الأربعاء، 10 يونيو 2020

J Anbazhagan

J Anbazhagan

Jayaraman Anbazhagan (Tamil: ஜெயராமன் அன்பழகன், 10 June 1958 – 10 June 2020) was an Indian politician and a 3 times MLA (2001, 2011 & 2016), a Member of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly from the Chepauk-Thiruvallikeni constituency in Chennai District from 2011-2020. As a representative of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam party, he was previously elected to the Theagaraya Nagar Constituency in 2001 elections,  and was also defeated in the year 2006 election.

He was elected in the elections of 2011  and was re-elected from the same Chepauk-Thiruvallikeni constituency in Chennai District in the elections of 2016. 

Anbazhagan died on 10 June 2020 in Rela Institute & Medical Centre in Chromepet, Chennai due to COVID-19,  making him the first politician in India to have died from Corona virus Covid-19 disease.

A diehard party loyalist, Anbazhagan was also bold and was often referred to as the second Veerapandy S. Arumugam (a senior leader and former DMK minister from Salem who died a few years ago) within the DMK.


أولوف بالمه

أولوف بالمه

أولوف بالمه (30 يناير 1927 - 28 فبراير 1986) سياسي سويدي، زعيم حزب العمل الاجتماعي الديمقراطي منذ سنة 1969. رئيس وزراء السويد بين 1969 و1976، أعيد انتخابه سنة 1982 اشتهر دولياً بمواقفه الجريئة وصراحته الشديدة في ما يخص كثير من القضايا الدولية مثل قضايا السلام والديموقراطية والتفاهم الدولي والأمن المشترك. في 28 فبراير 1986، وكان لا يزال يشغل منصب رئيس الوزراء، تعرض لحادث اغتيال قتل فيه بطلقات نارية عند خروجه من السينما بصحبة زوجته. كتلميذ قديم لرئيس الوزراء السويدي تاج إيرلاندر، واستلم رئاسة وزراء السويد مرتين مترئسًا مجلس الملكة الخاص مذ عام 1969 حتى عام 1976 وحكومة مجلس الوزراء منذ عام 1982 حتى وفاته. شهدت الهزائم الانتخابية في انتخابات عامي 1976 و1979 نهاية الهيمنة الديمقراطية الاشتراكية في السياسة السويدية، التي شهدت 40 عامًا من حكم الحزب المتواصل. شارك في المصالح المحلية والدولية بينما كان زعيمًا للمعارضة، وعمل وسيطًا خاصًا للأمم المتحدة في الحرب العراقية الإيرانية، وكان رئيسًا للمجلس الشمالي في عام 1979. عاد رئيسًا للوزراء بعد الانتصارات الانتخابية في عامي 1982 و1985.

كان بالمه شخصية محورية ومستقطبة في الداخل وكذلك في السياسة الدولية منذ الستينيات من القرن العشرين. تمسك بسياسة عدم الانحياز تجاه القوى العظمى، ورافقه دعم للعديد من حركات تحرير العالم الثالث بعد إنهاء الاستعمار بما في ذلك الدعم، الأكثر إثارة للجدل، الاقتصادي والصريح لعدد من حكومات العالم الثالث. كان أول رئيس حكومة غربي يزور كوبا بعد الثورة التي حدثت فيها، وألقى كلمة في سانتياغو مدح فيها الثوريين الكوبيين والكمبوديين المعاصرين.

انتقد بالمه السياسة الأمريكية الخارجية والسوفيتية في كثير من الأحيان، ولجأ إلى الانتقاد الشديد والمستقطب في كثير من الأحيان في تحديد مقاومته للطموحات الإمبريالية والأنظمة السلطوية، بما في ذلك تلك التي وضعها فرانشيسكو فرانكو من إسبانيا، وليونيد بريجنيف من الاتحاد السوفيتي، وأنطونيو دي أوليفيرا سالازار من البرتغال وغوستاف هوساك من تشيكوسلوفاكيا، وذلك بالإضافة إلى جون فورستر وبيتر ويليم بوتا من جنوب إفريقيا. تسببت إدانته في تفجيرات هانوي في عام 1972، ولا سيما مقارنة التكتيك بمعسكر تريبلينكا للإبادة، إلى تجميد مؤقت في العلاقات بين السويد والولايات المتحدة.
هو شخصية يسارية عرف عنها تأييدها لجميع حركات التحرر ولاسيما القضية الفلسطينية وعرف بعلاقاته الوطيده مع الرئيس الراحل صدام حسين والرئيس الكوبي فيدل كاسترو والرئيس الفلسطيني الراحل ياسر عرفات والذي وجه له دعوة لزيارة ستوكهولم في عام 1983 مما أثار غضب الإسرائيليين انذاك.

