الخميس، 4 يونيو 2020



شمس أو كما تعرف بلقب شمس الكويتية واسمها الكامل شمس بندر نايف الأسلمي. ولدت (28 أبريل 1980 )، هي مغنية كويتية سعودية الأصل. وجنسيتها الحالية من دولة سانت كيتس ونيفيس.
ولدت في محافظة حفر الباطن شرقي المملكة العربية السعودية لأب سعودي وأم كويتية وقد توفي والدها وهي بعمر السنتين، تزوجت والدتها بعد ذلك من رجل كويتي الذي قام بتربيتها وعاشت مع والدتها وزوجها في الكويت حصلت على شهادة من «المعهد العالي للفنون الموسيقية» في الكويت.



خليفة بلقاسم حفتر (7 نوفمبر 1943 - ) هوَ ضابط عسكري ليبي وقائدُ ما يُعرف بالجيش الوطني الليبي منذُ عام 2014. في الثاني من آذار/مارس 2015؛ عُيّن حفتر قائدًا للقوات المسلحة الموالية لمجلس النواب.

وُلد حفتر في مدينة أجدابيا وترعرعَ هناك. خدمَ في الجيش الليبي تحت قيادة معمر القذافي وشاركَ في انقلاب عام 1969 الذي أوصل القذافي إلى السلطة. شارك ضمنَ الكتيبة الليبية التي خاضت حرب يوم الغفران – رفقة قوات أخرى – عام 1973 ضدّ إسرائيل. بحلول عام 1987؛ أُسر حفتر أثناء الحرب ضد تشاد وذلك بعدما نصبت القوات التشاديّة فخًا أوقعتهُ به. شكّل هذا الأسر «إحراجًا كبيرًا» للقذافي ومثّل ضربة كبيرة لطموحات العقيد معمّر في تشاد. أثناءَ احتجازه؛ شكّل هو وزملاؤه مجموعة ضباط على أملِ الإطاحة بالقذافي فيما بعد. أُطلق سراحه في عام 1990 وذلك بعد صفقة مع حكومة الولايات المتحدة وقضى ما يقربُ من عقدين في مدينة لانغلي بولاية فرجينيا بالولايات المتحدة وهناك حصلَ على الجنسية الأمريكية. في عام 1993؛ وأثناء إقامته في الولايات المتحدة أُدين حفتر غيابياً بجرائم ضد الجماهيرية وحُكم عليه بالإعدام.

لقد شغلَ حفتر مناصب عليا في القوات التي أطاحت بالقذافي في الحرب الأهلية عام 2011؛ وبعدَ ثلاث سنوات أصبحَ قائدًا لما يُعرف بالجيش الوطني الليبي والذي كان مُعترفًا بهِ من قبل شريحة واسعة من الشعب على أنّه جيش البلاد لكنّ حفتر ادّعى في نفسِ السنة أنّ المؤتمر الوطني العام قد رفضَ التخليّ عن السلطة فشنَ حملة ضدّ المؤتمر وحلفائه من جمَاعات الإسلام السياسي. سمحت حملته العسكريّة تلك بإجراء انتخابات من أجلِ تعيين سلطةٍ بديلة عنِ المؤتمر الوطني العام لكنّ الأمور تطورت سريعًا فدخلت ليبيا مُجددًا في حرب أهلية ثانية.

في عام 2017؛ اتهم رمزي الشاعري نائب رئيس مجلس مدينة درنة والمحاميان ريان غودمان وأليكس وايت حفتر بارتكابِ جريمة حرب بسببِ إصداره أمرًا بقتلِ الأسرى أثناء استعادة مدينة درنة.  يُوصَف حفتر على أنه «أكثر أُمراء الحرب قوة في ليبيا» حيث قاتل «مع وضد كل الفصائل المهمة» في النزاع الليبي، كما يُوصف بأنه يَحكم «بقبضةٍ من حديد».
وُلد حفتر في أجدابيا فِي عام 1943، والتحقَ بمدرسة الهُدَى المحليّة عام 1957 ثم انتقل إلى مدينة درنة لإكمال تعليمه الثانوي بين عامي 1961 و1964. انضمّ إلى أكاديمية جامعة بنغازي العسكرية (والمعروفة أيضًا باسم الكلية العسكرية الملكية في بنغازي) في 16 أيلول/سبتمبر 1964 وتخرج منها عام 1966. في أواخر سبعينيات القرن العشرين؛ تلقّى خليفة تدريبًا عسكريًا في الاتحاد السوفيتي لمدة ثلاث سنوات إلى جانبِ ضباط آخرين كانوا قد أرسلوا للدراسة في الاتحاد السوفياتي. تلقى حفتر في وقتٍ لاحقٍ مزيدًا من التدريب العسكري في مصر،  حيثُ كان يُركّز في تدريباته تلك على تعلّم سلاح المدفعية بمختلفِ أنواعه وأشكاله.

