الاثنين، 2 ديسمبر 2019


The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) (Hindi: लोक सेवा आयोग, उत्तर प्रदेश) is the state agency authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination for entry-level appointments to the various Civil Services of Uttar Pradesh. The agency's charter is granted by the Constitution of India. Articles 315 to 323 of Part XIV of the constitution, titled Services Under the Union and the States, provide for a Public Service Commission for the Union and for each state
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) came into existence on 1 April 1937, with the main aim of recruiting candidates to various services in the state. The commission is regulated by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulation, 1976.

Indianisation of the superior Civil Services became one of the major demands of the political movement compelling the British Indian Government to consider setting up of a Public Service Commission for recruitment to its services in the territory. Under the Government of India Act, 1935, for the first time, provision was made for the formation of Public Service Commissions at the provincial level. Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission was constituted on 1 April 1937 with its headquarters at Allahabad. The working of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is also regulated by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulation, 1976.

Functions of UPPSC
(i) On the basis of Interview only.
(ii) On the basis of screening test & Interview.
(iii) On the basis of Examination only.
(iv) On the basis of Examination & Interview only.
(v) On the basis of Preliminary Examination, Main Examination & Interview.
Disciplinary Actions
Service Rules.
Advice to the U.P. Government
Examination Conducted by the Commission
List of Examinations Conducted by the U.P. Public Service Commission time to time.[1] (Direct recruitment through interviews only as per the service

Assistant Forest Conservator(ACF)/Forest range officer(FRO)Examinations
R.O/A.R.O Preliminary Examination (Only for the Commission)
R.O/A.R.O Main Examination(Only for the Commission)
A.P.S. Examination(Only for the Commission and secretariat of U.P. and Revenue)
Assistant Registrar Examination
Combined State Engineering Examination.
U.P. Judicial Services (Junior Division) Examination
Assistant Prosecuting Officers Examination
U.P. Palika (Centralized) Health Services : Food & Sanitary Inspector Examination.
Combined State/Lower Subordinate Examination.
Combined Junior Engineer Examination.
On 26 September 2013, Allahabad High Court ordered UPPSC to cancel the Mains Examination of UP Provincial Civil Services (Judicial) 2013, over alleged irregularities in the Answer Key issued by it. Theword key allegedly had marked wrong options as right.[2]

On 29 March 2015, the question paper of the UPPSC PCS Preliminary exam was leaked before the exam. It led to the protest and then the morning shift exam was cancelled. The police said that they will find the one who had sold the question paper on Whatsapp for Rs.5 Lakh per copy

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