnatakada Kavi Lekhakaru
Karnataka Sangeetha Kalaratnaru
Badukalu Beku Badukuva Ee Maathu
Neevu Nagabeku
Nenapina Butti
Mathu Manikya[3]
Kannadada Kampu
Suvarna Karnataka
Pustaka Samskriti[4]
Nadoja Award - Kannada University
Nrupatunga award - 2008, Literary award By Karnataka Sahitya Parishat [5]
Wooday award - 2010

ديليب كومار

ديليب كومار

دليب كومار (दिलीप कुमार, Yusuf Khan) واسمه الحقيقي محمد يوسف خان من مواليد 11 ديسمبر 1922 في مدينة بيشاور باكستان هو ممثل هندي مشهور لعب خلال مشواره الفنى الذي امتد قرابة الخمسين عاما في أكثر من ستين فيلما هنديا، حيث كان أول افلامه سنة 1944 بعنوان جوار بهاطا.

يعتبر كومار أحد أساطير السينما الهندية، بإجماع الجماهير والنقاد، كما يعد أول فنان يفوز بجوائز فيلم فير المرادفة للأوسكار في الهند والأكثر تتويجا بها عن فئة أفضل ممثل مناصفة مع الممثل الهندي شاروخان بثمانية جوائز لكل منهما كما فاز بجائزة دادساهب فالك سنة 1994 من طرف الحكومة الهندية تقديرا لأعماله.

اعتزل التمثيل بعد آخر افلامه كيلا سنة 1998

زياد علي

زياد علي محمد