الأربعاء، 3 يونيو 2020



إريكسون (بالإنجليزية: Ericsson)‏ هي شركة ذات أصل سويدي وأحد الشركات الرائدة في مجال توفير أنظمة توصيل البيانات والاتصال عن بعد، بالإضافة إلى خدمات ذات علاقة، مغطية بذلك نطاقاً واسعاً من التقنيات التكنولوجية. تأسست في عام 1876 كمتجر لتصليح معدات التلغراف على يد لارس ماجنس إريكسون، وتم إنشاء الشركة في 18 أغسطس عام 1918. يقع مقر الشركة الرئيسي في كيستا ببلدية ستوكهولم، ومنذ عام 2003، تم اعتبار إريكسون جزءاً مما يطلق عليه القرية اللاسلكية. ابتداءً من منتصف التسعينات، وبوجود إريكسون المستمر في ستوكهولم، ساعد ذلك على جعل العاصمة السويدية واحدة من محوار أبحاث تكنولوجيا المعلومات.

في أوائل القرن 20 ، سيطرت اريكسون في السوق العالمية لتبادل المكالمات الهاتفية. تم تركيب أكبر مقسم للهاتف اليدوي، لخدمة 60000 خط، من قبل اريكسون في موسكو في 1916. خلال التسعينات، حازت اريكسون على حصة سوقية 35-40 ٪ من تركيب شبكات الهاتف الخلوي. مثل معظم شركات الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية، عانت اريكسون خسائر فادحة بعد انهيار الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية في وقت مبكر من عام 2000 ، وكان لتسريح عشرات الآلاف من الموظفين في جميع أنحاء العالم محاولة لمعالجة الوضع المالي، والعودة إلى الربحية قبل منتصف 2000.

اريكسون حاليا أكبر شركة في العالم لمعدات الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية النقالة مع حصة في السوق تبلغ 35 ٪.



Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (lit. L.M. Ericsson Telephone Corporation), doing business as Ericsson, is a Swedish multinational networking and telecommunications company headquartered in Stockholm. The company offers services, software and infrastructure in information and communications technology for telecommunications operators, traditional telecommunications and Internet Protocol (IP) networking equipment, mobile and fixed broadband, operations and business support services, cable television, IPTV, video systems, and an extensive services operation.

Ericsson had a 27% market share in the 2G/3G/4G mobile network infrastructure market in 2018. 

The company was founded in 1876 by Lars Magnus Ericsson  and was took over by the Wallenberg family in 1960; today, the family, through its holding company Investor AB, owns a controlling 22.53% voting power. As of 2016 it is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. The company employs around 95,000 people and operates in around 180 countries. Ericsson holds over 49,000 granted patents as of September 2019, including many in wireless communications. Ericsson is the inventor of Bluetooth technology.
Lars Magnus Ericsson began his association with telephones in his youth as an instrument maker. He worked for a firm that made telegraph equipment for the Swedish government agency Telegrafverket. In 1876, at the age of 30, he started a telegraph repair shop with help from his friend Carl Johan Andersson in central Stockholm and repaired foreign-made telephones. In 1878 Ericsson began making and selling his own telephone equipment. His telephones were not technically innovative. In 1878 he made an agreement to supply telephones and switchboards to Sweden's first telecommunications operating company, Stockholms Allmänna Telefonaktiebolag.

Also in 1878, local telephone importer Numa Peterson hired Ericsson to adjust some telephones from the Bell Telephone Company. He bought a number of Siemens telephones and analyzed the technology; Ericsson had a scholarship at Siemens a few years earlier. He was familiar with Bell and Siemens Halske telephones through his firm's repair work for Telegrafverket and Swedish State Railways. He improved these designs to produce a higher-quality instrument to be used by new telephone companies such as Rikstelefon to provide cheaper service than the Bell Group. Ericsson had no patent or royalty problems because Bell had not patented their inventions in Scandinavia. His training as an instrument maker was reflected in the standard of finish and the ornate design of Ericsson telephones of this period. At the end of the year, he started to manufacture telephones much like those of Siemens; the first product was finished in 1879. 

Ericsson became a major supplier of telephone equipment to Scandinavia. Its factory could not keep up with demand; joinery and metal-plating were contracted out. Much of its raw materials were imported; in the following decades Ericsson bought into a number of firms to ensure supplies of brass, wire, ebonite, and magnet steel. Much of the walnut wood used for cabinets was imported from the United States.

