الجمعة، 18 أكتوبر 2019

ال تشابو

خواكين غوزمان لويرا ومعروف باسم إل تشابو (بالإسبانية: Joaquín Guzmán Loera) ولد في (25 ديسمبر 1954 أو في 4 أبريل 1957)، هو تاجر مخدرات مكسيكي والرئيس السابق لكارتل سينالوا، وهي منظمة إجرامية سميت على اسم ولاية سينالوا الساحلية التي نشأت فيها. أصبح إل تشابو أكبر تاجر مخدرات في المكسيك عام 2003 بعد أعتقال منافسه أصيل كارديناس من كارتل الخليج. كان يعتبر "أقوى مهربي المخدرات في العالم" من قبل وزارة الخزانة الأمريكية.

كل سنة من 2009 إلى 2011، صفنت مجلة فوربس إل تشابو كواحد من أقوى الأشخاص في العالم، حيث أحتل ترتيب 41 و 60 و 55 على التوالي. وكان بذلك ثاني أقوى رجل في المكسيك، بعد كارلوس سليم. وتصفه المجلة بأنه "أكبر تاجر مخدرات على الإطلاق". وتعتبره الحكومة الفيدرالية الأمريكية "أكثر الناس قسوة وخطورة على الكوكب" وقدرت إدارة مكافحة المخدرات (DEA) أنه يقابل بابلو إسكوبار من ناحية النفوذ والامتداد وتعتبره "عراب عالم المخدرات". في عام 2013 أسمته لجنة شيكاغو الإجرامية "عدو الشعب رقم واحد" بسبب تأثير شبكته الإجرامية في مدينة شيكاغو (دون دليل واضح على أنه كان في تلك المدينة). آخر شخص تلقى مثل هذا الشهرة كان آل كابوني في عام 1930.

تقوم سينالوا كارتل التابعة لإل تشابو بنقل شحنات الكوكايين متعددة الأطنان من كولومبيا عبر المكسيك إلى الولايات المتحدة، أكبر مستهلك في العالم، ولديها خلايا توزيع في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة. وقد شاركت المنظمة في إنتاج وتهريب وتوزيع ميثامفيتامينlh المكسيكي ووالماريجوانا و‌الإكستاسي و‌الهيروين في جميع أنحاء أمريكا وأوروبا. بحلول وقت اعتقاله في عام 2014 ، كانت إل تشابو قد صدر إلى الولايات المتحدة مخدرات أكثر من أي تاجر آخر، بما في ذلك أكثر من 500 طن من الكوكايين في الولايات المتحدة وحدها.

تم القبض على إل تشابو لأول مرة في عام 1993 في غواتيمالا وتم تسليمه وحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة 20 عامًا في المكسيك بتهمة القتل والاتجار بالمخدرات. وقام برشوة حراس السجن والهروب من سجن فيدرالي مشدد الحراسة في عام 2001. وكان مطلوبًا من حكومات المكسيك والولايات المتحدة ومن الأنتربول. عرضت الولايات المتحدة مكافأة قدرها 5 ملايين دولار مقابل معلومات تؤدي إلى اعتقاله، وقدمت الحكومة المكسيكية مكافأة قدرها 60 مليون بيزو (حوالي 3.8 مليون دولار). تم اعتقاله مرة ثانية في المكسيك في 22 فبراير 2014 وعثر عليه داخل شقة سكنية في الطابق الرابع في مازاتلان، سينالوا، وتم القبض عليه دون إطلاق أي رصاصة. هرب إل تشابو مرة أخرى في يوليو 2015 من خلال نفق بطول 1.5 كيلومتر تحت السجن مؤدي إلى موقع بناء. تم إعادة القبض عليه من قبل مشاة البحرية المكسيكية والشرطة الاتحادية بعد تبادل لإطلاق النار في 8 يناير 2016. تم تسليمه إلى الولايات المتحدة في 19 يناير 2017 لمواجهة تهم جنائية تتعلق بقيادته لكارتال سينالوا.
هرب كارتل سينالوا شحنات كوكايين متعددة من كولومبيا بواسطة المكسيك إلى الولايات المتحدة وعنده توزيع الخلايا في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة. وقد شاركت المنظمة في تهريب وإنتاج وتوزيع الميثامفيتامين المكسيكية، الماريجوانا، والهيروين. قدمت الحكومة الأمريكية مكافأة قدرها خمسة ملايين دولار أمريكي وقدمت الحكومة المكسيكية كذلك مبلغ ثلاثين مليون بيزو للحصول على معلومات تؤدي إلى إلقاء القبض عليه وبتاريخ 8 يناير 2016 ألقت قوات البحرية المكسيكية القبض على غوزمان بعد معركة نارية، لتصبح تلك المرة الثالثة التي يلقى القبض عليه فيها. 

عن حياته
ولد غوزمان لعائلة فقيرة في مزرعة "لا تونة" بالقرب من درغتو، سينالوا. وكان يبيع البرتقال عندما كان طفلا. لديه اختان ارميدة و برناردة عدا ذلك يملك ال تشابو أربعة إخوة :ميغل انجل، أورليانو، أرتورو، اميليو. حياته مليئة بالمغموض اذ لا تتوفر الكثير من المعلومات عن السنوات الأولى لحياة غوزمان، يشاع أن والده كان مربي ماشية. وهو تعرف على رؤساء تجارة المخدرات في سينالوا من خلال بيدرو أفيليس بيريز لاعب رئيسي في تجارة المخدرات في سينالوا وكان غوزمان في العشرينات من عمره حينها، وكان أفيليس فرصة لغوزمان أن يبدأ في تجارة المخدرات وجمع ثروته. وفي السنوات الأخيرة من 1970 هكتور "ال غرو" لويس بالما سلزر أعطى غوزمان مهمته الكبيرة الأولىز وهي عبارة عن نقل المخدرات من السييرا إلى المدن المكسيكية وحدود البلد اضافة لاشرافه على الشحنات انذاك . وفي عام 1980 عرض لميغل "البدرن" انجل فليكس جالاردو على غوزمان مهمة تنسيق رحلات الطائرات، والشاحنات القادمة من كولومبيا إلى المكسيك. وبعد القبض على فيليكس جالاردو أصبح غوزمان مسيطر على كارتل سينالوا. غوزمان كان مطلوب من قبل حكومات المكسيك والولايات المتحدة و المنظمة الدولية للشرطة الجنائية.

الاعتقال الأول والهروب
تم القبض على غوزمان في غواتيمالا في 9 حزيران 1993 وتم تسليمه إلى المكسيك وحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة عشرين عاما وتسعة أشهر لتهريب المخدرات، وتهم الرشوة، تم سجنه في سجن "لا بالما" (الآن الاتحادية مركز إعادة التأهيل الاجتماعي رقم (1) أو ألتيبلانو)، بعد ادانته في ثلاث جرائم هي: حيازة الأسلحة النارية والاتجار بالمخدرات وقتل الكاردينال خوان خيسوس أوكامبو بوساداس وحكم عليه بالسجن في سجن اتحادي يقع على مشارف الدولة المكسيكية الملية دي خواريز.

هرب غوزمان من السجن في 19 يناير 2001 بعدما دفع للعديد من الحراس لمساعدته في الهروب، ومنذ هروبه من السجن أراد غوزمان تولي معبر سيوداد خواريز، الذي كان تحت سيطرة كاريو فوينتيس من كارتل الخواريز وفي 11 سبتمبر 2004 كارتل سينالوا قتل رئيس كارتل خواريز رودولفو كاريو فوينتيس. ومنذ الحادث مدينة خواريز وجدت نفسها على خط المواجهة في حرب المخدرات في أنحاء البلاد.

الاعتقال الثاني والهروب
كان هروبه الأول في عام 2001 بعد اختبائه في عربة نقل الملابس. واستطاعت القوات الخاصة إلقاء القبض عليه في فبراير 2004 في مزاتان في ولاية سينالوا الساحلية، فر إل تشابو من سجن يخضع لحراسة مشددة خارج مدينة مكسيكو للمرة الثانية خلال 14 عاما، وفق ما أعلنت الحكومة الأحد. وظهر إل تشابو للمرة الأخيرة على كاميرات المراقبة أثناء الاستحمام في سجن التيبلانو، 90 كيلومتر غرب العاصمة، مساء السبت قبل أن يختفي، وفق مفوضية الأمن القومي. وأطلق الإنذار بعد اختفائه بفترة وتم التأكد من فراره، بحسب ما جاء في بيان المفوضية. وتابع أنه "تم إطلاق عملية لتحديد مكانه في المنطقة وفي طرقات الولايات القريبة"، مشيرا إلى أنه تم تعليق الرحلات في مطار تولوكا القريب.