Olof Palme

Olof Palme

 was a Swedish politician and statesman. A longtime protégé of Prime Minister Tage Erlander, Palme led the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 1969 until his assassination in 1986, and was twice Prime Minister of Sweden, heading a Privy Council Government from 1969 to 1976 and a cabinet government from 1982 until his death. Electoral defeats in 1976 and 1979 marked the end of Social Democratic hegemony in Swedish politics, which had seen 40 years of unbroken rule by the party. While leader of the opposition, he parted[clarification needed] domestic and international interests and served as special mediator of the United Nations in the Iran–Iraq War, and was President of the Nordic Council in 1979. He returned as Prime Minister after electoral victories in 1982 and 1985.

Palme was a pivotal and polarizing figure domestically as well as in international politics from the 1960s onward. He was steadfast in his non-alignment policy towards the superpowers, accompanied by support for numerous third world liberation movements following decolonization including, most controversially, economic and vocal support for a number of Third World governments. He was the first Western head of government to visit Cuba after its revolution, giving a speech in Santiago praising contemporary Cuban and Cambodian revolutionaries.

Frequently a critic of United States and Soviet foreign policy, he resorted to fierce and often polarizing criticism in expressing his resistance to imperialist ambitions and authoritarian regimes, including those of Francisco Franco of Spain, Leonid Brezhnev of the Soviet Union, António de Oliveira Salazar of Portugal and Gustáv Husák of Czechoslovakia, as well as John Vorster and P. W. Botha of South Africa. His 1972 condemnation of American bombings in Hanoi, notably comparing the tactic to the Treblinka extermination camp, resulted in a temporary freeze in Sweden–United States relations.

Palme's assassination on a Stockholm street on 28 February 1986 was the first murder of a national leader in Sweden since Gustav III in 1792, and had a great impact across Scandinavia.  Local convict and addict Christer Pettersson was originally convicted of the murder in district court but was acquitted on appeal by the Svea Court of Appeal. On 10 June 2020, Swedish prosecutors held a press conference to announce that there was "reasonable evidence" that Stig Engström had killed Palme.  Given that Engström had committed suicide in 2000, the authorities also announced that the investigation into Palme's death was to be closed.
Palme was born into an upper class, conservative Lutheran family in the Östermalm district of Stockholm. The Palme family is of Dutch ancestry and is related to several other prominent Swedish families such as the von Sydows and the Wallenbergs. His father Gunnar Palme was a businessman, son of Sven Theodore Palme and Baroness Hanna Maria von Born-Sarvilahti. Through her, Olof Palme claimed ancestry from King Frederick I of Denmark and Norway. His mother, Elisabeth von Knieriem, was descended from Baltic German tradesmen; she had arrived in Sweden from Russia as a refugee in 1915. Elisabeth's great-great-great grandfather Johann Melchior von Knieriem (1758–1817) had been ennobled by the Emperor Alexander I of Russia in 1814. Her great-grandfather Alexander von Knieriem (1837–1904) was an attorney general of the Senate of Russian Empire, senator and member of the State Council of Imperial Russia.  The von Knieriem family does not count as members of any of the Baltic knighthoods. Palme's father died when he was six years old. Despite his background, his political orientation came to be influenced by Social Democratic attitudes. His travels in the Third World, as well as the United States, where he saw deep economic inequality and racial segregation, helped to develop these views.

A sickly child, Olof Palme received his education from private tutors. Even as a child he gained knowledge of two foreign languages – German and English. He studied at Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket, one of Sweden's few residential high schools, and passed the university entrance examination with high marks at the age of 17. He was called up into the Army in January 1945 and did his compulsory military service at Svea Artillery Regiment between 1945 and 1947, becoming in 1956 a reserve officer with the rank of Captain in the Artillery. After he was discharged from military service in March 1947, he enrolled at Stockholm University. 
On a scholarship, he studied at Kenyon College, a small liberal arts school in central Ohio from 1947 to 1948, graduating with a BA  Inspired by radical debate in the student community, he wrote a critical essay on Friedrich Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. Palme wrote his senior honour thesis on the United Auto Workers union, led at the time by Walter Reuther. After graduation he traveled throughout the country and eventually ended up in Detroit, where his hero Reuther agreed to an interview which lasted several hours. In later years, Palme regularly remarked during his many subsequent American visits, that the United States had made him a socialist, a remark that often has caused confusion. Within the context of his American experience, it was not that Palme was repelled by what he found in America, but rather that he was inspired by it. 

