الثلاثاء، 30 يونيو 2020



The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is a recruitment body that was started with an aim to encourage the recruitment and placement of young graduates in public sector banks in India. It also provides standardised systems for assessment and result processing services to organisations.
After nationalisation of banks in India in 1969, Indian banks needed to expand their branch network across the country so that they were more accessible to their customers. This required more staff but recruitment through methods such as advertising were unsatisfactory. Thus, the banks asked the National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM) to design a selection testing process through which they could hire proficient candidates. And as a result, a small unit named Personnel Selection Services (PSS) was established to handle these types of projects. A few years later, in 1984, PSS was converted into IBPS.  
IBPS currently functions as an autonomous body that is mainly engaged in conducting competitive exams for recruitment to clerical and officers' posts in the banking sector.

Earlier, candidates had to write multiple exams conducted by each bank for their vacancies. But from 2012, the Recruitment process has been changed. Now IBPS conducts four different recruitment processes namely CRP PO/MT, CRP RRBs, CRP Clerical, CRP Specialist Officers under which various exams take place every year for banking sector recruitment. The exams conducted by IBPS are as follows:

IBPS PO/MT exam takes place for the recruitment of Probationary Officers and Management Trainees' in the participating banks, which are national public sector banks.
IBPS SO exam takes place for the recruitment of Specialist Officers, which are Scale-I officers in the national public sector banks.
IBPS Clerk exam takes place for the recruitment of Specialist Officers, which are Scale-I officers in the national public sector banks.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I exam takes place for the recruitment of Scale-I Officers in Regional Rural Banks, this post is equivalent to Probationary Officers post in National Public Sector Banks.
IBPS RRB Office Assistant exam takes place for the recruitment of Office Assistant in Regional Rural Banks, this post is equivalent to Clerk post in National Public Sector Banks.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II and Scale-III exam takes place for the recruitment of Scale-II and Scale-III Officers in Regional Rural Banks, the post of Officer Scale-II is equivalent to Specialist Officer post and Officer Scale-III post is equivalent to Senior Manager in National Public Sector Banks

Andre Wisdom

Andre Wisdom

Andre Alexander Shaquille Wisdom (born 9 May 1993) is an English professional footballer who plays as a right back for Championship club Derby County.

Wisdom began his career at Bradford City before signing for Liverpool in 2008. He made his senior debut for the club in 2012 before enjoying loan spells with Derby County, West Bromwich Albion, Norwich City and Red Bull Salzburg. Wisdom has also played for and captained the England youth teams at various levels, and was part of the squad which won the UEFA European Under-17 Championship in 2010.
Wisdom was born to Jamaican parents in Leeds, West Yorkshire, and grew up in the suburb of Chapeltown.  In his youth, he excelled in the junior teams of Bradford City and regularly played a year above his age group up to the under-15s.  He signed for Liverpool as a fourteen-year-old in January 2008 for what his Bradford youth team manager Peter Horne implied was an unprecedented fee for a League Two youngster
Wisdom progressed through the youth teams at Liverpool before featuring for the club's reserve team. In September 2010, manager Roy Hodgson called up Wisdom to his first team squad for the League Cup match versus League Two side Northampton Town.   He was rewarded for his progress with an extension to his contract by newly appointed manager Kenny Dalglish in the summer of 2011