الاعتقال الثالث 2016
أعلن الرئيس المكسيكي إنريكه بينيا نييتو يوم الجمعة 8 يناير 2016 أن السلطات اعتقلت خواكين غوزمان زعيم عصابة سينالوا الشهيرة في لوس موتشيس التابعة لولاية سينالوا التي ينحدر منها شمالي غرب المكسيك بعد ستة أشهر من هروبه المثير من سجن شديد الحراسة عبر نفق امتد لأكثر من ميل، واعتقل غوزمان للمرة الأولى في فبراير شباط 2014.

وقالت الحكومة المكسيكية إن أكبر أباطرة تجارة المخدرات في العالم فر من مداهمة جرت الجمعة عبر أنبوب للصرف الصحي ولكنه ضُبط أثناء محاولته الفرار في سيارة، ونُقل غوزمان في طائرة هليكوبتر تابعة لقوات مشاة البحرية إلى نفس السجن الذي فر منه سابقا.

وكتب الرئيس المكسيكي بينا نييتو عبر حسابه على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر": "تمت المهمة قبضنا عليه.. أريد أن أبلغ جميع المكسيكيين باعتقال خواكين غوزمان لويرا".

Craig Morgan

Craig Morgan Greer (born July 17, 1964) is an American country music artist. A veteran of the United States Army as a forward observer, Morgan began his musical career in 2000 on Atlantic Records, releasing his self-titled debut album for that label before the closure of its Nashville division in 2000. In 2002, Morgan signed to the independent Broken Bow Records, on which he released three studio albums: 2003's I Love It, 2005's My Kind of Livin', and 2006's Little Bit of Life. These produced several chart hits, including "That's What I Love About Sunday", which spent four weeks at the top of the Billboard country charts while also holding the No. 1 position on that year's Billboard Year-End chart for the country format. A greatest hits package followed in mid-2008 before Morgan signed to BNA Records and released That's Why later that same year. After exiting BNA, Morgan signed with Black River Entertainment and released This Ole Boy in 2012, followed by A Whole Lot More to Me in 2016.

Morgan has charted seventeen times on the Billboard country charts. Besides "That's What I Love About Sunday", six more of his singles have reached that chart's top ten: "Almost Home", "Redneck Yacht Club", "Little Bit of Life", "International Harvester", "Love Remembers", and "Bonfire".
Craig Morgan Greer was born in Kingston Springs, Tennessee, on July 17, 1964.[1] He became an Emergency medical technician at age 18. He served on active duty for nine and a half years in the US Army as a member of the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions and remained in the reserves for another six and a half years.[2]

Musical career
Upon his return home to Tennessee, he worked various jobs to support his family, including as a construction worker, a security guard and a Wal-Mart employee.[3] He would later land a job in Nashville singing demos for other songwriters and publishing companies.[3] The demos led to releasing his first album with Atlantic Records, the self-titled Craig Morgan in 2000. It produced three singles including "Something to Write Home About", which reached number 39 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts.[1] The album was produced by Buddy Cannon and Norro Wilson, with co-writing credits from Cannon, Bill Anderson and Harley Allen among others.[4] The album's final track, "I Wish I Could See Bakersfield", included a recitation from Merle Haggard.[4] Country Standard Time critic Jon Weisberger gave the album a mixed review, saying that Morgan had a strong singing voice but that most of the songs were "by-the-numbers".[5] Jim Patterson of The Ledger said that lead-off single "Something to Write Home About" was "pedestrian", but that the rest of the album was "an uncommonly assured hard-country effort".[6] Late in the year, Morgan charted a Christmas single entitled "The Kid in Me".[7] Morgan left Atlantic Records in early 2001 when the label closed its Nashville branch, but said that he was not afraid of his musical future because he still had a publishing contract at the time.[8]

2002–2004: I Love It
In 2002, Morgan signed with Broken Bow Records. The label released his second album, I Love It, in March 2003. Leading off this album was "God, Family and Country", a song dedicated to former Nashville session drummer Randy Hardison, with backing vocals from the group 4 Runner.[9] It peaked at number 49 on the country charts. Following this song was Morgan's first Top 40 hit, "Almost Home". The song originally reached a peak of No. 33, but it was re-added to the charts three weeks later after an unexpected increase in airplay.[10] Upon re-entering the charts, the song went on to a new peak position of No. 6 on the country charts, while also reaching number 59 on the Billboard Hot 100.[1] In addition, it won Morgan and co-writer Kerry Kurt Phillips a Song of the Year award from Broadcast Music Incorporated.[11] The album's next two singles, "Every Friday Afternoon" and "Look at Us", both reached the country top 30. By 2004, the album had sold more than 300,000 copies, and its success was cited by Billboard as the beginning of a new wave of commercial success among independently signed country music artists.[8] Rick Cohoon of Allmusic gave I Love It four stars out of five, saying that Morgan's songwriting was "well-crafted" and that his service in the Army justified the patriotic themes of "God, Family and Country".[12] Jeffrey B. Remz of Country Standard Time commended the album for maintaining a neotraditionalist country sound, but said that the ballads were "generic".[13]

2005–2006: My Kind of Livin'
Morgan released his third album, My Kind of Livin', in 2004. It included eight songs that he co-wrote, and guest vocals from John Conlee and Brad Paisley on "Blame Me".[14] The first single release, "That's What I Love About Sunday", became his only No. 1 on the country charts, spending four weeks in that position while also reaching No. 51 on the Hot 100.[1] It was also the first No. 1 single for the Broken Bow label, as well as the first independently distributed single to top the country charts in five years, and the first such single to spend multiple weeks at that position since The Kendalls' "Heaven's Just a Sin Away" in 1977.[14] "That's What I Love About Sunday" also placed at No. 1 on that year's Billboard Year-End charts for the country format.[8][15]

The album's next single, "Redneck Yacht Club", reached No. 2 on the country charts and accounted for his highest peak on the Hot 100, where it went to 45.[1] After it came "I Got You". Morgan wrote this song while on tour with Keith Urban, with the intention of having Urban record it, but decided to keep it for himself after recording a demo of it.[16] My Kind of Livin' was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America for shipping 500,000 copies, and "Redneck Yacht Club" received a gold single certification for 500,000 music downloads.[1] Chris Willman of Entertainment Weekly gave the album a B rating, saying in his review that "Morgan's is an idealized Kind of Americana, to be sure. But at least he provides enough writerly detail to avoid setting off smarm alarms."[17] Country Standard Time reviewer Jeffrey B. Remz was generally favorable in his review, saying that Morgan has "a strong voice" and "a number of quality songs", but his review criticized the album's "big and clean" production.[18]

2006–2008: Little Bit of Life and Greatest Hits
His third and final album for Broken Bow, Little Bit of Life, was issued in 2006. Morgan and O'Donnell co-produced the album with Keith Stegall, a record producer known for his work with Alan Jackson,[8] and Morgan co-wrote four of its eleven songs.[19] The label shipped more than 200,000 copies of the album in its first week, and made special exclusive releases for retailers such as Target and Walmart.[8] Three singles were issued: the title track, "Tough", and "International Harvester", all of which made the Hot Country Songs charts. Kevin Oliver of Country Standard Time commended the album's neotraditionalist sound and called Morgan "a classic country singer" but said that, beyond the title track and "Tough", "the traditional sound is mostly wasted."[20] Billboard reviewer Deborah Evans Price gave "Tough" a positive review, praising Morgan's "strong, warm voice" and calling the song "yet another gem" from the album.[21] A Greatest Hits package followed in February 2008, shortly before his departure from Broken Bow.[22]

2008–2010: That's Why
On September 18, 2008, Morgan was invited by John Conlee to become a member of the Grand Ole Opry.[23] Conlee formally inducted him as a member during the October 25, 2008, edition of the Opry.[24] Although it had been first announced that Morgan would sign to Big Machine Records' sister label Valory Music Group,[22] he instead signed to BNA Records, a division of Sony BMG Nashville.[25] His first album for the label, That's Why, was released in October 2008. Its first single, "Love Remembers", became his sixth top ten hit by early 2009, but follow-up "God Must Really Love Me" peaked at number 26. BNA re-issued the album in May 2009, replacing two of its tracks with the newly recorded "Bonfire" and "This Ain't Nothin'". The former was released that month as the album's third single, also reaching top ten. In October 2009, the music video for "God Must Really Love Me" won Video of the Year from the Inspirational Country Music Awards.[26] In early 2010, "This Ain't Nothin'" was released as the album's fourth single. It became a top 20 country hit by year's end. Stephen Thomas Erlewine criticized the album for having "uninspired" material, but praised Morgan's "cured country croon".[27] In a more favorable review, Country Standard Time wrote that the songs were "simple but profoundly observant" and compared Morgan's singing voice to Randy Travis.[28] Morgan's last single for BNA, "Still a Little Chicken Left on That Bone", was released in October 2010. The song peaked at number 37 on the country music charts in January 2011. A month later, he left the label.[29]

