الثلاثاء، 9 يونيو 2020

Yas Island

Yas Island

Yas Island (Arabic: جزيرة ياس‎) is an island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It occupies a total land area of 2,500 ha (25 km²). It is a popular leisure island and one of the top tourism projects in Abu Dhabi. Yas Island holds the Yas Marina Circuit, which has hosted the Formula One Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix since 2009. 

Yas Island was named the world's leading tourism project at the World Travel Awards in November 2009. 

On June 9, 2020, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) president, Dana White, announced that Yas Island, previously known only as Fight Island, will play host to UFC 251 on July 11, 2020.
The island's development project was initiated in 2006 by Abu Dhabi-based Aldar Properties, with the aim of turning the island into a multi-purpose leisure, shopping and entertainment center. The investment was planned as a multi-staged project to unfold in phases until 2018, with project stakeholders foreseeing the possibility of extending development by adding new venues and upgrading existing facilities

Baleine bleue

Baleine bleue

La baleine bleue (Balaenoptera musculus), appelée aussi rorqual bleu, est une espèce de cétacés de la famille des Balaenopteridae. Pouvant dépasser 30 mètres de longueur et 170 tonnes, c'est le plus gros animal vivant à notre époque et dans l'état actuel des connaissances, le plus gros (avant deux grands sauropodes dont le séismosaure) ayant vécu sur Terre.

Long et mince, le corps de la baleine bleue peut prendre diverses teintes de gris-bleuté sur le dos et un peu plus clair en dessous. On dénombre au moins trois sous-espèces distinctes : B. m. musculus dans l’Atlantique Nord et le Pacifique Nord, B. m. intermedia de l’océan Antarctique et B. m. brevicauda découverte dans l’océan Indien et dans le sud de l’océan Pacifique. B. m. indica, découverte dans l’océan Indien, pourrait être une autre sous-espèce. Comme les autres baleines, la baleine bleue se nourrit essentiellement d’un petit crustacé, le krill, de planctons mais également de petits poissons et parfois de calmars.

Les baleines bleues furent abondantes dans presque tous les océans avant le début du xxe siècle. Pendant près de quarante ans, elles furent chassées par les baleiniers qui ont amené l'espèce au bord de l'extinction avant qu'elle ne soit protégée par la communauté internationale en 1966. Un rapport de 2002 estimait qu’il y avait entre 5 000 et 12 000 baleines bleues à travers le monde, localisées dans au moins cinq groupes. Des études plus récentes sur la sous-espèce B. m. brevicauda suggèrent qu’il pourrait s’agir d’une sous-estimation. Avant la chasse industrielle à la baleine, la plus forte population se trouvait dans l’Atlantique, qui en comptait approximativement 240 000 (entre 202 000 et 311 000). L'espèce est classée en danger d'extinction par l'UICN.
La baleine bleue a un long corps effilé qui peut paraître étiré en comparaison du corps trapu des autres baleines1. Sa tête est plate et a la forme d’un U. Une crête médiane se dessine entre les évents et l’extrémité de la mâchoire supérieure1. La bouche est densément remplie de fanons ; environ 300 fanons (chacun d’environ un mètre de long) de couleur noire pendent de la mâchoire supérieure, et reviennent d’environ 0,5 mètre à l’intérieur de la gueule de l’animal1. Entre 60 et 90 sillons (appelées plis ventraux) longent la gorge parallèlement au corps. Ces plis facilitent l’évacuation d’eau de la bouche après la prise de nourriture. La nageoire dorsale est petite1 et visible seulement brièvement lors de la séquence de plongée. Localisée environ aux trois quarts du corps de l’animal, sa forme varie d’un individu à l’autre ; chez certains individus elle se présente comme une bosse presque imperceptible, mais d’autres ont une nageoire dorsale proéminente et falciforme.

Quand elle fait surface pour respirer, la baleine bleue élève son évent hors de l’eau avec une plus grande ampleur que d’autres grandes baleines telles que le rorqual commun et le rorqual boréal. Cette caractéristique peut être utilisée pour la différencier des autres espèces en mer. Certaines baleines bleues de l’Atlantique Nord élèvent leur nageoire caudale quand elles plongent. L'eau soulevée par l'air qu'expire la baleine après une plongée atteint généralement 9 mètres, mais peut aller jusqu’à 12 mètres, et peut être vue de loin par temps calme. Les baleines bleues ont des évents jumeaux, protégés par un repli de fibres graisseuses1. De puissants muscles en actionnent l’ouverture.

Les nageoires mesurent de trois à quatre mètres. Les faces supérieures sont grises avec une mince bordure blanche. Les faces inférieures sont blanches. La tête et la queue sont généralement uniformément grises. La partie supérieure de la baleine, et parfois les nageoires, sont généralement tachetées. L’importance de ces taches varie significativement d’un individu à l’autre. Certains peuvent être de couleur uniformément gris-ardoise quand d’autres montrent des variations importantes de bleus foncés, gris et noirs dans un motif tacheté2.

