الأحد، 31 مايو 2020



The antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/) movement in the United States is a militant, left-wing, anti-fascist political activist movement which comprises autonomous activist groups that aim to achieve their political objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. Activists engage in varied protest tactics, including digital activism, property damage, physical violence and harassment against those whom they identify as fascist, racist or on the far-right.

Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-capitalist views,and subscribe to a range of ideologies such as anarchism, socialism, communism, liberalism and social democracy.
When Italian dictator Benito Mussolini consolidated power under his National Fascist Party in the mid-1920s, an oppositional anti-fascist movement surfaced both in Italy and countries such as the United States. Many anti-fascist leaders in the United States were syndicalist, anarchist, and socialist émigrés from Italy with experience in labor organizing and militancy. Ideologically, antifa in America sees itself as the successor to anti-Nazi activists of the 1930s; European activist groups that originally organized to oppose World War II-era fascist dictatorships re-emerged in the 1970s and 1980s to oppose white supremacy and skinheads, and eventually spread to America. After World War II, but prior to the development of the modern antifa movement, violent confrontations with fascist elements continued sporadically.
Modern antifa politics can be traced to opposition to the infiltration of Britain's punk scene by white power skinheads in the 1970s and 1980s, and the emergence of neo-Nazism in Germany following the fall of the Berlin Wall. In Germany, young leftists, including anarchists and punk fans, renewed the practice of street-level anti-fascism. Columnist Peter Beinart writes that "in the late '80s, left-wing punk fans in the United States began following suit, though they initially called their groups Anti-Racist Action (ARA) on the theory that Americans would be more familiar with fighting racism than they would be with fighting fascism."
Dartmouth College historian Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, credits ARA as the precursor of the modern US antifa groups in the United States and Canada. In the late 1980s and 1990s, ARA activists toured with popular punk rock and skinhead bands in order to prevent Klansmen, neo-Nazis and other assorted white supremacists from recruiting. Their motto was "We go where they go" by which they meant that they would confront far-right activists in concerts and actively remove their materials from public places. In 2002, the ARA disrupted a speech in Pennsylvania by Matthew F. Hale, the head of the white supremacist group World Church of the Creator, resulting in a fight and twenty-five arrests. One of the earliest antifa groups in the U.S. was Rose City Antifa, which was formed in Portland, Oregon in 2007.

Other antifa groups in the U.S. have other genealogies, for example in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where a group called the Baldies was formed in 1987 with the intent to fight neo-Nazi groups directly


  1. ^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States)

Durdle Door

Durdle Door

Durdle Door (sometimes written Durdle Dor) is a natural limestone arch on the Jurassic Coast near Lulworth in Dorset, England.  It is owned by the Welds,  a family who own 12,000 acres (50 km2) in Dorset in the name of the Lulworth Estate.  It is open to the public.
The form of the coastline around Durdle Door is controlled by its geology—both by the contrasting hardnesses of the rocks, and by the local patterns of faults and folds.  The arch has formed on a concordant coastline where bands of rock run parallel to the shoreline. The rock strata are almost vertical, and the bands of rock are quite narrow. Originally a band of resistant Portland limestone ran along the shore, the same band that appears one mile along the coast forming the narrow entrance to Lulworth Cove.  Behind this is a 120-metre (390 ft) band of weaker, easily eroded rocks, and behind this is a stronger and much thicker band of chalk, which forms the Purbeck Hills.  These steeply dipping rocks are part of the Lulworth crumple, itself part of the broader Purbeck Monocline, produced by the building of the Alps during the mid-Cenozoic
The limestone and chalk are in closer proximity at Durdle Door than at Swanage, 10 miles (16 km) to the east, where the distance is over 2 miles (3 km).  Around this part of the coast nearly all of the limestone has been removed by sea erosion, whilst the remainder forms the small headland which includes the arch. Erosion at the western end of the limestone band has resulted in the arch formation. UNESCO teams monitor the condition of both the arch and adjacent beach.

The 120-metre (390 ft) isthmus that joins the limestone to the chalk is made of a 50-metre (160 ft) band of Portland limestone, a narrow and compressed band of Cretaceous Wealden clays and sands, and then narrow bands of greensand and sandstone.

In Man O' War Bay, the small bay immediately east of Durdle Door, the band of Portland and Purbeck limestone has not been entirely eroded away, and is visible above the waves as Man O'War Rocks. Similarly, offshore to the west, the eroded limestone outcrop forms a line of small rocky islets called (from east to west) The Bull, The Blind Cow, The Cow, and The Calf

As the coastline in this area is generally an eroding landscape, the cliffs are subject to occasional rockfalls and landslides; a particularly large slide occurred just to the east of Durdle Door in April 2013, resulting in destruction of part of the South West Coast Path.



The Christian holiday of Pentecost, which is celebrated the 49th day (the seventh sunday) after Easter Sunday, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31).