2011–2015: This Ole Boy, The Journey (Livin' Hits)
On April 1, 2011, Morgan signed with Black River Entertainment. Two months later, he sang guest vocals on Colt Ford's single "She Likes to Ride in Trucks".[30] Morgan's first release for Black River was "This Ole Boy",[31] a song co-written by The Peach Pickers (Rhett Akins, Dallas Davidson, and Ben Hayslip) that also appears on Joe Nichols' 2011 album It's All Good.[32] The song is the title track to Morgan's first Black River album, This Ole Boy, which was released on February 28, 2012. The title track was a Top 20 hit for Morgan on the Hot Country Songs chart. After it, "Corn Star" failed to make Top 40, while "More Trucks Than Cars" reached top 30. In July 2013, Morgan released "Wake Up Lovin' You", the first single from his second compilation album The Journey (Livin' Hits).[33] Morgan canceled several shows in May 2014 due to surgical complications for torn tendons in his shoulders.[34]

2015–present: A Whole Lot More to Me
The lead single to Morgan's third album for Black River Entertainment, "When I'm Gone", was released to digital retailers on September 18, 2015, and to radio on September 21, 2015.[35] The song peaked at number 48 on the Billboard Country Airplay chart. The album, A Whole Lot More to Me, was released on June 3, 2016.[36]

In 2019, Morgan released a new single called "The Father, My Son, and the Holy Ghost".[37] Upon hearing the song, Blake Shelton started a campaign on Twitter to help boost the song's chart position.[38] Following this song's release, Morgan was re-signed to Broken Bow for distribution of the single.[39]

Personal life
Morgan is married to wife Karen and have had five children: daughters Marisa and Aly and sons Kyle, Jerry, and Wyatt. He and his family currently reside in Dickson, Tennessee.[40] In February 2011, Morgan rescued two young children from a burning house in Dickson, Tennessee, and then manned a fire hose to help put out the fire.[41] On April 23, 2011, Morgan became an honorary initiate of the Delta Theta chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. On July 10, 2016, Morgan's son, Jerry Greer, went missing after falling off an innertube in Kentucky Lake on the Tennessee River. His body was recovered one day later. He was 19 years old.[42]

Charitable efforts
Morgan frequently performs at military bases both in the U.S. and abroad and on USO tours. He was awarded the 2006 USO Merit Award for his tireless support of US soldiers and their families.[43] Having served in the military, Morgan told American Songwriter Magazine, "Because I have been there, I can appreciate that and have the ability to communicate with them a little differently."[44] Morgan has been active in raising money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.[45] Morgan has an annual two-day charity (Craig Morgan Charity Fund) for Billy's Place. The most recent, and fifth one, was held in Dickson, Tennessee on August 6–7, 2011. The event raised more than $95,000. Morgan came up with the idea for Billy's Place while serving as an assistant Dickson County sheriff's deputy from 1995 to 1996. Through the Craig Morgan Charity Fund, Morgan plans to provide lasting funding to the home.[46]

Main article: Craig Morgan discography
Craig Morgan (2000)
I Love It (2003)
My Kind of Livin' (2005)
Little Bit of Life (2006)
Greatest Hits (2008)
That's Why (2008)
This Ole Boy (2012)
The Journey (Livin' Hits) (2013)
A Whole Lot More to Me (2016)
Top ten singles (U.S. Hot Country Songs)
"Almost Home" (No. 6, 2003)
"That's What I Love About Sunday" (No. 1, 2004–2005)
"Redneck Yacht Club" (No. 2, 2005)
"Little Bit of Life" (No. 7, 2006–2007)
"International Harvester" (No. 10, 2007–2008)
"Love Remembers" (No. 9, 2008)
"Bonfire" (No. 4, 2009)

Daryl Morey

Daryl Morey (born September 14, 1972) is an American sports executive and a general manager of the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He is a strong proponent of analytical methods, having created the "true shooting percentage" statistic, and co-founded the annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. Morey's basketball philosophy, heavily reliant on analytics, favors three-point field goals over mid-range jumpers. This style has been dubbed "Moreyball", as a nod towards Michael Lewis's Moneyball.

During his tenure as general manager for Houston since 2007, he has posted the second most wins in the NBA— behind only the San Antonio Spurs—and since the blockbuster trade bringing MVP James Harden to the Rockets, he has posted the third best record—behind only the Spurs and Golden State Warriors.
Early life
Morey was born in Baraboo, Wisconsin. He graduated from Highland High School in Medina, Ohio,[3] before receiving a bachelor's degree in computer science with an emphasis on statistics from Northwestern University in 1996,[4] as well as an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Morey began his career as a principal consultant with an emphasis on sports at The Parthenon Group, a leading strategy consulting firm. He was also a statistical consultant with STATS, Inc with a focus in sports.

After the Parthenon Group, Morey served three years as SVP Operations for the Boston Celtics. While with the Celtics, he was given much responsibility for basketball operations, including ticket pricing and the development of analytical methods and technology to enhance basketball decisions related to the draft, trades, free agency, and advanced scouting of opponents for the coaching staff.[citation needed]

Then-Houston Rockets' owner Leslie Alexander named Morey assistant general manager of the Houston Rockets on April 3, 2006. He succeeded Carroll Dawson as general manager on May 10, 2007. His hiring followed the Moneyball trend of employing more advanced statistical-based analysis in addition to the traditional use of qualitative scouting and basic statistics.[5] Several teams have hired executives with non-traditional basketball backgrounds, but the Houston Rockets were the first NBA team to hire such a general manager. In the fall of 2012, he and the Rockets acquired now-All-Star and 2017-18 league MVP James Harden via trade from the Oklahoma City Thunder. During Morey's tenure, the Rockets have not had a losing record and have advanced to the playoffs 9 times, including to the Western Conference Finals in 2015 and 2018. He was also named the NBA Executive of the Year in 2018.[6] Despite consistent regular season success, the Rockets have not been to the NBA Finals once during Morey's tenure.

Morey is the co-chairperson for the annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. He is also an avid Esports supporter, has attended MLG (Major League Gaming) events[citation needed], and is part owner of Clutch Gaming, the Houston, Texas based League of Legends Championship Series eSports team.[citation needed] Morey is also passionate about musical theater. He commissioned and produced the basketball themed musical Small Ball, which opened in April 2018 at the Catastrophic Theater in Houston, Texas.[7]

The Undoing Project
Author of Moneyball, Michael Lewis, chose Daryl Morey as the new nerd-hero at the center of his 2016 book, The Undoing Project. Whereas Moneyball highlighted the plight and success of Billy Beane as GM of the Oakland Athletics in 2003, The Undoing Project reveals Daryl Morey as the underdog king of basketball, making use of a similar analytical method to acquire undervalued talent as Beane did with the A's to produce a forceful team. Lewis uses Morey as a real-world example of one who has exemplified ideas introduced by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, two Israeli psychologists whose work pioneered the field of behavioral economics.[8][9] The psychologist duo defined a simple, two-part distinction of the way the brain makes decisions: System 1 and System 2. A more intuitive, subjective, fast, and efficient process, System 1 represents the brain's capacity to make split-second choices, often using personal experience to guide decision-making. System 2, however, characterizes a slower, more analytical process of reasoning to reach a conclusion. Michael Lewis points out in The Undoing Project how Daryl Morey observed basketball experts of the time making awfully subjective assessments in looking at basketball players. Shifting the Rockets' scouting strategy to look at hard data over simple observations, Morey implemented a more System-2-based approach to the team's hiring practices. This strategy is thought to be critically linked to the Houston Rockets' recent success.[9]

Twitter comments on Hong Kong
On October 4, 2019, Morey tweeted in support of the 2019 Hong Kong protests, drawing criticism from Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta, who said that while Morey was the best general manager in the NBA, the Rockets were not a political organization.[10][11][12] Morey later deleted the tweet while retaining another tweet which was critical of President Donald Trump.[11][12][13][13] In mainland China, where the Rockets have an extensive relationship after the selection of Yao Ming in 2002,[14][10] Morey's tweet resulted in the Chinese Basketball Association's suspension of its relationship with the Rockets and the issuance of a statement of dissatisfaction from the consulate office of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in Houston.[14][15][11] The Associated Press said that the reactions underscored Beijing’s sensitivity about foreign attitudes toward the protests.[14]