Les baleines bleues peuvent atteindre une vitesse de 50 km/h lors de courtes accélérations, notamment lors d’ébats avec d’autres baleines, mais leur vitesse de croisière est de 20 km/h2. Quand elles se nourrissent, elles ralentissent à 5 km/h.



En zoologie, le terme baleine (du grec ancien φάλαινα, phálaina, « baleine ») désigne certains mammifères marins de grande taille classés dans l'ordre des Cétacés.

C'est un terme générique qui s'applique aux espèces appartenant au sous-ordre des mysticètes, les cétacés à fanons ainsi que, improprement, à certaines espèces appartenant aux odontocètes, les cétacés à dents. Le petit de la baleine s'appelle le baleineau.
Les caractéristiques générales des baleines sont celles des Cétacés, avec des différences pour chaque espèce : voir les articles détaillés pour plus d'informations, notamment sur leur constitution physique ou leur mode de vie respectif.




In medicine, a disease is considered asymptomatic if a patient is a carrier for a disease or infection but experiences no symptoms. A condition might be asymptomatic if it fails to show the noticeable symptoms with which it is usually associated. Asymptomatic infections are also called subclinical infections. Other diseases (such as mental illnesses) might be considered subclinical if they present some but not all of the symptoms required for a clinical diagnosis. The term clinically silent is also used.

Knowing that a condition is asymptomatic is important because:

It may develop symptoms later and only then require treatment.
It may resolve itself or become benign.
It is not required that a person undergo treatment. It does not cause later medical problems such as high blood pressure and hyperlipidaemia. 
Be alert to possible problems: asymptomatic hypothyroidism makes a person vulnerable to Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome or beri-beri following intravenous glucose. 
An example of an asymptomatic disease is Cytomegalovirus (CMV) which is a member of the herpes virus. "It is estimated that 1% of all newborns are infected with CMV, but the majority of infections are asymptomatic." (Knox, 1983; Kumar et al. 1984)  In some diseases, the proportion of asymptomatic cases can be important. For example, in multiple sclerosis it is estimated that around 25% of the cases are asymptomatic, being these cases detected postmortem or just by coincidence (as incidental findings) while treating other diseases.
Asymptomatic conditions may not be discovered until the patient undergoes medical tests (X-rays or other investigations). Some people may remain asymptomatic for a remarkably long period of time; such as people with some forms of cancer. If a patient is asymptomatic, precautionary steps are ineffective and should not be taken. The patient should continue to seek treatment for the main disease they are suffering from currently.

A patient's individual genetic makeup may delay or prevent the onset of symptoms.

Some diseases are defined only clinically, like AIDS being the result of HIV infection. Therefore, it makes no sense to speak about "asymptomatic AIDS". This concept of clinically defined diseases is related in some way to the concept of syndrome.

دانيال رادكليف

دانيال رادكليف

دانيال جاكوب رادكليف (مواليد 23 يوليو 1989 فولهام، لندن) هو ممثل إنجليزي قام بأداء دور البطولة في الشخصية الخيالية السينمائية هاري بوتر. وقد بلغت ثروته نتيجة لذلك نحو 23 مليون جنيه إسترليني (أي أكثر من 27 مليون يورو)، ولكنه خصص جزءاً من هذه الأموال لصالح المؤسسات الخيرية. وترجع بداياته المهنية لعام 1998 عندما قام بالتمثيل في الفيلم التلفازي ديفيد كوبرفيلد المبني على رواية بنفس الاسم لتشارلز ديكنز. وبعد ذلك ظهر لأول مرة عام 2001 في فيلم خياط بنما ، وظهر في أفلام أخرى أيضاً مثل فيلم ديسمبر بويز، والفيلم التلفازي ابني جاك. وفي عام 2007 لعب دوراً في العمل المسرحي "إيكوس" للكاتب المسرحي بيتر شافر والذي شارك فيه بشخصية "ألان سترانغ". تلقى دانيال الأستحسانات في كل من إنجلترا والولايات المتحدة بالإضافة إلى حصوله على العديد من الجوائز المختلفة والامتيازات. وعلى الجانب الآخر خُيل له أنه سيكون كاتب سيناريو أو مخرج. وعبر أيضاً عن ميلهِ نحو الموسيقى بالرغم من عملهِ بالتمثيل. وفي مارس 2011، قام رادكليف بإعادة إحياء مسرحية برودواي الموسيقية بعنوان: "كيف تنجح في عملك بدون محاولة حقيقية"، وفي عام 2012 لعب دوراً في فيلم المرأة ذات الرداء الأسود. ولقد عاش رادكليف السنوات الأولى من حياتهِ في منطقة فولهام في جنوب غرب لندن؛ وقد صرح بأنه مشجع متعصب لنادي فولهام لكرة القدم.
وُلِد رادكليف في غرب لندن، إنجلترا. وهو الابن الوحيد للوكيل الأدبي "ألان جورج رادكليف" ووكيلة المواهب "مارسيا جريشام" التي شاركت في عدة أفلام تابعة للبي بي سي مثل مفتش الألغاز، وسيراً على الأقدام، وأنا متعثر. ويعد والده من طبقة الكادحين ومن أصل بروتستانتي من بانبريدج، في مقاطعة داون بأيرلندا الشمالية ، ووالدته يهودية،  ولدت في جنوب أفريقيا، ونشأت في "وستكليف -أون-سي" بمقاطعة إسكس في شرق إنجلترا. وترجع جذور عائلتها إلى بولندا وروسيا. وكان آبائه قد سبقوه نحو التمثيل وهو صغير.