كيتي بيري

كيتي بيري

كاثرين إليزابيث هيدسون (بالإنجليزية: Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson)‏ (مواليد 25 أكتوبر 1984) تعرف باسمها الفني كيتي بيري (بالإنجليزية: Katy Perry)‏ هي مغنية أمريكية وكاتبة أغاني وممثلة نشأت في كاليفورنيا، في بلدة سانتا باربارا، كاليفورنيا، وعاشت في كنف عائلة مسيحية حيث كان والداها قسيسين؛ لذلك كبرت على سماع الأغاني والموسيقى الدينية المسيحية، وفي شبابها وحياتها المهنية أهتمت بالأغاني الإنجيلية. وبعد إمضاءها على إتفاقية الألبوم مع "تسجيلات ريد هيل"، أصدرت أول ألبوم إستديو يحمل اسمها "كاتي هيدسون" في عام 2001. ثم انتقلت فيما بعد إلى مدينة لوس أنجلوس كي تستطيع الغناء خارج الإطار الديني. ووقعت على اتفاقية مع "تسجيلات كابيتول" في أبريل 2007 بعد انتهاء مدة إتفاقياتها مع "تسجيلات كولومبيا" و"مجموعة الجزيرة ديف جام الموسيقية". اشتهرت كيتي في 2008 بفضل أغانيها المنفردة "قبلت فتاة" و"ساخن وبارد" التي أضافتهم لألبومها الثاني "واحد من الصبيان" وهو في نمط موسيقى البوب روك، وتسببت تلك الأغنيتين المنفردتين في إثارة الجدل لاحتوائهم على موضوعات مثيرة للجنس. أما عن الأغاني المنفردة "فتيات كاليفورنيا"، "حلم المراهقة"، "ألعاب نارية"، "إي تي" وأغنية "ليلة الجمعة السابقة" من ألبومها الثالث حلم المراهقة الذي يحتوي على موسيقى الديسكو قد حصلوا على المرتبة الأولى في قائمة بيلبورد هوت 100. وهكذا أصبح هذا الألبوم ثاني ألبوم يحتوى على خمسة أغاني أحتلوا المراتب الأولى في قائمة بيلبورد هوت 100، وأصبح أول ألبوم لإمرأة يحصل على هذا اللقب. وبعد أضافتها الأغنيتين المنفردتين "جزء مني" و"مستيقظ تماما" اللذان أيضا حصلا على المرتبة الأولى أعادت إصدار الألبوم باسم حلم المراهقة : الحلوى الكاملة في مارس 2012. أحتوى ألبوم كيتي الرابع الذي أصدرته في 2013 واسمه منشور على موسيقى البوب والرقص وعلاوة على ذلك فقد حصلت كليبات هذا الألبوم على نسبة مشاهدة تجاوزت المليون في فيفو، ثم ضمت إليه الأغنتين المنفردتين زئير وحصان أسود التي حصلتا على نسبة مشاهدة تخطت المليار، وبذلك أصبحت بيري أول مطربة تحصل على نسبة مشاهدة كهذه لكليباتها وتعاونت في كتابة أغانيها مع العديد من المؤلفين وعلى رأسهم دكتور لوك وماكس مارتن. وتناولت موضوعات معينة مثل: احترام الذات وتطويرها، في بعض أغانيها مثل أغنيتي زئير و"ألعاب نارية". اشتهرت بيري بملابسها الأصلية والمسلية المزينة بالألوان اللامعة التي تحتوي على مواضيع متعلقة بالأطعمة.

حازت بيري العديد من الجوائز حتى اليوم ومن ضمنهم أربع مرات على جائزة موسوعة غينيس للأرقام القياسية. وضمتها مجلة فوربس لقائمة "السيدات اللاتي حصلن على مكانة عالية في الموسيقى" من عام 2011:2015. وباعت 37 مليون ألبوم و138 مليون أغنية منفردة في جميع أنحاء العالم وبالتالي أصبحت إحدى المغنيات اللاتي حصلن على أكثر مبيعات في كل العصور. كما أطلقت بيري العديد من منتجات العطور التي تحمل اسمها كعلامة تجارية مثل عطور "كيلر كوين"، و"ميو!"، و"بو"، وعطر "ماد بوشن". وفي شهر يوليو 2012 أصدرت فيلمها الوثائقي الذي يحمل اسم "كيتي بيري: جزء مني" الذي ركز على جزء من مسيرتها الفنية، وتناول أيضا قصة انفصالها عن زوجها الممثل الإنجليزي راسل براند.
نشأت كاتي بيري في كاليفورنيا، في بلدة سانتا بربارا، وعاشت في كنف عائلة مسيحية حيث كان والداها قسيسين. أبيها يدعى موريس كيت، ووالدتها ماري كريستين. ففي بداية شبابها عاشت حياة مليئة بالجنان، ثم بعد ذلك اتجهت إلى الإله. فهي لديها أصول من البرتغال، وألمانيا، وأيرلندا وإنجلترا. في الأساس، كاتي من أصل عائلة فنية فخالها المنتج ومخرج الأفلام فرانك بيري. لديها أخ وأخت، فأخيها الصغير يدعى دافيد وهو أيضًا مطرب، وأختها الكبرى تدعى أنجيلا. في السنوات الأولى من حياتها، تحديدًا من عمر ثلاث إلى أحد عشر عامًا، انتقلت من مدينة إلى أخرى بحكم تأسيس والديها الكنائس في أماكن متعددة في الدولة، وأخيرا استقرت في سانتا بربارا.واشتركت في طفولتها ومراحل تعليمها الابتدائي في العديد من المعسكرات والمدارس الدينية وعلى رأسهم مدرستي باراديس والي المسيحية في الأريزونا وسانتا باربارا في كاليفورنيا. وفي طفولتها وشبابها كانت عائلتها تعيش ضائقة مالية، حتى وصل بهم الأمر لاستخدام برنامج المساعدة للتغذية التكميلية، كما حصلوا على الطعام من بنك الغذاء الهادف لإشباع احتياجات أعضاء جمعية الكنيسة من أطعمه وماشابه ذلك.