A few days later, Morey and the NBA each issued a separate statement addressing the original tweet, with Morey saying that he never intended his tweet to cause any offense and the NBA saying that it was regrettable.[14] The statements were criticized by US politicians and third-party observers for the perceived exercise of economic statecraft by the PRC and insufficiency of the NBA's defense of Morey's tweet.[16] Critics also contrasted the league's disparate response to Morey's tweet with its history of political activism[17] and compared the incident to an October 2 South Park episode "Band in China" which parodies the self-censorship of the American entertainment industry to meet PRC censorship demands.[18] The statements also drew criticism from mainland Chinese state-run media for the perceived insufficiency of the apology by both Morey and the NBA.[19][20] NBA commissioner Adam Silver later defended the league's response to the tweet, supporting Morey's right to freedom of expression while also accepting the right of reply from the government of and businesses from mainland China.[21] Further fallout from the tweet included the decision by China Central Television to cancel the broadcasting of two NBA preseason games,[22] pro Hong Kong protest demonstrations held at preseason games in the United States involving teams from the Chinese Basketball Association,[23][24] the cancellation of NBA Cares community events in Shanghai,[25][26] criticism by US President Donald Trump of the perceived double standards by the reactions of specific coaches to NBA response relative to their past criticisms of his policies,[27] and the suspension/termination of all mainland Chinese sponsors of the NBA.[26][28] An article by Fox Business said that the NBA would look to Africa and India for growth if the league were to sever ties with mainland China as a result of the tweet.

Zion Williamson

Zion Lateef Williamson (born July 6, 2000) is an American professional basketball player for the New Orleans Pelicans of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He plays the small forward and power forward positions. Following a dominant freshman-year stint with the Duke Blue Devils, he was selected by the Pelicans first overall in the 2019 NBA draft.

Born in Salisbury, North Carolina, Williamson attended Spartanburg Day School, where he was a consensus five-star recruit and was ranked among the top five players in the 2018 class. He led his team to three straight state championships and earned South Carolina Mr. Basketball recognition in his senior season. Williamson also left high school as a McDonald's All-American, runner-up for Mr. Basketball USA, and USA Today All-USA first team honoree. In high school, he drew national attention for his slam dunks.

In his freshman and only season with Duke, Williamson was named ACC Player of the Year, ACC Athlete of the Year and ACC Rookie of the Year. He set the single-game school scoring record for freshmen in January 2019, claimed ACC Rookie of the Week accolades five times, earned AP Player of the Year, Sporting News College Player of the Year recognition, and won the Wayman Tisdale Award.Early life
Williamson was born in Salisbury, North Carolina. Besides basketball, Williamson played soccer and the quarterback position in football.[1] When he was five years old, he set sights on becoming a college basketball star. At age nine, Williamson began waking up every morning at 5 a.m. to go train.[2] He competed in youth leagues with his mother Sharonda Sampson coaching and played for the Sumter Falcons on the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) circuit, facing opponents four years older than him.[3] Williamson later began working with his stepfather, former college basketball player Lee Anderson, to improve his skills as a point guard.[2] He joined the basketball team at Johnakin Middle School in Marion, South Carolina, where he was again coached by his mother and averaged 20 points per game. In middle school, Williamson was a point guard and lost only three games in two years.[2] In 2013, he guided Johnakin to an 8–1 record and a conference title.[4]

High school career
Freshman and sophomore seasons
Williamson attended Spartanburg Day School, a small K–12 private school in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where he played basketball for the Griffins.[1] Between eighth and ninth grade, he grew from 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) to 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m).[3] In the summer leading up to his first season, Williamson practiced in the school gym and developed the ability to dunk.[5] At the time, he competed for the South Carolina Hornets AAU team as well, where he was teammates with Ja Morant.[6] As a freshman, Williamson averaged 24.4 points, 9.4 rebounds, 2.8 assists, 3.3 steals and 3.0 blocks, earning All-State and All-Region honors.[7] He also led Spartanburg Day to a South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) state championship game appearance.[8] In March 2015, Williamson took part in the SCISA North-South All-Star Game in Sumter, South Carolina.[9] By his second year in high school, he stood 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m).[8] In his sophomore season, Williamson averaged 28.3 points, 10.4 rebounds, 3.9 blocks, and 2.7 steals per game and was named SCISA Region I-2A Player of the Year.[10] He led the Griffins to their first SCISA Region I-2A title in program history.[1] In June 2016, Williamson participated in the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) Top 100 camp and was its leading scorer.[11] In August, he won the Under Armour Elite 24 showcase dunk contest in New York City.[12]

Junior season
As a junior, Williamson averaged 36.8 points, 13 rebounds, 3 steals, and 2.5 blocks per game.[13] Entering the season, he was among 50 players selected to the Naismith Prep Player of the Year Award watch list.[14] Starting in the 2016–17 season, Williamson was propelled into the national spotlight for his viral highlight videos.[15] He made his season debut on November 15, 2016, recording 42 points and 16 rebounds in a win over Cardinal Newman High School.[16] In the same month, his highlights drew the praise of NBA player Stephen Curry.[17] On November 24, Williamson erupted for 50 points, including 10 dunks, along with 16 rebounds and 5 blocks versus Proviso East High School at the Tournament of Champions.[18][19] In a 73–53 victory over Gray Collegiate Academy at the Chick-fil-A Classic on December 21, he posted a tournament-record 53 points and 16 rebounds, shooting 25-of-28 from the field.[20] On December 30, Williamson recorded 31 points and 14 rebounds to win most valuable player (MVP) at the Farm Bureau Insurance Classic.[21] On January 15, 2017, he received nationwide publicity after rapper Drake wore his jersey in an Instagram post.[22]

Williamson surpassed the 2,000-point barrier on January 20, when he tallied 48 points against Oakbrook Preparatory School.[23] On February 14, he led Spartanburg Day past Oakbrook Prep for their first SCISA Region I-2A title, chipping in a game-high 37 points in a 105–49 rout. Williamson broke the state record for most 30-point games in a season, with 27 by the end of the regular season.[24] He repeated as SCISA Region I-2A Player of the Year.[13] High school sports website MaxPreps named him National Junior of the Year and to the High School All-American first team, while USA Today High School Sports gave him All-USA first team recognition.[25][26][27] On April 22, 2017, Williamson recorded 26 points and 7 rebounds for his AAU team SC Supreme in a loss to highly touted recruit Romeo Langford and Twenty Two Vision at an Adidas Gauntlet tournament.[28] In June, he appeared on the cover of basketball magazine Slam.[29] Williamson, in a highly publicized AAU game on July 27, scored 28 points and led SC Supreme to a 104–92 win over 2019 class recruit LaMelo Ball and Big Ballers at the Adidas Uprising Summer Championships.[30] In August, he was named MVP of the 2017 Adidas Nations camp after averaging 22.5 points and 7.2 rebounds through 6 games.[31]

Senior season
In his senior season, Williamson averaged 36.4 points, 11.4 rebounds and 3.5 assists per game.[32] He debuted on November 15, 2017, erupting for 46 points and 15 rebounds in a 70–62 loss to Christ School.[33] In his home opener on November 21, he recorded 29 points and 11 rebounds, leading the Griffins to a 70–55 win over Hammond School.[34] In the game, Williamson bruised his left foot, which sidelined him for over a month.[35] While recovering, he commented, "It's really been a time to grow mentally."[36] Williamson made his return from the injury on January 11, 2018, scoring 31 points in a 71–62 victory over Asheville Christian Academy.[37] On January 13, in a nationally televised game at the Hoophall Classic, he scored 36 points as his team lost to Chino Hills High School.[38] Williamson tallied 30 points and 13 rebounds in his final home game on February 8, a 58–54 win over Greensboro Day School.[39] On February 17, he posted 37 points, 10 rebounds, and 5 steals, while scoring his 3,000th career point, versus Spartanburg Christian Academy at the SCISA Region I-2A tournament.[40] One week later, Williamson guided Spartanburg Day to its third consecutive SCISA Region I-2A championship after recording 38 points against Trinity Collegiate School.[41]

On March 28, Williamson played in the 2018 McDonald's All-American Game, where he scored 8 points in 17 minutes before leaving with a thumb injury.[42][43] The injury also forced him to miss the Jordan Brand Classic and Nike Hoop Summit in the following month.[44] For his 2017–18 high school season, Williamson was named to the USA Today All-USA first team and MaxPreps All-American second team.[45][46] He additionally earned South Carolina Mr. Basketball recognition and was runner-up for Mr. Basketball USA.[47][48]