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Jacob Radcliffe (born 23 July 1989)[1] is a British actor and producer. He is best known for playing Harry Potter in the Harry Potter film series during his adolescence and early adulthood.

Born and raised in London, Radcliffe made his acting debut at age 10 in BBC One's television film David Copperfield (1999), followed by his cinematic debut in The Tailor of Panama (2001). The same year, he starred in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Over the next 10 years, he played the lead role in seven sequels, culminating with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011). During this period, Radcliffe became one of the highest-paid actors in the world, gained worldwide fame, popularity, and critical acclaim, and received many accolades for his performances in the series.

Following the success of the Harry Potter films, Radcliffe portrayed lawyer Arthur Kipps in the horror film The Woman in Black (2012); the poet Allen Ginsberg in the film Kill Your Darlings (2013); Victor Frankenstein's assistant, Igor, in the science fiction fantasy Victor Frankenstein (2015); Manny, a sentient corpse in the comedy-drama Swiss Army Man (2016); technological prodigy Walter Mabry in the heist thriller film Now You See Me 2 (2016); and FBI agent Nate Foster in the critically-acclaimed thriller Imperium (2016). Radcliffe began to branch out to stage acting in 2007, starring in the London and New York productions of Equus and in the 2011 Broadway revival of the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Since 2018, Radcliffe has starred in the TBS anthology television series Miracle Workers.

Radcliffe has contributed to many charities, including Demelza Hospice Care for Children and The Trevor Project; the latter charity gave him its Hero Award in 2011.
Radcliffe was born in Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, London, England. He is the only child of Alan George Radcliffe and his wife, Marcia Jeannine Gresham (née Jacobson). His mother is Jewish and was born in South Africa and raised in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. His father was raised in Banbridge, County Down, Northern Ireland, in a "very working-class" Protestant family.  Radcliffe's maternal ancestors were Jewish immigrants from Lithuania, Germany, Poland and Russia.  In 2019, Radcliffe explored both sides of his family history in series 16 of BBC's Who Do You Think You Are?  Radcliffe's parents had both acted as children.  His father is a literary agent. His mother is a casting agent and was involved in several films for the BBC, including The Inspector Lynley Mysteries and Walk Away and I Stumble.[ 
Radcliffe was educated at three independent schools for boys: Redcliffe School,  a day school in Chelsea's Redcliffe Square; Sussex House School, a day school in Chelsea's Cadogan Square;  and the City of London School, a day school on the North Bank of the River Thames in London's financial district (known as the City of London).  Attending school became difficult for Radcliffe after the release of the first Harry Potter film. Some fellow pupils became hostile, though he says they were just trying to "have a crack at the kid that plays Harry Potter" rather than acting out of jealousy. 

As his acting career began to consume his schedule, Radcliffe continued his education through on-set tutors. He admitted he was not a very good student, considering school useless and finding the work "really difficult".  He achieved A grades in the three AS-level exams that he took in 2006, but decided to take a break from education and did not go to college or university.  Part of his reasoning was that he already knew he wanted to act and write, and that it would be difficult to have a normal college experience. "The paparazzi, they'd love it", he told Details magazine in 2007. "If there were any parties going on, they'd be tipped off as to where they were.

Chyler Leigh

Chyler Leigh

Chyler Leigh West (pronounced /ˈkaɪlər/ KY-lər; born Potts; April 10, 1982), known professionally as Chyler Leigh, is an American actress, singer and model. She is known for portraying Janey Briggs in the comedy film Not Another Teen Movie (2001), Lexie Grey in the ABC medical drama series Grey's Anatomy (2007–2012), and Alex Danvers in the DC Comics superhero series Supergirl (2015–present).
Leigh was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, to Yvonne Norton and Robert Potts   and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where her parents ran a weight-loss business.  The business went bankrupt when she was eight and her parents' marriage ended when she was 12; she, her mother, and her older brother – former actor Christopher Khayman Lee – then moved to Miami,  where her mother remarried her first husband. Leigh was estranged from her father for many years following her parents' divorce, but they have since reconciled. 
Leigh was in eighth grade when she started modelling. She soon began acting by appearing in local television commercials and a syndicated teen news show, Hall Pass. In 1999, Leigh and her mother relocated to Los Angeles so she could develop her acting career. At 16, she took and passed the California High School Proficiency Exam

زياد علي

زياد علي محمد