After hitchhiking through the USA and Mexico, he returned to Sweden to study law at Stockholm University. In 1949 he became a member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party. During his time at university, Palme became involved in student politics, working with the Swedish National Union of Students. In 1951, he became a member of the social democratic student association in Stockholm, although it is asserted he did not attend their political meetings at the time. The following year he was elected President of the Swedish National Union of Students. As a student politician he concentrated on international affairs and travelled across Europe. 
Palme attributed his becoming a social democrat to three major influences:

In 1947, he attended a debate on taxes between the Social Democrat Ernst Wigforss, the conservative Jarl Hjalmarson and the liberal Elon Andersson.
The time he spent in the United States in the 1940s made him realise how wide the class divide was in America, and the extent of racism against black people.
A trip to Asia, specifically India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and Japan in 1953 had opened his eyes to the consequences of colonialism and imperialism.
Palme was an atheist

ليوبولد الثاني ملك بلجيكا

ليوبولد الثاني ملك بلجيكا

ليوبولد الثاني (بالفرنسية: Léopold II)‏ ثاني ملوك بلجيكا. حكم بين عامي (1865 و1909)، اسمه الكامل ليوبولد لويس فيليب ماري فيكتور، ولد بتاريخ 9 أبريل 1835 في بروكسل، وتوفي بتاريخ 17 ديسمبر 1909 في لايكن في بلجيكا.

أحد أبرز مرتكبي المجازر في التاريخ الحديث حيث قُتل في وقت سيطرته على مناطق أفريقية أكثر من 10 ملايين إنسان، قاد ليوبولد الثاني الجهود الأوربية الأولى لتطوير منطقة حوض نهر الكونغو، مما هيئ الظروف لتشكيل دولة الكونغو الحرة عام 1885، وضمت لبلجيكا عام 1908 باسم الكونغو البلجيكية (تعرف اليوم باسم كونغو كينشاسا).
هو الابن الأكبر للملك ليوبولد الأول أول ملوك بلجيكا ووالدته هي ثاني زوجات ليوبولد الأول ماري لويز من أورليانز. عام 1846 تقلد ليوبولد لقب دوق براباند وبدء خدمته في الجيش البلجيكي، وفي عام 1853 تزوج بماريا هينريتا ابنة الأرشيدوق النمساوي، وأصبح ملك بلجيكا بعد وفاة والده في كانون الأول/ديسمبر 1865.

على الرغم من المشكلات الداخلية الكثيرة واحتدام الصراع في مملكته بين الليبراليين والأحزاب الكاثوليكية، لاسيما حول قضايا التصويت والتعليم، تمكن ليوبولد الثاني من التركيز على إيلاء الاهتمام اللازم لتقوية وتطوير دفاعات بلاده.

خلال الحرب الفرنسية الألمانية (1870- 1871) أدرك ليوبولد الثاني صعوبة الحفاظ على حياد بلجيكا، وذلك بسبب تنامي قوة جارتيه فرنسا وألمانيا، فضغط على البرلمان عام 1887 لتمويل عملية إغناء مدينتي لياج ونامور، وصدر قانون التجنيد الإجباري الذي نوقش لفترة طويلة قبل مدة وجيزة من موته.

انخرط ليوبولد عميقا في الكونغو، فأسس رابطة الكونغو الدولية عام 1876 لاكتشاف المنطقة، كان أبرز موظفيه فيها السير هنري مورتون ستانلي. وبين عامي 1884 و1885 أحبط محاولة إنكليزية برتغالية للسيطرة على حوض الكونغو، وفاز باعتراف الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ومختلف القوى الأوربية بسيادته على دولة الكونغو الحرة، والتي بلغت مساحتها ثمانين مرة مساحة المملكة البلجيكية.