وقضت طفولتها مستمعة للأغاني المسيحية،  وتعرف على الموسيقى الشعبية بفضل أسطوانات صديقاتها. ووضحت كاتي أنها لم تكن متدينة بشكل متعصب كعائلتها وقالت أنها دائما تدعو الله لكي تستطيع أن تتحكم في نفسها وأن تظل متواضعة. وبدأت بالغناء متتبعة أختها أنجيلا وتدربت على أسطواناتها.في إحدى المرات التي كانت تغني فيها مع أهلها خطر على بالهم أن تأخذ دروسًا في فن الصوتيات، وبالفعل عندما تمت التاسع من عمرها بدأت في تلقي دروس تدريبة في فن الصوتيات والإلقاء، وقامت بإلقاء الأغاني في الكنيسة من عمر تسع إلى سبعة عشر عامًا. وعندما كانت في التاسعة ألقت أغانيها التي كتبتها بين الناس، وفي يوم ميلادها الثالث عشر أحضرت لنفسها جيتارًا. وجربت التزحلق على الجليد وركوب الأمواج حتى تصبح بنت كاليفورنيا نموذجية، علاوة على ذلك تعلمت العديد من الرقصات متلقةً دروسًا في فن الرقص. وحينما كانت في مرحلة المراهقة قال عنها دافيد إنها"فتاة مسترجلة تمامًا".

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (born October 25, 1984), known by her stage name Katy Perry, is an American singer, songwriter and television judge. After singing in church during her childhood, she pursued a career in gospel music as a teenager. Perry signed with Red Hill Records and released her debut studio album Katy Hudson under her birth name in 2001, which was commercially unsuccessful. She moved to Los Angeles the following year to venture into secular music after Red Hill ceased operations and she subsequently began working with producers Glen Ballard, Dr. Luke, and Max Martin. After adopting the stage name Katy Perry and being dropped by The Island Def Jam Music Group and Columbia Records, she signed a recording contract with Capitol Records in April 2007.

Perry rose to fame in 2008 with her second album, One of the Boys, a pop rock record containing the controversial U.S number one song "I Kissed a Girl" and "Hot n Cold". All subsequent albums have topped the U.S. Billboard 200. The disco-influenced Teenage Dream (2010) spawned five chart topping U.S. Billboard Hot 100 singles–"California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", "Firework", "E.T.", and "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" — a record tying her with Michael Jackson's Bad. Its follow-up record Prism (2013) was inspired by her divorce and incorporates pop and dance along with themes of self-reflection, everyday life, and relationships. With the music videos for its chart-topping tracks "Roar" and "Dark Horse", Perry became the first artist to have multiple videos reach one billion views on Vevo. 2017's electropop Witness featured a political subtext and a theme of liberation. The album's lead single "Chained to the Rhythm" broke Spotify's record at the time for most first-day streams for a song by a female artist.