Wofford offered Williamson his first college basketball scholarship when he was a freshman in high school.[49] In the summer of 2015, Williamson emerged with the South Carolina Hornets AAU team as one of the top players in his class.[50] By the end of his sophomore season, he received offers from 16 NCAA Division I programs, including Clemson, Florida, and South Carolina, but was not planning on making a decision until his senior year.[10] In the summer of 2016, Williamson was drawing the most attention from Clemson, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina.[51] On August 30, 2016, he received a scholarship offer from Duke.[52] Williamson was also offered a football scholarship by Eric Mateos, tight ends coach for LSU, but did not show interest.[53] Entering his junior season, he was a consensus five-star recruit and was ranked the number one player in the 2018 class by recruiting service 247Sports.[54] In December 2016, ESPN recruiting director Paul Biancardi touted Williamson as "probably the best player in terms of production" in his class.[2] By 2018, most recruiting experts predicted that he would play for Clemson.[55]

In a live ESPN telecast on January 20, 2018, Williamson committed to Duke.[56][57] He explained the decision, "Duke stood out because the brotherhood represents a family. (Mike Krzyzewski) is just the most legendary coach that ever coached college basketball. I feel like going to Duke University, I can learn a lot from him."[57] Duke, who had landed RJ Barrett and Cam Reddish in addition to Williamson, became the first team to land the top three recruits in a class since modern recruiting rankings began.[58] His stepfather Lee Anderson remarked that Clemson lost a "mile-and-a-half lead" in recruiting Williamson.[59] Despite having three of the country's top recruits on their roster, Duke was unable to win the 2019 NCAA Tournament when they lost to Michigan State by one point in the East Regional Final.
Williamson played in a preseason game for Duke on August 15, 2018, in an 86–67 win over Canadian university Ryerson, recording a double-double of 29 points and 13 rebounds and shooting 3-of-4 from three-point range.[60] He was named to the preseason watch lists for the Karl Malone Award, Naismith Trophy, and John R. Wooden Award.[61][62][63] On November 6, in his first regular season game with Duke, Williamson scored 28 points on 11-of-13 shooting in 23 minutes in a 118–84 win over Kentucky at the Champions Classic.[64] In the game, he and teammate RJ Barrett each broke the Duke freshman debut scoring record set by Marvin Bagley III.[65] In his following game, a 94–72 victory over Army, Williamson tallied 27 points, 16 rebounds, and 6 blocks.[66] He became the second player in school history to record at least 25 points, 15 rebounds, and 5 blocks in a game.[67] Williamson was subsequently named both player and freshman of the week in the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC).[67]

On January 5, 2019, he had another strong performance versus Clemson, with 25 points, 10 rebounds, and a 360-degree dunk in 22 minutes.[68] Two days later, Williamson earned ACC Freshman of the Week honors for a second time.[69] On January 8, he posted 30 points, 10 rebounds, 5 assists, and 4 steals in an 87–65 win over Wake Forest.[70] On January 12, against Florida State, he was poked in the left eye by an opposing player towards the second half and missed the remainder of the game.[71] Williamson returned in Duke's next game, a 95–91 overtime loss to Syracuse, and erupted for 35 points, 10 rebounds, and 4 blocks.[72] He eclipsed the Duke freshman record for single-game points previously held by Marvin Bagley III and J.J. Redick.[73] On January 21, Williamson collected his third ACC Freshman of the Week accolades.[74] One week later, he scored 26 points and grabbed 9 rebounds in an 81–63 victory over Notre Dame.[75] By recording nine 25-point games in the season, Williamson set a new Duke freshman record.[76] On February 2, he led all scorers with 29 points and 5 steals in a 91–61 win over St. John's.[77] After two days, Williamson was named ACC Freshman of the Week on his fourth occasion, while earning National Player of the Week distinction from the Naismith Trophy.[78] He had his third 30-point game of the season on February 16, scoring 32 points in a 94–78 victory over NC State.[79] The performance helped him claim his second ACC Player of the Week and fifth ACC Freshman of the Week accolades
In a February 20 game versus North Carolina, Williamson suffered a Grade 1 knee sprain 36 seconds into the contest after his foot ripped through his Nike shoe, causing him to slip.[81][82] He did not return to the game, which Duke lost, 88–72.[83] Nike saw the value of its stock drop by $1.1 billion the following day as a result of the incident.[84][85] The day after the injury, Duke announced that Williamson was "day-to-day".[86] The incident led to growing calls for Williamson to stop playing basketball at the college level because he had already established himself as the top 2019 NBA draft prospect.[87][88] In addition, the injury resulted in more criticism of the NCAA for not paying student-athletes.[89][90][91] He was held out from his team's final six games in the regular season.[92] When the regular season concluded, Williamson earned Player of the Year and Rookie of the Year honors in the ACC, joining former Duke players Jahlil Okafor and Marvin Bagley III as the only recipients of both awards. Williamson was also named ACC Athlete of the Year, becoming the 10th Duke player to win the Award.[93] He additionally made the ACC All-Defensive and All-Freshman teams.[94] Sporting News named Williamson as its Player of the Year and Freshman of the Year.[95] He returned from injury on March 14, posting 29 points, 14 rebounds, and 5 steals in an 84–72 win over Syracuse in the quarterfinals of the ACC Tournament.[96] He shot 13-of-13 from the field, marking the best shooting performance in school and tournament history, while tying the best in ACC history.[97] Williamson also became the first Duke player to record at least 25 points, 10 rebounds, and 5 steals in a game since Christian Laettner in 1992.[98] The next day, he scored 31 points including the game-winner to help Duke defeat North Carolina, 74–73, in the ACC Tournament semifinals.[99] After posting 21 points in a 73–63 victory over Florida State in the championship game, Williamson was named ACC Tournament MVP, becoming the sixth freshman to win the honor.[100]

For the 2019 NCAA Tournament, official broadcast partner CBS specifically devoted a camera—called the "Zion Cam"—to record Williamson throughout the tournament.[101] In his NCAA Tournament debut on March 22, he scored 25 points in an 85–62 win over 16th-seeded North Dakota State.[102] On March 24, Williamson erupted for 32 points, 11 rebounds, and 4 assists in a 77–76 second round victory over UCF. He was the first player in school history to record at least 25 points, 10 rebounds, and 4 assists in an NCAA Tournament game.[103] Williamson led all scorers on March 31, with 24 points and 14 rebounds in a season-ending 68–67 loss to Michigan State in the Elite 8.[104] Through 33 appearances in his freshman season, he averaged 22.6 points, 8.9 rebounds, 2.1 steals, and 1.8 blocks per game.[105] He shot 68% from the field, which led the ACC, ranked second in the NCAA Division I, and was the highest ever field goal percentage by a freshman.[106][107] In addition, Williamson joined Kevin Durant and Anthony Davis as the only freshmen to collect 500 points, 50 steals, and 50 blocks in a season.[107]

On April 15, 2019, Williamson declared his eligibility for the 2019 NBA draft.[108] After the New Orleans Pelicans won the 2019 NBA Draft Lottery, Williamson's stepfather Lee Anderson said they were excited about him potentially playing in New Orleans and dismissed rumors that he would return to Duke for a second year, saying, "As far as returning to Duke, that's not something we've even considered."[109]

Professional career
On June 20, 2019, the New Orleans Pelicans drafted Williamson with the first pick in the 2019 NBA draft.[110][111] On July 1, 2019, Williamson officially signed with the Pelicans.[112]

Player profile
Williamson is listed at 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) tall in shoes and weighs 285 pounds (129 kg).[113][114] Despite his heavy weight for a basketball player, he is known for his speed and leaping ability.[115][116] NBA player Kevin Durant described him as a "once-in-a-generation type athlete" while an anonymous college basketball coach labeled him a "freak of nature".[117][118] Williamson plays the power forward position but is also capable of being a small-ball center.[119] However, he is best played as a forward due to his size. He has been described as not fitting a specific basketball position.[120] His physical attributes have drawn comparisons to former NBA stars Charles Barkley and Larry Johnson.[121] In addition, according to different analysts, he resembles NBA players LeBron James and Julius Randle.[120] Lee Sartor, Williamson's high school coach, reported that basketball coach Roy Williams told Williamson "that he was probably one of the best high school players he's seen since Michael Jordan".[122] Williamson, who is left-handed, is almost ambidextrous, being adept using either hand.[120]

While in high school, Williamson drew national attention for his slam dunks.[123] The Charlotte Observer remarked that he "could be the best high-school dunker in history".[124] NBA point guard John Wall has likened Williamson's in-game dunking ability to that of Vince Carter.[125] Williamson's outside shooting has been considered a point of concern, and he has unorthodox shot mechanics.[3][5][126] Recruiting service 247Sports has praised his ball handling and passing skills for his size, commenting that they are "overshadowed by [his] athletic plays".[127] Williamson has the ability to defend multiple positions well due to his speed and length, although his defensive effort has been questioned.[128] His explosive play makes him a reliable shot-blocker and gives him prowess as a rebounder.[129]

مارك هيرد

مارك هيرد (بالإنجليزية: Mark Hurd) (و. 1957 – م) هو رائد أعمال، ورجل أعمال من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية . ولد في مانهاتن .