Stockholm's telephone network expanded that year and the company reformed into a telephone manufacturer. When Bell bought the biggest telephone network in Stockholm, it only allowed its own telephones to be used with it. Ericsson's equipment was sold mainly to free telephone associations in the Swedish countryside and in other Nordic countries.[citation needed]

The prices of Bell equipment and services led Henrik Tore Cedergren to form an independent telephone company called Stockholms Allmänna Telefonaktiebolag in 1883. As Bell would not deliver equipment to competitors, he formed a pact with Ericsson to supply the equipment for his new telephone network. In 1918 the companies were merged into Allmänna Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson.
In 1884, a multiple-switchboard manual telephone exchange was mostly copied from a design by C. E. Scribner at Western Electric. This was legal because the device was not patented in Sweden, although in the United States it had held patent 529421 since 1879. A single switchboard could handle up to 10,000 lines. The following year, LM Ericsson and Cedergren toured the United States, visiting several telephone exchange stations to gather "inspiration".  They found U.S. switchboard designs were more advanced but Ericsson telephones were equal to others. 

In 1884, a technician named Anton Avén at Stockholms Allmänna Telefonaktiebolag combined the earpiece and the mouthpiece of a standard telephone into a handset. It was used by operators in the exchanges where operators needed to have one hand free when talking to customers. Ericsson picked up this invention and incorporated it into Ericsson products, beginning with a telephone named The Dachshund.

Just Mercy

Just Mercy

Just Mercy is a 2019 American legal drama film directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, and starring Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Rob Morgan, Tim Blake Nelson, Rafe Spall, Karan Kendrick and Brie Larson. It tells the true story of Walter McMillian, who, with the help of young defense attorney Bryan Stevenson, appeals his murder conviction. The film is based on the memoir of the same name, written by Stevenson. 

Just Mercy had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 6, 2019, and was theatrically released by Warner Bros. Pictures on December 25, 2019. The film received positive reviews from critics, and Foxx received a nomination for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role at the 26th Screen Actors Guild Awards.
In 1989, idealistic young Harvard law graduate Bryan Stevenson (Michael B Jordan) travels to Alabama hoping to help fight for poor people who cannot afford proper legal representation. He meets with Eva Ansley (Brie Larson) and founds the Equal Justice Initiative, then travels to a prison to meet its death row inmates. He meets Walter "Johnny D." McMillian (Jamie Foxx), an African-American man who was convicted of the 1986 murder of Ronda Morrison, a white woman. Stevenson looks over the evidence in the case and discovers it hinges entirely on the testimony of convicted felon Ralph Myers (Tim Blake Nelson), who provided highly self-contradictory testimony in exchange for a lighter sentence in his own pending trial.

Stevenson's first move is to ask prosecutor Tommy Chapman (Rafe Spall) for aid; Chapman dismisses him without even looking at Stevenson's notes. Stevenson then asks McMillian's family friend Darnell Houston (Darrell Britt-Gibson) to testify that he was with a witness who corroborated Myers' testimony the day of the murder, which would cause the prosecution's case to fall apart. When Stevenson submits Houston's testimony, police arrest him for perjury. While Stevenson is able to get the perjury charges dismissed, Houston is intimidated into refusing to testify in court.

Stevenson then approaches Myers himself, who eventually admits that his testimony was coerced after police played to his fear of being burned and threatened to have him executed by electric chair. Stevenson appeals to the local court to grant McMillian a retrial and successfully convinces Myers to recant his testimony on the stand, but the judge nevertheless refuses to grant a retrial. Distraught, Stevenson vents his frustrations about the case to Ansley. He appears on 60 Minutes to rally public support in favor of McMillian, then appeals to the Supreme Court of Alabama. The Supreme Court overturns the circuit court's decision, and grants McMillian his retrial. Stevenson then motions to have the charges dismissed entirely. He confronts Chapman at his home and tries to convince him to join him in his motion; Chapman angrily ejects him from his property. The day of the motion comes, and Stevenson appeals to the judge. Chapman agrees to join him in his motion, the case is dismissed, and McMillian is finally reunited with his family.

An epilogue notes that Stevenson and Ansley continue to fight for justice to the present day. Until his death in 2013, McMillian remained friends with Stevenson. A follow-up investigation into Morrison's death confirmed McMillian's innocence and posited that a white man was likely responsible; the case has never been solved. McMillian's former cellmate, Anthony Ray Hinton (O'Shea Jackson Jr), remained on death row for 28 years until Stevenson was able to have all charges dropped and Hinton was eventually released in 2015.

Bank of Canada

Bank of Canada

The Bank of Canada (BoC; French: Banque du Canada) is a Crown corporation and Canada's central bank.Chartered in 1934 under the Bank of Canada Act, it is responsible for formulating Canada's monetary policy, and for the promotion of a safe and sound financial system within Canada. The Bank of Canada is the sole issuing authority of Canadian banknotes, provides banking services and money management for the government, and loans money to Canadian financial institutions. The contract to produce the banknotes has been held by the Canadian Bank Note Company since 1935.