The holiday is also called "White Sunday" or "Whitsunday" or "Whitsun", especially in the United Kingdom, where traditionally the next day, Whit Monday, was also a public holiday (since 1971 fixed by statute on the last Monday in May). In German, Pentecost is called Pfingsten, developed through contracting the Greek term pen[te]k[os]te, and often coincides with scholastic holidays and the beginning of many outdoor and springtime activities, such as festivals and organized outdoor activities by youth organizations. The Monday after Pentecost is a legal holiday in many European countries.

In Eastern Christianity, Pentecost can also refer to the entire fifty days of Easter through Pentecost inclusive; hence the book containing the liturgical texts is called the "Pentecostarion". Since its date depends on the date of Easter, Pentecost is a "moveable feast".

Pentecost is one of the Great Feasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church, a Solemnity in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, a Festival in the Lutheran Churches, and a Principal Feast in the Anglican Communion. Many Christian denominations provide a special liturgy for this holy celebration.
The term Pentecost comes from the Greek Πεντηκοστή (Pentēkostē) meaning "fiftieth". It refers to the festival celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover, also known as the "Feast of Weeks"[i] and the "Feast of 50 days" in rabbinic tradition.
The Septuagint uses the term Pentēkostē to refer to the "Feast of Pentecost" only twice, in the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit and 2 Maccabees. The Septuagint writers also used the word in two other senses: to signify the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:10), an event which occurs every 50th year, and in several passages of chronology as an ordinal number.[ii] The term has also been used in the literature of Hellenistic Judaism by Philo of Alexandria and Josephus.

أنونيموس (مجموعة)

أنونيموس (مجموعة)

أنونيموس (بالإنجليزية: Anonymous)‏ هو ميم إنترنت اعتمد في إطار ثقافة الإنترنت لتمثيل تصرفات العديد من المستخدمين المجهولين في مجتمع الإنترنت، ويكونوا على الأغلب غير مترابطين في مكان واحد نحو هدف متفق عليه. ويعتبر المصطلح شاملاً لأعضاء ثقافات إنترنت فرعية معينة.

(الأنونيموس) هي مجموعة قلة تعمل في مجال النضال عبر الاختراق البرمجي. ولقد وُجدت عام 2003م على منتدى الصور (4 تشان)، تمثل مفهومًا لمستخدمي شبكة الإنترنت وغير موجودين في مكان واحد معًا، ولكنهم كمجتمعات يُطلق عليها مجازًا الدماغ العالمي الرقمي اللاسلطوي، وأيضاً تُعتبر بشكل عام مصطلح مُبطن لأعضاء من جماعات اجتماعية منعزلة في شبكة الإنترنت، كطريقة للإشارة لأعمالٍ تعارض الرقابة والإشراف في الإنترنت بشدة لأشخاص في بيئة تمثل هويتهم الحقيقية، ولقد قاموا باختراق العديد من المواقع الحكومية وكذلك اخترقوا أنظمة حاسوب أهم شركات الحماية، ويُمكن تمييز أعضائهم في المجتمع عن طريق ارتدائهم لنمط معين من الأقنعة يسمى (جاي فوكس) وهي بالأصل صُممت لفلم V للثأر عام 2005م.

كانت بدايتهم عن طريق شبكة لامركزية تصرفوا فيها بشكل مجهول ومنسق نحو هدف ذاتيٍ حر قد اتفقوا عليه، غرضهم من ذلك التسلية. ولكن مع بداية عام 2008م أصبحت جماعات الأنونيموس مُتعلقة بشكل متزايد بالعمل الجماعي العالمي للاختراق، فقاموا بمظاهرات وأفعال أخرى في نفس السياق ضد القرصنة الرقمية من خلال مكافحة الصور المتحركة وتسجيل الجمعيات التجارية الصناعية. وكانت معظم الأفعال المنسوبة للأنونيموس تُقام بواسطة أفراد غير معروفين يضعون مُلصق أنونيموس عليهم كشعار انتماء، وقد أثنى عليهم بعض المحللين كمقاتلين رقميين، وأدانهم آخرين لأنهم مقاتلون حاسوبيون فوضويون.

لم يكن الأنونيموس ملتصقين بموقع إنترنت واحد، فالكثير من المواقع كانت مرتبطة بشكل قوي معهم، مما جعل لهم لوحة مصورة بارزة، ومن أبرزهم: (8 تشان)؛ ذلك المرتبط بالويكي، وموسوعة الويكي وعدد من المنتديات. إلا أنه وبعد سلسلة من الجدل والاحتجاجات الواسعة النطاق أعلن عن الإنكار لتشوية المواقع التي هوجمت من قِبل مجهولين عام 2008م مما زاد الحوادث بين أعضاء كادر الأنونيموس.