تعلم في جامعة بايلور

Mark Hurd

Mark Vincent Hurd (January 1, 1957 – October 18, 2019) was an American businessman who served as co-CEO and a member of the board of directors of Oracle Corporation.[2][3] He previously served as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and president of Hewlett-Packard, before resigning in 2010. He was also on the Board of Directors of Globality[4] and was a member of the Technology CEO Council and board of directors of News Corporation until 2010\
Early life and education
Hurd was born in New York City, the son of Teresa A. (Fanoni), a debutante, and Ralph Steiner Hurd, a financier.[7][8][9] He graduated from Archbishop Curley-Notre Dame High School, in Miami, Florida, in 1975.[10] In 1979, Hurd graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baylor University, in Waco, Texas. He attended college on a tennis scholarship and was a member of Phi Delta Theta.[11]

NCR (1980–2005)
Hurd spent 25 years at NCR Corporation, culminating in a two-year tenure as chief executive officer and president. He was named president of NCR in 2001 and was given additional responsibilities as chief operating officer in 2002. He began working for NCR as a junior salesman in San Antonio in 1980, and subsequently held a variety of positions in general management, operations, and sales and marketing. He also served as head of the company's Teradata data-warehousing division for three years.[12]

Hewlett-Packard (2005–2010)
After the board forced chairman and CEO Carly Fiorina to resign in January 2005 over policy differences following the Compaq merger, executive vice president and CFO Robert P. Wayman became interim CEO for several months. Hurd was appointed permanent CEO and also held the title of president, a post which was not used by several of his predecessors (Michael Capellas was president of HP for a transitional period in 2002 after its merger with Compaq). Hurd was also elected to the board of directors but unlike previous CEOs, he was initially not designated to be chairman of the board which was instead filled by a non-executive director. On September 22, 2006, Hurd succeeded Pat Dunn as board chairman after she resigned after the pretexting controversy.[13]

Under his leadership, the company was first in the sale of desktop computers since 2007, and laptop computers since 2006. In 2008, it also increased its market share in Inkjet printers and Laser printers to 46% and 50.5%, respectively.[12] Hurd forecast that in 2009, HP's sales could drop as much as 5% in the midst of the recession, but its profit increased by nearly 6%.[12] Under Hurd's tenure, the company met Wall Street expectations in 21 out of 22 quarters and increased profits for 22 straight quarters, while its revenue rose 63% and stock price doubled.[14]

While the merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq was heavily criticized back in 2002, Hurd managed to make the combined company execute successfully, something his predecessor Fiorina had failed to do.[15] The New York Times said Hurd had "pulled off one of the great rescue missions in American corporate history, refocusing the strife-ridden company and leading it to five years of revenue gains and a stock that soared 130 percent".[16]

Hurd was said to have run HP "with a founder's authority. He was the de facto CEO, CFO, COO and head salesman".[17] Hurd had a reputation for aggressive cost-cutting. He laid off 15,200 workers  — 10% of the workforce — shortly after becoming CEO. Other cost-cutting includes reducing the IT department from 19,000 to 8,000, reducing the number of software applications that HP uses from 6,000 to 1,500, and consolidating HP's 85 data centers to 6.[12] During the 2009 recession, Hurd imposed a temporary 5% pay cut on all employees and removed many benefits. He himself took a base salary pay cut of 20%, although the compensation committee increased his bonus by the same amount. Hurd's emphasis on short-term results and financial management (particularly cutting costs), taking the lead in the PC business, plus acquisitions (EDS and 3Com), were successful in raising profits and shareholder return. Detractors, however, viewed it as a continuation of empire building, which started with the acquisition of Compaq in 2002 several years before Hurd joined HP.[18]

While serving as chairman and CEO at Hewlett-Packard, Hurd was named one of Fortune Magazine's 25 most powerful people in business, in 2007.[19] In 2008, The San Francisco Chronicle recognized Hurd as CEO of the year.[20] Hurd was listed as one of Forbes' top gun CEOs in 2009.[21]

In 2008, Hurd's total compensation was $39,952,237, including a base salary of $1,450,000, stock award of $7,907,660, cash bonus of $23,931,882, and $662,695 in perquisites and other compensation.[22] It was the largest bonus of any CEO in 2008, although Hurd would implement a wage freeze on his employees.[23] In 2009, Hurd made a total of $24,201,448, including a base salary of $1,268,750, stock award of $6,648,092, cash bonus of $15,809,414 and $475,192 in benefits and other compensation.[24]

On August 6, 2010, Hurd resigned from all of his positions at HP, with the Board of Directors appointing CFO Cathie Lesjak as interim CEO.[25][26][27] Hurd's decision was made after an investigation into whether Hurd violated HP's code of business conduct following claims made by former contractor, Jodie Fisher. The investigation concluded that the company's sexual-harassment policy was not violated, but in the course of investigating the allegations, they found that Hurd had submitted inaccurate expense reports.[28][29] Outside observers suggested the company's board of directors had made a poor decision and may have had mixed motives in requiring his resignation in order to mitigate negative publicity.[30][31][32] Fisher herself expressed regrets at the outcome.[33]

Oracle Corporation (2010–2019)
On September 6, 2010, Hurd was named president of Oracle Corporation alongside Safra A. Catz, succeeding former president Charles Phillips.[34] Hurd was also appointed a member of the Oracle Corporation board of directors. Hurd and Catz were appointed by then-CEO Larry Ellison.[35][36][37]

Hurd revamped the company's salesforce in 2013, a process that had initially started two years prior. Hurd changed the compensation for Oracle's sales representatives in order to sell more hardware, hired additional sales representatives, and reduced the number of accounts covered by each salesperson. He reported the sales force increased by 4,000 in April 2013.[38] His plans to revamp initially faced flak from veteran sales representatives, some of whom left Oracle to work for competitors.[38] In the same year Hurd launched the “Class Of” program to hire thousands of college graduates and groom those graduates to become sales representatives, helping to sell Oracle's cloud. His idea was inspired by a dinner he had with his daughter and her friends who recently graduated from college. As a result of the program's success and plans for expansion, the company built a new campus in Austin, Texas, to house employees that were part of Hurd's "Class Of" program.[39][40] Hurd reported in 2015 that Oracle recruits 1,300 students a year.[41]

On September 18, 2014, Ellison announced he was stepping down as CEO of Oracle, with Hurd and Catz both becoming CEOs.[42][43] Hurd was given control of sales, service and marketing departments, while Catz would oversee operations, legal and finance departments.[43]

Under Hurd, Oracle accelerated its focus on cloud technology and modernized its legacy software to compete with smaller cloud-based firms.[44] In 2016, Hurd claimed that Oracle's cloud business had grown 82% between 2015 and 2016 as well as invested $5.1 billion into research and development in improving its cloud services.[45]

Oracle acquired several cloud-based companies in 2016 under Hurd, including SaaS enterprise resource planning company NetSuite, Textura cloud services for the engineering and construction vertical, cloud-based warehouse management application company LogFire, and Opower, a provider of cloud services to the utilities industry.[46][47]

In 2009, Baylor named its tennis complex the "Hurd Tennis Center" after he helped fund its renovation.[48] In November 2012, during the University's 103rd Homecoming celebration, Baylor honored Hurd with the 2012-2013 Baylor Legacy Award.[49] Hurd was named Vice Chair of the Baylor University Board of Regents finance and facilities committee for the 2016-2017 term, and was re-elected for the 2018-2019 term.[50][51]

Personal life
Hurd and his wife, Paula, an executive with NCR, married in 1990.[52] They had two daughters, Kathryn and Kelly.[53]

In September 2019, Hurd announced his intention to go on leave for health reasons that were not specified. He also stated that in his absence his Co-CEO Safra Catz and Oracle founder CTO Larry Ellison would be managing the organization while he was away.[54] Hurd died on October 18

مترو الانفاق

مترو أنفاق القاهرة يعد أول خط مترو يتم تسييره في مصر والوطن العربي وقارة أفريقيا، كما يعد أحد أهم وسائل المواصلات في القاهرة. كان سعر تذكرة استعماله 2 جنيه مصري منذ مارس 2017، وفي مايو 2018 تم رفع سعر التذكرة ليصبح من 3 إلى 7 جنيهات حسب عدد المحطات. تخصص العربتان في منتصف المترو للسيدات ويمنع استخدام الرجال لاحداهما حتى التاسعة مساءً والأخرى حتى ما بعد التاسعة ولكن يسمح للسيدات باستخدام كافة عربات القطار. وينقل المترو ما يقرب من 3.6 مليون راكب يوميًا.