King Leopold

King Leopold

Leopold II (Dutch: Leopold Lodewijk Filips Maria Victor; French: Léopold Louis Philippe Marie Victor; 9 April 1835 – 17 December 1909) was King of the Belgians from 1865 to 1909 and, in a completely separate role, the Sovereign of the Congo Free State from 1885 to 1908. During his absolute rule of the Congo, an estimated 10–15 million Africans died  which led to the first use of the term "crime against humanity." 

Born in Brussels as the second but eldest surviving son of Leopold I and Louise of Orléans, he succeeded his father to the Belgian throne in 1865 and reigned for 44 years until his death – the longest reign of any Belgian monarch. He died without surviving legitimate sons. The current Belgian king descends from his nephew and successor, Albert I.

Leopold was the founder and sole owner of the Congo Free State, a private project undertaken on his own behalf. He used Henry Morton Stanley to help him lay claim to the Congo, the present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the Berlin Conference of 1884–1885, the colonial nations of Europe authorized his claim by committing the Congo Free State to improving the lives of the native inhabitants. Leopold ignored these conditions and ran the Congo using the mercenary Force Publique for his personal gain. He extracted a fortune from the territory, initially by the collection of ivory, and after a rise in the price of rubber in the 1890s, by forced labour from the native population to harvest and process rubber. He used great sums of the money from this exploitation for public and private construction projects in Belgium during this period.

Leopold's administration of the Congo was characterised by murder, torture, and atrocities, resulting from notorious systematic brutality. The hands of men, women, and children were amputated when the quota of rubber was not met. These and other facts were established at the time by eyewitness testimony and on-site inspection by an international Commission of Inquiry (1904). Millions of the Congolese people died: modern estimates range from 1 million to 15 million deaths, with a consensus growing around 10 million. Some historians argue against this figure, citing the absence of reliable censuses, the enormous mortality of diseases such as smallpox or sleeping sickness, and the fact that there were only 175 administrative agents in charge of rubber exploitation.  In 1908, the reports of deaths and abuse induced the Belgian government to take over the administration of the Congo from Leopold.
Leopold was born in Brussels on 9 April 1835, the second child of the reigning Belgian monarch, Leopold I, and of his second wife, Louise, the daughter of King Louis Philippe of France. The French Revolution of 1848 forced Louis Philippe to flee to the United Kingdom. The British monarch, Queen Victoria, was Leopold II's first cousin, as Leopold's father and Victoria's mother were siblings. Louis Philippe died two years later, in 1850. Leopold's fragile mother was deeply affected by the death of her father, and her health deteriorated. She died of tuberculosis that same year, when Leopold was 15 years old.

Martin Gugino

Martin Gugino

On June 4, 2020, in Niagara Square in Buffalo, police officers from the Buffalo Police Department pushed 75-year-old Martin Gugino to the ground which left him bleeding from the head. He was brought to the hospital and was in "serious but stable condition." He was later described as "alert and oriented
Martin Gugino (/ɡʊˈdʒiːnoʊ/), born 1944/1945, is described as a peace activist associated with the Catholic Worker Movement who worked with the Western New York Peace Center after his retirement, and who was also interested in other political issues like Guantánamo Bay and climate change. He is a native of Buffalo but worked later in Cleveland as a computer technician. He hails from Amherst, a suburb of Buffalo. 
His Twitter account has drawn scrutiny, and has since been made private after the incident.

Wretch 32

Wretch 32

Jermaine Scott Sinclair (born 9 March 1985),  better known by his stage name Wretch 32, is a British rapper, singer and songwriter from Tottenham, North London. He was a member of the grime collective "Combination Chain Gang", before forming The Movement with Scorcher, Ghetts, and Mercston.

In 2011, Wretch 32 had three top-five charting songs from debut album Black and White and amassed over a million record sales, including the single "Don't Go" which peaked at number-one on the UK Singles Chart. In 2012 he was employed by both Adidas and Coca-Cola as one of the main faces of their London 2012 Olympics campaigns and on 1 July 2012, he won 'Best International Act' at the 2012 BET Awards.
Born in March 1985 to a Jamaican family, Scott grew up alongside crews Combination Chain Gang and The Movement, the latter of which featured himself, Scorcher, Ghetts, Mercston and Devlin. Continuing his MC career in 2006, Scott under the name Wretch 32 released a series of mixtapes, including Teacher's Training Day – which featured guest appearances from Ghetts, Bashy and Scorcher

زياد علي

زياد علي محمد