Perry has nine U.S. Billboard Hot 100 singles and has received various awards, including four Guinness World Records, five Billboard Music Awards, five American Music Awards, a Brit Award, and a Juno Award. She has been included in the annual Forbes lists of highest-earning women in music from 2011–2019. Her estimated net worth as of 2016 is $125 million. She is one of the world's best-selling music artists, having sold over 18 million albums and 125 million singles worldwide. In film, she released an autobiographical documentary titled Katy Perry: Part of Me in 2012, and voiced Smurfette in the 2011 film The Smurfs and its sequel in 2013. Her Super Bowl XLIX halftime show performance is the most watched in history. Perry also began serving as a judge on American Idol in 2018.
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson was born in Santa Barbara, California, to Pentecostal pastors Mary Christine (née Perry) and Maurice Keith Hudson.  Her parents are born again Christians, each having turned to religion after a "wild youth".  Perry has English, German, Irish, and Portuguese ancestry.  Through her mother, she is a niece of film director Frank Perry.  She has a younger brother named David, who is a singer,  and an older sister, Angela. 

From ages 3 to 11, Perry often moved across the country as her parents set up churches before settling again in Santa Barbara. Growing up, she attended religious schools and camps, including Paradise Valley Christian School in Arizona and Santa Barbara Christian School in California during her elementary years.  Her family struggled financially,  sometimes using food stamps and eating from the food bank intended to feed the congregation at her parents' church. 
Growing up, Perry and her siblings were not allowed to eat the cereal Lucky Charms as the word "luck" reminded their mother of Lucifer, and had to call deviled eggs "angeled eggs".   Perry primarily listened to gospel music,  as secular music was generally discouraged in the family's home. She discovered popular music through CDs she sneaked from her friends.  While not strictly identifying as religious, Perry has stated, "I pray all the time – for self-control, for humility."  Wanting to be like her sister Angela, Perry began singing by practicing with her sister's cassette tapes. She performed the tracks in front of their parents, who let her take vocal lessons as Angela was at the time. She began training at age 9,  and was incorporated into her parents' ministry, singing in church from ages 9 to 17.  At 13, Perry was given her first guitar for her birthday,  and publicly performed songs she wrote.  She tried to "be a bit like the typical Californian girl" while growing up, and started rollerskating, skateboarding, and surfing as a teenager. Perry's brother David described her as a tomboy during her adolescence.  She took dancing lessons and learned how to swing, Lindy Hop, and jitterbug.



and officially the Islamic Republic of Iran (Persian: جمهوری اسلامی ایران‎ Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān (About this soundlisten)   ), is a country in Western Asia. It is bordered to the northwest by Armenia and Azerbaijan,   to the north by the Caspian Sea, to the northeast by Turkmenistan, to the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, and to the west by Turkey and Iraq. Its central location in Eurasia and proximity to the Strait of Hormuz give it significant geostrategic importance.  Tehran is the capital and largest city, as well as the leading economic and cultural hub; it is also the most populous city in Western Asia, with more than 8.8 million residents, and up to 15 million including the metropolitan area.  With 83 million inhabitants,  Iran is the world's 17th most populous country.  Spanning 1,648,195 km2 (636,372 sq mi), it is the second largest country in the Middle East and the 17th largest in the world.

Iran is home to one of the world's oldest civilizations,  beginning with the formation of the Elamite kingdoms in the fourth millennium BC. It was first unified by the Iranian Medes in the seventh century BC,  and reached its territorial height in the sixth century BC, when Cyrus the Great founded the Achaemenid Empire, which stretched from Eastern Europe to the Indus Valley, making it one of the largest empires in history.  The empire fell to Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC and was divided into several Hellenistic states. An Iranian rebellion established the Parthian Empire in the third century BC, which was succeeded in the third century AD by the Sasanian Empire, a major world power for the next four centuries. 

Arab Muslims conquered the empire in the seventh century AD, and the subsequent Islamization of Iran led to the decline of the once dominant Zoroastrian religion. Iran subsequently became a major center of Islamic culture and learning, with its art, literature, philosophy, and architecture spreading across the Muslim world and beyond during the Islamic Golden Age. Over the next two centuries, a series of native Muslim dynasties emerged before the Seljuq Turks and the Ilkhanate Mongols conquered the region. In the 15th century, the native Safavids reestablished a unified Iranian state and national identity,  with the country's conversion to Shia Islam marking a turning point in Iranian and Muslim history. 