يعمل مترو أنفاق القاهرة يوميا، وتبدأ الرحلة الأولى في الساعة 5:15 صباحاً ، والرحلة الأخيرة في الساعة 12:30 بعد منتصف الليل. و تختلف تلك المواقيت بين الصيف والشتاء في حدود 15 دقيقة أكثر أو أقل.  كما يتم العمل بفترات إضافية في المناسبات الخاصة كشهر رمضان والأعياد. نقلت ملكية المترو وأصوله للشركة المصرية لإدارة وتشغيل المترو من الهيئة القومية لسكك حديد مصر إلى الهيئة القومية للأنفاق بموجب قانون 33 لعام 2018، والتي أسندت إدارته وتشغيله للشركة المصرية لإدارة وتشغيل المترو، تعود ملكية الشركة المصرية لإدارة و تشغيل المترو بالكامل للهيئة القومية لسكك حديد مصر.
فكرة إنشاء مترو الأنفاق ترجع لعهد الملك فؤاد الأول، عندما أرسل إليه عامل مصلحة السكة الحديد المهندس سيد عبد الواحد أول اقتراح لعمل المترو، ولكن اقتراحه تم تجاهله من قبل الملك ليغلق ذلك الملف ويفتح مرة أخرى بعد نجاح ثورة يوليو وتولى الرئيس الراحل جمال عبد الناصر، الذي طلب خبراء من فرنسا لإنشاء المترو، وضع الخبراء الفرنسيون تصورًا خاصًا بإنشاء شبكة من مترو الأنفاق تتكون من خطين : الأول بين باب اللوق وترعة الإسماعيلية بطول 12 كم، والثاني من بولاق أبو العلا إلى القلعة بطول 5 كم، حيث كانت تلك المناطق تمثل آنذاك مواضع الزحام المتوقعة في المستقبل.

ولم تكن الظروف الاقتصادية بعد حرب 1967 مناسبة لوضع مشروع مترو الأنفاق موضع الجد، وبالرغم من ذلك تم التعاقد مع بيت الخبرة الفرنسي الحكومي (سوفريتو) في 20 سبتمبر 1970 وتم التصديق على إنشاء هيئة مترو الأنفاق في عهد الرئيس الراحل أنور السادات في عام 1973 وتم تشغيله بعد تولي الرئيس محمد حسني مبارك بالقانون رقم 113 لسنة 1983.

خطوط المترو
الخطوط العاملة
تم افتتاح الخط الأول بعد الانتهاء من ربط أحد خطوط السكك الحديدية السطحية الموجودة بالفعل والممتد من ميدان باب اللوق (عابدين) وحتي حلوان (ضاحية جنوبية بالقاهرة) وبين خط حديدي آخر ممتد من ميدان رمسيس وحتي المرج (ضاحية شمالية بالقاهرة) وذلك عن طريق حفر نفق يربط بينهما لتفادي التخطيط العام للشوارع بمنطقة وسط القاهرة (المعروفة بإسم "وسط البلد"). ويضم النفق 5 محطات هم الشهداء - (مبارك سابقا) (ميدان رمسيس) وأحمد عرابي وجمال عبد الناصر (محطة الإسعاف) وأنور السادات (التحرير) وسعد زغلول علي الترتيب من الشمال للجنوب. مع العلم أن هناك من بين تلك المحطات محطتان رئيسيتان هما الشهداء وأنور السادات حيث يمثلان نقطة الارتباط بين الخط الأول والخط الثاني الذي تم تنفيذه لاحقاً.

وتم تنفيذ الخط الأول على ثلاث مراحل:

المرحلة الأولى: رمسيس - حلوان وتم افتتاحها في عام 1987 بطول قدره 29 كم.
المرحلة الثانية: رمسيس - المرج وتم افتتاحها في عام 1989 بطول قدره 14 كم.
المرحلة الثالثة: استكمال الجزء الشمالي من الخط الأول وتم افتتاحها في عام 1999 بطول قدره 1,3 كم.
وقد تم إنشاء المحطات الواقعة تحت الأرض والنفق بأسلوب الحفر المكشوف بعمل الحوائط اللوحية لسند جوانب الحفر لتصبح جزء من المنشأ مع البلاطة العلوية والأساسات وقد تم عمل حقن للتربة أسفل الحوائط اللوحية لتقليل المسامية وعدم التأثير على منسوب الماء خارج الحوائط للحفاظ على المبانى المجاورة. وقد تم تصميمه لكى ينقل 60000 راكب كل ساعة بزمن تقاطر 2.5 دقيقة وسرعة قصوى 100 كم/ساعة.

تقع معظم محطات الخط الأول فوق سطح الأرض، ويشغل النفق خمس محطات فقط وهي الواقعة في وسط مدينة القاهرة وتم تصميم المحطات في الخط الأول بشكل يسمح بصيانتها علي الشكل الأمثل إلي جانب استخدام المصممين لشعار المترو في كثير من التصميمات. ويمتد الخط الأول من محطة المرج الجديدة حتى محطة حلوان بجنوب القاهرة، على 35 محطة بمسافة حوالي 44 كيلومتر ويبلغ طول النفق 4.5 كيلومتر.

(حلوان، عين حلوان، جامعة حلوان، وادي حوف، حدائق حلوان، المعصرة، طرة الأسمنت، كوتسكا، طرة البلد، ثكنات المعادي، المعادي، حدائق المعادي، دار السلام، الزهراء، مار جرجس، الملك الصالح، السيدة زينب، سعد زغلول، السادات (التحرير) "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الثاني"، جمال عبد الناصر "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الثالث"، أحمد عرابي، الشهداء (رمسيس) "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الثاني"، غمرة، الدمرداش، منشية الصدر، كوبري القبة، حمامات القبة، سراي القبة، حدائق الزيتون، حلمية الزيتون، المطرية، عين شمس، عزبة النخل، المرج، المرج الجديدة)
يمتد الخط الثاني من محطة شبرا الخيمة في محافظة القليوبية إلى محطة المنيب في محافظة الجيزة بطول حوالى 19 كم و20 محطة. ويوجد به محطتين تبادليتين مع الخط الأول هما محطتى الشهداء والسادات. يتكون الخط من جزء سطحى بطول 6 كم يحتوي على 6 محطات سطحية، وجزء نفقى بطول 9.5 كم يحتوى على 10 محطات تحت الأرض إلى جانب المحطتين التبادليتين.

وقد تم استخدام ماكينتى للحفر العميق (Bentonite TBM Slurry Shield) لإنشاء الجزء النفقى بقطر داخلي 9.43 م. ويبلغ قطر النفق الداخلي 8.35 م باستخدام خرسانة مسلحة سابقة الصب بسمك 40 سم وعرض 1.5 م وقد تم عبور نهر النيل لأول مرة باستخدام ماكينة الحفر العميق تحت فرعى النيل في منطقة الجزيرة حيث توجد محطة الأوبرا تحت الأرض.

وقد تم تصميم الخط لنقل 45000 راكب/ساعة وبسرعة قصوى 80 كم/ساعة وزمن تقاطر 105 ثانية وقد تم تشغيل الخط من شبرا الخيمة وحتى محطة ضواحى الجيزة على مراحل انتهت في أكتوبر عام 2000

(المنيب، ساقية مكي، ضواحي الجيزة (أم المصريين)، الجيزة "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الرابع"، فيصل، جامعة القاهرة "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الثالث"، البحوث، الدقي، الأوبرا، السادات (التحرير) "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الأول"، محمد نجيب، العتبة "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الثالث"، الشهداء (رمسيس) "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الأول"، مسرة، روض الفرج، سانت تريزا، الخلفاوي، المظلات، كلية الزراعة، شبرا الخيمة).

الخط الثالث
والدولة المصنعة هى مصر بالتعاون مع الشركات الألمانية والتايوانية والايطالية ويتم الآن إكمال إنشاء الخط الثالث من المترو والذي سيمتد من العبور مرورا بالسلام الحرفيين مطار القاهرة الدولي حتى ينقسم إلى شقين أحدهما يصل إلى إمبابة ثم بشتيل والأخر يصل إلى بولاق ويمتد ليتقاطع مع الخط الثاني في محطة جامعة القاهرة كما ان سرعته القصوى تصل إلى 80 كيلومتر بالساعة.