The Bank of Canada headquarters are located at the Bank of Canada Building, 234 Wellington Street in Ottawa, Ontario. The building also used to house the Bank of Canada Museum, which opened in December 1980 and temporarily closed in 2013. As of July 2017, the museum is now located at 30 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, but is connected to the main buildings through the Bank of Canada's underground meeting rooms
Prior to the creation of the Bank of Canada, The Bank of Montreal, then the nation's largest bank, acted as the government's banker, and the federal Department of Finance was responsible for printing Canada's banknotes.

In 1933, Prime Minister R.B. Bennett instituted the Royal Commission on Banking and Currency and it reported its policy recommendations in favour of the establishment of a central bank for Canada. The Royal Commission's members consisted of Scottish jurist Lord Macmillan, Bank of England director Sir Charles Addis, Canadian former Finance Minister William Thomas White, Banque Canadienne de Montreal general manager Beaudry Leman, and Premier of Alberta John Edward Brownlee.

The bank was chartered by and under the Bank of Canada Act  on 3 July 1934, as a privately owned corporation, a move taken in order to ensure the bank would be free from partisan political influence. The Bank's purpose was set out in the preamble to the act: "to regulate credit and currency in the best interests of the economic life of the nation, to control and protect the external value of the national monetary unit and to mitigate by its influence fluctuations in the general level of production, trade, prices and employment, so far as may be possible within the scope of monetary action, and generally to promote the economic and financial welfare of the Dominion". With the exception of the word "Canada" replacing "the Dominion", the wording today is identical to the 1934 legislation. On 11 March 1935, the Bank of Canada began operations, following the granting of Royal Assent to the Bank of Canada Act.

In 1938, under Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, the bank was legally designated a federal Crown corporation. The minister of finance holds the entire share capital issued by the bank. "The capital shall be divided into one hundred thousand shares of the par value of fifty dollars each, which shall be issued to the Minister to be held by the Minister on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada." No changes were made in the purpose of the Bank.

The government appointed a board of directors to manage the bank, under the leadership of a governor.  Each director swore an oath of "fidelity and secrecy" before taking office. 

In 1944, the Bank of Canada then became the sole issuer of legal tender banknotes in and under Canada 
During World War II, the Bank of Canada operated the Foreign Exchange Control Board and the War Finance Committee, which raised funds through Victory Bonds. After the war, the bank's role was expanded as it was mandated to encourage economic growth in Canada.  An Act of Parliament in September 1944 established the subsidiary Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to stimulate investment in Canadian businesses. Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's central-bank monetary policy was directed towards increasing the money supply to generate low interest rates, and incentivize full employment. When inflation began to rise in the early 1960s, then-Governor James Coyne ordered a reduction in the Canadian money supply.

Since the 1980s, the main priority of the Bank of Canada has been keeping inflation low. As part of that strategy, interest rates were kept at a low level for almost seven years in the 1990s. Since September 2010, the key interest rate (overnight rate) was 0.5%.

Between 2013 and early 2017, the Bank of Canada temporarily moved its offices to 234 Laurier Street in Ottawa to allow major renovations to its headquarters building.
In mid 2017, inflation remained below the Bank's 2% target, (at 1.6%), mostly because of reductions in the cost of energy, food and automobiles; as well, the economy was in a continuing spurt with a predicted GDP growth of 2.8 percent by year end. On 12 July 2017, the bank issued a statement that the benchmark rate would be increased to 0.75%. "The economy can handle very well this move we have today and of course you need to preface that with an acknowledgment that of course interest rates are still very low," Governor Stephen Poloz subsequently said. In its press release, the bank had confirmed that the rate would continue to be evaluated at least partly on the basis of inflation. "Future adjustments to the target for the overnight rate will be guided by incoming data as they inform the bank's inflation outlook, keeping in mind continued uncertainty and financial system vulnerabilities." Poloz refused to speculate on the future of the economy but said, "I don't doubt that interest rates will move higher, but there's no predetermined path in mind at this stage

كيكي بالمر

كيكي بالمر

لورين كيانا "كيكي" بالمر (ولدت في 26 أغسطس 1993)، (هارفي اليانويس) في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، هي اميركية رشحت وصورة جائزة الفائز في سن المراهقة الممثلة والمغنية الذي ارتفع إلى الشهرة لادائها في في فيلم ونحلة هي حاليا النجوم كحرف اسمية في (نيكولوديون) المسرحية الهزلية، نائب الرئيس، ومثلت بالفلم من إنتاج (ديزني) (قفزة في!) بجانب الممثل والمغني (كوربن بلو) في عام 2007.

زياد علي

زياد علي محمد