Under the reign of Nader Shah in the 18th century, Iran once again became a major world power,  though by the 19th century a series of conflicts with the Russian Empire led to significant territorial losses. However, Iran would remain one of the few non-European states to avoid colonization by Europe. The early 20th century saw the Persian Constitutional Revolution, which created the country's first constitutional monarchy and legislature, and a gradual move towards greater democracy. Efforts to nationalize its fossil fuel supply from Western companies led to an Anglo-American coup in 1953, which resulted in greater autocratic rule under Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and growing Western political influence.  He went on to launch a far-reaching series of reforms in 1963, which included industrial growth, infrastructure expansion, land reforms, and increased women's rights.  However, widespread dissatisfaction with the monarchy culminated in the Iranian Revolution, which established the current Islamic Republic in 1979.  Iran was invaded by Iraq in 1980, leading to a bloody and protracted war that lasted for almost eight years, and ended in a stalemate with devastating losses for both sides.

Iran's political system combines elements of a presidential democracy and an Islamic theocracy, with the ultimate authority vested in an autocratic "Supreme Leader".  The Iranian government is widely considered to be authoritarian, with significant constraints and abuses against human rights and civil liberties,  including the violent suppression of mass protests, unfair elections, and unequal rights for women and children.

Iran is a founding member of the UN, ECO, OIC, and OPEC. It is a major regional and middle power,  and its large reserves of fossil fuels—including the world's largest natural gas supply and the third largest proven oil reserves —exert considerable influence in international energy security and the world economy.  The country's rich cultural legacy is reflected in part by its 22 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the third largest number in Asia and 10th largest in the world.   Historically a multi-ethnic country, Iran remains a pluralistic society comprising numerous ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups, the largest being Persians, Azeris, Kurds, Mazandaranis and Lurs.
The term Iran derives directly from Middle Persian Ērān, first attested in a third-century inscription at Rustam Relief, with the accompanying Parthian inscription using the term Aryān, in reference to the Iranians.  The Middle Iranian ērān and aryān are oblique plural forms of gentilic nouns ēr- (Middle Persian) and ary- (Parthian), both deriving from Proto-Iranian *arya- (meaning "Aryan", i.e. "of the Iranians"),   recognized as a derivative of Proto-Indo-European *ar-yo-, meaning "one who assembles (skilfully)".  In the Iranian languages, the gentilic is attested as a self-identifier, included in ancient inscriptions and the literature of the Avesta,   and remains also in other Iranian ethnic names Alan (Ossetian: Ир Ir) and Iron (Ирон).  According to the Iranian mythology, the country's name comes from name of Iraj, a legendary prince and shah who was killed by his brothers. 
Historically, Iran has been referred to as Persia by the West,  due mainly to the writings of Greek historians who referred to all of Iran as Persís (Ancient Greek: Περσίς; from Old Persian 𐎱𐎠𐎼𐎿 Pārsa), meaning "land of the Persians", while Persis itself was one of the provinces of ancient Iran that is today defined as Fars.  As the most extensive interaction the Ancient Greeks had with any outsider was with the Persians, the term persisted, even long after the Greco-Persian Wars (499–449 BC).

In 1935, Reza Shah requested the international community to refer to the country by its native name, Iran, effective 22 March that year.  Opposition to the name change led to the reversal of the decision in 1959, and Professor Ehsan Yarshater, editor of Encyclopædia Iranica, propagated a move to use Persia and Iran interchangeably.   Today, both Iran and Persia are used in cultural contexts, while Iran remains irreplaceable in official state contexts. or Irān e Bozorg)  refers to territories of the Iranian cultural and linguistic zones. In addition to modern Iran, it includes portions of the Caucasus, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Afghanistan, and Central Asia.

Keith Curle

Keith Curle

Keith Curle (born 14 November 1963) is an English professional football manager and former player who is the manager of League Two club Northampton Town.

He played as a centre back from 1981 to 2005, notably in the Premier League for Manchester City, where he was also the club captain. He also played for Bristol Rovers, Torquay United, Bristol City, Reading, Wimbledon, Wolverhampton Wanderers, Sheffield United, Barnsley. He became player-manager of Mansfield Town in 2002, where he remained until 2005. He later managed Chester City, Torquay United, Notts County and Carlisle United.
Born in Bristol,  Curle began his career at hometown club Bristol Rovers, for whom he made a goalscoring debut on 29 August 1981 in the (old) Third Division against Chester. He left two seasons later to join Torquay United for £5,000 but remained at Plainmoor only for four months before returning to his native city, this time with Bristol City.