يبلغ طول الخط الثالث بمراحلة الأربعة حوالي 47.87 كيلومتر  وقد تم وضع حجر أساسه في يوليو 2007 وكان المتوقع افتتاحه في 6 أكتوبر 2011 ولكن تم تشغيل المرحلة الأولى منه (العتبة - العباسية) ظهر 21 فبراير 2012 وتم تشغيل المرحلة الثانية منه (المعرض - الأهرام) 7 مايو 2014، وجاري العمل حاليًا على المرحلة الثالثة، والتي من المقرر أن يتم افتتاحها في 2021، وكذلك المرحلة الرابعة، التي سيتم افتتاحها عام 2022. [2]

(مطار القاهرة، الشهيد أحمد جلال، السلام، الحرفيين، عمر بن الخطاب، قباء، النزهة2، النزهة1، نادى الشمس، ألف مسكن، ميدان هليوبليس، هارون، الأهرام، كلية البنات، الأستاد، أرض المعارض، العباسية، عبده باشا، الجيش، باب الشعرية، العتبة "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الثاني"، جمال عبد الناصر "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الأول"، ماسبيرو، الزمالك، الكيت كات، السودان، إمبابة، البوهي، القومية العربية، محطة الطريق الدائري، محور روض الفرج، التوفيقية، وادي النيل، جامعة الدول العربية، بولاق الدكرور، جامعة القاهرة "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الثاني").

خطوط قيد الإنشاء
الخط الرابع
في ديسمبر/ كانون الأول 2010، وافقت وزارة الدولة لشئون البيئة على إقامة الخط الرابع لمترو الأنفاق بالقاهرة الكبرى، حيث استوفى الاشتراطات البيئية اللازمة للحفاظ على البيئة وسيبدأ الخط من حي الهرم ليمتد إلى مدخل مدينة 6 أكتوبر عند تقاطع الطريق الدائري مع طريق الواحات ويبلغ طول المرحلة الأولى منه17.2 كيلومترا وعدد المحطات 15 محطة كما سيتم ربطه بالخط الأول في محطة الملك الصالح، وربطه بالخط الثاني في محطة الجيزة.

وستبدأ المرحلة الأولى من الخط الرابع فتبدأ غربا من الملك الصالح ثم محطة الجيزة ويسير نفقيا حتى محطة المتحف الجديد، ثم يسير سطحيا في 3 محطات هي مساكن ميدان الرماية، ثم حدائق الأهرام، والمحطة الأخيرة عند تقاطع الطريق الدائري مع الواحات قبل مدينة دريم لاندـ أما المرحلة الثانية من الخط الرابع فتبدأ شرقا من الملك الصالح مرورا بالقلعة والقاهرة الإسلامية ومدينة نصر وانتهاء بزهراء مدينة نصر.

والمرحلة الثالثة تمتد من الملك الصالح إلى ميدان السواح والخصوص وميدان المطرية الخط الرابع للمترو يمتد إلى الطريق الدائري ومدخل "6 أكتوبر.

وأشارت الدراسات التي أعدتها وكالة جايكا في 2010 أن الخط الرابع يتكلف 15 مليار جنيه وأن العمل سيبدأ به قبل منتصف 2012 ومن المخطط الانتهاء منه في 2019 لكن ثمة تأخير حدث في إنجاز الخط، وبحسب تصريحات لنائب وزير النقل في سبتمبر 2018، سيتم افتتاح الخط في 2022


(حدائق الأشجار، حدائق الأهرام، النصر، المتحف المصري الكبير، ميدان الرماية، الأهرام، المريوطية، العريش، المطبعة، الطالبية، مدكور، المساحة، الجيزة "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الثاني"، ميدان الجيزة، الروضة، الملك الصالح "محطة تبادلية مع الخط الأول"، الفسطاط، قلعة صلاح الدين، الملك منصور، الحي السادس، الطيران، عباس العقاد، مكرم عبيد، أحمد الزمر، الميثاق، أكاديمية مبارك).

خطوط قيد التخطيط
الخط الخامس
يمتد الخط الخامس من (المعادي ـ التجمع) ويلتقي مع الخط الأول، في محطة (المعادى).

الخط السادس
يمتد الخط السادس من (الأميرية - التجمع) ويلتقي مع الخط الأول، في محطة مترو حلمية الزيتون.

العائدات والمصروفات
لا تنشر شركة مترو الأنفاق ميزانياتها للعموم، ولكن في 2015، صرح وزير النقل النقل المصري هاني ضاحي أن الخسائر التى يحققها المترو سنويا تقدر بـ180 مليون جنيه، بالرغم أنه ينقل ما لايقل عن 2 مليون راكب يوميا، وبحسب بيان بالإيرادات والمصروفات خلال العام من يونيو 2013 حتى 1يوليو 2014 فإن قيمة العجز وصلت إلى 153 مليون جنيه، أي حوالي 30% من الايرادات وهي 516.7 مليون جنيه، معظمها وهي 447.5 مليون جنيه قيمة التذاكر المباعة ، و36,2 مليون جنيه قيمه الأشتراكات، بما يقدر ايرادات اليوم الواحد بمليون وأربعمائة ألف جنيه، ويضاف إلى مصادر الدخل 33 مليون جنيه قيمة إيرادات متنوعة مثل الإعلانات ـ وتصوير الأفلام ـ وتأجير المساحات.

وبلغت قيمة المصروفات في ذات الفترة 670 مليون جنيه في السنة، منها 459 مليونا تصرف كمرتبات وأجور، و85.9 مليون لقطع الغيار، و67.3 مليونا للكهرباء، و13.3 مليون للنظافة، و12.3 مليون للأمن، 32.3 مليون للحراسة والشرطة.

قُدّر مختصون أن الإدارة الرشيدة للموارد والإنفاق يمكننها تقليص ذلك الرقم، فإيرادات الإعلانات قُدّرت بأنها شحيحة مقارنة بالإمكانيات والإعلان داخل وخارج العربات، كما أُشير إلى وجود خردة بمليارات الجنيهات لدى هيئة سكة الحديد، كما أن ورش السكك الحديدية تستطيع تقديم خدمات الصيانة لسكك الحديد في بلدان اخرى، كما ان الصيانة الدورية بالإضافة إلى إستغلال أفضل للمرافق يستطيع تغطية العجز.كما أن تكلفة التشغيل المرتفعة وعمل 15 ألف شخص مقابل حوالي ألف شخص في بنى تحتية مناظرة في بلدان اخرى. بالإضافة إلى الفرق بين الوارد المتوقع لنقل ما لا يقل عن 2 مليون راكب يوميا والإيرادات الفعلية بسبب الإهمال في تحصيل الإيرادات وغياب الرقابة على التزام الركاب بشراء التذاكر بحوالي 600 ألف جنيه يوميا.

منذ بداية تشغيل المتر عام 1987 تم تحديد سعر التذكرة بعشرة قروش كسعر موحد مع افتتاح أول مرحلة بالخط الأول للمترو من حلوان حتى رمسيس، وضمت هذه المرحلة محطات حلوان وطرة الأسمنت وطرة البلدة والسيدة زينب وسعد زغلول وأنور السادات وجمال عبد الناصر وأحمد عرابى ومبارك.

مع اكتمال الخط الأول للمترو عام 1989 وافتتاح المرحلة الثانية منه تم تقسيمه إلى ثلاث مراحل، على أن تكون كل مرحلة بسعر مختلف للتذكرة، حيث شملت المرحلة الثانية من الخط الأول 12 محطة تمتد من رمسيس حتى المرج ضمت محطات غمرة ومنشية الصدر وكوبرى القبة وحمامات القبة وسرايا القبة وحدائق الزيتون وحلمية الزيتون والمطرية وعين شمس وعزبة النخل والمرج، وتم تحديد سعر المرحلة الأولى وكانت من محطة إلى 9 محطات بمبلغ 10 قروش للتذكرة، وسعر المرحلة الثانية من 9 محطات إلى 18 محطة بسعر 15 قرش للتذكرة، والمرحلة الثالثة من 18 محطة فأكثر بسعر 25 قرش للتذكرة.

مع اكتمال الخط الثانى للمترو شبرا ـ الجيزة عام 2002 تم رفع قيمة التذكرة، حيث أصبحت المرحلة الأولى بـ 25 قرش والثانية بـ 50 قرش والثالثة بـ 75 قرش.

وفى عام 2006 تم إلغاء نظام المراحل في سعر التذكرة، وتم تحديد سعر موحد للتذكرة قيمته جنيه واحد للكوامل و75 قرشا للأنصاف.

في 24 مارس 2017 رفع سعر التذكرة ليصل إلى جنيهين للكوامل و1.5 جنيه للأنصاف وجنيه واحد لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.

في 11 مايو 2018 تغيرت منظومة التذاكر لتعتمد على عدد المحطات:

3 جنيه سعر التذكرة من 1 إلى 9 محطة
5 جنيه سعر التذكرة من 10 إلى 16 محطة
7 جنية سعر التذكرة من 17 إلى نهايه خط المحطات

زياد علي

زياد علي محمد