الأحد، 16 أغسطس 2020

Red Arrows

 Red Arrows

The Red Arrows, officially known as the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, is the aerobatics display team of the Royal Air Force based at RAF Scampton. The team was formed in late 1964 as an all-RAF team, replacing a number of unofficial teams that had been sponsored by RAF commands.

The Red Arrows have a prominent place in British popular culture, with their aerobatic displays a fixture of British summer events.  The badge of the Red Arrows shows the aircraft in their trademark diamond nine formation, with the motto Éclat, a French word meaning "brilliance" or "excellence".

Initially, they were equipped with seven Folland Gnat trainers inherited from the RAF Yellowjacks display team. This aircraft was chosen because it was less expensive to operate than front-line fighters. In their first season, they flew at 65 shows across Europe. In 1966, the team was increased to nine members, enabling them to develop their Diamond Nine formation. In late 1979, they switched to the BAE Hawk trainer. The Red Arrows have performed over 4,800 displays in 57 countries worldwide
In July 2004, speculation surfaced in the British media that the Red Arrows would be disbanded, after a defence spending review, due to running costs between £5 million and £6 million.  The Arrows were not disbanded and their expense has been justified through their public relations benefit of helping to develop business in the defence industry and promoting recruitment for the RAF. According to the BBC, disbanding the Red Arrows will be highly unlikely, as they are a considerable attraction throughout the world. This was reiterated by Prime Minister David Cameron on 20 February 2013,  when he guaranteed the estimated £9m per annum costs while visiting India to discuss a possible sale of Hawk aircraft to be used by India's military aerobatics team, the Surya Kiran.

With the planned closure of RAF Scampton, the future home of the Red Arrows became uncertain. On 20 May 2008, months of speculation were ended when it was revealed that the Ministry of Defence were moving the Red Arrows to nearby RAF Waddington.  However, in December 2011, those plans were put under review.  The Ministry of Defence confirmed in June 2012 that the Red Arrows would remain at RAF Scampton until at least the end of the decade. Scampton's runway was resurfaced as a result. 

In July 2018 the RAF announced that RAF Scampton  would close by 2022,  and in May 2020 it was announced that the Red Arrows would be relocated to nearby RAF Waddington.  The Red Arrows will continue to use airspace above RAF Scampton for their training.

Snooker final

 Snooker final

The World Snooker Championship is the leading snooker tournament both in terms of prestige and prize money. The first championship was held in 1927 and was won by Joe Davis. Davis won the first 15 championships before retiring from the event, undefeated, after his 1946 success. In the 1950s snooker went into a period of decline and the championship was not held after 1952, although an unofficial championship was held until 1957. In 1964 the championship was revived on a challenge basis and in 1969 the championship became a knock-out event again. Since 1977 it has been played at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, England. The tournament is currently played over 17 days and ends on the first Monday in May. In the modern era (since 1969), the best record is that of Stephen Hendry, who won the title seven times. Steve Davis and Ray Reardon both won six times while Ronnie O'Sullivan has won five titles. The current champion is Judd Trump, whose 2019 win was his first. Trump was set to begin the defence of his title on 18 April 2020 but the 2020 World Championship was postponed until July 31 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
The first championship was held in 1927 and was called the Professional Snooker Championship. It was the first important professional snooker tournament although the English Amateur Championship has been contested since 1916. Ten professionals entered including most of the leading billiards players.  The draw was made at the start of the season and the players made their own arrangements about the dates and venue for the matches, although it was decided in advance that the semi-finals and final would be in Birmingham. Matches were over fifteen frames with the semi-finals over twenty-three frames and final over thirty-one frames. The first match played was between Melbourne Inman and Tom Newman at Thurston's Hall, Leicester Square in London. The snooker was played as an added extra to the main event, a billiards match played over two weeks. The match started on Monday 29 November 1926 and one frame of snooker was played at the end of each session.  Inman won 8–5, the match finishing on the Monday afternoon, a week after it started.  One other match was played in connection with a billiards contest but the remaining matches were snooker-only matches. With minimal prize money, players mainly made money from their share of the gate receipts. Because of this it was common for "dead" frames to be played after the result of the match had been decided. The final between Joe Davis and Tom Dennis was played over four days in early May at Camkin's Hall in Birmingham. Davis won the first seven frames  and led throughout, taking a winning 16–7 lead on the third day,  eventually winning 20–11.  The highest break of the tournament was sixty, made by Albert Cope  in his semi-final match against Davis, in a dead frame after Davis had won the match.  Davis made a fifty-seven break in the final. 