The Robins won promotion from the fourth tier at the end of the 1983/84 season soon after Curle's arrival. He remained with the club for three full seasons in the third flight, amassing 128 appearances in total. He finally left Ashton Gate to join Reading for £150,000 in October 1987.

After a year at Reading – which saw relegation from the Second Division – he made a £500,000 move to Division One and FA Cup holders Wimbledon. He spent two and a half years battling with the Crazy Gang before Manchester City paid a club record £2.5million for him in August 1991. This was the joint highest fee paid for a defender by a British club at the time, and one of the highest paid for a player of any position.

His first season at Maine Road saw a 5th place league finish and earned him a call-up to the England squad, debuting on 29 April 1992 as a substitute in a 2–2 friendly draw against the CIS in Moscow. After starting in a further warm-up game (a 1–0 win over Hungary), he was selected for the squad for Euro '92. Here, he covered at right-back in their opening goalless group game against Denmark, but played no further part as the nation crashed out at the first stage and was not selected again.

Back with his club, Curle was promoted to club captain but they were unable to match their 5th-place finish after manager Peter Reid was fired and eventually suffered relegation in the 1995/96 season. Curle remained with the club during pre-season for the following campaign but was soon stripped of his captaincy and transfer-listed before being sold to Wolves in August 1996 for £650,000.

He spent four seasons at Molineux as the club tried to win promotion to the Premier League. His first season with the team saw them lose in the play-offs to Crystal Palace, but they failed to qualify for them in his subsequent seasons. He was however made club captain and led to the side to an FA Cup semi-final in 1998, where they lost to eventual double winners Arsenal.

The promise of a coaching role saw him move to Sheffield United in 2000 and he spent two years working with manager Neil Warnock in this capacity, scoring once as a player against Bradford City.  He joined Barnsley in 2002 but stayed just two months before ending his contract by mutual consent and joining third flight club Mansfield Town, where he was soon appointed player-manager. He played through the remainder of the 2002–03 season before focusing solely on management.



Miralem Pjanić (Bosnian pronunciation: [mirâːlem pjâːnitɕ]; born 2 April 1990) is a Bosnian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Serie A club Juventus and the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team. During his time with Roma he was nicknamed "il Piccolo Principe" ("the Little Prince", in reference, at the time, to his young age and apprenticeship relation with "Re di Roma" ("the King of Rome"), Francesco Totti; Bosnian: "Mali Princ"),  the name which also stuck with Bosnia and Herzegovina football fans and media, while in Turin he is affectionately called "Il Pianista" ("the Pianist"; Bosnian: "Pijanist"; in reference to his surname and his creative role on the pitch). 

Pjanić started his professional career at Metz being there for one season. He signed for side Lyon in 2008 before signing for Roma in 2011 after three seasons at Lyon. During his time in Rome, Pjanić came to be recognized as one of the best midfielders in Serie A. In 2016, Pjanić joined Juventus, and has since been considered an integral player for the team, winning three Serie A's, two Coppa Italia's, and being named in the Serie A Team of the Year for 2015–16, 2016–17, 2017–18 and 2018–19 seasons.  He was also named in the 2016–17 UEFA Champions League Squad of the Season, for his role in Juventus's run to the final. Pjanić will join Barcelona in September 2020.

A former Luxembourgish youth international, Pjanić made his senior international debut for Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2008, earning 90 caps and scoring 15 goals since. He represented the nation at their first major tournament, the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

In 2015, he was ranked 55th in The Guardian's list of "The 100 best footballers in the world".  In 2019, he was ranked 50th in the same list. 
Pjanić was born on 2 April 1990 in Tuzla, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in what was then Yugoslavia (present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina); to father Fahrudin and mother Fatima. He developed an interest in footballing through his father, a former third division footballer in Yugoslavia,  and began his football career in Luxembourg following his family's arrival to the country shortly before the outbreak of the Bosnian War.  While in Luxembourg, Pjanić often attended training sessions and matches with his father.  At the age of seven, his father discovered that he had the talent and an interest in football and allowed his son to join local club FC Schifflange 95 in Schifflange. While at Schifflange, Pjanić drew interest from several Belgian, Dutch and German clubs, but agreed to join Metz in France in 2004. Pjanić was recommended to Metz by its former player, Luxembourg international Guy Hellers

زياد علي

زياد علي محمد