لقد صنفت شبكة (سي إن إن) عام 2012م ظاهرة الأنونيموس كأحد أهم ثلاثة خلفاء للويكليكس، وصنفتهم مجلة التايم الأمريكية كواحدة من أكثر المجموعات تأثيرًا في العالم.
اسم الأنونيموس مستوحًا من الأسماء المُستعارة للحسابات التي تنشر الصور والتعليقات على الإنترنت. بدأ استعمال مصطلح أنونيموس كهوية مجهولة للزوار الذين يكتبون تعليقاتهم دون أسمائهم في منتديات الصور. فمستخدمي الصور يمزحون أحيانًا مع مجهول الهوية كما لو أنه شخص حقيقي. وبزيادة شعبية اللوحات المصورة، أصبح يستخدم للدلالة على جماعة من الأفراد مثل (ميم إنترنت)، بل توسع نطاقه ليشمل الأفراد كمنظمات بدون اسم، وأفراد يشتركون في لقب (أنونيموس) ليمثلوا الهوية المشتركة على الإنترنت؛ الغرض من ذلك كان تبني واعي وساخر لتأثير السلوكيات الفاضحة على شبكة الإنترنت

وتميل التعريفات للتركيز على حقيقة أن هذا المفهوم، ومع توسع المستخدمين لايمكن إحاطته بتعريف بسيط، وعوضًا عن ذلك يتم تعريفه باستخدام قول مأثور يصف خصائصه المدركه، فهو الوصف الشخصي لأحدهم، ظهر بشكل مرئي لمظاهرة تستهدف كنيسة (الساينتولوجي العلمية).



Anonymous is a decentralized international hacktivist group that is widely known for its various cyber attacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations, and the Church of Scientology.

Anonymous originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain. Anonymous members (known as Anons) can be distinguished in public by the wearing of Guy Fawkes masks in the style portrayed in the graphic novel and film V for Vendetta. However, this may not always be the case as some of the collective prefer to instead cover their face without using the well-known mask as a disguise. Some anons also opt to mask their voices through voice changers or text-to-speech programs.

In its early form, the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner, usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal and primarily focused on entertainment (or lulz). Beginning with Project Chanology in 2008—a series of protests, pranks, and hacks targeting the Church of Scientology—the Anonymous collective became increasingly associated with collaborative hacktivism on a number of issues internationally. Individuals claiming to align themselves with Anonymous undertook protests and other actions (including direct action) in retaliation against copyright-focused campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations. Later targets of Anonymous hacktivism included government agencies of the U.S., Israel, Tunisia, Uganda, and others; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant; child pornography sites; copyright protection agencies; the Westboro Baptist Church; and corporations such as PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, and Sony. Anons have publicly supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy movement. Related groups LulzSec and Operation AntiSec carried out cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies, media, video game companies, military contractors, military personnel, and police officers, resulting in the attention of law enforcement to the groups' activities.

Dozens of people have been arrested for involvement in Anonymous cyberattacks in countries including the U.S., U.K., Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, India, and Turkey. Evaluations of the group's actions and effectiveness vary widely. Supporters have called the group "freedom fighters" and digital Robin Hoods while critics have described them as "a cyber lynch-mob" or "cyber terrorists". In 2012, Time called Anonymous one of the "100 most influential people" in the world. In recent years, Anonymous' media profile has diminished

Rosie Duffield

Rosie Duffield

Rosemary Clare Duffield[1][2] (born 1 July 1971) is a British Labour Party politician. She has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Canterbury since the general election in June 2017. She held the seat in 2019 with an increased majority.
Duffield was born in 1971 in Norwich, Norfolk, England and later moved to South East London. She left school at the age of 16 and completed an administration apprenticeship at Guy's Hospital. She then attended a further education college. She moved to Canterbury in 1998 and worked as a teaching assistant, before becoming briefly a political satire writer.

In 2015, Duffield stood in the St Stephen's ward of Canterbury City Council but both seats were won by the Conservatives. She was chairman of Canterbury Labour Party and has campaigned on issues including animal rights and environmental protection



The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is an American mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion company based in Las Vegas, Nevada, which is owned and operated by Endeavor Group Holdings along with Silver Lake Partners, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and MSD Capital via Zuffa, LLC. It is the largest MMA promotion company in the world and features some of the highest-level fighters in the sport on its roster. The UFC produces events worldwide that showcase twelve weight divisions (eight men's divisions and four women's divisions) and abides by the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts. As of 2020, the UFC has held over 500 events. Dana White has been UFC president since 2001. Under White's stewardship, the UFC has grown into a globally popular multi-billion-dollar enterprise.

The first event was held in 1993 at the McNichols Sports Arena in Denver, Colorado. The purpose of the early Ultimate Fighting Championship competitions was to identify the most effective martial art in a contest with minimal rules and no weight classes between competitors of different fighting disciplines like boxing, kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo, wrestling, Muay Thai, Karate, Taekwondo, and Judo. In subsequent events, fighters began adopting effective techniques from more than one discipline, which indirectly helped create a separate style of fighting known as present-day mixed martial arts.[9] In 2016, UFC's parent company, Zuffa, was sold to a group led by William Morris Endeavor (WME–IMG), including Silver Lake Partners, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and MSD Capital  for US$4.025 billion.
With a TV deal and expansion in Australia, Asia, Europe, and new markets within the United States, the UFC has increased in popularity, and has achieved greater mainstream media coverage; the promotion brought in a total revenue of US$609 million in 2015, and its next domestic media rights agreement with ESPN was valued at $1.5 billion over a five-year term

زياد علي

زياد علي محمد