The 1928 Championship was played on a challenge basis, with the other six entries playing-off for the right to challenge Joe Davis in the final. Davis met Fred Lawrence in the final, winning 16–13.  The challenge system was dropped in 1929. Davis met Tom Dennis in the final, played in Dennis's home town of Nottingham. Davis made a new record break of sixty-one   on the way to a 19–14 victory.  The same pair met in the 1930 final, played for the first time at Thurston's Hall in London. The final was extended to forty-nine frames played over six days. Davis won comfortably, 25–12,  with a day to spare and made a new record break of 79.  With little prospect of success and little prospect of financial gain, most of the professionals saw little point in entering the championship and, despite an upsurge in interest in snooker, there were only two entries for the 1931 championship. Davis and Tom Dennis met for the fourth time, the event being played in Nottingham. Dennis led 19–16 at one stage  but Davis won nine of the next eleven frames to take the Championship 25–21. 

There were three entries in 1932 including New Zealander Clark McConachy. McConachy met Joe Davis in the final, played at Thurston's Hall. Davis took the title 30–19 and set a new record with a break of ninety-nine, missing out on his century after he snookered himself.  There were five entries in 1933 including forty-seven-year-old Willie Smith who entered for the first time and met Joe Davis in the final. Smith had won the World Billiards Championship twice. The match was played at Davis's own snooker hall in Chesterfield. The match was close until Davis pulled away in the later stages, as he often did, winning 25–18. There were just two entries in 1934, Davis being opposed by Tom Newman, six times World Billiards Champion. The match was held partly in Nottingham before finishing in Kettering.  Davis won 25–22,  although Newman led 14–13 at one stage.

UFC 252

 UFC 252

UFC 252: Miocic vs. Cormier 3 was a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship that took place on August 15, 2020 at the UFC APEX facility in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

أنابيل (دمية)

 أنابيل (دمية)

في عام 2016، أنتج فيلم "أنابيل" Annabel المقتبس عن فيلم الشعوذة " The conjoring "، وتدور أحداث الفيلم حول رجل يقرر العثور على هدية مميزة لزوجته الحامل، وهي عبارة عن عروسة قديمة ونادرة ترتدي فستانًا ناصع البياض. لكن انجذاب زوجته لهذه العروسة لم يدم طويلا، ففي ليلة رهيبة يحتل بيتهما مجموعة من عبدة الشيطان الذين اعتدوا بعنف عليهما. وهو ليس آخر شيء يفعله هؤلاء؛ حيث يقومون باستحضار إحدى الأرواح الشريرة التي لا تُقهر وهي (أنابيل).

أنابيل هي دمية من القماش سجلت بأنها مسكونة . ووفقًا لإد ولورين وارين، المحققين وخبراء الشياطين الموصوفين ذاتيًا، تم منح الدمية للطالبة ممرضة عام 1968. يقولون إن الدمية تصرفت بشكل غريب، وأن وسيطًا نفسانيًا أخبر الطالبة بأن الدمية كانت مسكونة بروح فتاة ميتة تسمى "أنابيل". يقولون إن الطالبة وزميلتها في الغرفة حاولا قبول والاهتمام بالدمية التي تملكها الروح، ولكن قيل إن الدمية أبدت سلوكًا خبيثًا ومخيفًا. في هذه المرحلة، قال وارينز إنهم تم الاتصال بهم أولاً، وقاموا بنقل الدمية إلى متحفهم بعد أن أعلنوا أنها "مملوكة بشكل شرير". يتم حفظ الدمية في صندوق زجاجي في متحف وارينز في كونيتيكت. تم وصف الدمية في سيرة جيرالد بريل لعام 2002 لإد ولورين وارن، عالم الشياطين.

يقول جوزيف لاكوك، أستاذ الدراسات الدينية بجامعة ولاية تكساس، إن معظم المتشككين يرفضون متحف وارنز باعتباره "ممتلئًا الخرافات والهالوين والألعاب الأطفال، والكتب التي يمكنك شراؤها من أي مكتبة". يصف لايكوك أسطورة أنابيل بأنها "حالة مثيرة للاهتمام في العلاقة بين ثقافة البوب والفولكلور الخوارق" ، ويتوقع أن الدمية الشيطانية التي شاعتها أفلام مثل تشاكي ، دوللي ديريست، و كونجورينج ظهرت على الأرجح من الأساطير المبكرة المحيطة لروبرت ذا دول إلى جانب فيلم Twilight Zone 5 الحلقة 6 الذي يحمل عنوان "Living Doll" (والذي تُسمى فيه شخصية الأم بالصدفة Annabelle) ، التي صدرت قبل 5 سنوات من قصة وارينز . يقترح لايكوك أن "فكرة الدمى التي تملكها شياطين تسمح لعلماء الشياطين المعاصرين بالعثور على شر خارق في أكثر الأماكن المنزلية شراً ".

نجلاء بدر

 نجلاء بدر

نجلاء بدر (6 أكتوبر 1974 -)، إعلامية وممثلة مصرية.
ارتبطت بشاب مصري "ضحت بالكثير من أجله"، حتى أنها تركت العمل مع محطة «إم بي سي» في لندن بناءً على رغبته، قبل أن تكتشفت في النهاية خيانته لها جسديًا مع امرأة أخرى، ما دفعها للانفصال عنه، والدخول في مرحلة اكتئاب لازمتها لفترة. ارتبطت بالفنان محمد منير لكن لم يكتب لهما الزواج، حيث أثناء عملها في إم بي سي لندن تعرفت عليه أثناء تحضيرها للقاء صحفي كان من المفترض أن تجريه معه، وأخبرها بحبه لها ورغبته في الزواج منها ووافقت رغم اعتراض والدها بسبب فارق السن، فيما أبدت والدتها موافقتها وفرحتها بهذه الزيجة، وذلك "بسب حبها الشديد له كمطرب معروف، وكذلك كإنسان محترم"، وفقا لنجلاء. وأضافت: "تم تحديد موعد للقاء، واتفقوا على كل تفاصيل الزواج وأخبرها برغبته في اعتزالها الفن بشكل نهائي والبعد عن مجال الإعلام قبل الزواج، ووافقت على طلبه في النهاية لم يتم الزواج بسبب تهرّبه من الرد على المكالمات قبل موعد عقد القران بأيام، حيث حاولت الاتصال به لكنه اختفى من حياتها

عام 2016 ارتبطت بخطيبها رجل الأعمال المصري "محمد عفيفي"، وأثناء استضافتها في استديو برنامج «بوضوح» مع الإعلامي عمرو الليثي، المذاع على قناة «الحياة» قام بتقديم «الشبكة» أثناء تسجيل الحلقة. وفور دخوله «عفيفي» للاستديو طالبت بوقف التصوير، ولكن الليثي أصر على استكمال التصوير وعدم توقفه.

حسام عوار

 حسام عوار

حُسام عوار (بالفرنسية: Houssem Aouar) (مواليد 30 يونيو 1998) هو لاعب كرة قدم فرنسي من أصل جزائري يلعب كلاعب خط وسط في صفوف نادي ليون الفرنسي.

السبت، 15 أغسطس 2020

Kraft Hockeyville

 Kraft Hockeyville

Kraft Hockeyville is an annual competition sponsored by Kraft Heinz, the National Hockey League and the NHL Players' Association in which communities compete to demonstrate their commitment to the sport of ice hockey. The winning community gets a cash prize dedicated to upgrading their local home arena, as well as the opportunity to host an NHL pre-season game. Runners-up also get smaller cash prizes to upgrade their ice rinks. The contest is normally held in the winter and spring during the latter half of the NHL regular season, with the pre-season game usually held in September before the following regular season. If the winning arena is not adequately equipped to host the pre-season game, it is then played at an alternative site nearby.

The idea and theme was developed by Capital C, a Canadian Advertising Agency that was founded by Tony Chapman. The contest itself was developed by Fred Nicolaidis, Pamela McNair, and Harry Doupe of the CBC. The competition was first held across Canada in 2006 as a reality television series aired by CBC Television, but since 2007, it has been relegated to segments aired during CBC's Hockey Night in Canada. Kraft expanded the event in 2015 to the United States, with segments of the US contest are aired on the NHL on NBC.

The Kraft Hockeyville games are televised regionally, in their respective countries on national basis. From 2006 to 2014, the Canadian game was broadcast across Canada on CBC, while Sportsnet took over airing it in 2015. The United States game is televised nationally in the U.S. on NBCSN.
Communities are invited to submit their nominations. The application form also requires a short essay, and photographs or a video, depicting the community's hometown pride and passion for the game of hockey. A judging panel then selects four finalists. The winner is then determined by a public vote

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